Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

More or less - yes - AFAIK there aren't any cannon illiterate alchies, chiefly since they all need to be able to read the book of the great maker
  • In Burning Lion's hut

    Lion gently grabs the shoulde of the young goat herder, and with a deliberately calm voice asks "What did you see exactly?What frightened you? Was it more fair folks?"
The young boy looks quite scared and nods: "They dancing around a thing of blackened glass,... they took most of the goats before I could get away"
  • "I think a hand gesture or action may be more appropriate, given that one third of this assembly currently are unable to speak." She said simply...
"You say it isn't much, and it might not be, but remember that i have never had a home. Or at least I don't recall one.." Ruby said as he walked into the building where Lion spoke with a little boy who was obviously terrified.

"Eehm, I hate to interrupt something that is obviously relevant but i was wondering if you could perhaps tell me what those "fair folk" you keep referring to are, i take it they aren't just "pretty people"?" Ruby said as he attempted to find a place to sit and started unpacking his pockets and gear. He had given them a quick once over before but maybe there is some clues to his past in his possessions.
  • The Starmetal considered the suggestion as she snapped the fingers of her right hand, in differing pairs, speeds, and then numbers. Her Estasian mind quickly began considering the basics of an entire code of communication based on differences between pitch and pattern, but then dismissed the idea as an inefficient use of time; it might be quite difficult to inure her companions to such possibilities. "Yes, that should prove sufficient."

    She considered the surfaces around her. Though she had been prepared to wander ever forward in the blinding hours, Marionette was thankful for Freeman's capabilities. They provided a much more secure, and cautious, excursion into this new world. What horrors might lurk beyond the sacred corridors of the Great Maker? What sort of cultures could survive without His gifts? What sort of corruption, even of an Apostate magnitude, might reside in the heart of such a place?

    "We should travel a signifcantly greater distance during the following dark-cycle, if indeed the cycles are regular. We should open the hatch slightly, in regular intervals, to determine the luminosity of the exterior." With Modulator's plasma-based propulsion and her own Gravity Manipulator (not to mention her superior fleetness), the Claslati would almost certainly prove the slowest. Her Moonsilver load-out had thus-far seemed primarily focused on socialization and personal convenience. The strategos looked over at the Moonsilver woman, nodding to herself slightly, "Avatar, you will set our pace as we follow the light source's path. Freedom of Man's scouting can maximize our chance of locating a population center or, at the very least, more appropriate shelter."
  • Ava nods... waiting a while before commenting. "I've been wondering... If we were to utilize Mari's gravity manipulation apparatus to have her fall 'upward' against me, while I use my husk sculpting charm to acquire a balance weight, could we not be a load within you ability to fly with, Freeman?"
  • Lion turns to Ruby, a quizzical look on his face "Really? You don't even know what a Fair folk is? They are dangerous creatures who prey on mortals. Their appearence may vary, though often there are some who are rather 'pretty' among them, but there is always something wrong about them, like they don't belong."

    Cupping his chin with a pensive look, Lion mutters "But really, your amnesia must be worse than I thought if you don't even know what they are. Now that I think about, didn't you also say you didn't know what the Realm is?"
Freeman nods to Ava's suggestion, urging that the two first test whether Mari's gravity manipulation device, set in reverse mode, can enable some semblance of 'buoyancy' for the two - which then in theory could allow Freeman to haul both while he flew. But again, he wants it tested first - and there should be room enough inside the glass dome...

However, just as he is about to step aside his essence scanner flashes a few numbers across his right eye. He quickly relays his findings:

Mobile essence anomalies detected outside of the shelter
  • Ava lets out a soft oath, before unfolding a set of moonsilver superheavy plate from her chest and hastily beginning to don it. "Nature, number?" She asked hurriedly.
  • Marionette moved into a low crouch, sliding her fingers into her gyroscopic chakrams' holes. The artifacts would suffice to cut her way out and surprise their attackers, if needed. "An alert, but defensive stance will grant us the best balance of safety and possible diplomacy."
Freeman gestures for his two fellow chamions to calm down

We do not have evidence for hostile intent.

I will investigate

The Orichalcum champion has a waldo cut a hole with a diameter equal to his head - he then pokes his head out (with his arc protectors flipped down over his eyes)

...a few moments pass and all that's visible for the two champions is that Freeman is twisting his heads around, looking from side to side. There are few sounds eligible, since Freeman is blocking the hole up quite well. A tiny bit of sand drizzles in from the small space around Freeman's neck and the hole
  • Ava continues to hurriedly don her armor... the idea that what ever was out there might just take Freeman's head was something she couldn't quite shake.

  • "Allow me to be brutally honest, I woke up *some time ago* and before then i recall nothing, except that the night before something big happened, something that left me with a skull splitting headache and no memories.

    I woke up in a bed somewhere with Al Hazama shouting at some fruit merchant and fell in with him. I can genuinely say I dont know much of anything. I have worked out i am some kind of thief or warrior, maybe even a murderer, based on the stuff i had with me. Nothing more then this mask, and these two odd weapons." Ruby said as he pointed at his gear...

...and dont forget to also react at least a lil bit to the goat herder kid - or is this discussion being told enroute to where the goat herder kid wants to lead you?
OOC: I am letting myself be lead by Lion, if he needs to go somewhere then i'm following him around. If we're still in his house then we're still in his house...
I'm waiting for the humans to catch up a little. They have to reach the alchy hideout/fair folk...

EDIT: BL's player had some unplanned forced AFK time - should be back soon
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  • "That is really an odd story. Well, if anything, I can tell you that those two weapons you carry are called flamepieces. Not my area of expertise, but I have seen them around the capital.

    Mmm, do you think you can use them? If you feel you can handle yourself, would you mind accompanying me? It's always dangerous to face a Fair Folk alone, but I don't want to ask any of the other villagers to face them if I can help it

  • BL and RE follow the young boy out of the village, to the eastern fringe of the settled lands there.

    The scene is one of a semi-arid desert, with exceedingly dry bushes and scattered tufts of browning grass over pale sunbaked dirt, all of it holding out for the cool rains during the season of air - of course, it being the season of fire right now means that even the morning temperature is rising rapidly... it's getting hot - and most sane people in the know well enough to stay in the shade from now until late afternoon, but when threats of fair folk stragglers loom, some people know that they have to step up

    Ruby Eyes gribs his flamepieces hard as they continue, with Burning Lion telling him horid tales of how fair folk (at least the ones he knows of) come from the fires beyond the sands in the south, with strange self-forms that often either mock or tempt mortals... and then they catch you and eat you ability to feel love, your courage, your conviction and even your ability to temper your own actions, adding with the raid a few days ago a few unlucky people from his village were reduced to such a state of having barely any soul left.

    "And that's why we need to know for certain if these are fair folk - so be ready to either fight or run back to the village and bring help"

    A good walk into the dry shrubland reveals a strange but worrying sight: A dark glass dome around which creatures that look like living flames with skeletons of black obsidian and cruel barbed hooks for hands and feet dance about - drenching the dome in blood from the torn remains of the goats they nabbed.

  • Ava looked at the blood smeared Freeman. "Ok, first point... I have no charm that can clean me off after such an 'anointing', and seriously, ew. Second, assuming they have a language, it will take at least an hour of observation for the Interpolative Syntax Emulator to give me a working understanding of that language. I don't know how these spirits might react to being observed for an hour, which is why I wanted to do this stage of interaction unobserved."
Freeman nods, then has his waldos pop out and hose him down with a sonic shower - cleaning him off in a few seconds

I can cut two eye-holes for you and lend you my arc-protectors

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