Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

Ava watches the stone sail into the conversation, wishing she could hit Freeman at this range for probably startling the poor mortals. She read over the stone quickly, before smiling at the pair. "Expression-of-desired-forgiveness; magnitude undetermined. Assembled compatriot of this one wished to remind this one to seek out data-files pertaining to a large range of subject matter, including but not limited to the illumination issue this cavern is suffering from, the nature of the odd ceiling illusion designated in your language as sky, local standardization of essence patterns, the nature of Species Designation - Spiritlike: Number 1; Heat/Fire Skeletons and a few other points of inquiry that this one and assembled compatriots of this one have come across. This one acknowledges that the protocol exchange of such data-files is something that needs to be handled, but this one is aware that the library files may be of secure priority and that this one and assembled compatriots of this one possess an access threshold is currently of a insufficient bandwidth."
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Lion is caught off balance by rapid way of speaking of the woman and the wierd terms used, before gathering his thoughts. She claims to not being Fae? I guess she could be some other sort of spirit of distant origin, but still..."Do really expect me to believe that you don't know what the sky is, or that that you don't know what the Fae are? What, are you suffering from amnesia as well? But more importantly, you clearly have companions inside that black structure, but just how many of you are there?"
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"This assembled traveling group is composed of three (3) person-units." Ava didn't bother lying about this... it was to easy to disprove any lie and she needed to build trust with these morals/orichalcums. "This one do not have a memory-file-not-found-error but is from a different driver-set and as such may not have matching Common-Knowledge-Files to the one as yourself. This one is aware what the sky is, as sky is the name that one such as yourself has given to the ceiling of this cavern. This one however is not aware as to why one such as yourself has disguised it to register possessing such height or installed an illumination-eminator of such excessive scale, output, and inconsistency into the sky-ceiling. My companions are within that-black-structure as it is a protection from the ambient luminary vision-impairment-error that the sky-ceiling-illumination-eminuator belonging to one such as yourself imposes on this one and assembled traveling companions of this one."
"Why do you keep calling this a cavern when we are outside, outdoors, in the open, however you want to call it. It doesn't matter what name I give it, the sky is just the sky, and it's height or whatever else about it is beyond my control or mortal or god. And the light is that of the Unconquered Sun, the God of whom I am chosen and champion, not some thing I have any control over." Really, first Ruby and now this woman, it seems everyone Lion is meeting recently is just ignorant of the most basic things.
She pauses... not quite knowing how to process some of the information he is giving her. "This one didn't mean to imply.... you are the champion of a god?" She sounds incredulous, unable to hide the doubt and surprise, though no hostility, that statement conveys. It seems to be as rediculous to her as the idea that someone doesn't know what the sky is to Lion.
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"Don't look at me for confirmations or denials about what I am, all i know is that i woke up this morning with no memories of what happened before that moment...

But what he is trying to say is that this isnt a cavern, this is all there is..."
Ruby said as he doodled a cavern in the sand, and then drew a stick figure in it, "this is your assumption, us" pointing at the stick figure "roof" pointing at the top, "where as whats happening is more like this" ruby said as he drew a stick figure on the TOP of the cavern "us, and a whole lot of rock and sand beneath our feet, and a whole lot of air and stars and moons and such above us.

Atleast this is my understanding of the situation, but like i said I don't recall much of anything..."
Ruby said the last part as a flat deadpan joke.

View attachment 2805<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-12-15_11-42-0.png.02be2d35a037f22595f7debfc6f4cd5f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24478" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-12-15_11-42-0.png.02be2d35a037f22595f7debfc6f4cd5f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • upload_2013-12-15_11-42-0.png
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I think I need to keep a tally of who to get bonus xp... lol MSpaint, but points for effort

Also, I'm going to assume that since people are talking that Ruby, Lion and Avatar has approached one another - so that Ava can see the drawing in the sand.

...And Firefrenzy: You really don't need to color your speech - it's mostly just so Vinom can signal that what Ava says sounds weird. Normal people don't need it.

Also: What is Marionette doing, during all of this?
  • Ava looks down at the drawing the mortal made. "This on does not understand... A ceiling is as basic as a floor or tunnel-walls, there is always something above, and below, and to all sides... the ceiling belonging to one such as yourself can be seen, the sky-ceiling has afixed upon it self two large mobile illumination-eminators and a numerous quantity of minor illumination-eminators which can clearly be observed when this sun-illumination-eminator is away and the smaller secondary illumination-eminator is active. Why does one such as your self deny the sky-ceiling is a ceiling?"
OOC: I would honestly prefer colored text, if anything, be limited to charm-influenced speech. In fact, I think that's a great idea.

New house rule for the game: Any and all speech (not actions...) augmented or otherwise affected by active non-permanent charms should be highlighted in a relevant color.
  • "We are telling you that the sky is not a ceiling because, unlike cavern or a house, the ground and the sky are not part of the same... the same...structure, that's the word, structure. They are not connected, there is nothing 'holding up' the sky."
"This cavern, this open space this one and assembled conversation-mate of this one are in, does the sky not represent the point at which open space is replaced with solidity and the next layer?" Ava tried to rationalize this, but the idea of a cavernous space that was genuinely so large that people didn't know it's boundaries was frightening. The idea that maybe there were no boundaries, that this was so into the far reaches that above her head was the Void in which the God-Body hung was more terrifying... and if this was another god-body or some other.... the ideas seemed boundlessly huge too.
Freeman steps out of the opaque glass dome and grab's Mari hand for her to follow him - him walking over to Ava and the two mortals... and that's no easy task, since he can't really see - but he uses his metal waldos to feel the ground around him and follow Ava's tracks towards her.

For all his golden skin, oxidized bronze hair and beard (It looks greenish) and the clearly metalic and mechanical nature of his knees, shins and feet, and somewhat flailing waldos, he merely hands Ava another sandstone plate and then stands silently by her - his eyes closed tightly.

The discussion of the nature of this cavern with these is inneficient.
They are clearly either not sufficiently educated and aware of their surroundings to understand us,
or this place is unlike anything ever seen or experienced by Autochtonians, which is unlikely,
for if we are not in a cavern how else would the primary light source move across the ceiling?

Either way the answer the above is currently of a lower priority.

Ask: Where are we?
Inquire: Can they guide us to the nearest octet city if they know of one,
or in the direction of the nearest city where we might find assistance.

If these are ignorant savages from the far reaches they might only know of vague directions,
not even aware of where exactly they are

Also, introduce me and Mari - and yourself, properly
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  • Before I reply to this... how does Freeman speak enough Firetongue to follow this conversation?

    Also, how are down and up determined in Autochthonia... what is the up most point?
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In autochtonia up and down is determined like it is everywhere else. Gravity. Down is down and up is up.

And Freeman isn't speaking firetongue - he's just managed to fumble his way over to Ava and handed her another stone tablet with his writing on
I mean, how does he understand what the conversation is currently about? We could be talking about Rat based Weaponry for all he knows.
  • Ava sighed. "This one's honored compatriot wished to stress to this one that this one and assembled traveling compatriots of this one require some navigational aid. Even if one such as yourself does not wish for this one and assembled traveling companions of this one to go to your village, would one such as yourself truly allow a woman to continue to wander aimlessly with no assurance that this woman find a town or village before one such as myself runs out of food/water/other-supplies? Such EmotionalValue.Stranger(Life)<x is not befitting any champion."
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OOC: he obviously saw my magnificent piece of sand art is how he knows!

Also I APPROVE OF YOUR SCIENCE! Stranger(life)<x=winning
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  • "Even if I were to bring to my village, do you actually have anything to trade for supplies? We are not so rich that we can freely give away food. And besides that, while you look normal, your friend there looks too abnormal for anyone to actually want to deal with you"

  • Freeman moves his palm over a sheet of sandstone. Metalic whirring and the screech of many tiny drills start and stop intermittently - then he waves the sheet of sandstone up in the air, almost smacking Ava in the face with it.

    This location seems exceedingly arid - and my limited observations of these individuals revealed clothing of a very simple nature, woven of what might be their own shaven hair.
    Perhaps these people do not have access to a steam vent or conduit for condensing a water source.
    It should not be difficult for me to scan for an essence vapor trail and create a tap system, assuming that local metals can be supplied.
    Equally, I can utilize the local and abundant heat to produce a synthetic leather heat-roller, assuming that local metals can be supplied.
    You may offer these services in exchange for what we need - which does include a supply of metals for equipment.
She smiles. "This one and assembled compatriots of this one possess skills and talents enough to barter a keep. As is evident, most honored ally..." She gestures to Freeman. "has integrated tools to allow most honored ally to preform nearly any crafting task this one might request of him." She explained simply, sure she couldn't explain the crafting of synth-leather without some misunderstanding arising.
With a sigh, Lion coulnd't help but condede defeat. "Fine then, we'll bring you to the the village and see the worth of what you offer. But there do the talking for your group yourself, woman. Wether your companions speak firetongue or not, their appearence will not endear them to anyone there."

As he turns to lead the way back, he stops and turns back toward her "...oh right, I haven't asked your name, if you have one."
She smiles. "Expression of gratitude. This one is spoken of as Ava, this one's assembled traveling companions are Mari and Freeman." She said, gesturing to be sure that the mortals understood which of her companions was with... She turns to Freeman, switching back to old realm. "This one claims to be the champion of a god... can you think of anywhere that would permit such a heresy?"
Freeman frowns - and despite his eyes remaining closed tightly, he contemplates building a helmet to block out the luminous pollution.

In response to Ava's question, he quickly prints another response on a sandstone slab his metalic waldos produces for him on the spot, the tangle of them being attached to his back apparently.

Tribes of the far reaches are known to strike deals with local divine subroutines.

This is not strictly heresy, as such local assistance to machine spirits that
manage lone techno-organs of the Great Maker often benefit from the aid
of tool-users in performing sacred rites and function and maintenance.

Also, you only mentioned me as 'Freeman' - I expected a full introduction.
Perhaps these two have heard of some of the octet cities and can guide
us towards them.

OOC: Also, since its almost crunkmas I don't know how much I'll be able to be on until next friday. Have fun you lot, get good
"These primitive either shave themselves or rats in order to create garments... I don't want to overwhelm them with our full titles and station until we have spoken with their leadership and learned ones... They failed to identify you and Marionette as champions so I'm wondering just how far into the reaches we may be. If I understand their explanations correctly, there is a chance that there isn't actually a ceiling here as we are staring up at the void the god-body hangs in."

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