Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

  • I think... you might have gotten the Alchemicals a little mixed up? Your description of the character sounds like Marionette, but the actions (dash and slap) are Avatar's... and then the beautiful girl is Avatar...

    Would you like me to roll Marionette's attack with the thrown gyroscopic chakram?
"Lion, what is this shit? Do I shoot it? Do I not shoot it? Talk to me man, you're the expert on this stuff" Lion says while keeping his loaded flame piece pointed in the direction of the new arrivals...

OOC: I am assuming "talking is a free action" applies in Exalted?
  • "Whatever it is, it seems focused on attacking the other faes. My iron is nearly useless now, so I say we get out of here and come back later! But don't lose sight of that thing if it tries to follow us."
"Works for me" Ruby said as he slammed his spent flame piece into his holster. Luckily he had no problem finding an exit strategy in this terrain, "walk any direction and hide somewhere" was fairly easy as far as plans go but it should work well enough...

"I've got the ranged weaponry i'll bring up the rear, you know the terrain i'll follow..."
  • "All right, keep your head down and follow me." As he says this Lion starts moving back towards the rock they had hid behind before the fight.
  • The spinning maw of clockwork razors leaped to finish off Avatar's target.

And that's a hit - and a kill (assuming that the fire goblin was even sort of alive to begin with...)

For indeed, the whirling dervish of razors spin from the strange silver-haired metal woman standing in the hole of the dome's hand and zip over - cutting into and shattering the obsidian bones of the beast, breaking its form for good that the fighting seems over - now what? The locals seem... frightened, of course, only one of the strange beings - the one with eyes covered by dark devices - is able to see that
  • Ava struck the creature and it exploded. She did it, she finally did something right and usef- no wait, there goes Marionette's chakram back to it's wielder. She tried not to look disappointed. She turned to face the natives of this realm/cavernous sub-organ. They were moving backwards, but then again, as first impressions go, this might not be the best one. "Hail, fellow travelers." She greeted them, warmly, openly... in the language of scholars.
None of the solars are speaking Old Realm

None of the alchies are speaking... well... aside from Old Realm, then none of them speak anything that makes sense to creation-born

Also again: Them strange things that just leapt out of the dome, which the goblins had been annointing in goat blood, they look weird...
Mari doesn't know what language these people (or the goblins) speak in either...

The only alchy who's heard the goblins talk is Freeman - and he can't exactly relay what he heard
  • I know all this. I also know that I don't have enough observations to learn their language, yet. I'm just hoping they'll stick around and talk rather then flee.
  • Burning Lion stops in his track and turns around when the (probably Fae) woman speaks in a wierd foreign language. Strange, he thinks, raksha usually are fluent in our language, if anything else just to be able to mock us.

    Keeping the woman in his sights, he murmurs to Ruby "Did you understand that?"
"Not a word" Ruby replied with "sounded a bit like a greeting though Context and tone wise.

Atleast i am fairly sure it wasnt "you killed my buddy prepare to die"... "
  • "Maybe you're right" Lion mumbles under his breath, before stepping towards the suspicious woman. As he passes by Ruby he whispers in his ears "Be ready to fire at a moments notice."

    He then addresses the Fae woman openly "If you want to parley, creature, then let us speak a language we both understand."
  • As Edge of Temperence returned to her hand and retracted its blades, the Starmetal dropped the weapon to her side and settled into a loose, but ready, stance. Her glittering blue eyes were closed against the blinding illumination, but the Champion was ready to initiate the Aim-Calibrating Sensors again if the predetermined signal was given.

    Avatar of Multiform Diplomacy spoke in the scholarly tongue and there was some strange replies in a language the Estasian did not recognize. Her training had included the ancient speech, to decipher whatever records of Project Razor she might have come across. If the other Champions responded in a different tongue, perhaps they did not speak this one.

    The living weapon switched to common Autochthonic, "We mean you no harm." Her tone was cool and calm, her cadence even, intent on this meeting proving peaceful.
  • Ava smiled... diplomacy with a language barrier, this at least was something she was built for. With a single step away from the carcass of the skelehook, her armor disappeared in a glint of silver. Under it, she was wearing a... garment might be the most accurate term. It was a means of dress spawned from her imagination. A mix of synth-leather, synnth-silk, and silver chainmaile and sensuously exposed patches of skin in a pattern which made it hard for anyone to look away, cut in such a way to huge her hourglass form, save her legs, which were gloriously exposed down to her red quartz shoes. She smiles calmly, warmly, gesturing with an open hand to the trio. "We mean you no harm... While I don't believe we understand one another's speech, that should in no way impair how our two groups get along." She let's her every motion, and the very cadence of her words express non-hostile, friendly intent
...what Vinom wrote - the DV resistance things in OOC tab are valid, although there is another option: Join Combat, as in "I attack it because its making me feel funny"
webkilla said:
...what Vinom wrote - the DV resistance things in OOC tab are valid, although there is another option: Join Combat, as in "I attack it because its making me feel funny"
Actually, if they don't resist the attack, they have to imagine a good reason to attack a beautiful, friendly, non-hostile entity... And lust doesn't really do that.
vinom said:
Actually, if they don't resist the attack, they have to imagine a good reason to attack a beautiful, friendly, non-hostile entity... And lust doesn't really do that.
...its an alternative to both.

You can, in response to a social attack that beats your MDV choose to:

A) do what it wants you to

B) resist it via WP

C) roll to join combat and start punching
well she didn't really say anything - she used body language to convey that she isn't hostile... of course, from a fae that could just be the first step to enslaving your mind and eating your soul

...come to think of it: If I had run this game via skype or a similar chat service, I would have kept the solars and alchies on seperate chats - only conveying what they each did to the other group. It'd have made meta-chat and whatnot impossible, and heightened the feeling of the alien nature of the encounter

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