Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

"Either that or... I don't actually know a category of locations large enough to encompass all probable alternatives for our currently location save that we are walking across one of the up-most points in the god-body."
"Your knowlegde of the maker's meta-layout is deficient. Large open spaces are more common around the pole of smoke, at the bottom of the great maker. The pole itself is the largest open cavern within the great maker, enourmous if not endless into the reaches, and several thousand miles from its ceiling to the wasteland that forms its foundation, wrought of the detritus of the maker that awaits recycling we are far more likely at a low point within the god-body"
"If their cosmological knowledge is to be taken seriously, we aren't in a cavern but stand on the skin of what ever god-body or world-sfeer we're in."
"That would be illogial. The theoretical outside of the makers god-body would be exposed to the void. That is not something anyone can live in. Mari, what is your thoughts on this?" Freeman says, unsure of where Mari is standing relative to himself at the moment
"Then clearly we're not on the god-body or these people don't know enough about the local cosmo-geology in order to aid us."
Sorry about my lack of activity guy but I am stuck on a French alp and will be trough the 6th feel free to npc me as required.

'scuse meh
  • Gleaming Marionette felt a wave of uncertainty at the prospect, yet... She knew of a Champion of a god, and had spoken with him at great length. That her companions did not was unsurprising, yet every Estasian remembered the rationale for Luminous Exarch's supremacy: twice Exalted.

    "Not heresy, Avatar. Fact: The soul of Estasia was twice-Exalted, once by the Great Maker and before by a god-from-before, a god of luminance and glory." She reached her freehand up towards the great chamber light, thinking back on childhood stories of Lux's past. "The Exarch was the first of the Orichalcums, her soul already attuned to its holy energies before we taken into the Maker's body."
"Our host claimed to be a chosen champion of the god of that illumination sources on... the nouns sun and sky should be referenced. The god of the sun, the large illumination source that travels along the sky, the ceiling or lack of ceiling thing above use. Potentially this could be the same god whom the Exarch served before Autochthon blessed her with a greater station."
Freeman nods - not that Mari can see that since neither of them can see much of anything at the moment - but she can hear the shearing sounds as he prints out another message on a slab of sandstone:

That potentially sets an interesting precedent, 
and supports Ava's original theory that we are indeed 
not in an unknown recess of the god-body, 
but in the realm of origin of mortals where the great maker originally came from. 

This makes me curious. 

Ava, can you ask how far there is to these two's village? I assume it has places of
darkness where we might see better and thus communicate more easily among
each other and with our hosts
"That is an unsafe assumption Freeman. These two appear as mortals, save a lack of soulgem, and yet, they wear no protection against this bedeviling illumination. I theorize that their eyes have adjusted to this illumination level over their whole lives..." She turned to her 'hosts'. "Query: How great is the quantity of distance units from this location to the location designated as village?"
"If you're asking how far is the village, then it's about an hour walk at a steady pace in that direction" Lion points toward the south-west.
And so the strange gathering of sun-blessed and machine-wrought beings trek trek to Burning Lion's village.

The walk is rather awkward and difficult for Mari and Freeman, since they can't really see - and even with Ava trying to give them directions, they still stumble every now and then (Weighing twice that of a normal person while walking in sand or loose dirt doesn't help either)

As they approach the village they see the young goat-herder that had originally sent Burning Lion and Ruby Eyes off waiting for them - he had run off during the original fight with the fire goblins. He looks very happy to see Burning Lion again, and asks if they defeated the fire goblins, but doesn't look like he's expecting an answer since.. well... of course Burning Lion defeated the fire goblins, otherwise he wouldn't be alive!

Of course, having said that, the goat herder also spots the metal man and women that are following Burning Lion and Ruby Eyes... and he doesn't seem entirely sure what to think of them. The handful of other villagers in sight look equally puzzled.

The village itself, and the villagers, look a bit like this: Pic link

Its afternoon, and... what do?
Ava waits... she still looked mortal, and hoped to gain some insight into the situation and the social dynamic by who asks what of the champion... champions?... and in what tone. She'd deligate being baffled at local building material to Freeman, once visibility improved, as this situation needed to be addressed one node at a time.
Ava looks mortal - while also wearing a moonsilver suit ofsuperheavy artifact armor... so she still looks a bit out of the ordinary
  • Not quite...

  • As Lion, the new arrivals and the man who was once known as Ruby Eyes In Darkness walked into Lion’s village Ruby felt an odd feeling in his head, not quite a headache more like a shift in awareness. He suddenly wasn’t looking through his own eyes but looking DOWN on the whole situation. He seemed to be flying or otherwise high up in the air. Whatever had caused this perspective shift (Same source as the weird lightning earlier perhaps?) seemed to have positively impacted his eyesight. He could see the town in fine detail and even noticed himself and the new arrivals… Whatever they were…

    He had hardly gotten used to the perspective when it suddenly seemed to go down towards the plaza where he could see himself standing.

    Just as soon as it had started the weird perspective shift ended and he suddenly saw a BIG bird a few feet infront of his face flaring it’s wings and sitting on his right shoulder. The bird wasn’t light but the mass felt very comforting and his body seemed to know how to handle it.

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Hmmmm... ya..... no

Sorry Fire - but your assassin is a southern assassin, so having a rare eastern bird as familiar is... not really happening. Also, those warhawks are exclusively bred by the ppl on mount metagalapa. Ruby Eyes is not from there.

Find something southern and something suitable for a stealthy assassin instead. If you want a pet of an eastern origin, perhaps a Strangler's Serpent? Would fit your character type perfectly.

Alternatly, a regular normal-sized hawk.

...this is the kind of stuff that you always need to clear with your ST before trying to sneak into a game
Like i said i thought i sent you a PM about but i guess i was wrong... Sorry man!

Giant regular sized bird of prey it is... Regular hawk will do!
You never mentioned anything about your familiar in your PMs with me

but since its a regular one, it is now intelligent as per the rules on 3 dot familiars

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