.::Mermaids of the Black Wave::. (RP)

"This is a course that the captain set so I have no control. But let them come. I'm not afraid to fight them... I've put my trust in mermaids before so I don't quite trust you but I'll cooperate with you. My name's Riley, well-met Lily... how exactly can you help us.. and why would you?"

Riley wasn't certain why he was putting any merit into her words, but he thought that maybe it was her clear and confident voice.
Lily let out a tinkling laugh "No one has explained?" she asked "Well, I don't know where it started but dark mermaids- you can tell by the tail shade, Love attacking ships, raiding them too, Light or good mermaids, we don't, We hate murder and stealing. We have leaders, I was born into my role and i don't know about Mariana but they hate us, i don't see why. We don't harm them, they call us Lolly Pop lovers, which is ironic. They do anything we hate, and we protect." she explained to him flicking her tail around

She didn't know that they were clueless she thought
Lily said:
Chase smiled and then saw Lily and groaned "She is too much trouble!"
Sabrina sighed, thinking the fun was over.

Jasper swam along side her, pretending like he needed support. "Where do you think Marina is?"

Marina rolled her eyes and plunged back into the murky depth, but not before leaving a hole in the bottom of the ship. But her tail got stuck in the net...
(I thought u wouldn't be on but my screen was playing up lol)

Chase smiled at Beanie, "I'll just swin closer too her ok?" he told her
Sabrina dove a little deeper and swan in his shadow for a bit before rising and swimming beside him. "So...how long have you been a bodyguard?"
"Ever since i was little, I was trained at four and would hang aroung and play with Lily, thats why she thinks of me as her brother" he said
"Oh. I wasn't trained for anything. My parents were dark, and they saw that I was too light if a color to be a dark mermaid. They thought I was a disgrace and curse to their gamily, so they abandoned me.
Chopping and slicing in the kitchen of Black Wave, Mute wanting to finish by the next ten minutes to feed his hungry crew members, which were working hard on this ship. However two things were done, the important meals one for the captain and other for the first mate. He made his wooding spoon hit on the pot to get one his crew member’s attention to deliver both meals. When one did came he point where each meal goes to. He start to point first dish, which was spiced beef, smash potato on the side with vegetables and bowl of soup. Than point at top floor, where it goes, member ask "This is for the Captain meal, right?" Mute nods and than point on the second dish with left arm. He use his right arm point on a 50* angle where the deck was. "That is for First Mate Riley, right?" guy answering. Mute nods again, than with his hands signaling that he should get going and went back on working on meal for the crew.
"Uh. does she have a palace or somethin'? Maybe she's near that ship back there." she motioned her thumb towards it. "Y'know, the one where I tried to distract them, but didn't work, et cetera et cetera," she swam alongside him some more before remarking, "Y'know, whenever you're ready, just swim on your own." By this point, she knew he was faking. Again, even if she just met him, by his nature, not only being a dark mermaid, but a bit of a loner one at that, he would've let go by now. She smirked and rolled her eyes.
Jasper let go. "Oh, sorry, I didn't realize how long I was holding on.." he blushed.

Marina saw Jasper with another mermaid and smiled. "Jas!"
"No, it's fine, if I didn't know you were faking, I wouldn't of hinted in the first place." she glared and looked up. "Is that Marina by any chance? The one that just called out Jas?"
Jasper blushed harder then looked up to see Marina. "Rina! Hey, I've got something for ya!" he said, swimming up to her. He hugged her and smiled.

"What is it?" she asked, smiling. "And where have you been? You really need to visit more often." she said with a smile.
Jasper held out the pearls. "BLack pearls. I know you love them. Sorry I don't visit a lot, but you know me, I travel." he replied to Marina.

Marina smiled. "Jas, these are beautiful! Thank you!" she said, looking them over. She then looked at Aura. "Oh, hi. I'm Marina. And you are...?"
"My name is Aura, nice to meet you." she bowed slightly and smiled. She looked at the pearls. They really were beautiful. Of course Jasper gave them to Marina as a gift. He must care about her a lot.
Marina nodded. "Good to meet ya. Hey Jas, how did that one plan go to rob the pirate ship?" she asked.

Jasper shrugged. "Well, you know. It worked, but there was nothing to do with the gold. I guess the boys must have brought it all to their girls back home."
Aura just stayed still. "Well, I'd better be off, my job was not to listen to lollipop lovers, my job is done." she swam down into the lurky depths of the water, where barracuda are said to be attacking, but she didn't care. She realised that Marina and Jasper were together, she repected that, but how could she have been so stupid?
In 7 minutes Mute was finish cooking the meal and had 3 minutes to spare for himself. He starts making tea and getting the bread out to enjoy the 3 minutes he has left. However when he was about to cut the bread a little brown colour mouse was sitting about 7 meters way from him, staring at him. Mute cut small piece of bread, than bend downs and looks at the little fella. He drops the small piece 3 meters away from him. Mouse goes towards the piece of bread and starts eating it. Mute little bit shock about the mouse coming that close "Well I be, you little fella are a brave one, eh?" Quietly to himself. Than gets up to wanting to eat the bread, but one thing that he notice is that there was a human fat fist size eating his bread. Also that fact that it was the last bread that he had which made him mad. So mad that he pull his pistol out and fire at it destroying both dish and the rat. When the gunpowder was clean the dish was totally destroy but the rat was gone, in just two seconds the rat was out near door and Mute running out with his pistol to go after that rat. Firing, reloading, and screaming in the hallway to go after that rat, pretty much everyone heard him in the ship.
Out of the corner of her eye Marella watched Riley converse with the mermaids. She couldn't hear what they were saying but she noticed how he struggled with his decision. He always got this look on his face when he was really having to focus and think about something. With a sigh she set down the mop and made her way over to him. As she swept by a group of particularly crude sailors one called out "You're just the tasty wench I've been keeping me out for, I'm surprised a pirate hasn't swept you up with that booty," they all snickered as they sidled closer to Marella. The one who spoke leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Why don't you come help me with something in the rum room," while he eyed her like a savage. She stepped back fire blazing her eyes, "You kiss your mother with that mouth?" she hissed before slapping him 'cross the face. The shocked look on his face was priceless and she quickly made her escape to Riley. Leaning against the side of the ship she asked, "What did the fish want?" she asked calling the mermaids fish.
TheCreativeUsername said:
Aura just stayed still. "Well, I'd better be off, my job was not to listen to lollipop lovers, my job is done." she swam down into the lurky depths of the water, where barracuda are said to be attacking, but she didn't care. She realised that Marina and Jasper were together, she repected that, but how could she have been so stupid?
Jasper frowned. "Marina, what do you think is wrong with her?" he asked, dissapointed she left.

Marina shrugged. "I don't know, but you can't just let her go. I saw the way you were looking at her before I came..." she joked.

Jasper blushed. "What? No, I....um..."

"Jasper, you're my brother. I want the best for you. Now go and get her." she said, crossing her arms.
Aura ignored Jasper for the first time since she'd met him. Even if that was a couple minutes ago. She looked up from her crying and a barracuda lunged. She screamed at ear-piercing scream, yelling out the name of her only friend. "JASPER HELP!!!" she dodged and barracuda lunged again.

((I am sooo sorry I haven't been on! I started school this Monday!!))

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