.::Mermaids of the Black Wave::. (RP)

Jasper grabbed the barracuda by the neck and held on. He ignored it for a moment and looked up to Aura. "Why are you leaving? If you leave, I'll never see you again, and I want to see you because I-" he was cut off when the barracuda bit him.
"Jasper!" she grabbed the barracuda off him and flicked him in the nose, "Jasper, I understand your relationship with Marina!! It might be awkward to say, but I -" she was cut off by the barracuda flicking her back, sending her down to the bottom of the reef, unconscious.
Jasper growled and struck the barracuda, sending it flying backwards. He swam down and picked up Aura in his arms. "Oh, Aura...I know you can't hear me, but...I think I love you.." he said softly as he swam with her back up to Marina.

"What in the world happened?!" Marina asked, eyes wide as she saw him swim up with an unconscious Aura.
Aura, although in her unconscious, heard Jasper. It made her feel so happy. She wished she could smile. She was slowly regaining consciousness by the sound of it. But very slowly.
Jaser sighed. "Barracuda attack. Do not ask for the details, sis." he replied to Marina.

Marina sighed."Okay, I won't. Are you hurt? Is she? Flesh wound, I mean..." she said.
Aura's fingers twitched. It hurt for any type of movement to pass through her body. The salt water penetrating her back wound where the barracuda had slapped her.
Marina looked them up and down. "Jasper can you bring me at least ten strings of seaweed.

"Ya." he nodded, handing Auta to Marina. He went and got the seaweed and handed it to her.

Marina wrapped his barracuda bite up and then place some over the red mark on Aura's back where the fish slapped her. It blocked too much salt salt from getting in and stopped pain.
Jasper turned to her and swam to her side, scooping her up in his arms as Marina wrapped up her would a little better. "Yes, Aura?" he asked, brushing the hair from her face.
"So, that is you?" Aura's eyes flicked open. Her vision was still kind of blurry. She hugged him, slowly as movement hurt her. "I think I... like... you." she said. her head in his stomach.
Jasper blushed. "I was about to say the same about you..." he said just as softly, hugging her gently.

Marina smiled and swam a little ways away to let them have their time together.
"But, what about Marina?" she said weakly, on the verge of passing out again. She was holding onto consciousness by sheer force of will, she didn't want to ruin this moment. "What are you going to do about her?"
"I know you and her are really close and all, don't wanna come between what you two have, sooooo." she smiled, her strength coming and going.

((~*KolorKistune*~, Reply. xD Pleeeeease.))

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