Mecha RP: Legend of M

A couple Rebels spot Klein's unconscious body. They check for a pulse before looking at one another. "Let's bring him to the brig." The first Rebel said.

"Good idea." The second Rebel says before they both pick Klein up by the shoulders and drag him to the brig of the ship.
"V, the attacking mech has departed from range." The machine told Valk, automatically transferring energy that had been focused on offensive capabilities towards recovery. There was an orange light around the frame's core and mid-torso where the plasma blades had embed themselves.

"Alright, the target is in sight, so we should be able to rest up there." Valk responded, looking to see the recovery time for the mech to be about twenty minutes. The machine made its way to the base, avoiding further combat until he made it to the hangar bay of the carrier-sized ship.

(Any League pilots defending the hangar? I haven't quite kept up as well with the setting.)
The battlefield went silent inside hanger 13... The only noises left to hear were the cries of agony from wounded soldiers, the slow fading crackle of ions from the Riptides fearsome burst, and Roux's own rough, unsteady breathing. Even the low hum of of his implants had stopped, unfortunately meaning Roux still didn't know what they did or how to use them.

"Why did... they... stop coming?" He said between pants..."They shouldn't be scared... Look! they... Got some good... Shots in..."

He looked up at the Riptide weakly, pointing at numerous wounds and drenched in more blood then could possibly be his alone.

The adrenaline had begun to wear off the instant the rebels fled from the hanger, and Roux staggered about as he walked towards Jacksons mech clutching at his stomach.

Dropping to a knee, he surveyed the now eerily silent battlefield.

No League survivors, but plenty of rebels abandoned by their supposed comrades.

"What a mess..." He said leaning against some crates, "hey, what they... trying to get... Anyway? The hell I take so... Many bullets... To... defend this breach for? Did it... Even work? We slow 'em down... even a little?"

He felt faint, a lot of blood was pooling around him as he spoke.

@dr xenon
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Klein wakes up in a cell. He looks around. "The... hell...?" He mutters. He immediately checks to see if his sister's necklace was on him. He sighs. "Thank God..." He says, finding his sister's necklace was still there. He looks around. "So I am not dead..." He mutters to himself. He sits on the bed, taking in his surroundings. He felt the movement of the ship. "Damn, I didn't stop the launch. Damn Rebel terrorists..." He growls lowly, punching next to him.
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Figuring whatever had been going on had calmed down, Ivis headed for the hangar. It seemed many Rebels where dead, and some still dying. She kept her shield up and flew above the ones still alive.

"What're you doing with our ship? You know we can detonate that at the press of a button, right?" Ivis was lying, as she knew of no such feature. She got no response, and so she lowered her shield in the front and finished him off with her sword. It was only a swift decapitation. She moved on to the next, and the next, getting no amswers. Finally, she raised her shield again and sighed.
-My communicator... Maybe I can tell Ivis to track it...-

He looks around for his communicator. Nothing. He looks around the cell. Just a bed, toilet, and faucet. "No comm, no way of escape. Juuuuussttt great...." He mutters with a sigh. He chooses to sit back on the bed and think of ways to get out of this situation. He groans. "And nothing to do... This is gonna be a long ride..." He mutters lowly.
After finding a proper spot to park his mech on the ship. Staltz finally hopped out of it and got a look around. "Well that was a wild ride." he looked back at Staltz and simply huffed. the chest area looked like it messed up... but seeing as he had time now he turned his cap backwards and decided to get to work on it before doing anything else. "Where'd I put that tool box?..."
while he was staying back, he saw ivis' carnage... he then suddenly opened an intercom singal to ivis "don't... stop killing them, they are still human ivis, at least detain them" he said @Crimrose
Tierax said:
The battlefield went silent inside hanger 13... The only noises left to hear were the cries of agony from wounded soldiers, the slow fading crackle of ions from the Riptides fearsome burst, and Roux's own rough, unsteady breathing. Even the low hum of of his implants had stopped, unfortunately meaning Roux still didn't know what they did or how to use them.
"Why did... they... stop coming?" He said between pants..."They shouldn't be scared... Look! they... Got some good... Shots in..."

He looked up at the Riptide weakly, pointing at numerous wounds and drenched in more blood then could possibly be his alone.

The adrenaline had begun to wear off the instant the rebels fled from the hanger, and Roux staggered about as he walked towards Jacksons mech clutching at his stomach.

Dropping to a knee, he surveyed the now eerily silent battlefield.

No League survivors, but plenty of rebels abandoned by their supposed comrades.

"What a mess..." He said leaning against some crates, "hey, what they... trying to get... Anyway? The hell I take so... Many bullets... To... defend this breach for? Did it... Even work? We slow 'em down... even a little?"

He felt faint, a lot of blood was pooling around him as he spoke.

@dr xenon
"Crap!" Jackson exclaims seeing Roux near collapse. He grabbed the trauma kit and punched out of the Riptide, practically parkouring down the 13-meter drop to the hangar bay floor.

"Just ease down there, Roux," he says applying field dressings and injecting coagulant where necessary to staunch the blood loss. "Don't wanna let 'Beast Buster' get that rig off yer back yet."
"...But... They have done the same... Besides, I'm done with talking to them. Whatever, its your problem if they make a last stand." Ivis said over the comm.

Ivis hovered above the remaining soldiers, a cold glare directed at them.

"Stay where you are, or you'll end up like your friends. Got it? I've had a slight change in heart. Also, whatever weapons you have, drop them. Raise your hand, or scream if you've lost a limb."

It seemed those that lost a limb hadn't lost both arms, but some had lost one, or others their legs.

"Okay, here's how this is going to go. Now that you've gotten rid of your weapons, I'm going to cauterize your wounds. Its going to hurt, obviously. But it will kill off some germs, as well as keep you alive longer."

Ivis moved the particles away from the front of her, and made the shield compact. She then began the process. If you looked closely, you could tell she wasn't killing them.

Klein walks up to the bars. He looks around the room outside. "Damn, if I could just get out of here..." He mutters through gritted teeth.
[QUOTE="dr xenon]"Crap!" Jackson exclaims seeing Roux near collapse. He grabbed the trauma kit and punched out of the Riptide, practically parkouring down the 13-meter drop to the hangar bay floor.
"Just ease down there, Roux," he says applying field dressings and injecting coagulant where necessary to staunch the blood loss. "Don't wanna let 'Beast Buster' get that rig off yer back yet."

Roux laughed a hearty laugh, until he begun to cough blood.

"Niether one of us... cared to remember what that prick... called himself eh?.. Still haven't found our... Lost dog hehe"

Jackson was an interesting man, why was he going this far for a wanted man?

Roux's breathing slowly became less rough, as Jacksons skill with the field kit stabilised him.

"We need to get out... No way that was a retreat." Roux said finally calming down from his rage, though with that calm came the full force of the pain he was in, moaning each time Jackson had to apply pressure.

"I'm going to have to head back to base... Hope you don't mind, but... I need to fix up my favourite paper weight."

He chuckled a little, as Jackson finished up his treatments and packed away what was left of the field kit.

"Actually... The only question you really need to answer.. Is why are you helping me?" Roux looked at the man puzzled, and somewhat ashamed that he had to rely on him so heavily, so quickly.

-at least I found someone trustworthy out of all this.-
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OGTomahawk said:
Clayton turned Lucky into the swipe and the chest armor took the brunt of the hit. Lucky stayed standing but was forced back several feet. Clayton keyed his own speakers. "Who you callin' punk, Shiny?" He grabbed hold of the right arm while putting Luckys left leg on Thunder Childs hip. He used it as leverage in an attempt to wrench the arm from its socket.
This plan failed when an expertly handled rebel TOW missile struck Lucky behind the knee, one of the few weakpoints in his armor, and the leg collapsed. Clayton clung to the mechs arm to keep Lucky stable. Alarms blared as more fire from rebel forces began to pummel him. It dawned on him that this was a losing battle. Maydays were being broadcast on all channels. He also heard garbled words saying the carrier had been boarded. He became infuriated. "No! This is not how I go down!" He leveled his rifle at his opponents waist and opened fire.

(Btw. My intention is that Clayton loses this fight and is taken prisoner. So go nuts.)
(I think I'll do just that. If I've gone overboard tell me and I'll delete this)

Sullivan let out a grunt of annoyance as the other suit began unloading into Thunder Child's waste, still grasping his functioning arm. "Shiny? I'll show you shiny, jackass!"

Returning the other machine's grasp, Sullivan fired a plasma round point blank into Lucky's left arm, blowing it off at the wrist. As soon as the now-ruined arm went limp, Sullivan moved his right arm over to Lucky's rifle and once more fired a point blank round, destroying the gun. Two plasma rounds at such a short range tore up Thunder Child's right palm, bending the plasma cannon's barrel out of shape, but it had served its purpose.

Following his plasma rounds, Sullivan planted his left foot on Lucky's shoulder and forced it to the ground, standing over the other machine in a show of dominance. At first, he planned on using his remaining plasma cannon to destroy the machine, but hesitated now that he had a good look at it. Is that...a shock-drop suit? The kind used by the orbital troops before the fleet was lost? It's been modified a tad,but that'd explain the mobile turret. If I recall right, dad helped design those suits...

After a second of hesitation, Sullivan turned on his loudspeakers. "Alright, punk," he started, "out of respect for your choice of machine I'm going to give you one chance. Exit the cockpit with your hands up."

It was at that moment that Sullivan's comms began buzzing. "—echanized units, we are under heavy assault inside the main hanger bay! To anyone still fighting, we need covering fire!"

Sounds like it's time to leave.
He turned his attention back to the pinned machine. "You have ten seconds, then I turn you to goo. Best think fast, punk."

Tierax said:
Roux laughed a hearty laugh, until he begun to cough blood.
"Niether one of us... cared to remember what that prick... called himself eh?.. Still haven't found our... Lost dog hehe"

Jackson was an interesting man, why was he going this far for a wanted man?

Roux's breathing slowly became less rough, as Jacksons skill with the field kit stabilised him.

"We need to get out... No way that was a retreat." Roux said finally calming down from his rage, though with that calm came the full force of the pain he was in, moaning each time Jackson had to apply pressure.

"I'm going to have to head back to base... Hope you don't mind, but... I need to fix up my favourite paper weight."

He chuckled a little, as Jackson finished up his treatments and packed away what was left of the field kit.

"Actually... The only question you really need to answer.. Is why are you helping me?" Roux looked at the man puzzled, and somewhat ashamed that he had to rely on him so heavily, so quickly.

-at least I found someone trustworthy out of all this.-
"Save yer energy, kid," Jackson replied. "Yer gonna need it ta fix up that wreck."

He found one of the medical teams streaming intothe hangar and got Roux on a stretcher.

"I'm helpin' you cuz you signed on," he days as he walks alongside the stretcher. "An yu you prob'ly got a fight or two still in ya. I helped you before cuz it was the right thing ta do. No one deserves ta get tortured ta death. Not even you."
It all happened so fast. In Luckys cockpit a dim red light flickered while fluids spewed from ruptured hydraulics and sparks erupted from everything else. Clayton was practically hammering his controls, trying to get something anything to happen. He could tell his sentry was still operable, but he had no way of giving it commands. It was all for naught. Clayton didn't know what to do next. He had never suffered defeat. Through the noise he heard his opponent offer him a chance to surrender.

After a bare moment of contemplation, Clayton angrily punched the emergency release lever, and the cockpits emergency exit plate was blown out of place at specific points. Due to damage it didn't come off all the way and Clayton had to kick it off to the side. He stood up and looked to the mech that had taken him down, attempting to show no fear. It was certainly humbling to have a plasma rifle the size of a car pointed at you.

Slowly, Clayton unholstered his sidearm with only his index finger and thumb, and tossed it to the side. He then took off his helmet and let it drop back into the cockpit, then held up his hands. "I.....surrender." He tried to remain confident, but it was hard to stay that way while uttering those words.
Klein lays in his bed, his head on a hand while his other hand holds his sister's necklace. He was bored and usually looking at it allowed him to remember the fun times and actually not be as bored as he would be if he didn't have anything to do or look at.
Roland stood on the flight deck of the stolen ship as it pulled away from the base and looked on at the smoke and ruin they had left behind. The vast majority of the forces they had scrapped together over the last few years was gone and at most they had merely managed to delay the League from building one more terrible weapon. It was a sobering feeling to say the least.

As time went on, the ship pulled itself far enough into the sea that land disappeared altogether and settled down somewhere in the Atlantic. With any luck, it would take the league at least a few hours to find them. For now they had to come up with a plan, count their losses, and figure out what to do with the prisoners. Not to mention find himself a new machine.

@dr xenon

For now, Roland wandered up to the bridge. Talking with his superiors sounded like it could at least put him in the right direction. Upon seeing Captain Hawker he snapped to a salute.

"Lieutenant Roland Croix! Requesting permission for inquiry, Ma'am!" His time with the rebellion hadn't dulled his sense of ceremony.
Klein sits on the floor, his necklace back on his neck as he tosses a rock at a wall, having it bounce off the wall, then off the floor before catching it again. He tosses it again, it doing the same thing as before. He catches it again. He repeats the action aimlessly. He had no ideas of getting out and he was slowly losing hope that the League is coming to rescue them. He put faith in his sister's necklace that he will get out of this alive, though. He had to in order to see his sister again if he ever found her. He continues to bounce the rock as he thinks. He watches the rock bounce back to him as he tosses it. "Why did they let us live...?" He asks aloud.
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(gonna ret-con)

A cold bed... no give to it at all... Roux felt like he was waking up even though he craved even just a few more minutes rest... but his arms felt stiff and uncomfortable, slowly he became more and more aware until he knew he couldn't get back to sleep.

Roux's head pounded.... as his eyes opened he was in another tight room. Another tiny light to let him know where he was.

And more automated security then he'd ever seen before.

"Why did they let us live?" an unfamiliar voice asks...

Sitting up from the cold hard floor, and looking at fresh bandages and bindings covering his body like some lame joke of a mummy he grumbled.

-The hell has happened to me THIS time?-

shuffling his once more bound form over to the door, he pressed against it, talking as calmly as he could muster.

"Wrong question to be asking buddy... Don't even know how I got here. One minute I was flying home free, next I'm here... wherever here is, so uh... Who are you neighbor?"

@HEATS @Raider867
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"I was the pilot of the blue and red mech on the battlefield. Klein Schterzen. I was League SpecForce. I was captured after being knocked out from a grenade. I was trying to keep this ship from being taken. As you can see, I failed in my task." He says with a sigh before continuing to bounce the rock on the wall. "Who are you?" He asks

Roux sighed a little... Captured again, not exactly how he planned to spend his waning years.

"I'm just your average 38 year old mech pilot flying his way through life."

He chuckled a little at the idea of teasing this new person.

"Names Roux, Roux Le Corps."

"Weren't you with Cutter? I overheard you talking with him sometimes." He says as he bounces the rock off the wall. His voice seemed tired. Or bored. Or both. Either way, his attitude showed he would rather be somewhere else other than here.

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Roux was a little taken aback at Kliens casual reply. Did his bounty mean nothing? No that wasn't it, this man said he was spec-ops right? That man has probably been in more startling situations then being cell neighbors with himself.

But overheard him? That's what really threw Roux off his mischievous little game.

"I don't think I announced myself by name on public comms, how'd you hear it from Cutter?"
"I'm Spec-Ops, remember? In my line of business, I tend to not trust people easily so I tapped into the private comms undetected so I can keep tabs on anyone who could potentially kill me. Paranoia, maybe. I call it preparation. Who knows who could be a double agent in this day in age." He replies as he tosses the rock still. He finally catches it and puts it down. "After all, even with the threat of the Kaiju, the Rebels still try to infiltrate the League just to out us. It's like the Kaiju aren't as big of a threat as each other."


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