Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

  • I could be worse, the surviving mortal troops are getting sunburned while we search for the first time in generations. If sun light is a -6 penalty to Perception checks related to sight, I would hate to think that you'll do to their Dexterity.
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  • “Well sirs, I wouldn’t call myself a "rabble rouser" as you so eloquently put it. But you claim to be doing this for the families, a most noble effort and I applaud your motivations, but surely you can see how one might misconstrue your motivations as “Armed men ripping off a poor merchant” instead of “Noble defenders of this realm off to do battle”?” The man known as Ruby said.

    “But I find myself in a wander some mood today and I believe I will join in your quest, assuming you have a mount available. I should inform you I do not recall ever riding one of these, but I am willing to learn if it means I can assist in your efforts.”

And thus the adventure gets underway!!!

  • The gundai leader - who looks a bit like this just with a black beard - laughs again: "Well looks like we've got a volunteer then - someone whip up the lady-saddle so his dress doesn't get torn"

    One of the riders unpacks a spare saddle and arranges it so Ruby Eyes can sit sort of sideways - partially to mock Ruby Eyes, but also because it is a bit easier to ride, especially when someone else will be handling the horse

    Thusly, Ruby Eyes and the Gundai gallop off in the noon-day sun.

    The Gundai arrive at a certain village around dusk...

  • "If that is supposed to be a rescue party, it was not deployed by Claslat, I do not recognize that Orichalcum Caste." She informs her compatriot, before walking over to the compressed silica tablet, wondering what the orichalcum caste could be indicating... mayhaps some piece from the top of the chamber... Ava had refrained from looking up as that was where the irritating illumination originated and she didn't want to irritate her optics more. There could be a reason for his silence... She know of one soulsteel caste in Claslat's history who used obscure setting on a Maniford Transhuman Implants to turn her voice into a potent weapon.

    Ava was a bit worried. For all she know this was the apostate that had dominion over this sub-organ, having altered it so that it would impair the sense of all those who he captured within it. She could only hope that Mari recognized him, that he was with some other patrol from Lux... The chances that three of the Champions of Autochthon could just bump into each other in some remote section of the god-body with some being planning this were to small to consider.
  • The attempt at a limited search took quite some time and proved unproductive. Eventually, however, the illumination dimmed enough that she could begin to see. The place was a vast wasteland, so large she could not even see the walls or the ceiling. Her right hand drifted down near one of her chakrams as the sound of plasma propulsion hit her ears. Ava had never seen him before, and that worried the Starmetal.

    "He is not from Estasia." Gleaming Marionette had not met every single Champion of her Nation, but the man looked wrong. His manner was not properly martial, nor were his first actions in line with procedure. She moved up, closer to her companion of those long hot hours, ready to spring into action should this newcomer prove a threat or, worse, an Apostate. Without looking from the Orichalcum, she spoke again to Ava, "What does it say?"
The orichalcum caste again gestures with the crowbarklaive towards the stone tablet he threw between the two other champs

...and Burning and Ruby can also have it, since they're both now at the same village
  • At Lion's village, the young man noticed an unexpected amount of commotion among the villagers. They all seemed worried about something.

    Moving closer to the nearest man, he asked. "What is going on? Is there some problem?"

  • Two dozen gundai riders arrive into the village - their leader quickly looking around, swearing briefly, then calling for the village leader

  • Lion pushed through the crowd, most people moving out of his way, those who didn't finding themselves shoved away.

    "How dare you show your faces here!" he shouted, just a few feet away from the Gundai's leader "We have nothing to say to you! You cowards and your king left us to die! And now you show up after everything is over, and have the gall to make demands?! How dare you!"

  • The man known as Ruby Eyes in Darkness turns to the Commanding officer of this group of horseman.

    “Sir is this true? I joined up with you on the assumption you would help the populous at large, and now I find that barring the oppression of local merchants your dereliction of duty extends this far? Tell me you have some convincing excuse for this?”


  • The Gundai leader facepalms at the sight of Burning Lion: "Oh good grief, this is where you live... of all the places - listen up you little puke. I am Al Haramza, Gundai, you are not. You tried you be, you flunked out of the very first trial.

    The rider looks around and gestures for his riders to explore and secure the area - they do this, and Ruby Eyes's rider shoves him off his horse during this - telling Ruby eyes to help check the area for fair folk.

    Satisfied that his men are busy, Al Haramza approaches Burning Lion on his horse: "We got here as soon as we got word. This isn't the realm you know, we don't just magically get notice when something bad happens. It wasn't until we got a very tired and completely parched runner from here that we got word. It's the best we can do... and last I checked most of the outer villages, this one included, didn't want any permanent garrison of Gundai for some curious reason"

  • "You think I care for your excuses? That any of us do? Our people died, or worse, and all you can say is 'this isn't the realm'!? That is 'best you can do'?" Lion was shouting, shaking his right fist at Al Harazma.

    He then stopped, taking a breath and widening his stance, his hand now on the handle of his blade.

    He spoke again: "I may have failed, but I see now it was destiny. Had I succeeded, I wouldn't have been here, to protect my family and people. I would have become a useless servant of a useless ruler. But now things have changed.I have changed. Gundai or not, I have been gifted with power, and with it I will protect the people of my village, no, of all Ozmai.

    So if you want to keep serving your weak king take advantage of the people you are supposed to protect, I suggest you leave now with your men and hope we do not meet again."

    Burning Lion raised his voice again, this time clear and commanding, addressing all the Gundai alongside their leader:"But if you, Al Harazma, or any of actually care about protecting the kingdom of Ozmai and it's people, then come with me. I swear, you will never have to say 'this is the best we can do' ever again."
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No need for a roll just yet - I want a post from Ruby Eyes first, then if you want you can have a roll - it'd be Cha+pres, if for the purpose of convincing the Gundai to disregard the Silver Coyote and defect to you then... well... Dif 10 (because they have seen nothing from you that should indicate any kind of power, leadership skills, and what have you that should enable you to back your claim up)

...oh and on a botch they will attack you for such insolence - but we'll cover that when and if that becomes necesary
  • Sounds about right. I was expecting trouble either way, but Lion felt he should at least give them a chance. Only Silver Coyote won't receive the courtesy, and anyone that seriously pisses him off.
  • It seems I made a minor mistake during character creation... can I shift a dot from Survival to Lore... so I can be literate?
  • Ava read through the variable essay on the silicate plate... She didn't want to believe herself as far from her home as the orichalcum caste suggests but... given the shear size of what she could see in all directions... If there was a cavern like this, as close to Claslat as she had estimated her location it would have been discovered and probably settled long ago. Part of her feels very very small because of it... but there wasn't time for that. "Ok... if we're not in Autochthonia, then we don't know where we are... I wouldn't even know where to begin with guessing where else we might be. For now I agree that the three of us, and any of Gleaming Marionette of Relentless Progress's patrol that made it through the portal, should stick together, for no other reason then we have no idea where we are, how we're going to get back, or what might be lucking in this massive cavern." She sighed, stretching, her body rippling and assuming a light human like tone, her hair becoming raven black strands. "So fine, let's be an assemble... we can start by searching these ruins for a essence or nutrient conduit, her men, or anything else that's useful."
Freeman walks over to a part of the ruin. A waldo (google it, its a real term) pops out of an octagonal storage unit/packpack bolted onto Freeman's back - on its tip is a cutting tool that quickly shaves off a piece of stone, then another... then Freeman looks back at his two fellow champions, looks at his one sheet of rock, shakes his head, then the waldo cuts off several more pieces. With the flick of the wrist the waldo disappears back into the backpack - and Freeman's right hand's fingers turn into spinning drills. With swift and mechanical motions Freeman 'writes' another message...

Once finished, he walks to Ava and hands it to her:

1) Please do not make me waste any more of this new mineral resource until I have had time to properly analyze it. To do so would be wasteful, and that is unbefiting of a champion

2) This portal structure, prior to its collapse, was clearly constructed by someone or something - so there should be some kind of civilization to find around here

3) Doubting my wisdom is to doubt the wisdom of the sodalities, for I have been programmed with great encyclopedic knowlegde of autochton, in boths its historical, factual, and spiritual.
Thus I very much know what true and pure flavors of autochtonian essence there is - so 
when I say that this surely is not within the bounds of the Great Maker's world body, it is not. I don't know where we are - but like I said: I am certain that there is civilization around here somewhere, and there we can hopefully ask where we are.

Freeman gives Marrionette a look that wordlessly communicates "Am I going to have to make you read this one too?"
  • Ava sighed... apparently the great encyclopedic knowledge download didn't include a study of literature. "I didn't make you waste anything. You choose to, because you choose to believe that the if in my previous reply was a raised point of incredulity to your conclusion rather then a starting off point taking your conclusion as a given for the deduction of proper subsequent actions. Yes this was built, yes that implies what ever world-body we might be on was at least once occupied by intelligent beings. But as of right now, we are without knowledge in what direction to travel, without resources save what we happen to be carrying, and in need of many many things, hopefully a few of which can be found in this ruin... Also if you believe that that mineral is to scarce of a resource to waste, find a way of using the abundant silica as a communication medium." She said, snapping at Freeman, before walking into the ruin, looking around to see if she couldn't find something useful.
  • Ava's conveyance of this Orichalcum's mind gave the Starmetal a moment of pause. "If we are not within the Great Maker's body, there are but two options: the Void and the place from whence we all came before He spirited us away."

    Marionette considered the third Alchemical for a few moments. They were largely competent, but sometimes overly so. The fate of Luminous Exarch, and later Lux, certainly proved that. Her eyes shifted sideways, looking at the ruins, "I need to find them first, or at least determine if they were brought here as well." Having now regained the power of sight, she jogged toward some of the larger structures, hoping to find the Glass Razors.


  • “Sir, I have to say that you have finally impressed me. Banners and uniforms are one thing, duty and service are quite another. Humility and servitude might be a bit to much to ask but” the man known as Ruby paused as if looking for words “I feel I owe you an apology, I feel I have slighted you. And for that I apologize.”

    Then turning to the apparent leader of this village? Hamlet? He looked like a man who might at some point attempt to assail the group he was part of. He had calmed down a bit but he had a feeling when people that angry calmed down and started talking of destiny they might be taking drastic actions.

    “Excuse me, Sir, as much as it pains me to say it. The man raises a point, he is after all, only human. Now I am not sure where this Realm is of which he speaks, it quite frankly sounds like a fairy tale, but I have travelled with him and we have made good time in our journey here…”


  • Freeman nods in Mari's direction, then etches some more glyphs on another stone tablet - handing it to her, then walking off at a brisk pace:

    Interesting theory - do you know anything of the nature of the elemental essence of this place you speak of?
    The next part is for when I return
    This is all I have found of the mortals you led

    Freeman returns with a severed foot, still in a synthetic leather boot. The foot appears to have bled dry - and indeed the arid and sandy conditions does seem to have dried up the stump a bit...

    Freeman appears stonefaced as he holds the foot in boot out to Ava.

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