.::Mermaids of the Black Wave::. (RP)

"What? You? I would think your little stick routine would get you many friends..." hr joked before adding, "But I'm your friend now. And I agree with what you're saying. Ugh, those goody-goodies!"
Aura glared down at the Goodies... "See there they go, to swim with the bloody dolphins!!" she turned around and sees a shark. It lunges at her. "HOLY CRAP!" she swims rapidly behind Jasper and grabs his shoulders...

Aura felt safe with him...

((OOC: Gotta go dinner...))

((OOC: I is backs :3))
Marella made her rounds about the ship. When she was not entertaining it was her job to help clean the large room in which the sailors slept. They tended to leave it a heaping mess which was okay considering they did work so hard. Yes these men were rough but she respected them and she made sure that they respected her. Marella was not afraid to pull out her pistol if even of them got to touchy during her evening performances. As she walked about folding the clean and tossing the dirty her cat Silk wove between her feet.
Jasper was surprised at the shark at first but then his eyes narrowed and he used his tail to hit the shark's nose as hard as he could. It made the shark's nise bleed. The shark looked at him with fiery eyes. It shot forward and bit his tail. Jasper yelped in pain but pulled his tail from the shark's mouth.
Aura covered her mouth. "JASPER!!" she got on the sharks back and rode on it. "Don't you DARE harm my friend..." she pulled it back. and hopped off, it quickly swam away, a trail of blood billowing from his nose. She swam down to Jasper's tail... "Don't worry, it's just a small bite it'll heal pretty quickly, but this you want to be sure..." she searched the reef for seaweed, that she could possibly use as a tornequet. She found some and swam down and up in the blink of an eye. She carefully wrapped the seaweed around his tail, blushing as she did, "Now this might make you go slower and it might restrict movement, but it wil help it heal, also it might burn because of the salt water, but the seaweed will do it's job." she nodded reassuringly.
Riley yawned staring forward at the great expanse of ocean in front of them. Since he was a child he had always loved the sea even though on his first trip on the ocean his ship had been attacked and ransacked by mermaids. That came with the job though.

Gavin stood beside him, they had befriended each other early in the voyage of the ship and because of the confined quarters they saw a lot of each other.

"The sea's too quiet." Riley murmured, "They always say that there's a calm before a storm."

"I wouldn't worry about it too much. We can handle any weather. It's mermaids that I'm worried about." Gavin answered casting his eyes out to sea.

"Do you want to check to see how Marella and the entertainers are doing for cleaning and help out if they're behind? The other option is to be up in the crow's nest for a couple of hours on lookout or to swab the deck. Friends don't get special treatment." Riley murmured softly to indicate that he was not trying to be a jerk but it was his job to make sure that nobody stood around and did nothing while the captain was in his quarters.

"Alright." Gavin muttered grimly as if he was sentenced to his death and he crossed the deck and moved towards the sleeping quarters.

"Euck. What a mess..." he grimaced glancing into the quarters, he swore that when he left they weren't so messy, "Do you need any help in here?" he asked Marella.
Aura looked above them and saw a ship. "I'll be right back Jasper, I have business to attend to..." she swam to the top, smirked and tried to lure the sailors. "Hey there sailor boys, how are you?" she lied on a rock near the ship.

(([MENTION=2146]Aura[/MENTION], Do you know if Kolor will be on today??))

Gotta go!!
Lily saw a ship and a dark mermaid near it and glaced at the guards and swam towards it, but on the otherside she knocked on the window and waited for a response, she hoped she could warn them
Aura smirked, and dived back under. She swam to the goodie. "Why isn't it the goodie gone to prove they're better than us?" she glared. She swam back down to Jasper, who probably didn't notice she was gone. "Lily stopped me, those damn lollipop lovers..."
Marella was now starting to mop the floors. There was not much of a need to sweep considering the sailors weren’t tracking anything dry into the quarters so she hardily ever bothered with the broom. Silk had by now found a cozy place in the rafters, where she could watch her Mistress without much worry of being in the way or getting wet. The bucket containing the sudsy water was strapped to one of the weight bearing columns that held the ship together and it helped prevent too much water from splashing about.

Marella resisted the urge to squeal when a large rat scurried out from under chest of drawers. If she were on land her pistol would already be out and the little urchin would be dead. But she was not about to shoot a hole in the ground. “Silk that is why I brought you, make your self useful,” she hissed at her cat as she gathered her composure.

At the sound of Gavin’s voice Marella turned cocking her head. “Oh, Is one of the all important sailors talking to me? Why I can’t believe it, a maid is being blessed with the opportunity to with a sailor,” she teased. “And you can help me by sitting in one of those hammocks and getting your feet off of my nice mopped floor,” she added flourishing her hand about the room. Marella than straightened her bandana that kept her ebony locks out of her face, “Oh mighty sailor what can I do for you?” she asked putting extra emphasis on her little nickname.

Jasper thanked her for the cast and helping with the shark, then nodded when she told him she would be back. He waited for her and when she came back, he smiled, not really sure why.

Sabrina smiled. "Let's go!" she said and grabbed his hand, leading him toward the pod of dolphins.
Gavin rolled his eyes after hearing Marella's words, "I'll never understand women... I ask to help and you would swear that I ruined your life." he paused lingering in the room trying to figure out what he wanted to do. The crow's nest was incredibly boring and staring at the expanse of vast empty sea for hours could really mess with your mind but swabbing the deck was more unpleasant.

"Do you want to go on deck? Riley will assume that I relieved you and he won't bother you and cleaning this place might not be as bad as cleaning the deck. Then again... I could be wrong about that and wouldn't that be fun for you?" Gavin offered extending his hand forward to take the mop.


Riley regarded the arriving mermaids coldly. He didn't trust any of them as far as he could throw them. Though he had never admitted it the first vessel he was on had been robbed because he and another member of the crew (he had been promoted to first mate because he helped put down the attack before the ship was sunk) had let dark mermaid flirt with them. He cast his eyes to the water seeing one of them, they were so beautiful and yet he knew that this one could just be trying to invoke chaos.

"Get out of here, I'm not going to play your games." he grumbled at one (Aura or Lily or whoever) and then he barked an order to a curious crew member that sent him up into the crow's nest.
“You’re not supposed to understand us,that is why we are called women. We bring woe to men,” Marella teased in a sing song voice. She listened and considered his offer; she was almost done mopping but after that she would have to do laundry. She tended to do that on the deck in the sun and with the smell of the ocean.

“I assume Riley gave you a list of chores to pick from, we can barter if you like. I need to do the laundry and you need to swab the deck. If it suits your fancy we can swap chores. Riley shouldn’t care as long as it is done and finished,” Marella as she placed the mop back in the bucket. She then grabbed the basket of laundry and turned to face him, one hip cocked to hold the basket.
Aura blushed when he smiled. Not really sure why, "If the seaweed is too rescricting, you can grab on to me and I'll help you swim," she didn't know why she put that out there as a favour, but it made her smile again. "But if you don't want to it's fine," she looked around. She muttered a quiet "Damn that goodie..." she began to swim slowly, making sure she didn't leave Jasper behind. In all reality, she just wanted to be next to him, for unknown reasons.
Jasper swam just fine, but took her offer anyway, not sutre why.

Marina saw a ship, the black pearl, and swam up to the surface. She looked up and saw Riely. She waved up at him. "Yoo hoo! Riely! Remember me?" she said with a cute smle. She was the one who had flirted with him before when the ship was robbed.
Lily frowned when they didn't answer and yelled "Exuse me! someone trying to help you here!" and one of her guards swam up to her and groaned "Princess!"
Aura blushed. She started to swim slowly, helping him swim. She looked at his tail, he didn't look like he was having any trouble, but it could just be because he was getting used to the 'cast'. "Just let go whenever you're ready," she said nervously. She was glad they met, even if it did start with her threatening him with a stick.
Aura blushed and bit her lip again. He still didn't let go, but he seems used to it. What can you do? she thought to herself. At any rate, Aura's guess is that he would've let go by now if it was someone else. She smirked.
"Riley doesn't care as long as the captain is happy... and that we don't speak to mermaids. He had a bad experience so he thinks that they're all trouble. I can't lie... I can see where he's coming from." Gavin murmured as he followed her out of the quarters. He had seen Marella doing her laundry on the deck so he was planning to do the same.

Riley swore under his breath when he recognized the mermaid before him. He frowned and immediately shouted at her, "Get out of here or I'll have you harpooned!" he scowled just as Marella and Gavin were emerging from the sleeping quarters to mop the deck. He paid no mind to her however as he was immersed in yelling at the mermaid.

"She's sort of cute." Gavin murmured sidling up beside his friend now holding the laundry in front of him.

"She's nasty, a trouble-maker..." Riley answered and motioned to the laundry. "What are you a woman?"

"Better than swabbing the deck." Gavin shrugged.
Lily swan closer to then and said "Exuse me, i need to tell you somthing" she said in her calm, soft voice, he body guard was right behind her watching her closely "I need to warn them" she said to the guard
Marella gave Gavin the rest of her laundry and made her way out of the sleeping quarters and into the sun. Before she could make it up the stairs Silk leaped from his place on the beams and landed on her bare mocha colored shoulder. Marella let out a soft grunt and adjusted her corset as the sun crashed down upon her. The cat then jumped from her shoulder going off on its own business about the ship.

The sound of Riley bellowing was almost louder than the waves. He could really make his voice carry when he wanted it to. Personally she thought it had something to do with his confidence. Her father used to say that if a Sailor was Tough, Crazy and Confident he could be a first mate but if he was also smart he could be Captain. Marella believed that and she saw all of those qualities in Riley and sometimes in Gavin.

The girl grasped a mop and set about swabbing the deck. She pushed the mop forcefully in front of her and drew it back with just as much strength. Marella put her whole body into the work and it never failed to gain the sailors attention. However if they ever got to touchy she let them know.
Riley's attention was turned away from Marina by a soft voice that he barely heard. His blue eyes darted over to where he found another mermaid who was saying that she needed to tell him something. He frowned slightly as he didn't like the sounds of that before he asked, "What is it?"

He was a little hesitant to listen to anything a mermaid had to say, but he seemed to reach the conclusion that these two mermaids were not associated with each other and therefore he might be able to assume that this second one was one of those rare good mermaids.
Lily smiled, he finally responded "I am Lily" she introduced "I need to warn you" she started, thinking he knew about the good and bad group "The mermaids here, like Mariana, arn't all good, I am but they are going to plan an attack" she said "And I can only help you somewhat" she said in her calm and clear voice, it was full of Authority.

She hoped he would take her warning and relize that this was bad water to sail

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