Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

well you've made the roll - so no reroll this time. Just keep it in mind if you dont wan to jump the gun next time. And yes, I need to ok teamwork bonuses as well.
  • True, but it's not like it be hard to roll an addition one, two, or three dice, and simply add that result to the result of the above multi-sense Perception Awareness check.
  • Yummy yummy silicate.

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  • Sorry about that. It might take me a little getting used to the tabletop/pbp hybrid. Added the dice on the last post.

  • @webkilla you realise you havent answered my question regarding my gear situation? I dont even know if i am wearing boxers right now:)

    Which granted isnt a big deal if you're an exalted-man-god-of-ownboating but if you're not entirely sure if you have a hangover or whatever suddenly becomes somewhat of a thing...

Ah - sorry about the gear thing

You have the gear and whatnot you were wearing upon transitioning into Creation - only things you might have 'lost' were things you weren't keeping on your person

and yay - someone has discovered.... rocks (and again, stone as we know it does not exist in Autochtonia - so... have fun with that)

Equally, sorry about the delay in response - my email's spam filter seems to eat a lot of the RPdom notifications because - well - I get a lot from this thread
  • Ava bumps her foot on a large mass of silica... she crouches down and feels around it... "It's a large chunk of silica... larger then a person... Maybe the silica is transported to the previous stage in this form from a recycling sub-organ, and occasionally chunks are not properly pulverized..." Ava sighs... this was taking to long and she might not be able to locate the group at all like this. She alters her veils making the last one perfectly dark. Focusing only on her ears she takes in the sound around her, listening for the rhythmic breathing of a mortal lung structure... the sounds she fell asleep to when she would pretend to be just a member of the populate.

  • +2 stunt (remember your 1 xp for that)

Indeed - and as you all may discovered: Not all of you post equally fast... I had honestly hoped that Ruby Eyes could have gotten a bit more action before the rest of you get too much going, so if its ok with the rest of you, why not wait untill Firefrenzy manages to post a few more times?
  • I'm more then fine to limiting Ava to RPing with Marionette until such time Firefrenzy is also rolling at a good pace.
  • "I apologize Mari... Unless you know of any item you or they carry which would aid us or ability to track them via thaumaturge or scent, I don't think I will be able to locate your allies nor dismiss the idea that they came here with you until such times that my eyes adjust to this confounding visual obfuscation that the furnace is putting out. I don't know what else can be done..." Her voice wavier a bit at the end, old doubts creeping into her mind... was she really deserving of the honor given her souls, or was it just a fluke.
  • The tremor in Avatar's voice only hardened Marionette's resolve. "The environment is not directly hostile. The luminescence is at worst an annoyance. We must merely maintain a proper search pattern." She considered cutting into the fractured support beams, but that could potentially undermine chamber stability.
  • "The light is blinding, I can't hear an echo, so this chamber must be massive, and the floor shifts beneath us constantly so I couldn't even tell if I'm following the proper search spiral or if we're on some conveyer toward the furnace. We can continue to wander around until we get ourselves lost from our starting location reference frame, or we can think of some way to over come the limitations of our senses in this environment..." Ava tried to sound confident but the whole situation reinforced the feeling that her souls were selected in error. Surely a really champion would know what to do in this situation.
  • The Starmetal shifted her weight from one foot to another, feeling the consistency of the granules beneath her. Her feet threatened to sink, prompting her to think the layer was quite deep, yet it did not seem to be moving on its own. The Militat's Choker of Ordained Decorum kept the silicate from infiltrating and weighing her down, but the Claslati may not be equipped with such a device. The silence (by all comparisons to Autochthonia) assaulted her ears almost as much as the light did her eyes. This was a strange place on too many fronts. "A conveyor would have its own sounds or vibrations. If this chamber is what you suspect, it is more likely a storage unit, as the silicate feels very deep."

    She ran her hands over the sculpture, trying to determine its shape and any possible functionality. "If this shrine proves unhelpful, I will try to make my way back towards the center of the explosion. It coincided with our arrival and is likely connected in some way."

  • Well the fresh air seemed to help his skull splitting headache at least a little. He had checked his pockets and he had some fairly interesting things in them. A pair of what appeared to be weapons, weapons that felt about as familiar as his own hands. When he picked them up he got the distinct impression that he had practiced with these things A LOT.

    So far the terrain didn’t seem overtly hostile, it appeared to be more of a house then a prison and he had seen more than a few positions he felt confident he could use for ambushes as required and he had also spotted a few exit strategies.

    Apparently there was some kind of disturbance, this felt like a positive development. He could use this to learn more about his hosts and possibly slip away should this entire situation go tits-up.

    But first things first it was time to gather some more Intel on his hosts. The man who was known as Ruby Eyes In Darkness took a look around for a place from where he could observe his “hosts”. He wasn’t sure why his first instincts were to evade and observe as opposed to walking up to them and interacting with people.

    He did feel a lot better now that he had found his weaponry. Maybe he was a soldier or man-at-arms of some kind? So many questions…

    And not a lot of answers… But maybe some covert observations could change that…



  • Ok - but that'll require you finding where the explosion came from... see, it knocked you out just after you came through - and you're still very much blinded...

    So, perception+awareness dif 1 to find the origin of the explosion (remember the -6 or -3 external penalty, depending on your choice of using head-wear or not)


  • Hmmm this doesn’t feel right… Ruby didn’t quite know why he felt such sympathy for the fruit vendor, he certainly didn’t remember the man. Maybe it was his accent, he was clearly not from around here for he sounded very different from the men on horseback. Although that didn’t mean much in and off itself maybe they were the strangers…

    But those details could wait and were in no way significant to the situation at hand. Ruby had so far figured out that he was some kind off armsman or soldier and fairly stealthy… He realized he had left an option off the list, he might be a thief of some sort.

    This scene however taught him another thing about the kind of man he was, he was a man of ACTION. Every fiber of his being told him that he needed to ACT, to HELP. And as such he stepped out of his hiding position, hands carefully nonchalant but close to his weapons incase this whole thing turned messy.

    “Excuse me Sirs? I believe the man said you owe him some money, and I should think he has a point.” Ruby said when he was in plain view but close enough to dodge for cover as required. “I suggest you pay your debt, for it wouldn’t do for surely your honor doesn’t permit making an issue of so small a thing?”


  • The riders give you one collective look, then laugh at you. The leader of the Gundai riders kicks the vendor over, freeing the other rider who quickly gets back in formation...

    He then rides over in front of you and inquires: "Well well - what do we have here? A rablerouser? Don't you care for the families we're trying to protect here? Or are you just another idiot from the merchant caravans?"

    He rubs his eyes for a moment and looks you over in detail: "Or what? You another hopeful come to town to join us, seeking adventure and a good fight?"

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  • Meanwhile in a Silica Storage Sub-Organ

    Ava sighed... "If this is a storage hopper, then it's probably gravity fed... your men could be buried somewhere under this silica, pulled under when a gravity hopper sucked it in... We need some way to either dampen this light source or compensate for it, and compensating limits light in take so much that I can not really see anyway, or some completely different sense to find your men with... Isn't there some piece of gear you have for locating a lost member of your squad?" Ava followed Mari by the sound of her foot steps and voice. She widened and lengthened the soles of her boots some to distribute her weight more evenly on the granules and have her feet sink in less.

    She raked her mind for some way to find these mortals. This part of the god-body seemed relatively inhospitable, completely unsuited to even be adapted into a habitable space unless the illumination output could be addressed. She couldn't think of a way to use any of her capacities to remedy the problems she and Mari were having here, and if they had to wait till their eyes adjusted to this condition, they could be here for shifts.
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  • Meanwhile, at Burning Lion's village

    After waiting a few seconds, only for nothing to happen at all, Lion sighed dejectly, and turned to go back to the village. Maybe there was still something for him to do there. He released another sigh as he walked. This was a bad omen. Bad times were coming for him and his people, and Lion could only hope he had what it took to pull through and protect everyone.

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