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Realistic or Modern Meet & Greet Dinner for Strangers!

Meet & Greet Dinner for Strangers

It's an average Friday night at "Big Jeff's All American Family Restaurant", a run of the mill locally owned restaurant with little taste in the food and even less in the atmosphere. A single artificial pot plant sits by the front door, an unassuming host for the night's festivities. The walls are lined with odd mismatches of outdated icons from differing decades; a pulp-fiction memorabilia and a poster of Che Guevara's face to name a few of the culture-clashing atrocities. On this Friday night, a group of eight lonely individuals plan to meet. An occasion to meet new people, form new friendships, and say goodbye to a routine of self pity and late night sitcoms with Mac 'n' Cheese.


Robert Garran walked into the restaurant with a proud swagger, his ex-wife would get one hell of a surprise out of this. He was so sick of people treating him like a dried up old coot, a man passed his use-by-date. Robert was going to prove every last one of them wrong. Change had always been hard for Garran to deal with. He cried when he was told he could no longer breast feed. He'd gotten his nose punched in expecting a negro to give him the front seat of the bus. He couldn't understand how to fit a DVD into his VCR player. His ex-wife had hated this about Garran, insisting he was 'stiff' and 'incapable of adapting'. She'd suggested they fly to Italy for three weeks and enjoy the holiday one day at a time. He asked if he could have a few months to plan it first.

Changes at work had meant Garran's office was changing from paper to digital administration. He'd become the receiver of yet another round of jokes at the office when he'd asked: "Does this mean I'll have to learn how to use the Google?". Sick to death of the constant lack of respect for him, 68 year old Garran decided to learn about computers the most direct way, jumping right in. Soon enough he'd found himself on social networking, and accepting a dinner invitation to meet strangers. "Who says I can't adapt?" he said to himself proudly, as he sat down at Table 3, twenty minutes early.
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6:42 PM

Hurrying through the streets with a heavy bag around your shoulders isn't easy. The strap of the bag dug deep into his flesh, even though Kane Ferran was wearing a heavy black hoodie. A few fine droplets of sweat dripped down his forehead, which he quickly wiped away with a tense expression on his face. Kane's eyes quickly scanned the street and his eye fell onto a big restaurant. The windows were a bit dark, but he could see that it wasn't totally full.

Quickly deciding that that restaurant would be his best option, Kane crossed the street carefully and took a deep breath before entering. It was a nice, but not really special place. He could see a couple of families and one elderly man sitting alone at a big table. Squinting at the sign on the table, it said that that table was reserved for... people who would like to eat and sit with strangers? Why would anyone want that? Shrugging, he walked over to the table and hovered awkwardly by the table side. The 'meeting' would not begin until sometime later, and Kane hoped that he wouldn't snatch anyone's place away. Was this meeting planned by several people, or not? Would he have to leave if someone noticed that he definitely didn't belong here?

"Ehm... Hi. I'm just going to- to sit here, if that's alright." Before embarassing himself anymore, 23 year old Kane sat down across the man and put his heavy bag on the ground between his knees. He went with a hand over his short, curly hair and he smiled uncertainly at the other man. Calm down, he told himself.

((Note: Kane is Egyptian, and looks like Rami Malek.))
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6:56 PM

12 year old Cali was having an argument with herself. What am I doing here? Jonah said I should come, but why? Wouldn't I be more help watching after the children? She lived on the streets with her little sisters, Jonah and his siblings, and a few other kids. It all started when her mother died, and their stepfather got drunk and started beating them, giving Cali a black eye and broken arm when she tried to stop him. Only she and Hannah are old enough to remember, but it affected them all. Cali was ten at the time, and when she ran away with her sisters Hannah and Riley, the police caught them and put them in an orphanage. The small family grew from there, adding Jamie, Layla, and Gabrielle. Jamie had been given up for adoption because her family couldn’t deal with her schizophrenic outbursts, Layla was found wandering the streets with no biographical memory, and Gabrielle’s parents simply died. A month later, everything fell apart. Jamie, then five, was sent to a mental institution because of her schizophrenia. As a result, Gabrielle had a mental breakdown- Jamie was the only person that could keep her crippling anxiety at bay. All the while, Hannah was continually getting in trouble at school, Layla and her medical needs were being neglected, and the headmistress at the orphanage was abusing them all. After a year of this, Riley was diagnosed with heart cancer and Cali took them on the streets again. They joined up with fourteen year old Jonah and his siblings, nine year old Ernest and Abby. They became a family, with Cali and Jonah taking care of the younger children. After finding Jamie and withdrawing her from the hospital, they moved to a new state, and a few months later, Cali was told by Jonah to go to the Meet and Greet. She stepped thorough the door and quickly sought out Table 3. Ugh, so far only men were at the table, and they were all older than her. Why not someone her own age? She sighed before taking a seat across the table from them, glaring intensley at her surroundings.

((If you want a guide to her brothers and sisters, you can view it here: Untitled document
6:59 PM

The door to the restaurant opened and in waddled Cynthia Ward, a middle aged woman of short stature and quite a round figure. Her hair was a sandy brown, curled lightly. She wore a red turtleneck with black slacks, some gaudy costume jewelry, a hefty layer of makeup, and way too much perfume; a true southern belle that hadn't aged all that gracefully. A light, yet distinct, air of menthol cigarettes surrounded her.

Cynthia had heard about this meet and greet from a flyer that was posted at the local Panera. Cynthia thought it was a great opportunity to either meet a man or meet some poor souls that hadn't found Christ yet; either would be a success in her eyes. Boy, would it look great if she could bring someone back to the Bible study group next Wednesday; all the other women would be so proud of her.

As she peered around the room with a big grin on her face she noticed the table that had been reserved for the group. An older gentleman, a younger man, and an even younger girl sat at the table. 'Oh my,' she thought, 'this certainly is an... interesting group.' She maintained her plastered-on smile and made her way to the table, not sure what to expect yet still determined to make the most of the night.
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Finally! Someone of the same gender, if not the same age! Cali gave the woman a small smile, moving her tattered bag to make room on the seat next to her. In a small voice, she said, "You can sit here, if you want." Cali took a deep breath. That was the most shed said to a stranger in at least two months. Hannah and Ernest went together to shop, and Jonah handled any interactions with the police. People thought Cali was cold and unfeeling, but really she just didn't know how to interact with them. She continued staring straight ahead, at a menu. She thought this was the best way not to embarrass herself, but her cheeks were already crimson red. She turned back to the woman. May as well just jump in. "I-I like your n-neck-necklace." she stuttered out, play with her watch, eyes cast down.
6:59 PM

Robert sat down viewing the menu. It usually took him at least 15 minutes to decide what to eat, after all he had to revise the last week of meals to consider what nutrients he might be lacking; not to mention plan how his digestion may impact potential emergency toilet requirements in the near future.

Fish and chips? Too oily. Hamburgers? bah, commoner's food. Spaghetti? I hate Italy and I hate my ex. I wonder what wines they have...

A young man came and sat down across from Robert and stuttered something indecipherable to the old man. His thick hoodie and musty smell from what was probably excessive sweating was instantly noticed by Garran. He didn't have much time to greet him before an African-American lady and a young girl with tattered looking clothes came in not far apart.

"Hi how are you all doing?" Robert said. "Good to meet you, my name's Robert Garran, but you can all call me Bob."

Garran began shaking all their hands.

"Sneaky eyes on this one," he said, shaking the hoodied individual's hand.

Is that racist?

NOTE: I know it's going to be tough but try *roughly* keep in linear time to avoid serious confusion for poor brains such as mine :P
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Everything was going better than Kane had feared. Luckily, he didn't have to sit with that old guy in awkward silence for too long. They were joined soon enough by two other people. Kane wiped with a hand across his mouth as he stared at the lady and the young girl. What the hell is this place? Kane shrugged inwardly and smiled uncertainly at the newcomers. Whatever it is... Just play along.

Kane quickly blinked as a wrinkled hand appeared in his vision and he automatically reached out to shake it. His grip tightened involuntary at the old fart's - Bob's - words. With narrowed eyes and a pleasant enough smile, he anwsered simply:


Maybe this was going to be more complicated than he had anticipated. To avoid further eye contact Kane grabbed the menu in front of him and pretended to read it. Stay calm.

I don't know about you people, but I'm going to order something. I'm starving."
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Cynthia smiled big at the young girl. "Thank you, sweetie", she said in return to her kind compliment about Cynthia's turtleneck. Cynthia quietly wondered what a girl so young was doing at such a grown-up place, but shook it off as the older gentleman reached out for her hand."Hello there! So nice to meet you! I'm Cynthia", she shook his hand enthusiastically.

She looked over at the Egyptian and clammed up. 'An Arab!', she thought alarmingly. Cynthia wasn't going to have any Sharia law at this dinner table, no siree! She eyed him suspiciously. Cynthia wasn't one for mingling with foreigners, especially not Arabs. This one, in particular, had an air about him that would make one weary. A hood... all black... he was hiding something, she was sure of it. He said something about being starving, which snapped her out of her cloud of suspicion, if only for a moment.

"Hmm.... yes. Well, I'm quite hungry myself.", she said, turning to the rest of the group while putting on that big hammy smile of hers. "I'm sure they have a whole bunch of wonderful food here!" she chirped as her eyes made their way down the menu, glancing up every so often to keep an eye on that sneaky little immigrant. "Oh joy! They have country fried steak here! I just love some good, wholesome food."

She looked over at the young girl. 'Where are her parents?' she thought to herself. "Oh sweetie, what would you like for dinner tonight? I'm sure they have some mac and cheese, kids just love mac and cheese, am I right?" she said to her. At this point Cynthia's perfume was washing over the table like a strong wave.
"I- um..." Cynthia's question startled Cali. "I don't have enough money, I just saw the flyer, and came here. I g-guess it'll be good to meet more people.And I've never had mac 'n' cheese. What's it like?" Cali sighed. She knew she had missed out on important things, but she hated people pointing it out. But it wasn't this woman's fault. How would she have known? She recounted her money. She wouldn't want to seem rude if she didn't order something. "I guess I do have enough for a fruit salad though. I'll get that. W-What's your name? I'm Cali, and I'm 12 years old." she said, holding out her hand. "What do yu do for a living? I help people with their computers, at a very cheap rare, and m-my brother carries things for construction workers. Hannah, my younger sister walks dogs. Ernest and Layla watch over our younger sisters. T-the youngest is Riley, she's two years old and...and.... and shee might not make it to three." Cali's face fell, and she turned back to the menu. Why had she told this lady all that? What an idiot. She needed to be ore careful. Shaking her head, she turned back. "I'm sorry, it feels like we got off on the wrong foot. My name's C-Cali, and I'm 12 years old. What's your name?" Cali grinned. She had only stuttered once!
"Oh honey! Come here!" Cynthia bypassed the handshake and went straight in for a hug. She scooped the young girl up into her arms, held her tight, and said, "What a poor dear! Where are your parents?"

At this point she was wondering if she should call the police to take the young one somewhere safe. 'Not for a little while yet, I'll buy her some supper and make sure she's all taken care of!', Cynthia thought to herself. She let the girl go but squeezed her arm affectionately. "Dear, don't you worry about paying for your meal. Tonight you're dining on Miss Cynthia. You have anything at that there menu!"

It was at that point that the waiter made his first round to the table. "Is this all we'll be serving tonight? May I get your drink orders out of the way while you wait for more guests?"

"Oh yes, if it's at all possible could I have myself a water with a big ol' lemon?" asked Cynthia, smiling at the waiter.
7:05 PM

She was late, yet again. This was the second time she was late today. The first occurrence was an event similar to this one but with a more bigger crowd. It was a medical convention held in the nearby university just outside the city; Cheyenne was tasked to oversee the convention and also deliver her dissertation about her current research in neurobiology and how her new found methods could help third world countries that surely needed it. She remembered spending nearly every waking hour of her time researching the methodology, and then feeling so vexed when she found out later that her spot was reserved for another professor that was "far more important" than herself. She felt that everything she did was in vain, she felt cheated, and worse of all, she felt worthless. Before all this, she was proud of herself with all the accomplishments she garnered. She was one of the first female African Neurobiologists in her family, being the top student in her school and even attending one of the Ivey Leagues that so many thought she would never get into. Now she cared little about it as well as everything else. To be frank, her tardiness didn't bother her at all, even though punctuality was something she held high in people, including herself. Even her attire looked sloppy, her shirt dotted with coffee stains on wrinkles, as well as her hair being bunned up tightly in one big goofy mess. Her nappy curls did not help either.

She trudged in as she scanned around, her glasses hanging barely on the tip of her nose. She sat down, just near the door and relaxed as she finally rested from such a long day. She sighed deeply, closing her eyes to think for just one second.
violetrace said:
"Oh joy! They have country fried steak here! I just love some good, wholesome food."
"Good to see a lady who enjoys her food!" Garran said. Although, it looks like she enjoys it a little too much...

Garran was eyeing the menu still, when little Cali began a long winded and directionless ramble of epic proportion. Tuning out to save his mental dexterity for his wine selection, he picked up tatters of conversation that he struggled to piece together.

"fruit salad... computers... construction workers... younger sisters..."

violetrace said:
It was at that point that the waiter made his first round to the table. "Is this all we'll be serving tonight? May I get your drink orders out of the way while you wait for more guests?"
"Oh yes, I'll have... this one," Robert said, pointing to a $30 bottle of red wine.

"Excellent choice sir."

"Oh was it? So how about this one, would that have been a better choice?"

"Well.. um, I'm sure you will make the correct choice"
stammered the waiter, clearly struggling with this awkward question.

"Don't fret boy, ease up a little won't you son?" laughed Garran, slapping the waiter on the back playfully. "I'll take the first one."

The waiter's arms stiffened by his side, his face losing colour. "Yes sir... and how about you little Miss?" the waiter questioned, beckoning at Cali.
"I guess I'll have a water too? Thanks Cynthia!" she said grinning. "And most of us have no clue where our parents are, although Jamie's are probably in Massachusetts, and Gabrielle's are dead, so for her its more a matter of belief. As in we don't believe in any god, so they're just dead, but if we did they probably be in heaven. Am I allowed to try a Mac 'n' cheese?"
21 year old, Sonnet O'Brien stood anxiously across the street from Big Jeff's. She was sure that this was where the Meet and Greet was to be held, but she found that she couldn't make herself cross the street and enter the restaurant. She'd overheard a group of people in her art class making fun of the event, and even though they seemed to think it was a stupid idea, the concept had piqued her interest. Sonny had always been an anxious person and her anxiety had kept her from making friends throughout her life, but in recent years, she'd started seeing a therapist in the hopes that it might make her able to interact with people other than her parents and teachers. Lately her therapist had been encouraging her to make friends. He said that she was ready and it was about time that she put herself out there. As soon as they'd left the classroom, she picked up the flyer they had thrown in the trash and shoved it into her bag as walked out of the door.

She pulled the crumpled paper from her portfolio and smoothed it against her thigh before checking it once again. Yup, she was at the right place. Now she just had to overcome her chronic anxiety long enough to enter the restaurant. She looked down at the modest navy blue dress she wore and worried about being overdressed for the occasion. She shook her head in an attempt to clear her mind and her unnaturally red, shoulder length tresses shook with the movement. She had already come this far, she might as well make herself check it out. Her short oxford heels clicked on the ground as she walked up to the door and she hesitated for the moment, afraid that the clicking would draw too much attention to her.

Taking a deep breath, Sonny forced herself to walk into the restaurant. If she couldn't do this then all of her time spent in therapy was for nothing. She stopped in the doorway and looked around the restaurant. Her eyes settled on table number 3 and she noted that that was where she was supposed to sit and also that there were people already seated at it. She took a step back almost giving in to her urge to bolt. Sonny, you're here to interact with people--to make progress. You can't do that if you run away she chided herself.

She took a deep breath and decided to handle the situation as if she were ripping off a band-aid. She walked to the table so fast that she was almost running and sat in a random chair at the table. "H-hello." she said in a voice that was barely audible as she stared down at her lap.
Cynthia was in shock. "You don't believe in God!?" she nearly choked on the words. She couldn't believe her ears! A child, a babe, not accepting the warming embrace of the Lord, why she had never heard of anything like it! When Cynthia was her age she was deeply engaged in her religious education. Even now, in her adulthood, she never missed church nor her Bible study group.

"Why child, you mustn't say such things! Surely you must know that our Lord created you and looks down upon you on this very moment!" she said, astonished. It was then that she began digging in her purse. She pulled out her Bible, which she carried with her at all times, and one could tell she read it often as the pages were worn bent, text highlighted, noted scribbled in the margins. "This is what we must live by. This is the word of our Lord, our God. You'd best learn these words, or you will surely be a lost soul!" she said, waving the Bible around. "I think I have a pocket Bible in here somewhere, a gift for you my dear. You must take it home and read it carefully!" she said as she went back to rummaging through her oversized bag. "Ah, here it is!" She handed the younger girl the small book.

Just then a young lady walked up to the table and quietly greeted the bunch. Cynthia was still in such a tizzy she didn't even notice the woman standing there.
"Ummm... Ok. I didn't really know anything about that. Only Jonah knows anything from his parents, and he refuses to talk about his life before the streets." Cali shrugged. She didn't really know much about god, except that when people died they went to Heaven if they were good, or Hell if they weren't. It might be a good idea to read it anyways, and when she was done, she could give it to Layla, who loved to read. She glanced at the cover of the book. It was covered in beautiful illustrations of a man extending his hand to a child, and angels flying all around. Her eyes widened. Her interest was piqued, but Cali couldn't accept such a gift! It was bound to be ruined in the 'shelter' that Cali and the others had created for themselves. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but I can't accept this. I would probably tear it, and, well, that would be very, very, bad. But, maybe I could read it until the waiter comes back? And then return it? I promise I would!" Just then another lady walked in, stuttering a greeting to the group. A wave of shyness came over Cali, who looked down at the Bible that she was still holding in her dirty hands. Realizing, however, that the newest lady would be at least as nervous, Cali looked up. "Hi. I'm Cali."
Carmen strolled along the path heading towards the family diner. Her oxygen tank followed behind her as the clear tubes went over her dainty ears and into Carmen's nose. "Is this a safe place?" She argued with herself "Of course it is I mean.. Mom wouldn't sign me up for me to get killed" She scoffed then sighed. Carmel continued to walk down the street. She saw a book on display of a beautiful girl on the cover. It made Carmen jealous and quite envious "Bitch" She murmured then rolled her eyes at the book.

She finally got to the restaurant then blinked. She saw everyone staring at her and her oxygen tank. She huffed then spoke loudly "I have cancer alright?" She retorted then the families went back to their business. Taking a small peek every now and then at the cancer girl. She rolled her eyes then stomped up to the Meet and Greet group. She noticed a man ordering a bottle of wine and decided to go up to him "Mind if I sit down?" She asked then sat down. Carmen shook the man's hand and introduced herself "I'm Carmen Latimer" She sighed the. Saw the stuttering boy "I'll have a Greek salad please" She sighed. The waiter nodded and raced off in a hurry "So, how old are you guys?" She asked, cocking a brow
[QUOTE="Geek with Me]She noticed a man ordering a bottle of wine and decided to go up to him "Mind if I sit down?" She asked then sat down. Carmen shook the man's hand and introduced herself "I'm Carmen Latimer" She sighed the. Saw the stuttering boy "I'll have a Greek salad please" She sighed. The waiter nodded and raced off in a hurry "So, how old are you guys?" She asked, cocking a brow

Garran's attention was caught as a young girl with an oxygen tank strolled into the diner. It wasn't the shallow level of interest expressed by ogling strangers, but Garran was immediately engaged by the girl's "no care given" attitude. He'd overheard her retort to eyeballing customers from other tables, her self-empowered demonstration had gotten a quiet chuckle from the old man. She'd come straight up to him and asked to sit down next to him, and before even getting his name, asked him how old he was.

Finally, someone with some real character.

"Robert Garran, call me Bob. Sixty eight years old, divorced. Hate Italy, Italians are even worse. Cancer hey? What a bitch. Oh and that waiter was getting drink orders... so unless a Greek Salad is some kind of cocktail I've missed in fifty years of alcoholism, you may wanna catch him on his next rounds."
"Oh!" Another girl, this time closer to Cali's own age! She grinned. She would NOT mess this up and stutter. Taking a deep breath to compose herself before she spoke, she said, "I'm Cali; I'm 12 years old. How old are you?" How could that girl just up and say she had cancer!? Cali could never do that, and, well, actually, Riley probably would... If she lived long enough.

((Sorry about the short, and somewhat shallow reply. That post hit me close to home,considering that on my Great Grandma died yesterday of lung cancer. I'll try and make any further posts longer.))
Carmen smiled at Bob. She liked him in a casual way, the fact that he didn't apologise about her her cancer made her smile. She slid a strand of long chestnut hair behind her ear when a cheerful voice caught her ear. Carmen just blinked at the girl in surprise then shook the little girl's hand "I'm Carmen and I'm sixteen. You're twelve? I'm surprise!" She spoke, her voice hinting that she was Mexican. She carefully grabbed the girl and placed her next to Carmen on the chair "So, what brings you here?" She asked the elderly man and the young girl. Honestly, she felt out of place being the only teenager there, wearing a simple pair of dark jeans, a white graphic tee of a band that she didn't even like anymore and re black converse. She fiddled with her the nose tubes. When the old man told her he was just doing the drinks she just smirked "Well he'll have to get me a Greek salad while he gets a drink then" She retorted then continue to notice the eyeballin people. She rolled her eyes then sighed "What does a girl have to do look normal?" She asked rhetorically

Is anyone still interested in this RP?

I know I certainly am but if no one else is that's okay I suppose.

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