Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

  • She nods... "That, in addition to a cone structure for better sound conductivity from the outside goings on would be highly useful." She said simply.
Modifying the overall structure of the dome would result in light contamination,
as well as giving the beings outside the structure unrestricted access to us.

Thus, such a course of action is inadvisable and I will not perform it

Do you wish for eye-holes or not?
  • "Yes, eye holes would do nicely..." She said simply, suppressing the desire to call freeman uncooperative... There would be no profit in that outburst.

Also, based on this description i am envisioning we have X of those skelehooks, with X is unknown, the dome, and nothing else that could be classified as cover? Just some assorted set pieces to make the white room a little less white?

  • Freeman has his waldos drill out two eye-holes and takes off his arc protectors, handing them to the Caslati champion

  • Ava takes them, attempting to gather the prerequisite observations in order to be able to activate her Interpolative Syntax Emulator.
  • Marionette was silently thankful for her Choker of Ordained Decorum, as she had a personal distaste for filth of any kind. The outsiders did sound likely to be friendly, and so she waited for the moment when martial action would be called for.
Ava sees the beings described earlier in one of the Human tabs: Beings of living flame with oddly 'stylized' bones of a black and shiny polished glass-liked material that look a bit like human bones... but more of an artistic interpretation of an actual bone structure. Spirits of some kind? They certainly aren't human... but spirits of heat would make sense considering the biome.

Beyond that Ava sees the shredded remains of what appears to have been 4-legged flesh and blood creatures - evidently they had thin fur, but beyond that their anatomy is quite alien to Ava (The only two organic animals known in Autochtonia is rats and cockroaches...)
  • Urging Ruby to get down with a gesture, Lion points to the dancing flame-creatures, and whispers "Those are fair folks. I don't know what they are doing, or what that black thing is, but we can't have them this close to the village. Losing those goats hits hurt our supplies in our already bad situation, but if we don't get rid of them, we may lose more than just[ animals."

    Stealing another glance at Ruby's weapons, Lion asks "Do you think you can hit them from here? I am confident I can keep them away from you to let you shoot, but how good is your aim, if you can't even remember who you are?"
OOC: I'm assuming that Lion is slightly dark skinned than that (being of the south...) and not wearing any of such fancy duds at the moment? (You never mentioned bringing or putting on artifact equipment, and despite what some D&D players might insist, then nobody sleeps in their armor... I've tried it, its not fun)

As for 'looking right' then exalted is a big world, and you can always say that your family originally came from somewhere else. You can say that you look like a blond longhaired viking with a braided beard, purple-dreadlocked black dude in sweet silken robes, an indian with a feather-crested hat, a pale street-wise gangbanger wearing nothing but sail-cloth pants and way too many tatoos...

All three of you are around a hundred yards from the fae, taking cover and staying out of sight behind a big rock - for purposes of range, and there is only low dry bushes for cover between the big rock and the fae
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OOC: Sure, that's just for general reference for how he looks, though I wondered if the skin tone was too light or not.
  • Ava wonders what exactly they were doing to this large... Well it was more rat then cockroach or mortal, so SD-R:1 [species Designation - Ratlike: Number 1] for now. Additional data to be gathered after the potentially living sapient creatures could be dealt with.

  • Ruby looked puzzeled over the cover at the Skelehooks, “I don’t know man, I can give it a shot but you know more of the range of these weapons then me… I have a suspicion I am good with them, since I have calluses in all the places they contact my hands. I’ll give it a shot but it would be easier at close ranges maybe?”

  • Lion ponders for a moment, before telling the kid to stay put and quiet.

    Turning to Ruby he speaks with controlled trepidation "I'll walk up to them in the open and distract them. I'll try to get them to come closer, but you should try to move up anyway using what little cover there is. If I can make them focus on me, you should be able to sneak up and bring them into the range of your weapons. Think you can do that?"
"are you sure? I am fairly good at sneaking up on people i have found. I for one managed to sneak up on Al Harazma and his entire patrol... Might be safer to try that and then use you as a contingency force incase they see me you come running to help?"
  • After giving Ruby an appraising look, Lion gives a small sigh. "All right. I'll stay here and wait for you to get in range. Once you start shooting, I'll jump in to support you. Just, be careful, all right?"
"I should hope you do Lion... This is such a bad idea" Ruby said in a low voice before leaving the cover in a low crouch which would be a sort of optimal balance between stealth and speed and then he walked from cover to cover, from scrub brush to scrub brush all while keeping an eye on the Skelehooks. He was so patently ridiculous doing this for a man he had until an hour ago never met...

But there was that feeling, that feeling of knowing who this man...

(if there are additional stunt dice do just throw them for me)

nice +2 stunt there

...lets see if they can close the gap or if Ruby Eyes gets spotted


Well snap

Ruby Eyes manages to get about two thirds to the strange black dome - which indeed seems to have been drenched in goat-blood - before he is spotted by the fae

Two of them approach Ruby Eyes with dancing motions, their bodies writhing sinuously as they bid the human before them to dance with them... their weird voices ringing in his head

Roll willpower+integrity dif 4 to resist their strange compulsion, or pay 4 temp willpower striaght up, ...or dance
Ava observes some change in the entities' dancing pattern, but it hasn't been nearly long enough of an observation for her to know what that change signified in their dance-language.
  • Lion swears under his breath as he watches Ruby get spotted by the burning fair folks. Acting quickly, and cursing himself for having left his gear at home, he undoes his belt, before wrapping one end around his iron canteen.

    Once secure in his work, he dashes out of cover, roteatin his umprontu weapon as he runs, the water inside it slushing around and falling out as he speeds up.

    He was not gonna let the damned creatures hurt anyone else ever again.
So... you're using it as a kind of improvised flail?

Reasonably important OOC fact: Anyone in creation with but a single dot in occult will know, as a very common and basic fact regarding fair folks, that they react to the touch of plain un-alloyed iron, like humans do to boiling acid. Basically, aggravated damage - however, this also wears out the iron weapons fairly quickly... so those who often have to fight fair folk usually stock up on such things first.

And Frenzy: I am still waiting for a response from you - you paying WP or getting jiggy with it?
OOC: didn't know that, though my character does, since he has Occult 2. I guess he's just gonna wing it and pray the Sun for the best. But man, I need to start thinking things through more.

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