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Medieval RP 1on1 (with Angelbeauty4)

Angel nodded and fixed his cuffs. It was clear he wasn't used to an outfit like this. "Yes, Your 'ighness." When the coach stopped he walked out his side and went to Clara's side to open her door.
Clara happily got out of the coach, nearly hopping. Then, she decided she needed to appear serious. She went ahead, hoping Angel would stay right behind her. She saw the count's mansion and went inside, being brought to the count by a servant. He got up, bowed and kissed Clara's hand. "Your highness I am honored of your presence.", the count said and looked at Angel. "But shouldn't you leave servants outside? I have enough to fulfil all your wishes." Clara slightly shook her head. "This is Angel, my personal butler. He will stay with me anytime.", she answered strictly.
Angel walked behind Clara on her right as she walked to the count's mansion. When they made it to the count with the help of a servant and the count did his thing, Angel smiled and spoke to the count. "'ello. It's nice to meet you." He looked around the mansion without turning his body. "You 'ave a lovely 'ome 'ere." He held out his hand so he could shake the count's hand.
The count just ignored Angels hand and went ahead to talk to Clara. Clara was a little angry that he was that impolite but did not show that. They talked politics a little. After that, the count invited them for dinner. Clara looked at Angel and made a move of her hand to make him come closer.
Angel looked at Clara and went closer to her. He whispered to her so the count wouldn't hear. "W'at did I do wrong? I'm confused as to why 'e didn't s'ake my 'and. I'd understand if I was being rude but I was just being polite so I could introduce myself."
"The count seems to not like the thought of a servant around when we talk about such stuff as we did. Anyway, he is an... Excuse me. Well I don't want to dine with him, what do you think. Would it be rude to decline?", she asked with a expressionless look on her face, not showing what they were talking about. She made a perfect PokerFace.
"In my opinion declining would be rude but t'at's my opinion. If you want to leave t'en you could tell me w'at to say so we could leave. It would make it more convincing if it seemed I 'ave been working for you for more t'en I 'ave." Angel was hoping she would tell him something so he could have more experience.
"I have an idea. We'll pretend we talked about another date for today so we sadly can't stay. I will say a few sentences AMD then you will remind me that we need to leave by saying "Milady it is nearly time. You wouldn't want to be late would you?" And then I can just hurry to leave.", she said as she stood up and went to the count. "As tempting as your offer might be, I sadly can't accept. It seems I have other dates around the next time and it would be way too rude to miss those.", she said, smiling at the count. He wanted to answer. "But your highness..."
Angel nodded and stayed back until he had his cue to speak. "Milady." He said as he walked closer. "It is nearly time. You wouldn't want to be late would you?" He looked at the count. "I'm sorry we could't stay but we really do 'ave to go. The queen 'as many t'ings to do today and if we are late to one t'en we would be late to all." He hoped the count would understand that a queen is normally busy.
The count sighed annoyedly. "Sure...sure.", he said as he bowed and followed Clara and Angel outside to the coach. He waited until it was out of sight. He was obviously not satisfied. Clara smiled at Angel. "You did great. Thank you.", she said thankfully.
When Angel was back in the coach he looked at Clara as she spoke. "You're welcome Your 'ighness. And t'ank you as well." He set his fingers by his side and yawned again. "Is it possible I could nap until we get back? I t'ink I would finally be able to get a good rest now t'at I don't 'ave to sleep on a straw bed." It was obvious he was tired as his eyes were getting heavy and starting to close.
Clara stood up and sat on the other bench. "You can even lay down here.", she said and looked out of the window. She sighed. "Father liked to sleep in the coach as well.", she sadly said.
Angel looked at Clara and shook his head. "Your 'ighness. You can stay 'ere. I was planning on just leaning back and resting my 'ead against t'e back." He yawned quietly and closed his eyes before quickly falling asleep.
Clara made him wake up as they reached the castle. She gently shook his shoulder. "Angel, we arrived. You should get up...", she whispered into his ear, her face only inches from his.
Angel felt and heard Clara and immediately opened his eyes. "'Ello Your 'ighness." He looked at her and opened the coach door. "S'all we get back to t'e castle?"
Clara blushed and nodded quickly. She got out of the coach. "You may have free time now, I will take a bath. Report back to me in two hours, Angel. You have permission to enter every room of the castle except for the ministers council. Do whatever pleases you.", she said as she walked inside.
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