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Medieval RP 1on1 (with Angelbeauty4)

As they reached the castle, Clara gave her horse to the stable boy. "You can trust him. He will take good care of the horse. He loves them just as I do. Right William?", she said, looking at the stable boy. "Yes ma'am. I care for them as much as I do for my family.", he replied smilingly. Clara then told the major of the palace who Angel was and what he needed. "This guy will show you a room, give you clothing and then you can take a bath. Please come to my room in an hour and a half", Clara said as she went inside.
Angel slowly got off his horse and shrugged as he handed the stable boy the reigns. As Clara talked to the major Angel looked around the palace until he realized the major was leading him to his new room. Once there he looked around and sat on the bed for a few minutes until he got up to bathe. As he ran the water he thought to himself. It's been a long time since I've 'ad a real bat'. I guess I s'ould clean myself now. He stopped the water flow, undressed and got in.

After Angel cleaned himself and got into his new outfit he walked to the queen's room. He didn't know how long he took cleaning himself due to him wanting to enjoy the water. After a few minutes he got lost and had to ask someone where the queen's room was. Apparently it was in the opposite direction of where he was headed. He turned around and went to the queen's room.

Once he arrived he knocked on the door. "Your 'ighness? Am I too early?"
Clara had not expected him that early. She was currently looking at all her dresses, deciding which to wear next. Then he entered. "A little, but just fifteen minutes. Its fine. You could actually help me here. Which one shall I wear? I can't decide, I like all of them...and they are so many...", she said, smiling at Angel.
Angel saw the dresses and he mentally sighed. He walked closer and saw a beautiful blue dress that caught his eye. "I think you should wear the blue dress Your 'ighness." He walked to the blue dress and stared at it. It was obvious the dress attracted his attention but the reason was not as obvious. "Such beauty in one dress." He didn't realize he spoke out loud.
She tilted her head. "Yes, you are right. It is truly beautiful. I wish I won't dirty its beauty when I wear it.", she said as she gently took the dress and went to her bathroom to change. She came out wearing the dress. "What do you think? Is it ok like that?", she asked unsteadily.
Angel saw Clara come out with the dress on and he blushed. The dress itself was beautiful but with it on Clara it was even more beautiful. "It suits you well. The beauty of it is perfected now t'at it's on you." He realized he was still blushing as he said that and he quickly shook his head. "I'm sorry Your 'ighness. I s'ouldn't be blushing like I am."
Clara blushed herself. "Thank you for the compliment. You have a strange accent but its...", she giggled," ...some kind of cute I think." She went to her desk and looked at it. "I have a meeting with another count today. Won't you need a real sword to be a good guard?", she asked, not rhetorically but honest. She seemed to be unsure about it.
Angel blushed again when Clara said his 'cute'. "T'ank you Your 'ighness." Then he heard 'real sword'. "I s'all not need a sword. I would need to conceal my weaponry instead of s'ow it. W'at kind of butler would I be if I 'ave a dangerous weapon s'owing?" He turned slightly and moved his tailcoat back to show his weapon. "Besides. T'is 'as sentimental value to it."
Clara blushed again. "Oh I am very sorry, I did not know that. I hope my question did not insult you in any way. So...before we have to go we have a little time. Sit down and tell me some more about you. If it doesn't disturb you to do so of course.", she said smilingly with a kind and calm tone.
Angel nodded and sat down on a chair. "I was born a peasant. Being a peasant doesn't really 'ave great t'ings to it. T'e only notable t'ings t'at 'appened in my life were my parents being mugged and murdered and me almost being killed by a wild wolf. T'ankfully t'e wolf saw I wasn't scared and let me go. It must've knew I would've fought back."
Clara was obviously impressed. "That's quite a sad story, but I'm impressed of your braveness and strength. I would not have been able to bear that. I'm a pretty feeble person...", she honestly answered and her face got sad.
Angel nodded and looked at Clara but when he did her face was sad. "Your 'ighness. Please don't be sad." He got up and walked over to her. "If you cry t'en t'e ot'er count might not take you as serious." He put his hand on her shoulder and smiled. "If anyone s'ould be sad it s'ould be me. I've 'ad a tougher life but I am alright. You s'ould be too."
Clara stopped the near-crying. "You are right. Thank you." Clara got up. "We should leave then. Ever went in a coach?", she asked, smiling at Angel.
Angel shook his head. "No I 'aven't. I've seen plenty t'ough." He opened the door and motioned for Clara to lead. "I s'all be close be'ind." He gave her a smile.
Clara went ahead, leading to the coach. As she entered, she waited for him to get inside as well. "Come on in, your place is beside me.", she said, smiling at him.
Angel saw the couch and smiled as he got in. He sat beside Clara and looked outside as they had started to leave. "I must t'ank you for allowing me to do t'is. I didn't trust t'e royal family until you treated me t'e way you did."
Clara blushed a little. "I just don't think like the other royals. They see peasants as a lower species. But I don't. That's all. ", she said as she smiled at him. "But I'm not that much of a highness after all. I'm just for the looks. I have no clue of politics. I'm just a spoiled girl, born into a stand that does not fit her."
Angel heard Clara say what she said and looked at her with a surprised look. "Your 'ighness?" He didn't know what to say about it. He has never expected that to come out of someone like her. Someone of high authority saying something like that isn't really expecting.
Angel quickly put a hand on Clara's shoulder. "It's alright. I just wasn't expecting someone of 'igh aut'ority to say t'at. It just proves you're an 'onest person."
"And being honest is why I am not of use for politics. I am made for being a princess... Not a Queen.", she said, putting her hand upon his, "I am glad your here. I somehow have the feeling I can trust you..."
Angel smiled at Clara in hopes of cheering her up. Though when he felt her hand on his he blushed a little. "T'ank you Your 'ighness. I'm glad you trust me." He put his head back against the seat and yawned quietly. "T'e first real time I've been 'appy in such a long time is right now. And I 'ave you to t'ank for t'at."
Clara shook her head. "No, everyone should have the possibility to be happy. If not, something is terribly wrong. And I just cared to end that mistake. That is nothing I need to he thanked for.", she said while smiling at Angel.
Angel looked out the window as Clara talked. "I will t'ank you anyways. I wouldn't be 'ere if you didn't s'ow up at t'e count I worked for." He slowly moved his hand off of Clara's shoulder and back to his side.
Clara looked slightly sad as he removed his hand. "Sure...sure. So, the count of Withering will be our date for today, please make sure to be polite and keep your thoughts to yourself until we sit in this coach again. Otherwise you may get me in serious trouble."

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