Mecha RP: Legend of M

(Would have continued last night, but fell asleep.)

As Clayton moved to intercept the black joust it fired a rocket at him. There was no time to dodge. Last second, his sentry snapped its guns forward and fired a burst into the path of the projectile, causing it to explode in close proximity. Lucky was thrown backwards from the shockwave. The mech landed on its back. Immediately, Lucky recovered and stood up again. Before doing so, the enemy mech was damaged and flew away. He made a mental note to congratulate the friendly pilot that drove him away.

Clayton switched targets. He witnessed a white custom eliminate an entire squadron. He moved to engage it, despite Lucky being shorter than it by a head. He charged towards the white mech. Using the smoke and dust as cover, he came up behind it. Lucky jumped up and struck it in the bag of its head with the butt of his rifle. After that Clayton commanded his sentry forward. The small robot leapt from Luckys shoulder and onto the white mech. Its magnetic feet helped it cling to the mechs armor as it began firing on any-and-all exposed joints.
Foxora said:
In a hunt, the hunter that can think out of any situation is the one that can walk away with it's quarry....
Warning lights and alarms were going off as the inside the cockpit everything was going red.

Chest Hull Integrity Critical

His father's words... The situation was definitely not ideal...

Left arm offline, reconnect.... fail... reconnect... fail...

However... these kinds of situations... is where his mind was at it's peak.


In front of the pilot seat inside the holographic screens were popping up and disappearing as Fox's hands were poking and/or at various icons on the screens

...Force reboot... Connection to left arm reestablished... Warning, connection temporary...

"Not gonna need it for much longer anyway." He adjusted his hat. as he hard Roux pompously ask him how being pinned felt. Big talk but I can tell he's too wary of me... smart... He started to smirk, then turned on his speakers and responded. "not gonna lie, it kinda sucks... but so does this." he had his combat protocols active and pressed an icon for "pinned down" maneuvers. the cyclops like LED eye part of Staltz head lit up as it's left hand pulled out the fold-able sword at it's hip and thrusts it at the jointed area where the other leg and the pelvis met. barely piercing through it. "Yeah this guy has armor for days..." Still he managed to atleast make a big enough hole to aim Staltz's left arm at the opening, On it's arm, out extended a small missile pod. Normally normal rockets would have no effect considering they would be too large for such a small opening and the impact and splash damage would be negated by the armor that would block it off.

However, his missile's lacked in size greatly. By themselves they would do minor damage to the insides, So he unloaded all 10 missiles into the opening just before his left arm finally shut down with the sword tightly gripped in it's locked up hand as it along with the sword fell to the ground uselessly. However he wasn't done. Using that distraction his still functional right arm grabbed it's assault rifle and peppered the mech's optics. It wasn't to make damage rather then to add onto the distraction his missile barrage obviously made. As his opponent was too focused on both attacks, one of Staltz legs puled up and under Roux and kicked the pelvis hard knocking the big lug off it as it quickly shifted into vehicle mode, Thankfully his left arm didn't need to be online for that, though the sword was now extending out since it wasn't properly folded back into place. It was an awkward position, but he couldn't do anything about it and ignored it as he got Staltz to floor it towards Roux, hop but still remain vehicle mode as it's back tire landed onto the head component. "Taste SKid mark!" he revved the wheel a few tiems before riding off and away from Roux. "Gonna have to approach that guy differently if this battle keeps up... Bag that, I'm going for Plan B."

There was no time to react, none.

But everything seemed slow motion as Roux felt the impact of the blade, Warnings popped up on nearly every screen, older circuits burst throwing hot sparks through the cockpit, Scorch lost it's balance for only a moment before the other pilots follow through sent him flying.

The crash to the ground was hard and in a moment the entire cabin went dark, No consoles, no lights.

Total system failure.

Roux fumbled in the dark cabin for the manual reboot, when another thud shook him about. He could all too clearly hear the screeching of the other mechs tyre scraping his precious scorch from his cabin.

Then, silence... Roux decided to change priorities and instead opened up the hatch and climbed outside, his mech was a damn near write off internally, but the armor looked sound enough to be repaired.

He watched the orange mech speed away and smiled.

"If you only knew how close you were to the biggest pay day of your life!" He laughed at himself for the miserable state he was reduced to.

The tank group gathered the survivors and left Roux, moving on to respond to a call on their radios.

Roux sat a moment, and reflected on the battle.

his opponent was not ready to die in the slightest, but he could respect the sheer will to live from the other pilot.

Roux doubted for a moment if the other pilot really did flee, or if they simply lost interest in there fight... the thought stung a little.

The hatch begun to bellow a thick acrid smoke, snapping Roux out of thought and back into action, climbing inside to initiate manual reboot.

After some tinkering he finally got it as emergency power booted online, the main screen displaying the damages the few remaining internal sensors could detect. and automatic fire control systems burst into life, smothering the smoke and hopefully, stopping anymore internal damage.

-this... is going to be a problem-

He grimaced as he set to work trying to re-tune the radio back to Jacksons frequency, after five minutes, and a few close calls avoiding passing rebel fireteams, Roux fixed it and opened a private channel.

"Hey Sarge, don't get mad, but i got totaled trying to defend some league tanks... If you are in the area, I'm going to need a pickup."

muting his mic for that line he raised another line this time a completely open channel.

"To the pilot of the Fruit-bot that just curb stomped my bot back to the stone age, I am Roux Le Corps. And you, are one of the craziest damn pilots I've ever seen. If I ever meet you outside of your suit, let me buy you a drink!"

Roux closed the line and climbed over his seat, reaching back and pulling out his auto pistol.

He checked how many rounds he had, not nearly enough.

he jumped out from Scorch and sheltered between it's legs, taking pot shots at passing rebel infantry squads.

-maybe this is the perfect time to hunt that 'beast' guy down... who would ever know it was me in this chaos?-

He thought hard, deciding he'd hold tight until he heard from Jackson, after all... he kept his promises.

@Foxora @dr xenon
Tierax said:
There was no time to react, none.
But everything seemed slow motion as Roux felt the impact of the blade, Warnings popped up on nearly every screen, older circuits burst throwing hot sparks through the cockpit, Scorch lost it's balance for only a moment before the other pilots follow through sent him flying.

The crash to the ground was hard and in a moment the entire cabin went dark, No consoles, no lights.

Total system failure.

Roux fumbled in the dark cabin for the manual reboot, when another thud shook him about. He could all too clearly hear the screeching of the other mechs tyre scraping his precious scorch from his cabin.

Then, silence... Roux decided to change priorities and instead opened up the hatch and climbed outside, his mech was a damn near write off internally, but the armor looked sound enough to be repaired.

He watched the orange mech speed away and smiled.

"If you only knew how close you were to the biggest pay day of your life!" He laughed at himself for the miserable state he was reduced to.

The tank group gathered the survivors and left Roux, moving on to respond to a call on their radios.

Roux sat a moment, and reflected on the battle.

his opponent was not ready to die in the slightest, but he could respect the sheer will to live from the other pilot.

Roux doubted for a moment if the other pilot really did flee, or if they simply lost interest in there fight... the thought stung a little.

The hatch begun to bellow a thick acrid smoke, snapping Roux out of thought and back into action, climbing inside to initiate manual reboot.

After some tinkering he finally got it as emergency power booted online, the main screen displaying the damages the few remaining internal sensors could detect. and automatic fire control systems burst into life, smothering the smoke and hopefully, stopping anymore internal damage.

-this... is going to be a problem-

He grimaced as he set to work trying to re-tune the radio back to Jacksons frequency, after five minutes, and a few close calls avoiding passing rebel fireteams, Roux fixed it and opened a private channel.

"Hey Sarge, don't get mad, but i got totaled trying to defend some league tanks... If you are in the area, I'm going to need a pickup."

muting his mic for that line he raised another line this time a completely open channel.

"To the pilot of the Fruit-bot that just curb stomped my bot back to the stone age, I am Roux Le Corps. And you, are one of the craziest damn pilots I've ever seen. If I ever meet you outside of your suit, let me buy you a drink!"

Roux closed the line and climbed over his seat, reaching back and pulling out his auto pistol.

He checked how many rounds he had, not nearly enough.

he jumped out from Scorch and sheltered between it's legs, taking pot shots at passing rebel infantry squads.

-maybe this is the perfect time to hunt that 'beast' guy down... who would ever know it was me in this chaos?-

He thought hard, deciding he'd hold tight until he heard from Jackson, after all... he kept his promises.

@Foxora @dr xenon
Jackson kicked into jump mode and corkscrewed into the air, his Riptide's ailerons whipping through the multi-hued smoke. He fired off a salvo of smart missiles at a target of opportunity, ruining the charge of a platoon of rebel infantry as they attempted to over-run a dock guardhouse.

"On my way, Roux," he muttered into his comm pick-up as he activated the Riptide's close-combat weapon and twin plasma blades form on either side of the shield bearing left arm like some sort of hellish punching dagger.

He also noticed a blue tell tale flash green.

NOVA GENERATOR FULLY CHARGED his mech informed him.

The Riptide landed near Scorch, interposing itself between its team mate and the Orange Staltz. It took a defensive pose, extending the ion accelerator straight at enemy mech and unloading a burst of ion beams.


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Tierax said:
There was no time to react, none.
But everything seemed slow motion as Roux felt the impact of the blade, Warnings popped up on nearly every screen, older circuits burst throwing hot sparks through the cockpit, Scorch lost it's balance for only a moment before the other pilots follow through sent him flying.

The crash to the ground was hard and in a moment the entire cabin went dark, No consoles, no lights.

Total system failure.

Roux fumbled in the dark cabin for the manual reboot, when another thud shook him about. He could all too clearly hear the screeching of the other mechs tyre scraping his precious scorch from his cabin.

Then, silence... Roux decided to change priorities and instead opened up the hatch and climbed outside, his mech was a damn near write off internally, but the armor looked sound enough to be repaired.

He watched the orange mech speed away and smiled.

"If you only knew how close you were to the biggest pay day of your life!" He laughed at himself for the miserable state he was reduced to.

The tank group gathered the survivors and left Roux, moving on to respond to a call on their radios.

Roux sat a moment, and reflected on the battle.

his opponent was not ready to die in the slightest, but he could respect the sheer will to live from the other pilot.

Roux doubted for a moment if the other pilot really did flee, or if they simply lost interest in there fight... the thought stung a little.

The hatch begun to bellow a thick acrid smoke, snapping Roux out of thought and back into action, climbing inside to initiate manual reboot.

After some tinkering he finally got it as emergency power booted online, the main screen displaying the damages the few remaining internal sensors could detect. and automatic fire control systems burst into life, smothering the smoke and hopefully, stopping anymore internal damage.

-this... is going to be a problem-

He grimaced as he set to work trying to re-tune the radio back to Jacksons frequency, after five minutes, and a few close calls avoiding passing rebel fireteams, Roux fixed it and opened a private channel.

"Hey Sarge, don't get mad, but i got totaled trying to defend some league tanks... If you are in the area, I'm going to need a pickup."

muting his mic for that line he raised another line this time a completely open channel.

"To the pilot of the Fruit-bot that just curb stomped my bot back to the stone age, I am Roux Le Corps. And you, are one of the craziest damn pilots I've ever seen. If I ever meet you outside of your suit, let me buy you a drink!"

Roux closed the line and climbed over his seat, reaching back and pulling out his auto pistol.

He checked how many rounds he had, not nearly enough.

he jumped out from Scorch and sheltered between it's legs, taking pot shots at passing rebel infantry squads.

-maybe this is the perfect time to hunt that 'beast' guy down... who would ever know it was me in this chaos?-

He thought hard, deciding he'd hold tight until he heard from Jackson, after all... he kept his promises.

@Foxora @dr xenon

Fox was driving away, but could hear Roux's speech over and took a moment to think. "That neame sounds familiar... Is he a bounty... Naw can't remember... aw well he sounds like a mercanary. Well if he's still kicking after this I'm holding him to that. Free drinks" he chuckled, that was when Roux's little buddy landed between the two of them and started firing beams at him causing Fox to take evasive swerves and hops. "Alright Alright, you made your point! I done fighting anyway." Fox Veered Staltz away from the beam shooting mech and left the two of them be. They weren't his main focus anyway

@Tierax @dr xenon
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Klein groans, opening his eyes slowly. He feels intense pain in his head, holding it with one hand. He tries to restart the Striker Kai. "C'mon, work." He says as he repeatedly tries to start the Striker Kai. He notices the steam stopped being dispersed, counting the seconds before the smoke would clear, leaving a vulnerable Striker Kai for anyone to shoot. He finally gets the Striker to come online. He uses the controls to move but nothing works. "Must've just turned on the core systems. After the punishment I did with it, I can understand why the others are not on." He comments as he looks around on the viewscreen. The smoke cleared but nothing was shooting at him. He breathes a sigh of relief. He turns on the comm. "Hey Cutter. Think you can pick me up. My unit can't move much. I just got the systems online." He says through the comm.

@dr xenon
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Roux couldn't help but be impressed by the Riptide as it's weight shook the ground on landing, nor could he have felt anymore grateful.

Relaxing a little Roux finally noticed that he himself got messed up in that fight, semi dried blood ran from his mouth and nose.

Though the nose was likely from Cutter.

"Cheers for the assist!" He shouted up at the mech, as blue beams of energy chased the orange mech away for certain.

He ran into view of the Riptide, and after briefly waving to get attention, pointed to his still bound implant.

"I can't fit my body armor with this all bound up, and my helmet keeps getting knocked by it, so if you're agreeable, loose me?"

Roux laughed, and waved in the general direction of Scorch.

"Internals are fried, He ain't going anywhere, not that I damn well fit anymore... Oh yeah, I'm probably gonna need new orders bossman."

Roux took a look at his gun and checked it last clip, he knew full well it was fresh, but he needed to fiddle with something.

He was pretty exposed out here even with the Riptide present a stray bullet or a sniper looking to retire made this one of the most dangerous places he'd been in.

@dr xenon
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Klein continues to type away on the console. "C'mon. At least give me some motor control..." He mutters to no one in particular. He tries to move an arm but nothing. The other arm, nothing. Right leg, it works. He tries to move the left leg but it doesn't seem to respond. He tries to think of a way to at least allow him to walk to the base, if not fly.
Ivis eventually caught on to what was happening, she had finally relieved the message as well. The Shatterdome was being raided, likely by a band of Rebels. She was about 50 miles away from the base, as she had been on patrol at the time. She sighed, figuring that this would've happened eventually. Ascending, she began to accelerate to mach 3.
He hears a notification sound saying an ally is approaching. He looks and sees something coming in at mach 3. "Jeez, got enough speed there?" He mutters to himself. If Ivis tapped into the Striker Kai's inside mic, she could have heard that. He then goes back to trying to fix his machine's problem with the limbs not being able to move.

"Generator output climbing. Operation pattern 2." These words were on a completely open channel, and anyone who had settings to pick up on these types would surely hear her.

It seemed that Ivis didn't like where this was heading, considering many League soldiers had failed to protect the Shatterdome. She frowned and activated her laser blade, closing in on the battlefield. Shaping the particles into a field about 9 meters in all directions, she spoke yet again. She seemed a bit angry, at least as far as she would let herself go.

"Enough words. They are meaningless now. Show me what you can do." Yet again, she spoke on an open channel.

Reaching the battlefield, she began to circle around at mach 1, as if waiting for someone to attempt an attack.

APDS Loaded into the AT-Shotgun. (Slug type. 80MM. Just remember, she is enhanced as a whole, so I guess it'd be a decent weapon to aim for gaps in armor and cameras with.)


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"What I can do is be a paperweight until I can get this damn thing running." He says as he was already almost finished fixing the reason why it can't move. A joint got disconnected and the wires on the right side of it along with it. He was almost finished reconnecting the wires and the joint. As he finishes reconnecting the joint, he snakes his body back through from where it came, closing the access to it before climbing to the cockpit again. He then turns on the Striker Kai. He checks the arms and legs movements. They were back to normal for the most part. He then turns in time for a Rebel Joust to try to attack it, stabbing the cockpit and pulling the blade out. "Surprise? I think not." He mutters to himself.
Raider867 said:
"What I can do is be a paperweight until I can get this damn thing running." He says as he was already almost finished fixing the reason why it can't move. A joint got disconnected and the wires on the right side of it along with it. He was almost finished reconnecting the wires and the joint. As he finishes reconnecting the joint, he snakes his body back through from where it came, closing the access to it before climbing to the cockpit again. He then turns on the Striker Kai. He checks the arms and legs movements. They were back to normal for the most part. He then turns in time for a Rebel Joust to try to attack it, stabbing the cockpit and pulling the blade out. "Surprise? I think not." He mutters to himself.
"Roux, hotfoot into some cover. Looks like there's a sally port 25 meters on your 2:00," Jackson says as he sprays some cover fire with the ion accelerator. "That should get you close to the docks, which're heavily defended."

Seeing the other pilot head off he jumps over to where the Rebel Joust is threatening Klein. In a near-textbook 'death from above' maneuver the Riptide's right foot pounds the Joust to the ground as the plasma blades cut through the pilot compartment like the proverbial hotknife through butter.

Sorry pal, but salvage is salvage.

Schterzen, you still need a lift? I'm a'gettin' a feelin' that somethin' bout ta tern and we need all the guns we can get in this fight!"

He extinguishes the plasma blades and awkwardly scoops his mech's left arm under the Stryker Kai's right arm to assist him.

"Hey, those're Special Forces colors, h'ain't they? No wonder yer dishin' it out!"

@Tierax , @Raider867
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[QUOTE="dr xenon]"Roux, hotfoot into some cover. Looks like there's a sally port 25 meters on your 2:00," Jackson says as he sprays some cover fire with the ion accelerator. "That should get you close to the docks, which're heavily defended."

Seeing the other pilot head off he jumps over to where the Rebel Joust is threatening Klein. In a near-textbook 'death from above' maneuver the Riptide's right foot pounds the Joust to the ground as the plasma blades cut through the pilot compartment like the proverbial hotknife through butter.

Sorry pal, but salvage is salvage.

Schterzen, you still need a lift? I'm a'gettin' a feelin' that somethin' bout ta tern and we need all the guns we can get in this fight!"

He extinguishes the plasma blades and awkwardly scoops his mech's left arm under the Stryker Kai's right arm to assist him.

"Hey, those're Special Forces colors, h'ain't they? No wonder yer dishin' it out!"

"Thanks for the assist." Klein calls as he climbs out of the cockpit again and moves to the right arm. "The Strykers have complicated wiring so thanks for helping me get to them." Klein calls from the arm as he opens a compartment in the arms. "There's the problem." He says. His body moves into the compartment to where only his waist and legs are sticking out. "Bring me closer to the base while I fix this and run a diagnostic in a bit more of a safe environment." He calls to Cutter as he works.

Inside the armored assault carrier Rosie bumped and jostled with the Mechanics and the pair of Assault Infantry on assignment to protect them. One of the troopers bumped into her and turned to see what was going on. As he turned back he snapped a quick double take and smiled.

"Get some," he muttered to Rosie.

Rosie smiled back and nodded. She could see him well through the custom HUD on her heirloom Russian Heavy Infantry assault helmet. Her Grenade launcher was snuggled in her crossed arms, its drum magazine resting on her forearms, and rubbing against the bandoliers of assorted grenades crossing her chest. Absently she reached up to stroke Professor Mu'Duk's right foot-paw where he perched on her shoulder. His cybernetic tail wrapped around her neck. The monkey was displaying uncharacteristic restraint and assault discipline - the cigarette clamped between his teeth was unlit.

The light at the front of the assault carrier went from Red to Amber.

Professor Mu'Duk racked a shell in the chopped-down assault-shotgun he was carrying, and checked the kukri knife strapped to his back.

Rosie racked a grenade into the launcher.

"That's right, Sasha," she said quietly to the trooper's back. "Rosie's going to 'Get Some'."
Klein snakes his body in a little more, stretching to reach something inside the arm. "C'mon. Almost there." He says to himself, reaching for something. He slowly has his hand move closer to the thing. "Don't move the forearm, whatever you do. You'll crush my hand if you do." Klein yells outside to Cutter as he continues to get closer to grabbing the piece. It was a connector that fell away from the original spot when the arm moved a bit.
Roux frowned a little.

-not gonna release me? Bah, I'll do my self then.-

He looked around, not far from his feet was a chunk of metal from the orange mech still smouldering and melting from his rounds.

-I hope this works-

Carefully he angled himself, rubbing the bindings holding the implant in place. They hissed for what seemed an eternity before they finally have up the ghost and pooped off.

They begun to glow slightly at their bulb like ends and the unit jutting from his waist fanned out slightly.

"Feels like... More arms?" He muttered to himself.

They felt perfectly natural, as if he always had them.

He adjusted himself and climbed back into scorches cabin, retrieving his body armour and helmet.

Without the implants bound he found he could move them out of the way as easily as you would moving your own, natural born arms when putting on clothes.

-prosthetics have come a long way I guess.-

Putting his armour on he configured the helmets radio.

"Ok Jackson I'll make a move, this helms league tech so just ping where I need to go... Just saying but this is my first time here outside of a cell. Also, if you could radio ahead let them know I'm a friendly? I don't want the people I'm supposed to help taking pot shots at me!"

He made his way over in a direction he hoped was right, picking up a standard issue league pistol and some rounds from a couple fallen troopers as he weaves through the wrecks littering the battlefield.

He reached an open field with little cover, a large contingent of league forces where defending an open air supply depot, where they were being pressed hard by rebel forces, stolen jousts and mobile turrets kept them pinned, moving out from cover here would be suicide.

He looked to the sky, wondering if anybody was able to provide any covering fire, he watched fighters ducking and weaving just as frantically as the ground forces.

He saw a full formation of Dogma Heavy Fighters screech low over the facilities walls, flying straight past Roux and kicking dust into the air.

With a heavy, reluctant sigh he opened a channel on the leagues general line.

"Anyone able to give some cover fire? Artillery? Gunships? Bombers? We got league forces pinned down under heavy fire at a supply depot, they ain't on a last much longer! Painting location now."

He muted his mic with a touch to the helmets side, and using his tactical HUD marked the rebel group.

-this better be the right damn direction-
Jackson toggled his external speakers.

"I got you," his voice blared. "Just don't do nuthin' foolish."

Cutter expanded the display of the enemy units, trying to determine what their mission was.

This is way too many units. It's like they're throwing everything at us!
Tierax said:
Roux frowned a little.
-not gonna release me? Bah, I'll do my self then.-

He looked around, not far from his feet was a chunk of metal from the orange mech still smouldering and melting from his rounds.

-I hope this works-

Carefully he angled himself, rubbing the bindings holding the implant in place. They hissed for what seemed an eternity before they finally have up the ghost and pooped off.

They begun to glow slightly at their bulb like ends and the unit jutting from his waist fanned out slightly.

"Feels like... More arms?" He muttered to himself.

They felt perfectly natural, as if he always had them.

He adjusted himself and climbed back into scorches cabin, retrieving his body armour and helmet.

Without the implants bound he found he could move them out of the way as easily as you would moving your own, natural born arms when putting on clothes.

-prosthetics have come a long way I guess.-

Putting his armour on he configured the helmets radio.

"Ok Jackson I'll make a move, this helms league tech so just ping where I need to go... Just saying but this is my first time here outside of a cell. Also, if you could radio ahead let them know I'm a friendly? I don't want the people I'm supposed to help taking pot shots at me!"

He made his way over in a direction he hoped was right, picking up a standard issue league pistol and some rounds from a couple fallen troopers as he weaves through the wrecks littering the battlefield.

He reached an open field with little cover, a large contingent of league forces where defending an open air supply depot, where they were being pressed hard by rebel forces, stolen jousts and mobile turrets kept them pinned, moving out from cover here would be suicide.

He looked to the sky, wondering if anybody was able to provide any covering fire, he watched fighters ducking and weaving just as frantically as the ground forces.

He saw a full formation of Dogma Heavy Fighters screech low over the facilities walls, flying straight past Roux and kicking dust into the air.

With a heavy, reluctant sigh he opened a channel on the leagues general line.

"Anyone able to give some cover fire? Artillery? Gunships? Bombers? We got league forces pinned down under heavy fire at a supply depot, they ain't on a last much longer! Painting location now."

He muted his mic with a touch to the helmets side, and using his tactical HUD marked the rebel group.

-this better be the right damn direction-
Jackson sees Roux depart. Subconsciously he mouths 3-4-5 as he counts the extra appendages on Roux.

"Roux, I don't know what to tell you," he says doggedly. "You look like a service crane is doin' somethin' un-natch'rul to ya. I don't know who I could radio ahead to ta save yer from gettin' shot at 'r what I'd tell 'em. Hold where you can and I'll get over there soon as this Stryker is back online."

Jackson thinks about his next course of action when he spots the IFF of a friendly flying high above the theatre.

"Hey fast mover!" he calls out on general League channels. "Can you assist the units on the painted location?"

@Crimrose, @Tierax
Klein grabs it finally before pulling it to the other end of the piece. He connects it, welding the two pieces together. "Got it!" He yells before climbing out and closing the compartment, climbing back into the Stryker Kai. It's eye flashes on before moving it's right arm. "It works again. Thanks Cutter." He says over the comms.

@dr xenon
"Rodger, holding tight."

He laughed at Jacksons comment, so the man was starting to warm up to him eh? Well, he certainly wasn't about to disappoint him now.

While watching the fire fight, a couple of rebel stragglers rounded the corner and tripped over Roux's crouched form.

Taking his chance he dived on top of one, a single shot to the back of the head for the other who dodged his leap, the one on the ground began to beg for mercy.

"What cell you in boy?" He said flatly.

"Wh-what? Uh-Roughnecks! Please don- Wait... Roux? You're supposed to be dead!"

Without hesitation he holstered the league pistol and drew his own, flicking it to burst fire he fired into his spine. The burning began immediately, the rebel troop screaming in agony until he finally died of shock.

-you said too much boy.- he thought grimly... Though somewhat relieved, he had picked up the track of his betrayers now. He would avenge his comrades.

Unmuting his mic, he reset the link back to Jacksons private channel.

"Jackson. What do you know of the rebel cell 'roughnecks'?"

@dr xenon

( @CERBERUS177 I'm content for anyone to jump into any scene I'm involved in, so long as any other participants are cool with it too.)
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Tierax said:
"Rodger, holding tight."
He laughed at Jacksons comment, so the man was starting to warm up to him eh? Well, he certainly wasn't about to disappoint him now.

While watching the fire fight, a couple of rebel stragglers rounded the corner and tripped over Roux's crouched form.

Taking his chance he dived on top of one, a single shot to the back of the head for the other who dodged his leap, the one on the ground began to beg for mercy.

"What cell you in boy?" He said flatly.

"Wh-what? Uh-Roughnecks! Please don- Wait... Roux? You're supposed to be dead!"

Without hesitation he holstered the league pistol and drew his own, flicking it to burst fire he fired into his spine. The burning began immediately, the rebel troop screaming in agony until he finally died of shock.

-you said too much boy.- he thought grimly... Though somewhat relieved, he had picked up the track of his betrayers now. He would avenge his comrades.

Unmuting his mic, he reset the link back to Jacksons private channel.

"Jackson. What do you know of the rebel cell 'roughnecks'?"

@dr xenon

( @CERBERUS177 I'm content for anyone to jump into any scene I'm involved in, so long as any other participants are cool with it too.)
With the Stryker's repairs complete the Riptide launches into the air again, coming down near Roux's position. Bolts of ionized energy slam into the Rebel infantry units with explosive force, sending bodies flying. A few league troopers give him thumbs up in approval before resuming fire on the rebels.

Cutter strides the Riptide over to where Roux is crouching under cover.

"Grab on to the hand-hold behind my left calf, and stand whar it says 'No Step'," Cutter says to Roux. "Y'all be safe there. Thas watcha call an Athenian mili'try secret."

He starts the Riptide striding over to the sally point he had indicated earlier. The feet crunching on too much detritus of war.

"Roughnecks ... Roughnecks ... Not rebel unit I know 'bout. We got a Cadre called Rankin's Roughnecks. May be thas throwin' me off. Jump off here now an get through that door. I flashed yer credentials to the Watch Officer. Bound ta catch hell fer this later from her."

Roux could positively hear the smile on Jackson's face as he said the last.
Klein jumps up and jets into the air, targeting the rebel mechs with his 6-tube missile launchers. He then fires one missile at each of the Rebel Jousts. He hits all but one target which he falls on top of, his right heat sword piercing the pilot's compartment. He stands straight up, pulling the blade out of the downed Joust. "Is it just me or does it seem like these guys are just distracting us. Tactics like these where they put everything they have into this make me feel there's more to their plan that what we're seeing." He says to Cutter through the comm.

@dr xenon
"Yes. Initiating attack run." With that, Ivis dove towards the group of Rebels that hadn't been annihilated by Riptide's blast. She essentially rammed through most of them, rapidly activating and deactivating the particles to slice them up. Most were cleanly cut in a slightly curved vertical fashion, as the shield was shaped that way. A Joust had attempted an attack, but she just rammed through it as well, cleanly teleporting the main body from the appendages. (Not a dead pilot, unless they got teleported somewhere hostile.) "Is this all?"

She continued her assault, tanking infantry fire with or without the shield. (Thank god for the Ayy Lmao energy)

She then tapped into Klein's comm, and he did have a point. "So what do we do then?"
"What is kept here that is kept nowhere else on the continent?" Klein asks Ivis through the comm. "Something special enough to throw their entire force at just to get?"


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