Mecha RP: Legend of M

Roux laughed loudly and heartily, his voice echoed in the halls.

-So that's how you did it, yeah that makes sense... probably had your fingers in every comm you could keep track of.-

"Haha, yeah seems that way... Kaiju ain't so bad though, they just seem to like lights. Leave you well enough alone unless you near a red zone, they'll maul you the second they notice you even if you ain't flashing any lights." His laugh slowly faded, as a sour expression resettled back on his face.

There was a reason, after all, that Roux had to be lured out to get wiped off the map, His black Dawn had suggested they keep bases on the furthest edges of most Red zones, what they liked to call "no mans land". He couldn't help but agree. They were a clever bunch, why they kept calling him their leader he never knew, but for some reason they all did even when he only wanted a squad.

"Spent alot of time around them, never fought one though... they as scary to fight as they look?"

He spoke with a wavering voice, trying to push the thoughts to the back of his mind, he couldn't mourn them properly yet, not until he got back home one last time at least.

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"My Stryker Kai is heavily upgraded so the Kaiju I've come into contact with are easy to fight. But I think it's because of the fast reflexes I have to have in order to control it. The Strykers, as well as my Stryker Kai, have fast and precise movements. The pilot has to be able to gauge their strength and speed enough as to not over-exert yourself in a swing of the Heat Swords it's equipped with without throwing yourself off-balance and leaving you open to a Kaiju attack. When I first got a Stryker, I tested it out on the battlefield. It was difficult to control but in time I mastered it and even customized it." He explains. "So to me, the Kaiju I've fought are easy. I've never gone into the red zones yet but I've heard stories. Those who go in... never come out. And if you are lucky to have gotten in, you never want to go into a Kaiju-occupied area, be it yellow or red, again." He says grimly.

Roux was silent for a long time. Though if Klien felt uncomfortable in it, he didn't say anything.

Finally Roux decided to break the quiet.

"Few of us ever went in, but we had a team that explored red zones for us... they told us things we couldn't believe. but they weren't right after their first trip... maybe went out three or four times after that before they stopped coming back... they radio'd in once a week as usual but they didn't seem themselves. Something changed them in there, and what ever it was needs to stay right where it is."

There was another uncomfortable silence, Roux started to take note of his surroundings some more. It was certainly a league brig he was in, so maybe a vessel? Not a space one for certain, Roux wasn't even sure if they even wanted to get back into space if they could just contain everyone under their thumb here. so maybe he was at sea? no he would feel it bobbing in the waves, you always could with boats...

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@Tierax @Raider867

Suddenly there were footsteps echoing through the brig, fast running ones. They soon caught sight of a young man with a black hat running down the brig hallway but immediately skidded to a stop right infront of their cells, he was wearing headphones but pulled them off his ears. Some electronic music could be heard coming off it and he looked covered in grease with a tool belt on his waist. "Oi, any of you know where they keep the spare metal and parts on these ships?... Ah nevermind, doubt you'd know either" Was then inspecting their cells and the ones next them.
Hearing the footsteps he felt himself relax, he could get some answers now, some League boy scout would escort him to whoever was in charge and explain why he wasn't dead yet.

Instead, he was asked about scrap metal... while in a holding cell.

Roux stared at the man in disbelief, before his voice finally registered.

"You, sound.... familiar..." he said slowly, struggling to recall where the voice was from.

He looked carefully at the man, thinking hard to remember any details as he tried to place where this voice pulled at his memory from.

@Foxora @Raider867
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It was Klein's turn to stay silent. He then speaks after a few minutes of silence. "Scrap is in the storage section close to the hangar. They put it there for quick repairs on mechs." He says calmly.

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@Tierax @Raider867

Fox didn't hear what Roux said as he was to busy on his quest for junk, but he "Miraculously" was able to hear anything that aided him "Ah Sweet! Your a life saver man!" He opened up a small holo screen and started writing the directions on it with his finger before closing it out again. "Now with that out of the way." he turned to the empty sell. Time to cannibalize!" he smirked as he turned his hat backwards, pulled out a welder's mask hanging off his tool belt to wear on his face, and then pulled out his portable welder before kicking the cell door open and running in. "All they could hear was the sound of the welder cutting metal as Sparks would sometimes fly out of the cell and sporadic moments of light would brighten up the dark area every now and then.
The voice, he couldn't place the voice... he could swear he had heard it just recently... what was it he after again? Klein mentioned scrap for mechs, that seemed to get his attention...was he a pilot? The thought weighed on him for only a moment, before he decided he had to find out for certain.

"So what you need scrap for?" He shouted over the sound of welding, his voice echoing less as the area filled with noise.

"Get into some heat did ya?"

@Foxora @Raider867
@Tierax @Raider867

"Yeah, Pilot was trying to pin Staltz." the welding stops for a moment. "No one, messes with Staltz" He spoke ominously... after a moment of silence the welding sounds returned and loud clang was word, the sound of something falling tot he floor "So I stabbed a hole in the mech's groin and blew my whole load of missiles into it" He had to chuckle "Sorry, I just thought of that joke a few seconds ago and wanted use it. Anyway I gotta make some new missiles and for that, I need scraps! They watched as the bed that belonged int he brig was tossed precariously out of the cell with yet the same loud clang when it hit the floor.
@Tierax @Foxora @Raider867

Clayton was propped up against the wall of the cell. On the outside he looked tired and defeated. But on the inside he was furious. I've survived 60 drops. Killed hundreds of kaiju, some bigger than houses. And this is where I end up? Captured? Because of a lucky missile shot. Fuck.

Every now and then he kicked the cell door, expressing his displeasure at being contained. He paid no mind to the conversation between the other prisoners in the cell block. That was, until a rebel began gutting one of the cells for scrap. They're probably doin' that to Lucky right now. Fucking buzzards.

He shouted out to the rebel. "Hey! The hell are you doin'? You know they keep spare parts in the vicinity of the hangar, right?" He paused for a moment before realizing this was a good oppurtunity for an insult. "Oh yeah, of course you don't know. You rebels have probably never seen a boat bigger than your casualty numbers." Clayton smirked. That would probably get a reaction out of him.
HEATS said:
Roland stood on the flight deck of the stolen ship as it pulled away from the base and looked on at the smoke and ruin they had left behind. The vast majority of the forces they had scrapped together over the last few years was gone and at most they had merely managed to delay the League from building one more terrible weapon. It was a sobering feeling to say the least.
As time went on, the ship pulled itself far enough into the sea that land disappeared altogether and settled down somewhere in the Atlantic. With any luck, it would take the league at least a few hours to find them. For now they had to come up with a plan, count their losses, and figure out what to do with the prisoners. Not to mention find himself a new machine.

@dr xenon

For now, Roland wandered up to the bridge. Talking with his superiors sounded like it could at least put him in the right direction. Upon seeing Captain Hawker he snapped to a salute.

"Lieutenant Roland Croix! Requesting permission for inquiry, Ma'am!" His time with the rebellion hadn't dulled his sense of ceremony.

It felt good to be at sea again - even as a pirate. The thrum of the engines and the gentle, nearly imperceptible roll of the big ship were old and familiar sensations.

And if the boffins ever figure this girl out we'll see how she feels aloft, she thought.

At Roland's introduction she turned around smartly and snapped a return salute.

"Leftenant Croix," she replied. "permission granted. Ask away!"
@Tierax @Raider867 @OGTomahawk

"Man you League guys and those rebel dudes really are at each other's throats" Was the "Rebel's" Response to Clayton's insult. He continued his work anyway. "Gonna need more then just the storage scrap this ship has."
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@Tierax @Foxora @Raider867

Clayton raised an eyebrow and cocked his head at the words spoken. It sounded like this guy was a mercenary. There was a long pause before Clayton responded. He decided to tread a little softer. "You talk as if you're unaffiliated. You a merc?"
@Tierax @Raider867 @OGTomahawk

"Nnnope!" another clanging sound was heard "I'm just a guy who happened to get gipped after fixing that Emo Hair guy Mech almost, then all of a sudden a giant Kaiju shows up so I couldn't finish his shield before he decided to be a freaking hero or something" now it sounded multiple pieces of some sort were hitting the floor along with the sound of an Alan wrench at work. "Doofus gets his mech wrecked some more after the fight, Rides off as if there was no one there he OWED money to, to the rebel base. SO I had to follow the guy. I don't even know if that cheap skate is even going to pay me for my involvement in this freaking battle. But I'll tell you what?" Half of the toilet was tossed carelessly out of the sell and on top of the dismantled bed. "Since I can't confiscate his mech since he left it behind. I'm and making full use of whatever comes under the rebels custody until I FEEL that the debt has been repaid." he He steps out with a bag with what could be assume are parts from the toilet he chucked it onto the bed and dusted off his hands. "Thank God you guys left his ship Pristine though, I would not look forward to ripping apart a recently used toilet."
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@Tierax @Foxora @OGTomahawk

He couldn't help but silently laugh at this. His laugh was audible though. "If you're going to be taking apart toilets to repay your debt, you'll be with them for a long time." He jokes, tossing his rock at the wall and watching it bounce back at him, catching it again.
@Tierax @OGTomahawk @Raider867

Fox let the man laugh and make his jokes "See, now this is what is hilarious about other mech pilots. they sign up-" he pulled a holo screen and started tapping on a few icons. "They do their training-" From the other end where Fox entered from the sound of wheels rolling coould be heard, A standard ship maintenence drone was dragging along what looked like an open crate with wheels stuck firmly at the bottom of it. It was like a make shift cart "They porbably get like full marks and what not, Or for some other's turn to mercanary work. You know the ones, the kind that give you the old 'I've seen things that could turn your hair white'" He made a gruff voice to imitate a hardened veteran. He started chucking all the things in the cart. "But then when their mech goes down and they run out of bullets in their gun. All they got left, is their knife if they so happen to carry one" he then poked his head into Klein's cell "Or probably use their own gun as a club. Like a cave man." he then returned to the cart making sure everything was set. "Then if they're still alive, they get throne in a cell like you three and have no clue that the very confines they're stuck in can help them escape."

He hopped onto the drone and pressed more icons on his holo pad "I mean like do you know all the complicated parts that are in a toilet now these days" If you actually took some lessons you could make a pretty crude fire arm or IED... Of course, none you have ever thought about learning other skills have you?" He patted the drone "Hi Ho Silver, Away!" the drone simply turned the cart around and was rolling it's way out. "Anyway, you have fun rotting in the brig. I got some missles to make." and like that he was rode out of the brig.
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@Tierax @OGTomahawk @Foxora

He looked at him. "Why didn't I think of that?" He asks, looking at the toilet. "I guess I didn't think outside the box enough. Thanks." He says with a smile to Fox. "I guess you helped a prisoner escape if all goes well." He says with a victorious smile. Half of him was lying, trying to throw Fox off in telling a prisoner how to escape. The other was truly formulating a plan of what he would do.

Fox waved off a hand before yelling "Then Let's see how bad you want to escape then!" not even looking back before he was out of sight to the hangar.
@Foxora @Raider867 @OGTomahawk

The fruit-bot. THAT'S where the voice was from, he was certain of it. And now that this pilot had given him an option of escape, he felt a certain amicability towards them regardless of how they left scorch.

he made his way over to the toilet of his cell, The fruit-bots pilot was right, these toilets had a lot going for them with all the features to supposedly stop escapes, same with the bed and taps.

If only he could pull some wires, even just a few millimeters from the tiny light above him, the ied he could produce could blow the hinges off their cell doors.

"Hey, Klein. Oh and uh, new voice back there... My boys and I tinkered with explosives alot, you want out?"

A devious tone hung on his words, as he looked at the automated security.

It wasn't even online, so this ship they were on was recently stolen.

then two and two clicked together

He had damned near died, helped the League, and lost scorch to WHO knows where defending a SHIP!? Whats so special about it that the rebels threw everything they could muster to get it? All he needed to know now was how did they get hold of him?
@Raider867 @OGTomahawk

"Maybe" he says distantly, as he tries to pry his hand bindings off against the hard corners of the sink.

"But I need my hands free first, how far you able to reach through your cell, Maybe you can free them for me?"

His hands slip with his full weight behind it, he takes the corner of the metal sink to the chest taking his wind and making him curse loudly and frequently.
@Tierax @Raider867

Clayton stayed put. He wasn't one to give up. But he recognized a faulty plan when he saw one.

"You guys do realize, he had a blowtorch and some tools to cut apart that cell? You do not. You two are short-sighted. Even if you managed to escape the cell itself, how far do you think you will get? We are on a ship, the largest ever built.

"You would to have navigate your way up to the flight-deck, through hundreds of rebel guards, and then what? You just gonna waltz your way into a jet or a mech? Rebel mechs are highly customized. You won't be stealing one unless you can get permission from its pilot. If you did manage to steal one, you'd be promptly shredded by the ships defense systems on take-off.

"These rebels are smart enough to steal it, fly it and land it. They probably have the basic weapons online, atleast."

Clayton again leaned against wall. He would wait for a better oppurtunity.
Roux started getting frustrated, not because he was told off, but because the other voice was right about this plan.

"Skip the lecture, and tell us instead, what do you suggest? You seem to know where we are at least, or am I the only one who doesn't?" He snapped at the other voices, it was hard to stay calm lately, his life had spiralled out of his control so suddenly.

But if he was going down it would be in a blaze of glory, people would remember his fury throughout the ages and it would be on his terms!

@Raider867 @OGTomahawk
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@Tierax @OGTomahawk

"Yeah, you're right, Clayton. But what else could we do? I'm sure a Rebel won't just walk up to one of our cells and let us out to have a friendly chat we can take advantage of." He says, half-sarcastically. "The odds of that are fifty to one at this point."

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