Mecha RP: Legend of M

[QUOTE="dr xenon]Hawker gestures for Klein to sit, and takes a seat herself at the table. A non-com enters. His most remarkable feature is how unremarkable he is. It almost prevents describing him at all. He sets a tray of small, assorted sandwiches, cheeses, and cut fruits on the table. Then moves to make coffee. One of the guards unshackles Klein.
"Some members of the rebellion resort to terror tactics," Captain Hawker continues. "I will not attempt to defend them."

She gestures at the food, and the steward places a cup of coffee in front of Klein along with a small service containing cream and sugar.

"That is not the rebellion that I joined when I left the League, and I will not support terror tactics under my command. But I will return to my question - what were you doing, alone at the base?"

He was surprised at first but then sits at the table. He rubs his wrists where the shackles were once at. He was very hesitant at first. "Because I was trying to defend this ship from being taken over. Going in alone might be foolish but I believe one person can make the difference between victory and defeat." He says, not drinking the coffee in case there was truth serum in it. "I have a question. Why are you talking to me instead of having someone else interrogate me? Aren't you the captain of the ship?" He asks curiously.
Raider867 said:
He was surprised at first but then sits at the table. He rubs his wrists where the shackles were once at. He was very hesitant at first. "Because I was trying to defend this ship from being taken over. Going in alone might be foolish but I believe one person can make the difference between victory and defeat." He says, not drinking the coffee in case there was truth serum in it. "I have a question. Why are you talking to me instead of having someone else interrogate me? Aren't you the captain of the ship?" He asks curiously.

She smiles. It's a bit slack on one side of her face.

"Call it professional courtesy," Hawker says. "I trained half of the League's mech pilots. Zacharius. Qatar." She mentions Spec Ops mech trainers Klein has heard of, maybe even trained under. "I trained them."

She reaches across the table and takes a sandwich, bites into it daintily. Chews. Swallows.

"So what I really want to know, is not why you were in this vessel alone, but why you were not with a regular deployment of a spec ops squadron?"

@dr xenon

"I was assigned here as a last minute order after my squadron finished attacking a group of Kaiju." He says, not seeing any value to that information at all. "To be honest, my whole group was split up, some going overseas and others to other yellow and blue areas here. Nothing secret about that." He says with a shrug. "Why do you want to know that?" He then asks. He feels he can be a little more relaxed with her due to her training his Spec Ops instructor.
Tierax said:
@dr xenon
The uneventful walk bored Roux, he figured the guards would be thankful for it, as his temper had eased back to normal.

He took notice of everything as he walked but it was all too foreign to him to work out an escape plan.

As he entered the medical room and was greeted by the doc, he turns to face him fully with a stoic stance.

"They whispered, why did they whisper?" He spoke calmly, but firmly without taking his eyes off the doctor.

-is this the 'professor'? Mad scientist type maybe?-

He studied this new man, too many new faces to keep track of but somehow he felt like he should remember this one.
The corpsman looks back. Sees something he doesn't like in Roux's eyes and glances away.

"I think he meant Him," the corpsman says, nodding in the hatch's direction and gesturing exaggeratedly with his eyes.

Roux's eyes follow to the hatch. A Capuchin monkey stands in the open hatchway, directly beneath the "No Smoking" sign. A cigarette dangles from his mouth. A pair of welding goggles propped on his small head. A small leather bag slung dragging behind him. He drops the cigarette on the floor, and with a whir of small servo motors a metallic tail snakes out behind him and crushes the smoldering ember out against the deck plate. The monkey stares at everyone in the room, then bares its teeth at Roux. Maybe it could be interpreted as a smile. That would be up to Roux.

He scampers into the room, dragging the satchel behind him and leaps up onto the table, pulling the satchel behind him.

Glancing at Roux, he emits a series of high pitched chitters, places a paw on Roux's hand, and then farts.

@Tierax , @AceOfSpades0210
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Roux stood there in amazement.

-a real monkey?! They aren't extinct?-

Excitement overrode every emotion that once was as he shook the 'professors' hand.

"Professor, a pleasure to meet you!" He says playfully, "most esteemed professor, may a join you in a smoke?" He raises his bound hands in front of the little creature and waves them a little.

"These people wouldn't even let me have my own!"

He grins back at the monkey, trying to imitate it's previous smile. For a moment he notices the rest of the people gathered staring in disbelief.

"What?" He says, daring anyone to speak out.

@dr xenon
OGTomahawk said:
Clayton noticed the name on the datapad. He listened intently to what the pilot had to say. He was rather offended by what Shiny said about his career. "Did ya learn all that from Lucky or the ships computers? Meh, it doesn't matter. I wonder what do you, Mr. Caldwell, think your mech was built for? That thing is awfully advanced. It was probably built post-war. Probably to kill kaiju. Yet, you used it to kill humans. You're smart, but you need to keep in kind that a spear is a spear is a spear.
"As for my fellows and I being meatshields, what the fuck do you think I joined the military for? Even you rebels should understand the concept of fighting for others. I fight to protect what's left of humanity from kaiju and terrorists. Sure, I take orders from windbags up top but I still defend the common citizen."

"Granted, I have noticed the League is becoming a little shady. I am not blind to that. But what am I going to do? I'm a small piece in a big fucking picture. The League is the best shot that I see for humanity, at this point."
Sullivan opened his mouth to reply, indignant, but paused when armed escorts arrived to take the other two prisoners. He waited until they left, then sighed. "...Three things. One, I'm no rebel. I'm an independant pilot that's got a few favors to repay, nothing more. Two, my Thunder Child wasn't built to kill Kaiju, it was built to kill everything. I would know, I was there when it was finished. And three, your friend was right; the League's rotten to the core."

Sullivan paused to adjust his position, then continued. "Perhaps you misunderstood me when I said you were used as a meatshield; the League sent you out to die, Tirpitz. They didn't care if you came back or not. In fact, I bet they wanted you to not come back—they'd be able to use your death to drum up more support for their pet projects, as I'm sure they have with the deaths of your fellow orbitals. Tell me, did you join the military to die? If so, I can put a bullet in your head right now and toss your body overboard. It'll be no skin off my back, much less the League's. Hell, I doubt they've even noticed you're missing."

Standing up, Sullivan stretched for a brief second before folding the chair back up and leaning it against a wall. "I was wondering what type of pilot would be in one of my old man's machines, but now that I know I'm just disappointed. You're clearly an intelligent man, but I figured that a tournament champ wouldn't let the League guide him around with blinders so easily. Oh well. I was more interested in your suit, anyway. If you had been piloting anything else—wielding any other spear, to use your analogy—I'd have killed you back at the Shatterdome without a second thought. Maybe a spear isn't just a spear, eh?"

Sullivan moved towards the room's exit, then paused. "One more thing. If the League is humanity's last lifeline, why are so many people against it? Perhaps that lifeline doesn't care for the survival of all of mankind as much as it claims to."

Clayton would have liked to say his resolve was still strong, but the other mans words ate at him for some reason. Clayton hadn't followed a gut feeling since basic. And now, he felt clouded. This man wasn't heartless. He had let him live. According to him it was because of his mech. Why did that pilot care so much about his mech? It's just an old OD suit.

The man had a point. The Rebels were fighting tooth-and-nail. They're victory at the shatterdome proved that. They also seemed to have alot of independant pilots. That says something. Clayton thought back to when he discovered a great library in the ruins of old-Pheonix. He had reported the find and League forces swooped in to gather as much as they could. He thought they were taking the knowledge to be restored, but he never saw anything of it after that.

Clayton searched his memories. This time with a more suspicious light. He began to notice things. Things he hadn't ever thought to think of in such a way. It was alarming.

Before the pilot could leave, Clayton jumped up and moved to his cell door. "Hey! Don't touch..... don't let them scrap Lucky." He started out aggressive but his tone softed after a pause. All he had done was talk with this guy, and now his worldview was being shattered. At this very moment he just knew he didn't want his mech torn to pieces, disgracefully.
Raider867 said:
@dr xenon
"I was assigned here as a last minute order after my squadron finished attacking a group of Kaiju." He says, not seeing any value to that information at all. "To be honest, my whole group was split up, some going overseas and others to other yellow and blue areas here. Nothing secret about that." He says with a shrug. "Why do you want to know that?" He then asks. He feels he can be a little more relaxed with her due to her training his Spec Ops instructor.
"Frankly," she answers, "I want to know what they might be throwing at us next. A full squadron of Spec Force mechs would be quite a handful on a good day."

She reaches down to the mug of coffee in front of her. Klein can't seem to recall the steward actually placing it there. Lifting the cup she enjoys the aroma for a moment and then takes a sip.

"Now, what am I to do with you, Mr. Schterzen? The file on you in this ship's database is quite limited - no doubt due to the nature of your Spec Force affiliation - but I'm disinclined to have a mech officer rotting away in the brig. Doesn't seem proper. Can I trust you on your personal parole and allow you limited access to the ship, or would you make me regret that decision?"

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Tierax said:
Roux stood there in amazement.
-a real monkey?! They aren't extinct?-

Excitement overrode every emotion that once was as he shook the 'professors' hand.

"Professor, a pleasure to meet you!" He says playfully, "most esteemed professor, may a join you in a smoke?" He raises his bound hands in front of the little creature and waves them a little.

"These people wouldn't even let me have my own!"

He grins back at the monkey, trying to imitate it's previous smile. For a moment he notices the rest of the people gathered staring in disbelief.

"What?" He says, daring anyone to speak out.

@dr xenon
[[Prof. Mu'Duk]]

Professor Mu'Duk waves a finger at the NO SMOKING sign and shakes his head at Roux.

Then he pulls out a cigarette, pantomimes giving it to Roux, then points to a non-existent watch on his wrist, and puts the cigarette away.

He pats Roux's hand dismissively and fumbles through the leather satchel. Pulling out a number of small, semi-hemispherical, dull-chrome objects about the size of half a ping pong ball he sets them on the exam table. He spins in a tight circle and then begins placing them seemingly at random on the exoskeleton grafted to Roux. Returning to his satchel he pulls out a standar-looking handheld electronic circuit scanner with a monkey-sized pistol grip added-on.

He pats Roux's hand again and slides the welding goggles down over his simian eyes. Roux can sense the corpsman tense up, and back away slowly from the exam table.

Professor Mu'Duk gives a "thumbs up" with his faux-thumb and flips a switch on the scanner. Roux senses a slight hum - just for a moment, then it's gone.

The monkey smiles again, hands Roux a cigarette, and begins taking the sensors off of the exoskeleton.

"I don't know, Captain Hawker. If you trust me with it, what will I have access to?" Klein asks curiously. "I am guessing the hangar is part of the limited access, am I right?" He asks. Limited access is a start. He could be able to get somewhere with that.

@dr xenon
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Raider867 said:
"I don't know, Captain Hawker. If you trust me with it, what will I have access to?" Klein asks curiously. "I am guessing the hangar is part of the limited access, am I right?" He asks. Limited access is a start. He could be able to get somewhere with that.
@dr xenon
(I'm just gonna jam myself in here, I'm having trouble finding a place to jump in after my hiatus.)

"Trust is an awful strong word." Roland came close to growling as he entered the room unannounced.

"...So is access for that matter." He gave a quick salute to the captain before further voicing his concern.

"With all do respect Ma'am, we haven't had these guys on board a day. We can't honestly let the kind of people the league is willing to invest that kind of hardware in just have free run of the ship!" Roland wasn't exactly prone to insubordination, but he couldn't begin to fathom his commanding officer's line of reasoning.
HEATS said:
(I'm just gonna jam myself in here, I'm having trouble finding a place to jump in after my hiatus.)
"Trust is an awful strong word." Roland came close to growling as he entered the room unannounced.

"...So is access for that matter." He gave a quick salute to the captain before further voicing his concern.

"With all do respect Ma'am, we haven't had these guys on board a day. We can't honestly let the kind of people the league is willing to invest that kind of hardware in just have free run of the ship!" Roland wasn't exactly prone to insubordination, but he couldn't begin to fathom his commanding officer's line of reasoning.
Klein looks to Roland. "Your voice is familiar... Aren't you the one I fought at the Shatterdome?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.
HEATS said:
(I'm just gonna jam myself in here, I'm having trouble finding a place to jump in after my hiatus.)
"Trust is an awful strong word." Roland came close to growling as he entered the room unannounced.

"...So is access for that matter." He gave a quick salute to the captain before further voicing his concern.

"With all do respect Ma'am, we haven't had these guys on board a day. We can't honestly let the kind of people the league is willing to invest that kind of hardware in just have free run of the ship!" Roland wasn't exactly prone to insubordination, but he couldn't begin to fathom his commanding officer's line of reasoning.
Raider867 said:
Klein looks to Roland. "Your voice is familiar... Aren't you the one I fought at the Shatterdome?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

Her left eyebrow quirks over the eyepatch, while the right eye narrows - a bit of a disconcerting combination.

"You're both making quite the leaps in logic," she answers cooly. "Confinement to quarters is more suitable to a mech pilot than confinement to the brig. In no way would I allow prisoners free access to the hangars. There is no portion of my heart or mind that's that soft, gentlemen."

@HEATS, @Raider867
Raider867 said:
"I'm fine with that. I was just curious if it was allowed or not. So where can I go in limited access, Captain Hawker?" He asks, his voice calm. "And you have my word I won't try to escape. Where will I go? My Stryker Kai is back at the Shatterdome and I doubt I'd be able to hijack a mech in here." He says with a shrug.
"O-of course captain. I should have known better." Roland bowed his head and apologized but grit his teeth as the enemy pilot continued his questions.

"Your awful high and mighty for a prisoner of war. You should be glad the captain didn't have us throw you psychos of the side of the ship, much less let you have your own room. Yet here you are still asking for more."

He lifted his chin and continued his rant. "and what was that about the shatterdome? It was a battle. You really think I remember every shmuck I've sh-" His eyes shot wide as it suddenly came back to him.

"YOU! You're the douchebag who trashed my machine!"
HEATS said:
"O-of course captain. I should have known better." Roland bowed his head and apologized but grit his teeth as the enemy pilot continued his questions.
"Your awful high and mighty for a prisoner of war. You should be glad the captain didn't have us throw you psychos of the side of the ship, much less let you have your own room. Yet here you are still asking for more."

He lifted his chin and continued his rant. "and what was that about the shatterdome? It was a battle. You really think I remember every shmuck I've sh-" His eyes shot wide as it suddenly came back to him.

"YOU! You're the douchebag who trashed my machine!"
"I'm not acting high and mighty. I am talking to a former League soldier who trained my instructor. I am being respectful to someone who is leagues above me. And I was asking respectfully where I could go in my limited access. I was merely curious." Klein says with a shrug. He was calm and composed but he couldn't help but smirk at the sudden outbirst.

"Yeah, I was the one who trashed your machine. And you are the one who owes me a new prototype rifle." He says nonchalantly.
@CERBERUS177 (Feel free to just interrupt them.)

Ivis was sitting around the Medical Bay, occasionally being called into a room to visit a soldier or otherwise. It was mainly due to her reputation as a partial mascot to the league, and it had benefits to an extent. For one, she could easily make a few friends out of this, whether it be a long conversation or a simple hug. It was one thing that she enjoyed, to see the wounded get back on their feet. At a minimum, she'd at least like to see them smile again. This didn't always happen, as expected. Some troops couldn't get over what they saw happen to their allies and even some enemies. Ivis could ignore the trauma of the gorefest known as war, at least on the visual front. How long it would take for an emotional toll, nobody knew.

She had just been called in to visit someone yet again, a... Girl? Guy? They just went by the name Jun. Considering Ivis had no true scanning capability, gender identification was impossible without seeing for herself, or having one of the many medics tell her. Taking the fact that stuff like that can be requested to be kept a secret from others... There was no real way of finding out. Oh well, what does it matter anyway? For the most part, Jun looked like a girl, but there were a few questionable things here and there that put them into a gray zone. Either a partially masculine female, or a feminine male... Wait, why did this matter? She had been called in to assist with comfort, not solve the mystery of one of the wonders of the world.

(Jun will likely become my secondary, once I manage to get a profile for them set up.)

"Hello~!" The voice that came from the bed was quite upbeat for someone who was apparently needing comfort... "Hi there, your name is Jun, correct?" Ivis stood by the side of Jun's bed, a light smile on her face. "You rebound quite quickly, though I assume there's still something on your mind?" Jun leaned a bit closer to Ivis and began to whisper. "To be 100% honest with you, I just wanted to meet the League's Angel. Never thought I'd get the opportunity to otherwise." For a second, Ivis was stuck between whether she was supposed to be upset, as there were other people that seriously had a reason to request for her, or to be happy that someone was that pressed in the first place. "Um... So how'd you get here? I don't see any facial injuries, which means something else..."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/sample_cc0f0cd6f8287218224046de4d3d1fc61c90abad.jpg.5dff913b2291d1bdcb609a075a9e18a3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147884" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/sample_cc0f0cd6f8287218224046de4d3d1fc61c90abad.jpg.5dff913b2291d1bdcb609a075a9e18a3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Crimrose said:
@CERBERUS177 (Feel free to just interrupt them.)
Ivis was sitting around the Medical Bay, occasionally being called into a room to visit a soldier or otherwise. It was mainly due to her reputation as a partial mascot to the league, and it had benefits to an extent. For one, she could easily make a few friends out of this, whether it be a long conversation or a simple hug. It was one thing that she enjoyed, to see the wounded get back on their feet. At a minimum, she'd at least like to see them smile again. This didn't always happen, as expected. Some troops couldn't get over what they saw happen to their allies and even some enemies. Ivis could ignore the trauma of the gorefest known as war, at least on the visual front. How long it would take for an emotional toll, nobody knew.

She had just been called in to visit someone yet again, a... Girl? Guy? They just went by the name Jun. Considering Ivis had no true scanning capability, gender identification was impossible without seeing for herself, or having one of the many medics tell her. Taking the fact that stuff like that can be requested to be kept a secret from others... There was no real way of finding out. Oh well, what does it matter anyway? For the most part, Jun looked like a girl, but there were a few questionable things here and there that put them into a gray zone. Either a partially masculine female, or a feminine male... Wait, why did this matter? She had been called in to assist with comfort, not solve the mystery of one of the wonders of the world.

(Jun will likely become my secondary, once I manage to get a profile for them set up.)

"Hello~!" The voice that came from the bed was quite upbeat for someone who was apparently needing comfort... "Hi there, your name is Jun, correct?" Ivis stood by the side of Jun's bed, a light smile on her face. "You rebound quite quickly, though I assume there's still something on your mind?" Jun leaned a bit closer to Ivis and began to whisper. "To be 100% honest with you, I just wanted to meet the League's Angel. Never thought I'd get the opportunity to otherwise." For a second, Ivis was stuck between whether she was supposed to be upset, as there were other people that seriously had a reason to request for her, or to be happy that someone was that pressed in the first place. "Um... So how'd you get here? I don't see any facial injuries, which means something else..."

View attachment 327207
Jack came into the medical bay, and laid a soldier who was on the verge of death, the man didn't have a left arm, Jack was pushed back as they got to work, "Ivis..." he said surprised, "Hey, it's been a while since I've seen you... Nice to see you're still kicking... Who's this hell cat?" he asked complimenting a soldier girl.

(On phone, can't see how big my post is, sorry if it's short )
Roux takes the smoke amused, and places it behind his ear, the bindings making it an awkward and somewhat clumsy manuever.

"I'll wait till you want one to join you, ain't got a light haha"

He says smoothly, sitting down on the exam table next to the monkey.

"Why do they seem so nervous about you?"

His attention had shifted off of the simian to his side and towards the other people in the room. They didn't seem at ease at all, was it simply the idea of a monkey doctor? Roux could hear shuffling in the leather satchel but chose to ignore it, sizing up the others and trying to figure out who was watching from above.

"I like your cybernetics by the way, not exactly a glamorous body mod, but from what I can see it's a reliable build, care was taken to make sure it was done right. Not many people from my cell had all their original limbs, suppose I'm one of their number now I've got more added."

He looked over at the professor, it was grinning in what Roux thought looked a bit cheeky.

"What are you up to?" He says, putting a exaggerated suspicious look to his face but keeping his voice somewhat playful.

@dr xenon
CERBERUS177 said:
Jack came into the medical bay, and laid a soldier who was on the verge of death, the man didn't have a left arm, Jack was pushed back as they got to work, "Ivis..." he said surprised, "Hey, it's been a while since I've seen you... Nice to see you're still kicking... Who's this hell cat?" he asked complimenting a soldier girl.
(On phone, can't see how big my post is, sorry if it's short )
Upon noticing Jack's entrance, the two looked towards him. "I wouldn't get taken down that easily. What use would I be if it were so easy? Oh, and this is Jun." Ivis tilted her head towards Jun's, before straightening again. "What's up? Nice to see some of us are doing better than others." Jun let a toothy smile cross their face, clearly happy that not everything had gone to Hell. (Nope, not giving away gender.) Jun let out a light laugh, before continuing. "Yeah, I caught a bit of shrapnel to my abdomen. Wouldn't have happened if I payed more attention to the missile alarm... At least my jet's still capable of being repaired. With the new stuff we have today, I hope I'll be out in a week. Worst case is probably a month or so. At least that's what doc said..."

If it wasn't obvious, Jun had definitely been on medication of some kind, otherwise breathing in itself would likely hurt.
Crimrose said:
Upon noticing Jack's entrance, the two looked towards him. "I wouldn't get taken down that easily. What use would I be if it were so easy? Oh, and this is Jun." Ivis tilted her head towards Jun's, before straightening again. "What's up? Nice to see some of us are doing better than others." Jun let a toothy smile cross their face, clearly happy that not everything had gone to Hell. (Nope, not giving away gender.) Jun let out a light laugh, before continuing. "Yeah, I caught a bit of shrapnel to my abdomen. Wouldn't have happened if I payed more attention to the missile alarm... At least my jet's still capable of being repaired. With the new stuff we have today, I hope I'll be out in a week. Worst case is probably a month or so. At least that's what doc said..."
If it wasn't obvious, Jun had definitely been on medication of some kind, otherwise breathing in itself would likely hurt.
"Oh yeah... That was you up there.. I took down some AA troops when I was defending... Sorry I missed one... " Jack said, rubbing the back of his head, "I help f-" Lisa appeared in his right eye, his eye glowed neon blue, "We. Will help fix the jet... Tell 'em" she said, Jack sighed, "Apparently I know nothing about fixing stuff. So my AI told me to tell you that we will help fix it. " he said. Smiling a little uneasy.
"It's not your fault, like I said, I got caught up in my task. Well, when I get the OK to get around again, I'll be sure to take you to em'." Jun scratched their head as they brought up their mistake again. Ivis stood sliently, watching the two converse. "My plane's nothing super special... Actually, it's a bit old...F-15SE. Nobody hears about those anymore, am I right? I kinda just found it, and believe it or not the higher-ups let me keep it. I don't know why though. They said it was too good to let go to waste."

Amelia was in the Rebel ship's hangar working on the crimson rose, she was a bit dirty from changing a few parts, grease on her hands she wipe the sweat from her face, smearing it with a bit of grease. she sigh. " that is better, i expect it's reaction time to be more fluid now. " raising herself up she look at it and smirk. " you are one mean looking thing my friend. " she mutter's to herself.
@Alaania Hellborg

At that moment a Maintenence Drone wheeling in a makeshift cart of scraps rolled right past her Fox riding on top of it. "How's it goin?" he tipped his hat to her as the drone made it's way to an Orange Mech that was kneeling nearby "Yo Staltz, I'm back! and I brought parts!" he cheered toward the mech even though he knew it was a one sided conversation

" i am good, just finished changing the joint, it should be a lot more responsive now. " she says with a grin. she look at Fox, " i was gonna move toward the training center now that this was done. you know keep in shape push the limits, after all if i don't stay on top who will " she chuckle.
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