Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

Freeman quickly jerks to the unknown sound from above. Being from a part of the god-body where flying ex-machina were rarely friendly he knew well to be weary of screeches from above. Of course, being effectively blind did hamper his available responses... resulting in him chiefly waving his crowbar-klaive around above him.

The two other alchies had equally never heard of a hawk before so... ya

Fun fact: the only animals in the god-body are rats and roaches - anything beyond that will have to be introduced. So if Ava is seeing some cows or something right now, plus a hawk, she should likely be REALLY weirded out.
  • Ava was shocked... the entity before her was clearly an organism of some sort, but she could see nothing on it that resembled mortal, rat, cockroach, or coral, the four catagories of living things from which all special breeds emerged. "I think this winged creature is proof enough that we are no longer in the God-body of Autochthon." She takes a few moments to compose herself. She didn't wish to show weakness in front of the natives to this... place would have to do until she aquired more data. "Information request; all taxonomic data-files on that organic entity that has come to rest on one such as yourself, cascading upward in categorical structure until one such as myself is satisfied."
"I do not understand a word you are saying, but if you are asking what sort of creature this is. I think it's a hawk, which is a subtype of of the group "birds" which is a name for feathered flying animals. This one seems to be friendly to me though...

So maybe i have a pet??? Oh if you dont know what a pet is it's an animal you keep for company or for some other use, like hunting or as a guard."

  • Coral, perhaps - but that's a flavor of coral that lives in slightly caustic oil. So its likely something 'grown' via essence and ex-machina, as oppose to something truly organic

She considered for a moment. "Information Request: Nature of interaction of classification animal with groups; mortal, rat, roach, and coral; Definition of term feather..."
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"Well I don't know about coral, but rats and roaches are animal too, just of a different kind. And mortals are just that, you know, people."Lion answers absent mindedly while scratching his head at the sudden appearence of the big bird. "If you want proper explanations however you should try talking with the elders here, or perhaps go to the city."
"Statement of Acknowledgement, this one will seek to gain information from elder members of your enclave." She said, simply. While she continues to observe how these mortals interact with these champions, her and her allies, she also begins to seek out to notice individuals whose age would denote wisdom.
"Okay, and if you want to know what a feather is. This is..." The man known as ruby replied pointing at either one of the big "flying feathers" (OOC: the dutch word is so much cooler) at the end of the wing or the tail. If there's a loose one i can see i'll pluck it or pick it up off the ground and give that one instead so they can see the whole thing.
Ava smiles brightly. Finally, the tribe/clan/group. She looks them over. Low protection against caustic oils, electric discharges, or other hazards... far too low. Either the threats here were massively different then all the regions of the god-body she ever heard of, or this place had a more optimal configuration for mortal occupation. None of them had Soul-gems... unless that practice wasn't held here as they didn't care for their souls, then this 'tunnel-tribe' didn't contain any abducted adoptions or exiles from nearby cities. They seemed to lack metal tools, the ability to produce sufficient quality of even their hair-fabric, and they seem to be using some brown spar as a building material, but that didn't even look water proof, let alone able to keep heat in.

She looks at the elder ones, the ones whose body reflect being past the prime of physical labor, and are instead utilized for their experience and wisdom. "Greetings; This one is grateful for the assistance of these two, as this area is quite unlike the tunnels this one and assembled traveling companions of this one expected to be traversing through. This one will seek to insure that this one and assembled traveling companions of this one do not render undue stress upon your social structure, and render recommence for any such stress that presence of this one and assembled traveling companions of this one may cause."
Burning Lion's old father, his curly beard all scragly and worn, his pale orange garb one of the few colorful pieces of clothing in the village, aside from what Burning Lion wears, looks at his son: "What in Malfeas have you brought back son..."
Lion sighs, rubbing his forehad "I'm sorry I've picked up even more strays, and this ones seem even more clueless than our amnesiam friend, so I thought maybe you and the elders could help. I know they look strange, but I don't think they mean harm, and the woman said they are willing to barter for what they need, though I don't know what they are going to offer."
Ava smiled. This type of diplomacy is what she was built for. "Venerated sir, it is the nature of science to rely on independent confirmation of hypothesises. If you wish to corroborate his conclusion that this one and honored traveling companions of this one are not of the category Fae why not perform this test here and now?"
The old man gives Burning Lion a brief but mean glare, then over to the three strangers - wordlessly going "Well get on it with it then!"
The old man, seemingly impatient at Burning Lion, quickly brushes a small iron pendant across Ava's skin. Since nothing happens the old man merely regards the woman before him - her being dressed as if her garments were tailored by gods and spirits, it certainly makes her look very odd to have been wandering the deep deserts... even more so with her metallic companions.

Looking at burning lion he sneers: "This is not good. We do not need more weird strangers here now, we need hands in the fields if we're going to salvage what's left of our crops. The fae already killed too much cattle, so we won't be able to meet our tax quota that way. We'll need to pay it in grain - and we'll be lucky if we can do that without starving"
She thinks for a moment... killed, to terminate organic life... what ever 'cattle' were, they were organic. "There may be assistance that can render be in such a matter. Although this one and assembled traveling companions of this one only possess six hands to aid in the fields, Glorious Modulator of the Freedom of Men" She gestures to the Orichalcum caste, "was build for labor, and could render a large quantity and quality of man-shifts to the task. But if a greater impact is required to remedy your situation, this one has a solution. This one possess a device able of the task of processing organic matter, ever your killed cattle, into a form of food-stuff that will not be rendered uneatable by the passage of time." She pauses, letting the weight of that statement fall onto the elder's ears, and that of the crowd. "This, and other assistance this one and assembled traveling companions of this one could render upon your village... if you were to accept the presence of this assembly for as long as both groups still benefit from this arrangement."

  • Burning Lion frowns at Ava's suggestion, but if its true... "Our cattle and goats is what feeds us through most of the winter. You all saw what happened to almost a quarter of our goats, and two thirds of our cattle over the ridge... if you have something that can preserve the meat before it rots, then I think it'll go a long way to endear you with my village"

    He motions for the assembly to follow him

Ava follows him. "Indeed this one is at state > 0 of such means." She said, signalling to make sure Freeman and Mari followed her. She wondered off had the difference between goats and cattle.
((Ruby Eyes, feel free to comment on all of this - I know there isn't much for you right now, but this should be at least mildly amusing/intersting for you anyway))

Burning Lion leads the assembly of alchemicals and Ruby Eyes across the ridge from the village, past the rest of the huts of bundled straw with straw thatch. The women present are holding back the curious children, with worried looks in their eyes.

Over ridge the scene is one of drying guts and blood-soaked ground, interspersed with burn marks and chared dirt.

Many of the cows appear completely stripped of flesh, while some others seem ripped apart with their guts strewn on the ground in random piles.

Most of the cattle appear to only be missing bits and pieces - their flesh and skin stripped away with an inhuman precision - many of these don't even appear to have bled... well, not untill you poke them, then they... gush.

One thing is clear: 'Cattle' appear to be a few times bigger than goats, and much less fuzzy - also overall head and leg shape appears different. Oh, and Ava has never seen things this big being this bloody. Its inhuman carnage...

((Vinom: Roll temperance dif 1 to avoid recoiling in horror - and if failed, a sta+res dif 2 roll to not robo-puke - Ruby Eyes doesn't feel any need to react to the scene... perhaps that's worth reacting to?))

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