Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

  • "Avatar of Multiform Diplomacy. I was heading for a boarder patrol station less then a week from Kur, and am wondering what an Estasia patrol is doing so close to Claslat?" Ava was weary of this other female... she could be lying... she could easily be lying. Some Apostate or intelligent gremlin in this overly bright furnace, hoping to catch her off guard. She stiffens her grip on the steel spar.
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  • Ya - no need for actual social combat yet... just introductions

    I'll bring Freeman back tomorrow


  • Okay, so he appeared to be fine, well fine barring that SOL DAMNED headache… He must have done something fairly serious to get one this bad…

    But with the voices outside the door he got up to his knees and started checking his available weapons and equipment. Or failing that, anything that might be improvisable as such.

    When he felt confident he had everything he could hope to get he took a position near the door from where he could wait out the potential enemy on the other side of the door and should the voices leave he could take a quick peek into what he presumed would be the hallway.

  • Stepping out of the tent, Lion mulled on his father's words for a bit. He wasn't sure he would be able spare men to help his village with the harvest once the battles with Coyote started in earnest. Corrupted they may be, but the Gundai were not to be underestimated.

    But maybe there was another way to help them. Before he had even consciously taken the decision, his feet had already brought him at the edge of the olive field.

    From here he could see it, the shrine of I'riltia, built in the still living wood of an ancient and oversized olive three.

    He approached it slowly, and respectfully, before stopping just before the torii, just as he had been taught as a child.

    He hoped he could do this. He had never been a good student, preferring to run off to play soldiers rather than to listen to the elders when they spoke about the rituals. It was very possible that he could end up offending the goddess, rather then persuade her to help.

    No. He would not doubt himself. He was a child no longer, he was a man now, and something more he felt as well. He would not fail. He will help his people, and succeed without fail. He would not allow himself any less.

    He started singing. He was a song all villagers were thought as children, and as part of the ceremony for the harvest it was sung by all the young villagers, while the elders appeased the goddes for her blessing.

    It had been years since he had last sung it. His voice spread, echoing throughout the field. The leaves of the threes rustled in the winds, as if adding to the melody.

    And then he stopped abruptly. While the last note of his song still echoed among the branches of the tree-shrine, Lion opened up his arm and spoke, as clear a he could:

    "Venerable I'riltia, I am Burning Lion, son of Blessed Hill, and I come to you to pray for aid. Many of the men of the village have died fighting to defend their land and yours. But now the time of the harvest is close at hand, and we do not have hands to properly enjoy the products of your field. I beseech you, if we have ever pleased you with our songs, if we have protected you with our blood, then please help us with this harvest, so that our people may continue to do in future!"

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  • Prayer: (Charisma+Preformance) Difficulty of (7 - the resource cost of any sacrifice (additional -1 to the difficulty if you're a Zenith, Midnight, No Moon, or priest of that specific deity)) in order to garner the god's attention... then depending on the request and the god, the result will happen, whether it's aid, blessing, or a social scene trying to convince the god to do what you want.
  • Claslat's borders? That patropolis was a vast distance away. That sort of lie was... unproductive, and thus puzzling.

    "Kur is uncountable leagues from here. I fear you are quite lost."

    She tried to make out the shape of Avatar, but it was impossible to be certain. The Starmetal raised a chakram to block out part of the light, though it did little good.

    "What is the purpose of this chamber? How long have you been here, before that explosion?"
  • "I assure you I know my location, I only fell maybe three-four hundred standard paces from a known tunnel, less then three score leagues away from the city. As for this chamber, given the heat/light source, and the large quantity of silica granules, it's rather obvious we are in some stage of a glass processing sub-organ. Now put your weapons away, if you are who you claim to be." Ava discussed things with the being who alleged herself to be another champion of Autochthonia. She was a bit worried... from what limited sight she had the other figure... most likely female, was holding either gyrochakrams or beam-gyrochakrams and she doubted her ability to parry even one of those with this crude spar... luckily it seemed this one possessed less ability then her to adapt her gear to deal with the blinding light of the furnace above them...
  • The Champions of Claslat were not known for their whimsy. Nor, fortunately, were they known for their martial prowess. Gleaming Marionette slid the foot-wide discs into their shoulder pouches and then turned back towards where the explosion had thrown her from, one hand trailing the perhaps-silicate wall (since stone was far too rare to have so much in one place). Her head tilted to listen to her surroundings, but they were far too quiet. Where was the sound of the Great Maker's breath? The sound of His metal bones creaking as he moved in his sleep? Multiform Diplomacy's explanation worked perfectly, but for the lack of a great furnace's roar...

    "I also fell here, from a great cathedral-chamber filled with gears the size of cities. I don't hear them anymore. Neither do I hear the furnace heart of a glass-processor. Or the girders shifting. Or steam venting."
  • "Maybe thic chamber is designed is some subtle way to occlude sound, since it already handles sight so well..." She sounded more like she was trying to convince herself more the Estasian, but what other explination could there be for the deafening silence?

  • +2 for nice stunting, feel free to roll at your own leisure.

    ...this might become a bit of an issue later on when everyone is together: If everything has to pause and wait for stunt evaluations. And no need to post the mechanics you're going for. If you're in doubt, then feel free to add it to an OOC tab - or just send me a PM

  • Can we make it standard operating procedure to post a link to the dice roll on the relevant post?
Yes - make rolls in a new post, idealy just make a lil "test" post, then roll on it - then edit it to write in what the roll results in.

And in this case, nothing really happens... despite Burning Lion's fervor

>protip: 2nd Performance Excellency is your friend for prayer rolls
  • I know, it's just that Lion isn't yet very good at it. And I'm thinking just right now that I should have probably channeled compassion.
Your choice - and following the XP rules we originally talked about on the WW forum, then Burning Lion gets 1 xp for the stunt.
  • "Not impossible." It would be hubris to think even the Champions knew all the workings of Autochthonia, yet for two individuals to fall from such distance places, together... It reeked of something new. Targeted as her purpose was, Marionette imagined Project Razor to be the mostly likely cause, but questioned her own objectivity. It was a rash and bold plan, to be sure, but transporting instantly throughout the Maker's body? It was difficult to imagine. And then there was the question on its targets, unless it was all an unintended side effect... perhaps Autochthon's body adjusting to dimensional travel the same way it adjusted to other stresses?

    "Not even blightzones are this silent." She reached a jagged edge to the wall... or perhaps it was a fallen support beam. "This material is unusual and feels very damaged. That explosion wasn't corrosive enough to create this surface, even if it shattered it. What was that rocket propulsion earlier? Did you see ... or feel something?"
  • "I did hear something, I assumed was your method of propulsion... I had not at that point improvised a defense to this inconvenience of excess light. The surface I'm standing on and was buried into by my velocity seems to be a loose assortment of silica granules... I have not come upon any more solid structure, but I guess someone could compress or form said granules into a building material using an oil product.
  • An oil product with silicate base? Her clay fingertips caressed the stone. Perhaps. "I came in direct contact with it, though I seem to have reached the end of a segment..." She reached out with her other hand, searching for another object. "If we could just find something to hide underneath... Or a side tunnel." She found the edge of another, small chunk of stone on the ground.

    The light was bright even through her eyelids, but the pain was significantly reduced. With time, her sensors could adapt, but Gleaming Marionette did not particularly wish to remain in this chamber, or whatever it was, for that long. For now, it seemed as if Avatar of Multiform Diplomacy superior sight. "I was with a small company. Though they may not have fallen... or survived the explosion." She tried to harden her heart against the possibility, but was not prepared to discount their lives yet.
Marionette comes across a larger stone - it appears sculpted. But keep in mind: Rocks do not naturally exist in Autochtonia. Crystal minerals yes, but not pure stone. Silicate crystals grow near the elemental of crystal like huge glass spikes - but in this format? Not really seen or felt before... (we'll assume that the stuff has been identified as silicate via taste)
  • Ava thought for a moment... there was a chance it was a trap of course, but if it wasn't then there were mortals of Autochthonia that could use her help in this forsaken sub-organ. She takes a step forward, hitting her foot on the ponre that came with her. She lifted it out of it's half buried state to make more noticeable... "I'll help you look for them... Can't leave them here in this glass furnace can we."

    She begins to scan the silica granule surface, looking for any colored blotches outside of the tone of this silica... She searches slowly and systematically, following a Fibonacci spiral, taking time to also feel the sand under her now bare feet, for the deformations in the general smoothness to indicate recent object impact to track off with
And that's not enough to overcome the -3 external penalty - sorry - nothing was detectable

Also, if you want a stunt bonus it helps to wait for me to give you one first - but that's your choice (the wait might not always be worth it)
I didn't know I had to wait for the stunt... In addition, I'm using more then just my visual senses.
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You dont have to wait for a stunt - but if you want me to rate the stunt and give you extra stunt dice for it, it helps...
  • I'll keep that in mind for the future... will that disqualify me for a teamwork bonus from Marionette or stunt bonus on that roll, since I wasn't aware of that ruling before I made that rule?

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