Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

  • Roll Charisma4 + Performance 2, spent 4m, 1wp on Irresistible Salesman Spirit, which doubles successes.

    The motes were from my personal pool, which is now at 12m, and I am at 9/10 willpower.

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  • With a total of 10 sucs BL defeats everyone's MDVs - and so his impassioned little speech reaches into their hearts and momentarily defeats what indfference those around him might have felt.

    Still, to make loyal soldiers renounce their oathes of fealty to their lord just like that? You're going to need some slightly more powerful charms for that (and there are charms for it!)

    And Ruby: You feel that Burning Lion's oration was oddly familiar... have you met before?

  • Taking ar deep breath, Lion answers Al Harazma, firm and confindent, feeling his people's support "I can respect you and your men for honoring the oaths you have taken Al Harazma, no matter how unworthy I may find the man you owe them to.

    But don't forget this isn't the capital. We coulnd't afford to support a garrison, not with our food supplies. All it would take is one bad harvest, and we wouln't be able to feed ourselves and the warriors. And can you honestly say, honorable Al Harazma, that there would be no man among the Gundai that would take advantage of us in our moment of need? Either by 'requisitioning' food or by selling us overpriced goods?"

    Burning Lion's stance turns relaxed once more, and his hand leavesthe pommel of his sword:" I will not try to sway to my side anymore. But I will not change my course either. You are free to try and stop me here, or go back to the capital and warn your king of my arrival. I will fight you if I must, but if we are to cross swords, I want to ask something of you first."

    He turns to indicate the crowd of people who surrounds them "Many of our men have fallen in battle against the fey. The dream-eaten could still be put to work if directed properly, but that still leaves us undermanned for the coming harvest. I only ask of you that you have your men help with the work. If you can swear you will do so should you slay me, Al Harazma, then I will die satisfied that my people will survive."
  • Looking at the human remains, the Estasian's features became as hard and as brittle as obsidian. For several long moments, she merely stared at the foot. She had hoped that they came through with her, or were left behind safe and sound, but this... The strategos tried to hope that just one had been wounded or killed, and the rest remained within the Great Maker's body, but it seemed doubtful. Eyes of white quartz and blue jade locked onto the Modulator's, devoid of warmth in that moment. "Show me where you found this."
  • Ava waits until Mari has read the second new line before putting her hand on the starmetal caste's shoulder. "That probably means the rest are still safe on the world-body. They'll have staunched his bleeding and will report your disappear to Lux as soon as they can." She tried to reassure her, to sell her the most optimistic reading of the evidence... The last thing they needed way the most martial among them to get emotionally turbulent.
Freeman taps the line on his original tablet saying "Seek/produce shelter" adding, as a little scribble "Here, or seek civilization while it is possible to see? Can scout from the air"
  • She let herself be caught up in the Moonsilver's words, accepting them as truth, given the Champions' shared situation. They had to move. "Yes, we will need shelter, at the very least from the blinding light. This place may also have weather systems that are corrosive or otherwise directly damaging. Finding intelligent inhabitants would be a reasonable goal as well, particularly if they maintain the technology to construct the devices that brought us here..." That thought stuck in her mind for a moment, before she continued. "If this is a world abandoned by the Maker, we cannot know how savage or primitive it might be without His gifts and guidance. We must exercise great care in any encounters, with mortals or little gods or whatever we come upon."

    Marionette glanced over where Avatar was walking, "A quick search of any salvageable materials would be wise." She went over and carefully sat the booted foot before the sculpture she'd felt previously, whispering softly to herself, "May He watch over us all." The small prayer done, she turned to help Ava with her investigation. "Freedom of Man, did you spot any promising directions for us to travel in, when you attempted to deactivate the blinding light?"
  • Ava thinks... "Lets spend this time period where both I and Mari can see examining these ruins, look for any materials or information that might be useful to us. After that, the pair of us bunk down during the bright time, while you pull aerial recon for possible locations or routes to civilization... basically any indication of anything besides an endless sea of silica granules. I would prefer to know how long of a time period we can expect the unsuitable brightness persists and desist, before drawing conclusions on how to manage it, or even if to travel through it. Setting up anything here besides a temporary shield from the illumination would be pointless if we must leave in a handful of shifts to accomplish anything..." She starts breaking down what they had down to the Glot, the most crucial resource being the man-hours of labor they should be utilizing.

  • Freeman nods at his two fellow champions, then prints instructions on another tablet:

    Considering our surroundings you should look
    for metals and magical materials within the ruins
    The gravitic conditions in the ruins are greatly
    amplified by the conduit rupture beneath it.
    Without a personal gravitic modulator you will
    be unable to move once inside the area.
    Also: For scavenging purposes, there is a metal object half-burried in the sand over yonder.
    Check that first.

    Freeman gestures towards a small pile of sand where a few lone metal tubes jut out.

  • Ava begins to walk over to the metal tubes. "I do not possess such a charm, even accounting for those stored in the vats, but if memory serves it is one of the charms required for the function of a Thrust Assembly, so at least one of us can go down there." She got three steps farther when a question hit her like a tonne of refined steel.

    "Freeman, you said you expended some essense in flight over eight hours ago. Tell me, can we respire essence in this location and if so to what percentage of our regular efficiency?" She asked, realizing how urgent her query could be.
Freeman prints on another stone slab:

Full respiration. No difficulties experienced.

Also: Correct, I can search the ruins safely with that. Can Marionette?
  • Ava nods, going to retrieve her spar, then examine and extract the metal tubes for the granules if possible.
  • Marionette, looking over at the writing, nodded. "I am so equipped."

    She slipped the Aegis of Valor from its pouch and held it with her left hand. The gyroscopic chakram stirred slightly. "I should be able to cut out whatever we require. Since you saw it intact, I will follow your lead, Orichalcum."
  • Ava looks down at her ponre. "If you see some biomatter down there, retrieve it... We can use all the food pills we can generated at this time."
Freeman's waldos pop out and digs around the tubes - they're attached to a device... Freeman reaches down and pulls on the object with a single swift motion, his internal hydraulic muscle fibers straining, releasing a sand-clogged ponre with Estasian insignia. He looks at the Estasian champion...
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  • It took just a thought for the blue-and-white jade capacitors in Gleaming Marionette's legs to activate, controlling the flow of Essence within her body to dictate the direction and degree to which she experienced gravitational forces. She watched her fellows extract an Estasian-marked ponre in silence. When the Orichalcum looked towards her, she nodded, "My company was outfitted with it, in order to grant us the capability to move far from established settlements. It was carried by Private Xuan today."

    The strategos turned away, "I will carry it when we are ready to depart." She made her way into the structure's devestation, digging around in the particulates, trying to examine what else was concealed among the ruins.

  • Ok, for Mari and Freeman its a percetion+investigation roll each. Mari gets a +1 stunt to that roll via the above post. Difficulty 4 to find anything useful, more sucs = you find better loot. Both roll.

Freeman's roll:

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  • Ava scan's wide, looking for deformation in the granule mounds which indicate a object under them. She uses her spar as a probe, pushing it into the granules near and far of the structure when she thinks she detects something, rather then beginning excavating without knowing if something is there or not. Their labor hours were glots invested, she had to make sure they were spent well.
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Poking through the sand that during the day had drifted in around the edges of the ruined compound, listening and feeling closely to tell the different between merely poking at more stone, or hitting something different, Ava comes across a spot where the sand was sinking... as in, pouring into a gap in some underground structure. A little digging and some help from Freeman's waldos (configured for excavation) reveals an underground room that hasn't caved in...

There isn't much down there (indeed, its a bit tricky getting down there, between all the sand flooding in AND the heightened gravity) - but among the debris there Ava finds what at first looks to be an ornate silver and gold broach in the form of a sun and a moon. Touching it reveals a different quality to it: It reacts to essence...

Upon leaving the room after looking for other objects of interest (which at that point is almost completely full of sand anyway) Freeman confirms it: The broach is of moonsilver and orichalcum.

OOC: Same as the starmetal found, there's enough for either one Essence 2 charm of each type of material, or two Essence 1 charms

  • “Sirs, Is this really a conversation to be held from horseback? I for one would like a place to sit on something less rabidly uncomfortable than this horse… Nothing against the horse of course.” He said looking at his mount with something best described as apprehension clearly not use to the animals. He said as he quickly tried to calm his mount. “But I feel the mood is becoming heated and I for one could use a drink.”

    “Sir Al Hazama, if I would like to take my leave from your company, I feel I might do some good here in this town, and if you do not plan on helping this village I for one would like to assist in this matter.” He said before turning his head to the man who had been speaking earlier, “Sir May I ask you an impertinent question? I have the odd feeling we have met before? Although I for the life of me cannot recall where or when. And as I stated, should you want it my services are at your disposal…”


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