Mecha RP: Legend of M

"Well... Lots of things. Hold on." A couple screams could be heard from the Rebels not killed from the cuts, but they were soon replaced by those that saw the outcome. She ascended yet again, trying to get a good idea of why this was happening.

"We do have quite a bit of stuff here... A ship for one, and any other mechs or tech they can steal."
"They could try to get a ship. That could help them connect to other cells of the Rebels on different fronts." He says. "Plus I think a couple Stryker units are stored here, too, so they could try to steal them." He says, in thought. "What are your thoughts, Ivis? What do you think they would do?" He asks, still in thought as he fires his grenades from the right arm at another enemy, causing it to erupt in flames.
"They'll likely be trying to gather enough troops to take on the League... And I doubt the League would use nukes on soil they could own... Looks like I'll need a few more upgrades. This teleporting won't be enough to stop an armada... A small militia? Sure. An army? If they don't have effective weaponry. An armada? I'd get destroyed."

"So the logical target would be one of the ships we have here. They're going to use infantry, most likely." He says in thought. "Where are the ships being stored?" He asks, firing more from his 6-tube missile launchers on the legs of the Stryker Kai at enemy Jousts.

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Roux burst out laughing, nearly falling off the grips a few times, before he finally got permission to jump off.

"Thanks for the lift, by the way, I hear there's a dog without a collar loose on base, I'm gonna catch it if i see it... Something doesn't feel right about this battle, I'm going to try and find out what. Watch your back out there"

He liked Jackson, he wondered if he realised what he meant as he closed the channel and turned of his helm radio without waiting for a response.

He ran over to the troopers, two broke off from the defensive formation and ran to the door, opening it and chasing after Roux inside.

"On your 6 mercenary, head over to hanger 13, got rebels pouring in from the damned roof trying to get a foothold!" One shouted as they sprinted down the hall.

-that... Makes this a bit tricky...-

Roux thought, he retuned his helm and pinged the base for a local map as he ran.

The base uploaded a map to his helm and he looked up the location as he ran, he could hear gun shots up ahead as the map confirmed he was on the right track, he minimises it on the HUD and followed the sound of gunfire.

-ok, nearly there... Ammo? Plenty of league junk... Maybe a couple bursts left from my own... Might need to salvage some more variety.-

He switched back to the league pistol and joined the fight raging in the hanger bay, a couple of joust where still in docks, likely the pilots couldn't get to them before the rebels busted in through the massive, gaping hole in the roof at the furthest part of the hanger.

A large service crane copped a stray rocket from outside, sending it crashing down in the middle as Roux dived for cover near some part crates by the door.

The two troopers ran further ahead and joined the fray without a second thought.

"The hell am I even doing?" Roux laughed out loud, he thought the only time he'd ever have to help the league was with a nice dirt nap.

Yet here he was, fighting along side the league at the request of a man he only just met.

"Circumstance makes fools of us all I suppose" Roux chuckled to himself, leaning from cover and with a steady aim joined the fray.

@dr xenon
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"Well, its a pretty large one, I don't think you could miss it. Marking."

A green smiley face would appear on a certain area on Klein's map, and she would soon send it to other League affiliates. "Its here." She switched to a widely used League battle comm.

"Attention, I'm getting an itching feeling that the Rebels want our ships."
"I'm heading there now." Klein announces, moving into the hangar and climbing out of the pilot canopy. He puts a visor on to allow him to see where the marker is still before drawing his pistol and running into the base closer to the green marker. He sees some Rebels in his way, sneaking through another way. He guns them down before holstering his pistol and taking one of the Rebel's rifles, taking the ammo from the dead body as well. He opens up the comm. "Did Rebels break through or are they entering another way? I just encountered three armored Rebels on my way to secure the ships." Klein says through the League channels. "Ivis, can you do a scan of the perimeter of the base to see if there's another way the Rebels are infiltrating from?" Klein asks as he cautiously moves through the base. He notices he is getting closer to the hangar that holds the ships.

"Tapping in... They should be around the rear of the ship, at least the infantry. That's all I can find, there may be more. Stay on your toes."

Ivis continued to scan, but couldn't pick up anyone using stealth tech with a camera. She didn't possess full scanning just yet.
"Roger, Ivis. I'll stay sharp." He says softly. He makes it to the ship. "I've made it to the ship. This thing's huge. No wonder they want it. This thing can carry an army and then some." He comments as he jogs through the hangar to where he hears gunfire. He cautiously looks around for any enemies as he makes his way to the gunfire.
dr xenon] [URL=" said:
Inside the armored assault carrier Rosie bumped and jostled with the Mechanics and the pair of Assault Infantry on assignment to protect them. One of the troopers bumped into her and turned to see what was going on. As he turned back he snapped a quick double take and smiled.

"Get some," he muttered to Rosie.

Rosie smiled back and nodded. She could see him well through the custom HUD on her heirloom Russian Heavy Infantry assault helmet. Her Grenade launcher was snuggled in her crossed arms, its drum magazine resting on her forearms, and rubbing against the bandoliers of assorted grenades crossing her chest. Absently she reached up to stroke Professor Mu'Duk's right foot-paw where he perched on her shoulder. His cybernetic tail wrapped around her neck. The monkey was displaying uncharacteristic restraint and assault discipline - the cigarette clamped between his teeth was unlit.

The light at the front of the assault carrier went from Red to Amber.

Professor Mu'Duk racked a shell in the chopped-down assault-shotgun he was carrying, and checked the kukri knife strapped to his back.

Rosie racked a grenade into the launcher.

"That's right, Sasha," she said quietly to the trooper's back. "Rosie's going to 'Get Some'."
Raider867 said:
"Roger, Ivis. I'll stay sharp." He says softly. He makes it to the ship. "I've made it to the ship. This thing's huge. No wonder they want it. This thing can carry an army and then some." He comments as he jogs through the hangar to where he hears gunfire. He cautiously looks around for any enemies as he makes his way to the gunfire.
Roland peeled himself out of his cockpit as his suit collapsed. It had taken everything it had just to keep up with that Striker.

He unholstered his pistol as he dropped down to the ground and sprinted across the base to meet up with the light corps. Taking up position at one of the already open doors to the compound he came across the dead bodies of some of his allies. One of them was already missing a rifle. He grabbed one of the others and carefully entered the facility. It wasn't long until he came to the ship itself. Roland was almost in awe of it's size, it had to be 300, maybe 400 meters in length.

"No wonder they want this thing so bad." He mumbled to himself, before turning at the sound of more gunfire.
Roland could see a man in a grey jacket, black shirt, and black pants run toward the gunfire from another place. "Moving to assist the defense forces." Klein calls into the League channel. "Could use some help over here. Our numbers are dwindling from what I can see." Klein adds, loading a bullet into the chamber of the weapon.

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Roux slowly moved about the hanger battlefield, moving from cover to cover taking as many clean shots as he could.

-am I up to ten kills or 16? I've lost count haven't i?-

He saw a grenade get thrown from the rebels side, watching it as the primed explosive soared above him.

He stopped when he was facing directly up, a colossal set of thrusters affixed his gaze in a near trance.

-these things are real?! I didn't know the league had the resources to go building this monster!-

Roux was in awe, almost entirely forgetting the battle raging around him.

They had been losing ground hard, Roux considered turning his radio back on, but he couldn't deal with distractions right now he needed to focus. The grenades inevitable detonation snapped roux out of his trance and returned his mind to the fight.

Returning to full cover behind a makeshift barricade of crates by a massive mech rifle, Roux made his way down to a couple of troopers.

Both of them having panic attacks, refusing to even peek out of cover or fire their own rifles.

"You! Get on Comms, gather anyone who can help halt this advance, you! Yes you jackass, Go to the other end of this hanger and send anyone you meet along the way down here or off to secure the hanger gate, I don't care which just move!" He shouted at them, barely hearing his own words above the gunfire.

Thankfully, the two green troopers paid attention and in the panic of the firefight followed what was probably their first clear orders.

But Roux was still mad at them.

-sure, let all your buddies die around you while you cradle your guns, that'll save you! The hell are these Boy Scouts doing? Don't they even bother training recruits before posting them?-

He took the spot of the trooper moving down the hanger, and provided covering fire while the other put out the call.
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Breaths came slowly to him as he hurtled through the air propelled by verniers. Sharp pain shot through his head as the machine he rode danced through deadly hellfire. His hands twitched - quivered - trembled as he maintained his death grip on the controls. Something started blinking somewhere on the overwhelming panoramic view of his cockpit, whatever information was displayed became lost in the bloom of munitions.

Today was not a good day for Marion Vayron. A simple, honest to god misunderstanding somehow managed to land him squarely in the League's crosshairs. The Baselard flew spastically as two Stylets pursued him and peppered the prototype with fire from their gatling guns. By sheer luck, he had managed to avoid a majority of the soaring bullets - the prototype's high specifications afforded him that much of an edge even if he was a complete amateur. He bit his lip as he tried to multi-task - where was the damn communication channel on this thing?

Suddenly, the pursuing Stylets decelerated and disappeared behind the clouds. The man sighed softly as his grip loosened on the controls. If he hadn't tried to be a hero - if he hadn't tried to interfere with that Rebel hijacker, he'd probably be relaxing at his small apartment in the Blue Zone. Given the League's extreme intolerance for defectors, it was entirely likely that his face was plastered on every officer's 'shit list' at this rate.

The brief moment of respite was interrupted by the sounds of automatic gunfire. A quick status check indicated that low caliber projectiles had raked the armor on the Baselard's leg. The technicians eyes widened as a gray silhouette began its high speed approach. He recognized the unit immediately - a Super Stylet assigned to flight commanders.

"...Marion. I'm shooting you down."A cold voice of indifference echoed in the cockpit as a one-way communication channel was forcibly opened. He opened his speak to respond before realizing that there would be no reconciliation. The Super Stylet charged forward... only to jinx left and fire off a few bullets from one of its gatling guns. Mari jerked his hands back, just in time to see the rounds whiz right past the Baselard's cockpit. He could just imagine the burning glare on his brother as he took aim once more.

He... He really is going to kill me at this rate. This thing had a shield, didn't it? How do I- The sound of metal shearing interrupted the reluctant fugitive's train of though as bullets ripped through the armor plating on the Baselard's left side. It took a few moments of frantic movement, but Mari finally drew out the shield... and fired off a powerful shot from the connected beam rifles. The Super Stylet performed an aileron roll and swerved to the side as an intense light cut through the air and left a brief haze.

The brothers soon entered the airspace of what seemed to be an active battlefield, though only Locke seemed to notice
their new surroundings. He narrowed his eyes - the League forces down on the ground could handle these Rebels. Taking down Mari and the Baselard took priority. The ace took a deep breath before loading the Super Stylet's gatling guns on its wings and retrieving its gunpods. Once more, Stray 1 moved to engage his target.
GasMaskie said:



Breaths came slowly to him as he hurtled through the air propelled by verniers. Sharp pain shot through his head as the machine he rode danced through deadly hellfire. His hands twitched - quivered - trembled as he maintained his death grip on the controls. Something started blinking somewhere on the overwhelming panoramic view of his cockpit, whatever information was displayed became lost in the bloom of munitions.

Today was not a good day for Marion Vayron. A simple, honest to god misunderstanding somehow managed to land him squarely in the League's crosshairs. The Baselard flew spastically as two Stylets pursued him and peppered the prototype with fire from their gatling guns. By sheer luck, he had managed to avoid a majority of the soaring bullets - the prototype's high specifications afforded him that much of an edge even if he was a complete amateur. He bit his lip as he tried to multi-task - where was the damn communication channel on this thing?

Suddenly, the pursuing Stylets decelerated and disappeared behind the clouds. The man sighed softly as his grip loosened on the controls. If he hadn't tried to be a hero - if he hadn't tried to interfere with that Rebel hijacker, he'd probably be relaxing at his small apartment in the Blue Zone. Given the League's extreme intolerance for defectors, it was entirely likely that his face was plastered on every officer's 'shit list' at this rate.

The brief moment of respite was interrupted by the sounds of automatic gunfire. A quick status check indicated that low caliber projectiles had raked the armor on the Baselard's leg. The technicians eyes widened as a gray silhouette began its high speed approach. He recognized the unit immediately - a Super Stylet assigned to flight commanders.

"...Marion. I'm shooting you down."A cold voice of indifference echoed in the cockpit as a one-way communication channel was forcibly opened. He opened his speak to respond before realizing that there would be no reconciliation. The Super Stylet charged forward... only to jinx left and fire off a few bullets from one of its gatling guns. Mari jerked his hands back, just in time to see the rounds whiz right past the Baselard's cockpit. He could just imagine the burning glare on his brother as he took aim once more.

He... He really is going to kill me at this rate. This thing had a shield, didn't it? How do I- The sound of metal shearing interrupted the reluctant fugitive's train of though as bullets ripped through the armor plating on the Baselard's left side. It took a few moments of frantic movement, but Mari finally drew out the shield... and fired off a powerful shot from the connected beam rifles. The Super Stylet performed an aileron roll and swerved to the side as an intense light cut through the air and left a brief haze.

The brothers soon entered the airspace of what seemed to be an active battlefield, though only Locke seemed to notice
their new surroundings. He narrowed his eyes - the League forces down on the ground could handle these Rebels. Taking down Mari and the Baselard took priority. The ace took a deep breath before loading the Super Stylet's gatling guns on its wings and retrieving its gunpods. Once more, Stray 1 moved to engage his target.
Currently Fox was playing dead. When a tank from earlier took a pot shot at him as he was driving by it, he found it as the perfect opportunity and purposely made Staltz swerve and tumble as if it was a direct it, then immediately cut off all power to his mech to fake a total system shutdown. After hearing the take take a few for shots at Staltz, it seemed to believe it killed him and went off to fight something else.

This offered him valuable time to grab his tool bag and hop out of the cockpit and outside. He knew the chest hull was gonna take a lot more work so he decided to focus on a different task, Staltz Left Arm. It got disconnected from control after that battle so that just meant some wires and parts probably got jostled out of place or severed. A simple fix. He hid himself with his mech's body to avoid infantry detection, but he still carried his hand cannon. In retrospect stalking up on an assault rifle as well would have made him feel better about this situation, but it was to late to gripe about it now.

It did not take long before he found the problem and swiftly fixed it. He took off his hat for moment to wipe the sweat from his forehead with his arm before putting it back on and hopping back into his mech. "Ok Round 2 big guy" he got in the seat closed the cockpit and activated the power, then immediately changed to bipedal mode. "All systems green... Left arm... Good" he nodded as he saw the "all green" for mech body parts, as well. He was about to rise and fly off when he caught a glimpse of some new mech getting chased by another way up high.

"One of our guys?.... Ah why not?" He shrugged. Staltz then immediately stood up and pulled out his Sniper Rail Gun and took aim at the mech hounding the other mech. "Give the guy some breathing room should help. He then moved the bullet path ahead of his target a few yards and pulled the trigger. Releasing a high caliber Round into sky Just after Marion and let it zip in front of the mech's head that was chasing it. Disturbingly close. He wasn't in much of a killing mood unless he was hunting, which he wasn't just temporarily grabbing attention for a moment.

Jack could finally hear coms, and he heard something about an attack, and that the infantry soldiers were in need of armored support and they never really hired tank drivers, so Jack was the only means of helping them all out and bolted to the location of the nearest squad, they were pinned down, they were a small patrol that stayed near the base for rebel activity, Jack landed in front of them and shielded them from enemy fire, "Bringing the heavy metal!" he shouted into the speaker system, then aimed his guns at the large group of rebels, and tore into them, blowing up their little fox holes and all, looks like they were waiting for the order to attack. He stopped firing, but kept the barrels moving. Scanning with thermal to make sure they were all dead, few body parts here and there, yeah, they were dead. "Get going soldiers!" he said, and made his way to the next.

suddenly... from afar, a hugely bright light illuminated the silhouette of a gigantic robot seemingly carried by choppers... it was crimson ronin. his silhouette came closer and he was detached from the helicopters, he dropped down to the ground from a height of about 20 meters and made two craters from his feet. the gigantic jaeger towered above everhthing else, it standing for about 68 meters in height dwarfing every other mecha around him.

(from 0:00 to 0:20)


@HEATS @dr xenon @CERBERUS177 @Crimrose @Tierax @Raider867 @Foxora @GasMaskie
Klein runs up to the defense line, firing at the attacking Rebels. "Hold the line, men!" He yells as he fires at the incoming Rebels.
HEATS said:
Roland peeled himself out of his cockpit as his suit collapsed. It had taken everything it had just to keep up with that Striker.
He unholstered his pistol as he dropped down to the ground and sprinted across the base to meet up with the light corps. Taking up position at one of the already open doors to the compound he came across the dead bodies of some of his allies. One of them was already missing a rifle. He grabbed one of the others and carefully entered the facility. It wasn't long until he came to the ship itself. Roland was almost in awe of it's size, it had to be 300, maybe 400 meters in length.

"No wonder they want this thing so bad." He mumbled to himself, before turning at the sound of more gunfire.

The light above the landing ramp went from Amber to Green. The assault shuttle slammed to a halt. The doors burst open and the cacophony of small unit combat assailed Rosie's ears. The heavy infantry troopers pounded down the ramp, firing short bursts from the hip as they ran.

"LET'S GO!" Rosie bellows as she leads her troop of mechanics down the ramp. At the same time she launches six thermal smoke grenades ahead of her troop. Their billowing grey smoke sparkles - throwing off heat signatures of their own to confuse any non-human senses as well as the human ones trying to peer through the clouds.


The mechanics make their way to the nearest ship access. Most of them have never been on a ship before, but they're the closest thing to an engineering staff the rebellion has.

@HEATS, @CERBERUS177, @Foxora, @Tierax , @Crimrose ,@AceOfSpades0210 , @GasMaskie , @Raider867 , @OGTomahawk
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While Ivis didn't go inside, she decided to take potshots at whatever armor she could find, occasionally circling the battlefield to gather attention.
Raider867 said:
Klein runs up to the defense line, firing at the attacking Rebels. "Hold the line, men!" He yells as he fires at the incoming Rebels.
Jack landed in front of another line of troops, "Talk the talk! Now walk the damn line!" came from his mech, not his voice though, he aimed at a line of rebels, "Hell fire coming up boys and gals!" he shouted, lighting up the hill tops and then the few rebel soldiers running away from the line, "I'm going to another front! Call me when you need me!" he shouted, then jumped towards the other front lines.

"Its confirmed, there are several hostiles on board. They seem to be trying to start up the ship. If you can, try to prioritize engineers. I'd say to attempt sabotage if necessary. If you find it necessary, go for the sensor systems. If those go down, they'll be virtually blind. Excluding vision, of course."

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"EXEA, prepare combat systems. We aren't fighting beasties today.." Valk's voice was low, solely because he was now within his cockpit. The machine was racing towards the League headquarters, having been left behind and missing what had already occured. "Why didn't you tell me they were leaving?" He asked the machine, partially upset that he was missing a battle that could completely change their position in the war.

"V, you told me to never bother you when you're relieving yourself in the restroom." The feminine voice of the machine responded, the usual melancholy or emotionless tone sounding almost irritated.

"Oh shut up.." The pilot wasn't sure whether he was on the communications line or not. Usually there was a sign on his screen telling him who he was connected with, but he had the screen disabled to give him more visibility of his surroundings.

"Heads up, V." The machine warned him, launching itself into the air and automatically raising the blade-rifle. Valk aimed the rifle, looking down the scope to see the armed tanks firing upon the rebel position. He pulled the trigger, a heavy explosion down the barrel of his weapon fired a round straight towards one of the tanks. The bullet embed itself into the metal vessel, a massive explosion engulfing the small radius.

"Bulls eye!" Valk cheered from the cockpit, keeping a steady eye on the radar to his bottom left for any heat signatures approaching him.

(Open for interaction. He's a bit further from the battlefield, since I'm not to sure on the exact surroundings. Hope I didn't ruin anything.)
"I read ya, Emo Hair. I'm on my way, try not to—ack!"

Sullivan was cut off mid-sentence as something slammed into the back of Thunder Child's head, causing the optics to temporarily glitch out. When they booted back up, Sullivan looked behind him to see a turret sitting on his arm and firing into his left shoulder, with a custom suit directly behind him. The turret had already done a number on his left arm, locking it in place at the shoulder, practically immobilizing the arm. Sullivan seemed more annoyed than concerned, though, and reached over with his other arm to bat the sentry off, as if he was swatting a giant bug. The turret popped off of his arm, taking a chunk of armor with it.

A mobile turret? Those are pretty rare nowadays. I can't think of many machines that have those...

"Hey, punk!" Sullivan shouted over his loudspeaker. "Can't you see I'm in the middle of a conversation? It's rude to interrupt!" Using his auxiliary boosters to increase his turning speed, Sullivan moved to swipe at the smaller suit with his right arm.

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