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Fantasy Mercenaries of Deretor (RP Thread)

William had his Dagger drawn he stood ready to make a move, That readiness however vanished as he was swiped aside like chaff in the wind. The Golem had not taken a fancy to William's sword in it's back and had responded with it's tree trunk of an arm. William flew through the air relatively helpless, he landed in a small bush which unfortunately had plenty of sharp edges for him to stick himself on the landing was not pleasant either it was abrupt and sudden he could already tell it would be the cause of a new bruise on his back. William lay in the bush he did not feel like moving and his mind had one thought. Am I cut out for this?

William hated to admit it but he had never been a very good mercenary he was not renowned for great skill or captures that he had made he just usually only made enough to scrape by. And only barely at that. He also was not a good blacksmith despite his Father's expert instruction. These thoughts ate at William, he felt like maybe all he was really good for was taking really bad beatings. Which is all he had done since he joined here. All these thoughts besieged William's mind as he lay in that bush, He always wanted to be strong he wanted to be a good fighter he wanted to be a good blacksmith too. But one thing for sure he wanted to be good at something and mercenary was what always called to him there had to be a reason right? He thought of all his past bounties he could only cringe as most of them were failures it seemed, but now he was a member of a guild The Phoenixes.

Now the Ascended Phoenixes were good they got stuff done and he had never been happier to be a part of something. But even with this thought William felt like giving up, how could he fight something like that? He finally looked up and saw the great Golem it was just as terrifying as every other time he had looked at it. Then he saw the other Golem beating upon Cruze, and realized Durzol was still inside the one he had planted his weapon in.

It was then in that moment that William realized what he had been doing wrong... He had been thinking of all bad things everything that would tell him he could not. It was just the kind of thoughts that Pirel would thrive on the thoughts he would want us to have. Also this was not about himself this was about the guild this was for a greater cause this was for the safety of others and his teammates. William stood up he realized that pain was to be a part of this process. If the suffering of a few can stop the suffering of many then I will suffer. William latched upon that thought and said it over and over again in his mind he thought of his father who had died his mother who he loved so dearly of those he had helped and those who would even yet need the help of the Phoenixes. William clenched his fist now that was a cause worth fighting for. "If my suffering will stop the suffering of others then I will suffer." William had only barely muttered those words so he could hear himself say them but it was enough. He could feel purpose light up inside him like a torch with to much pitch it burst upon him and he felt renewed vigor and power. William looked straight at the Golem and taking a deep breath yelled with all his might "SUFFER WITH ME!"

William ran straight at the creature he spotted a sword on the ground and scooped it up along his sprint he grabbed the hilt of the weapon got a good grip and threw it like a simple throwing knife straight at the center of the creature. William took the few more steps to close the gap between himself and the creature and leaped while pulling out his dagger. He inserted the blade firmly into the creature and pulled himself up putting his foot on the hilt of his weapon. He then jumped and went straight for his blade he grabbed the handle and used his weight to pull it out. There was a satisfying noise as it scraped it's way put and William fell to the ground did a quick roll and got to his feet as quick as he could to see it's reaction.


William has recovered his weapon but lost his dagger

Threw a sword at the Golem

William has a renewed sense of purpose
Axel gasped for breath as he watch Durzol climb into the golem, he reached over and grabbed his hammer and rested his weight on it he watched as the sceene unfolded before and felt useless in this fight as it began to move forward. But a fire was growing inside him and he charged at the defender golem to try and get his attention so that durzol could finish him off.


Axel charges golem

Axels shoulder wound grows worse
< @Daimao @ChristinaXIV @Fezzes @Calibutcher @LeSoraAmari @Whisker @Witchy @Yonsisac @bourgeoisiemustache @Kirito Kei >

The Ascended Phoenixes, victorious, returned to Phoenix Rest. Nyvrell took Lin to the lodge, planning on laying him down to sleep after giving him some more healing medicine. Curze had come with them, and now kneeled in front of Kyou and the others.

"My life is in your hands once again. I would be honored if I could become the captain of your guard. I have a few contacts from my days as a Legionnaire... but then, if you decide to kill me... I would understand."

Christina made it home, but only barely, she was certain she had a cracked rib, her shoulder was dislocated, and she'd have a few fractures running up her leg. Overall, she mad it back, standing but shaking like a snapped twig in the wind.


-Christina is beaten up but not dead.

William returned to Phoenix rest with the assistance of Tallahu. It seemed to William that everything hurt but amidst his pain was satisfaction he could stand to hurt now for the safety of others. He had a reason to fight now he felt and even a reason to go through such agony from time to time. He was mostly relieved to see what he now called home Phoenix Rest in all it's glory was a beautiful place. William decided to sit down under a nearby tree for a moment before going the rest of the way to the lodge his many wounds called for attention so he adjusted bandages and patches and focused on pain management for a moment. After he got all that sorted he went on to the lodge he made it in time to hear Curze make his offer. William glanced up at Lord Kyou he hoped he would let the man live even though he had been the cause of a good deal of trouble. William hoped it wasn't to much for him to add in but he did anyway.

"I will attest to his good nature and honest intent! let the man live if it suits you." William gave a slight bow as a sign of his sincerity.
Aias returned to Phoenix Rest battered but unbeaten. He went to his room without a word to the others so that he could maintain his gear and clean the blood off of his blades.
The return to Phoenix Rest was nothing short of torturous. Everything hurt to blazes and Aedan was still pissed at himself that he had blacked out shortly after he had been thrown and missed out on the chance to defeat the enemy. It was so unnatural that it felt like weakness; they were victorious, but he tasted the bitterness of defeat. Bleeding from half a dozen wounds, he went immediately to his usual space and sullenly began to work at them with the balm he had been given. The pervasive air of gloom hung over everything from those that were there, and nothing seemed to even hint that they had won anything. It also didn't help that he was once more going to be deprived of his sword while the wounds on his shoulders began to heal. Yes, this was going to be a miserable week, indeed, as far as Aedan was concerned.
'Well... that could've gone better...'

Kyou let out deep breathes as he traveled back to Phoenix Rest. He had sustained some injuries, but none that was as nearly as bad as what the others had. All he wanted to do was lay down get some sleep. However, his day was yet to be finished. He was slightly surprised when Curze suddenly kneeled. Kyou didn't even know he was with them!

"My life is in your hands once again. I would be honored if I could become the captain of your guard. I have a few contacts from my days as a Legionnaire... but then, if you decide to kill me... I would understand."

Kyou's tired face instantly turned to one of rage. This man, the same man that his comrades had faugh and was nearly killed by, was trying to join him!? He whipped out his sword and prepared to swing for Curze's neck.
"Time to die..."

Was Curze really that bad though? Even though he led a guild that raped, killed, and stole, he was still forced to fight against his will.
'How ironic.' Kyou thought 'The slave driver became the slave...'. Deep down inside, Kyou felt sorry for him.

Right before his blade met with the flesh of the large man's neck, he stopped it. While taking a deep breath and recomposing himself, he sheathed his blade. He began to walk away.

"You will only be allowed to work with this group until Pirel is handled. After he's dead; for good, you're out. Understand?" Then, he stopped in his tracks. "Oh, and one more thing Curze. If you hurt anyone in this group, or try to impede our progress in any way, I will personally castrate you and leave you to bleed out."

Kyou then continued his stroll. He really wanted some sleep, and something to eat...

@The Mythic Dragon
< @Kirito Kei >

"Of course. I would expect no less." Curze says as he rises from kneeling. "Thank you for this final chance." He then turns and walks away, stopping to watch the road for any kind of pursuit or unfriendly activity.

As Kyou walked out towards the lodge, Vala came to walk beside him. She stayed silent until they reached the door, and then pulled him into a hug. "Thank the gods. I was so worried. Something bad happened, but that was all I knew... I could feel it." Her voice was cracking as she fought to hold back tears.

< @Daimao @Fezzes @Calibutcher @LeSoraAmari @Whisker @Witchy @Yonsisac @bourgeoisiemustache @ChristinaXIV >

[Downtime! I didn't get very much to react to this time]
Kyou simply smiled as he accepted the hug from Vala. "Don't worry, everyone made it back fine, if a little injured. They will all live to fight another day."

While it was true that lots of bad things did happen during that battle, a lot of good things happened as well. For example, Kyou managed to temporarily recruit Curze, who was no slouch when it came to combat. If the battle back at the Cave was anything to go off of, Curze was capable of taking on at least ten opponents at the same time, which that in-of-itself was no small feat. He also said he had connections. Yes, today's fight wasn't a total loss.

After a few seconds, Kyou lightly patted Vala's head.
"Yeah, we all survived, and that's all that matters. Now, what have you been up too?" Said Kyou, trying to lighten up the mood. "Other than worry about me, that is..."

@The Mythic Dragon

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