Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

Lion seems to like this new person and that's good enough for me:)

Consider me Charmed to make your acquaintance, my lady (pun so very very intended)
  • Ava sighs in relief as the mortals stop retreating and don't start brandishing weapons at her or her companions. Now it was time for every body's favorite off-shift past time, coupling! wait, that should come later, charades! Ava attempts to, through a combination of laying out the basic plan in autochthonia, while being sure to gesture expressively, request that the three of them lead her and her companions to their city, so that they could find someone who speaks their language.
Ok, five sucs on that - now I need our human counterparts to roll perception+linguistics or socialize (your choice) dif 4 to figure out what these tin-men are trying to say... and feel free to debate the possible meanings
  • As the woman makes signs and gesture, a sort of pattern appears to Lion's eyes. She might be trying to communicate with them by hand-gestures to overcome the language barrier. She seemed to be making wide, sweeping movements, perhaps the landscape, or a form or greeting? And she pointed at them, that could have really anything.

    "I think she's trying to say something." he says out loud to Ruby.
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Burning Lion gets the destinct impression that the strange woman-possibly-fae is trying to signal for her fellows to attack or similarly mind-mongle himself and Ruby Eyes... or perhaps the gestures are themselves an attempt to mesmerize him??
Well that much is obvious, I suspect it'll be fairly involved if it takes this long... Now do we trust it near your family?


P.S. Wouldnt an intelligence based roll be better since we're trying to decipher some fairly complex data here?

P.P.S. I have recently started a new job, so my schedule is a little more hectic recently so it might be a while before i post based on stressed not rememberings, feel free to yell at me via PM and email if i am holding something up and then i'll slot it in at a higher priority then "oops forgot about it was playing videogames" to something akin to "i am not currently at work or asleep so i'll post atleast SOMETHING...
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  • So do you solaroids, or companion minion do anything in response to this failed communication attempt?
Ya, i've kinda been waiting for a reaction from Lion and Eyes now that Lion got the impression that the strange metal fae are still hostile in some weird way
  • Angry at the blatant attempt at manipulation, Lion shouts in outrage at the now certainly fae woman "I can see through your attempts at enthralling me! I dare you to try it again up close, you witch!" he bellows angrily while shaking his fist at her.

  • “Huh?” Ruby shook out of his revelry on the glorious creature in front of him to watch his “friend” shout obsanities at the visage in well whatever she was wearing… “I thought we had picked the “do not shoot it” option in the previous question… Also know that I cannot allow you to harm a lady who has done us no harm, and while her manners are SEVERELY lacking I WILL NOT let you hurt her…”

  • Oh... mixed response, that was odd. One of them was choosing to shout at her, the other calmly talking to the shouting one. The conversation was likely to be an great source of data on their language. She would observe and note every sound and gesture as it would help her scale this language barrier
Moot point

The alchy with the translation charm can now use it - she's heard enough firetongue to fire it up. Remember: It'll leave you with a really noticable and weird accent. Think Speak&Spell
  • I thought from my reading of the charm the accent wasn't emotionless, but had more to do with the fact my brain is emulating being able to speak the language with a layer of phonetic Autochthonian, and as such my pronunciations are akin to someone learning English from a book and my expressions are direct translation of Autochthonian ones, rather then have them make sure their meaning comes across.

If this was a skype or RL session I'd have given you like... 10xp for that. That is some seriously well-done robo-talk there. Keep that up, loving it :)
OOC: YOU sir are an excelent excelent roleplayer, i for one vote for atleast 1 exp for that one!

is that seriously XOR as in an XOR gate in hard/software or a typo? if it isn't an aditional exp in my little corner of "it should happen"

Ruby is waiting to see what Lion does, he has no Soldamned clue what the fuck is going on...
  • Xor is a valid if obscure english word meaning the exclusive or. A xor B implies you may have A, and you may have B, but you may not have both and you may not have neither.
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  • Lion is taken aback for a bit, both by his companion's words and the wierd speech made by the raksha woman. A thought strikes him then: She said companions, plural. That means that beside her and the bladed on, there more. At least one more.

    Chewing on his lip, Lion considers his situation for a few seconds before speaking once again, straining to keep his voice even "I don't know why you speak in such a strange fashion Fae-woman, but I am not bringing you or yours anywhere near my village."

    "And you...", he says towards Ruby, "sorry for not being nice towards the beings that recently attacked and killed my people."
  • "The slight incompatable-driver of this one's elocution is easily expositioned upon your data storage neurons. As this one did not possess this auditory-language for more then a few arbitrary short temporal units; this one has not yet put the lingual translation matrix through through the recursive calibration iterations in order to adapt it's cadence and vocabulary to your own enunciations. As for your declaration that I fit within the class, category or description Fae, I can neither confirm nor deny that as I do not have a contextual understanding of the term, and as such I have no idea how accurate and/or insulting that categorical statement is." She is talking quickly, but clearly, to the two essence wielding mortals... unless there was some hidden orichalcum champions, or they were Orichalcum castes... or... too many variables. "This one assures you, neither this one nor assembled companions of this one have attacked and/or killed any of your assembled companions. This one and assembled traveling companions of this one have yet reach any settlement, as if this one and assembled traveling companions of this one haved done so, neither this one nor assembled traveling companions of this one would required location alteration instruction sequences xor the assistance of you xor one of your assembled companions to navigate our way to your village."
((Ok, no need to go overboard with it either - but lol, good one :) ))

From the opaque blood-covered glass dome hole a small stone disk suddenly flies out, landing near Avatar of Multiform Diplomacy.

It reads

Inquire to confirm location

Inquire relative location in Great Maker if so true
- far reaches
- what is nearest octet nation

Inquire explanation of local geography
- the abnormal essence signatures
- the lack of identifiable cavern roofing (Hypothesis: Illusion?)

We need information as well as support during our stay here
OOC: I am keeping a weary eye but letting lion handle this...

Even though i am probably the person for whom this is closest to status quo. (concidering the day i've been having and that day being everything i can remember a fae woman who isnt fae seems totally resonable right?)

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