.::Mermaids of the Black Wave::. (RP)

"Yeah, heh heh," Aura bit her lip nervously. She face palmed herself mentally. Why did I say that?, I'm so embarrassed. she thought to herself. "So, uh... anyway, how's.. life?" Aura said with an unnecessary upward inflection.
"I'm fine..." she said softly, looking into his eyes. She felt his arms still around her and blushed, letting out a little giggle.

"Erm...it's....nice. You?" he replied lamely. He killed himself in his mind for being so lame.
"Yeah, I guess it's ok too...?" she searched the sea bed. She just blinked. She saw a fish trapped in a net piece, not a net, just a bit broken off. "Poor little guy!" she swam down rapidly and helped it out of the net. "Stupid nets... so entangled..." she forgot she wasn't alone, she was with. Wait, what was his name. She didn't even know yet. "This is great, I pretty much called a guy hot and I don't even know his name..." she muttered to herself.
He looked her in the eye and said "Good"

Lily floated around she and one of her guards swam by Aura without noticing it and the guard had a loly pop "Eww michael, how can you eat those things?" she said

"Princess Lolly pops are awesome!" he replied
Jasper swam down to see if he could help. "I hate nets." he growled.

Sabrina smiled, his arms were still wrapped around her. She wondered if it was on purpose or mistake.
Aura returned her attention back to the net. "Me too, I mean I know I'm supposed to be dark and all, but I still care about the creatures of the sea..." she trailed off when her hand touched his. She blushed and quickly took it off. "By the way, I'm not sure if I properly introduced myself, my name is Aura."
Jasper blushed when their hands touched. He was a little sad when she pulled it away, but tried not to show it. "Cool name. I'm Jasper." he said with another one of his "famous" smirks.
"I like the name Jasper... it's kinda mysterious sounding." We untangled the net... together, set the fish free... together, we swam off in sync... together. "Apparently I was supposed to be able to see peoples auras. That's how I got my name. My mother was so disappointed when I couldn't, I could see some peoples." she looked at him for the first time since their earlier confrontation with the stick. Aura saw his aura. It was blazing red and gold. It means leaderly and brave. She almost swooned.
"Really? What color is it? What does it mean?" he asked exitedly.

Sabrina felt a slight current from a pod of dolphins and wrapped her tail around his for balance, not realizing until the current was over. She blushed. "Sorry....' she said and bit her lower lip with a cute smile.
"Uh, red and gold; blazing, and it means Leaderly and brave," she giggled slightly, she didn't want Jasper to hear it though, it was to late now. She bit her lip again, this time so hard it bled. "Ow..." a small billow of red went into the water.

((OOC: If you go looking it up, I know it's probably not the actual meaning, I'm just making it up... xp))
Jasper smiled at the meaning and blushed when she giggled. When he saw her blood, he was worried. But why? "Are you okay?" he asked sweetly.
Jasper knitted his brows worriedly and bit his lowr lip too, so hard it bled just like hers. He tried to cover it up, but a little stream floated with the water's current.
Aura smiled slightly. She ran her finger along his lip lightly and wiped up the blood. "Don't make yourself bleed too..." she shook her head.
Aura's heart raced. Why was she enjoying it so much? She laughed. "Anyway, we've got pearls to deliver..." she looked down again, blushing crimson.
"Ya..." Jasper replied before grabbing her hand and pulling her gently along for a moment before letting go. He slowed down for her, trying not to make it too obviouse he wanted to be around her.
Sabrina didn't move her tail, she just looked into his eyes. She then snapped out of her star-gazing moment. "Hey, you wanna swim with he dolphins?" she asked exitedly.
Aura smiled when JAsper grabbed her hand, she was kinda upset when he let go though. She let it pass though. She sped up a bit, so he wouldn't have to slow down. "I hate the good ones... That's why I say I'll protect all the creatures of the sea, because that's what we are to them, we're the creatures and they are the perfect little normal ones... It's sunshine and rainbows to them, it's night and rain to us! They think they're so much better than us. It's starting to get on my nerves. Those Little Lollipop Lovers!!!" she clenched her fist. "I'm sorry I just burst out, it's just that I've never really had any other friends..."

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