Mecha RP: Legend of M

@Alaania Hellborg

Fox decided to take his time as well, It was the first time ever since he met that rebel Roland that there was someone that he enjoyed talking too. Ub tune he would seem to finish a construction around the time she would finish a shell. "OK? Question time: Has anyone ever mistaken you as a mechanic when your working on your mech then start asking ou to work on their mech?" he pointed to her.
" yes it happened. more than once, but i like helping out. i am a pilot yes but i also like to work on the Mech armor... i guess, i prefer to do my own repair that way i know exactly what i need to change on Crimson Rose. " she chuckle.

He laughed with her as well. "Yeah it's alittle different for me. Given my certain circumstance, I would only accept someones request if they were willing to pay for it." He casually "Which.... I guess is how I got here?" he waved a hand around them to emphasize them the Hangar they were in. "I suppose we self sustaining types see just as much Nuts and bolts as we do bullets flying." he shrugged simply.

@Alaania Hellborg
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she grin understanding exactly what he meant by this. " yeah that is true. in a way " she says smilling. she goes to finish the outer shell of the third one, looking at fox for the inner mechanism. " so you are in this only for the money. but don't you feel anything for the cause here ? " she says softly
Klein finally puts his necklace back on before moving to sit on the bed instead of lay down. He looks around his room. "Well, I may as well get comfortable. I doubt I'll be given access to any place for a while..." He mutters softly.
"EXEA's a bit unique, so I don't think you'll have her model listed in your database. You're welcome to add her now, for future reference, but this'll be the first time I had her checked up on by trained professionals." Valk answered, pointing a thumb over his shoulders towards the mech further behind him. Orange glows emitted from the mech's left leg and chest, showing a weak regeneration ability that should cover the minor breaks in armor. "She can cover most of the damage, I'd just like you to do a quick assessment and to sharpen up the chain of the sawblade."

He never heard the term 'outfit' used in a sentence, but could only assume it was the group he was affiliated in. "Independent mech pilot, I suppose. My dedication is here, but I don't currently have an assigned team." Valk didn't seem very confident in his response, brows furled together while stitching up a response.

@dr xenon
He passed her the mechanism he finished and already getting a good head start on the 4th. "Don't get me wrong, I understand why you guys do what you do, and more power to ya" his hands were on auto pilot at this point going through the motions. "I just kinda think everyone have been focusing on each other rather then those freaks outside."

@Alaania Hellborg
Tierax said:
Roux takes the smoke amused, and places it behind his ear, the bindings making it an awkward and somewhat clumsy manuever.
"I'll wait till you want one to join you, ain't got a light haha"

He says smoothly, sitting down on the exam table next to the monkey.

"Why do they seem so nervous about you?"

His attention had shifted off of the simian to his side and towards the other people in the room. They didn't seem at ease at all, was it simply the idea of a monkey doctor? Roux could hear shuffling in the leather satchel but chose to ignore it, sizing up the others and trying to figure out who was watching from above.

"I like your cybernetics by the way, not exactly a glamorous body mod, but from what I can see it's a reliable build, care was taken to make sure it was done right. Not many people from my cell had all their original limbs, suppose I'm one of their number now I've got more added."

He looked over at the professor, it was grinning in what Roux thought looked a bit cheeky.

"What are you up to?" He says, putting a exaggerated suspicious look to his face but keeping his voice somewhat playful.

@dr xenon
[[Prof. Mu'Duk]]

The monkey gives Roux a quizzical look.

"Ya-yah ee-EEEE-ee-III," he chitters away at Roux as he stows the sensors back in the satchel by haphazardly tossing them in with little regard for their delicate electronics. Then he moves up close to Roux and shows him the handheld's screen. It contains a wire-frame diagram of the WASP suit rotating in 3D. On the right hand side of the screen some sort of analysis seems to be scrolling by, but it's in Cyrillic characters.

"Ooo-oo?" Professor Mu'Duk asks, his little face grave. His eyes still obscured by his welding goggles.

AceOfSpades0210 said:
"EXEA's a bit unique, so I don't think you'll have her model listed in your database. You're welcome to add her now, for future reference, but this'll be the first time I had her checked up on by trained professionals." Valk answered, pointing a thumb over his shoulders towards the mech further behind him. Orange glows emitted from the mech's left leg and chest, showing a weak regeneration ability that should cover the minor breaks in armor. "She can cover most of the damage, I'd just like you to do a quick assessment and to sharpen up the chain of the sawblade."
He never heard the term 'outfit' used in a sentence, but could only assume it was the group he was affiliated in. "Independent mech pilot, I suppose. My dedication is here, but I don't currently have an assigned team." Valk didn't seem very confident in his response, brows furled together while stitching up a response.

@dr xenon

Rosie listens intently to Valk's run down on his mech. She pulls a bulky, pistol-gripped device off her belt and points it in EXEA's direction, sweeping it up and down, left and right while Valk explains that he's not assigned to a squadron. At some point during Valk's explanations her expression goes from disapproving to interested, almost softens to friendly, and then goes cloudy.

"Listen," she says, waving her left hand absentmindedly while she speaks. "I am Chief of Mech Engineering Oksana Strelchenko - but you vill learn to call me 'Rosie' because I vill not listen to you butcher my mother-tongue. I do not know who you are yet, but I vill learn that in a moment."

She turns to face you - looking up to you, and pointing her left forefinger up at you.

"Vat I vant to know right now, pilot," she asks in a dread tone, and then points to her scanner in her right hand. "Is how much troll is in this mech ov yours and vat do you mean that she can cofer most of the damage?"

" i understand, but this is also an important matter to take care of... if you knew all that i have learn when i was... when i was at the world league you would understand why we fight this hard." she says with a hint of sadness. " eventually we will take care of the other threats, but for now i think this is the worst evil out there... " she add taking the mechanism and putting it into the shell closing it, going to start the 4th shell. " but i can say that doing this even if it's ammunition is kinda relaxing. " she chuckle.

OGTomahawk said:
Clayton would have liked to say his resolve was still strong, but the other mans words ate at him for some reason. Clayton hadn't followed a gut feeling since basic. And now, he felt clouded. This man wasn't heartless. He had let him live. According to him it was because of his mech. Why did that pilot care so much about his mech? It's just an old OD suit.
The man had a point. The Rebels were fighting tooth-and-nail. They're victory at the shatterdome proved that. They also seemed to have alot of independant pilots. That says something. Clayton thought back to when he discovered a great library in the ruins of old-Pheonix. He had reported the find and League forces swooped in to gather as much as they could. He thought they were taking the knowledge to be restored, but he never saw anything of it after that.

Clayton searched his memories. This time with a more suspicious light. He began to notice things. Things he hadn't ever thought to think of in such a way. It was alarming.

Before the pilot could leave, Clayton jumped up and moved to his cell door. "Hey! Don't touch..... don't let them scrap Lucky." He started out aggressive but his tone softed after a pause. All he had done was talk with this guy, and now his worldview was being shattered. At this very moment he just knew he didn't want his mech torn to pieces, disgracefully.

The four infantrymen that had previously walked off with Klein tramp back to the cell block. Seeing Sullivan in conversation with Clayton, they stand by.
@HEATS[/URL] (just trying to nudge us along)

His mech locked into a repair bay on the super carrier, Jackson hops out and confers with the crew chief about the repairs needed. Making sure that the mechanics have the mech's specs, proper parts and --

"Y'all have actually worked on an Athenian mech before, right chief?" he asks in as polite a tone as possible.

"Yeh, pilot, we have," replies the chief. "My crew just had your Orion heavy cadre posted here a month ago. And as for parts ... We got some," the chief grumbles. "We got your armor plates and some reloads for your missiles. But there's more comin'."

Right on queue a crane on the overhead rail system rumbles into place over the empty bay next to the Riptide and lowers a pair of shipping containers bearing the Athenian crest.

"Well lessee what momma sent from home fer her fav'rit son," Jackson says cheerfully as he walks over to the containers. He pulls his handheld out and scans for a shipping manifest. As the parts and images scroll by on the screen Jackson's eyes go wide. "Whoa nellie ... they musta shipped a reload fer the whole damn cadre!"
Valk's eyes rose, slightly intimidated by the woman's presence. His hands also came up to about head height defensively, palms flat towards her. "I uh-.. I don't want to butcher your mother's tongue.." He managed to mutter out, trying to make sense of her heavy accent. "And as far as I know.. no part of my mech is troll-made.. and she isn't a very good coffer, more combat-based." The pilot maintained his alarmed position, a sharp change from his relaxed posture prior to meeting the woman. It was obvious he had a hard time understanding her, and was trying his best to make the best of what he did understand. Or at least thought he understood.

@dr xenon (Real sorry, the post is a bit lackluster. But they'll most likely be like this until I get off of work at about 6-7pm PST for the rest of this week. This week is my last of work, so I'll try and make up for them then. And it may take quite a bit of time to respond.)
AceOfSpades0210 said:
Valk's eyes rose, slightly intimidated by the woman's presence. His hands also came up to about head height defensively, palms flat towards her. "I uh-.. I don't want to butcher your mother's tongue.." He managed to mutter out, trying to make sense of her heavy accent. "And as far as I know.. no part of my mech is troll-made.. and she isn't a very good coffer, more combat-based." The pilot maintained his alarmed position, a sharp change from his relaxed posture prior to meeting the woman. It was obvious he had a hard time understanding her, and was trying his best to make the best of what he did understand. Or at least thought he understood.
@dr xenon (Real sorry, the post is a bit lackluster. But they'll most likely be like this until I get off of work at about 6-7pm PST for the rest of this week. This week is my last of work, so I'll try and make up for them then. And it may take quite a bit of time to respond.)

Backing off a little, she mutters something in Russian, and starts in again.

"Your mech - she has hull plating made from troll hide, yes? I read energy signature in that. She is repairing herself maybe? Is dat vat you mean?"

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@Alaania Hellborg

"Yeah, I know what you mean! It's kinda therapeutic in a way I guess." He laughed a he was making great time on the next mechanism. "Well... I suppose if someone like you is here, I guess I won't mind sticking around a bit longer." He screwed in a part before shaking his head "I mean like, no offense, but it's hard making small talk with your buddies on this ship." He shrugged.
The fun on Roux's face melts instantly when he sees the screen. For a few moments his eyes squint as he switched focus between the monkey and the handheld.

"That can't be right... The hell is all that crap?! Looks like it's replacing everything inside me!"

He lifts his bandages and singlet and points to the metallic ribs that encase his chest.

"These have tube coming out of them? The hell am I wearing?! And look at that!"

The panic in his voice raised slightly, trying to pry one of the ribs away to no avail.

he removes his top and all the bandages with it, accidentally opening a few wounds in the process.

His torn and scarred body looked horrific, battle wounds both fresh and old covered his whole torso up to the neck. Pointing to his heart he looks at the handheld and winces.

"How long professor... How long till this things tendrils reach my heart? And... when will it kill me?"

His voice sounded defeated... He couldn't believe it, this thing was a parasite eating away at his body!

He sat there for a moment before he put the cigarette to his mouth.

"I'm... Going to need this now I think..."

@dr xenon
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she chuckle loudly " well some are way too engaged in this fight it's true, but if you give them a chance i am sure you could find more people willing to have a chat. " she says with a hint of enjoyment. " continuing on the fourth shell she sigh " i miss my familly... but if i want them to be safe, i have to do this... my parents would never have understood... they were high ranking official in the world league... so knowing that their daughter is in the rebel would probably kill them... " she says with a hint of sadness. " i don'T even know if i would recognise my own brother if i saw him in the streets imagine... i am a terrible sister... " she add while finishing the fourth shell.

Tierax said:
The fun on Roux's face melts instantly when he sees the screen. For a few moments his eyes squint as he switched focus between the monkey and the handheld.
"That can't be right... The hell is all that crap?! Looks like it's replacing everything inside me!"

He lifts his bandages and singlet and points to the metallic ribs that encase his chest.

"These have tube coming out of them? The hell am I wearing?! And look at that!"

The panic in his voice raised slightly, trying to pry one of the ribs away to no avail.

he removes his top and all the bandages with it, accidentally opening a few wounds in the process.

His torn and scarred body looked horrific, battle wounds both fresh and old covered his whole torso up to the neck. Pointing to his heart he looks at the handheld and winces.

"How long professor... How long till this things tendrils reach my heart? And... when will it kill me?"

His voice sounded defeated... He couldn't believe it, this thing was a parasite eating away at his body!

He sat there for a moment before he put the cigarette to his mouth.

"I'm... Going to need this now I think..."

@dr xenon
[[Professor Mu'Dak]]

The Capuchin listens intently to Roux, or seems to. He slowly raises the goggles from his eyes, propping them back on top of his head. He looks at the scanner, then back at Roux. His little, amber-colored eyes looking up at the tortured human.

"Uh-ah-oh," the Professor chitters, shrugging his shoulders in a manner a little too human to be just an imitation. "Then he animatedly starts springing up, pointing at the corpsman and shrieking, waving for him to come attend Roux.

The Corpsman stumbles over himself to come over and starts scanning Roux with a different device.

"I -- I -- don't know w-what to tell you, Pilot," he stammers. "The initial scans don't show any massive instability - you still seem mostly human on the inside. The doctors will have to do a full work-up and then the engineers will con-consult with them too."

With the corpsman now attending Roux, Professor Mu'Dak scampers off the table and through the hatch.

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@Alaania Hellborg

... "I wouldn't say that. Your just following what you believe is right, I'm sure your brother would be able to tell just by the look of you that you only had good intentions...." He managed to carefully get the detonator and explosive into the construction and complete it. Huh... Making great time. He then stood up straight looking forward, "Of course probably not now, probably after when things aren't so heated... Heh, if my pops was here he'd probably something like What's done is done, real family get over it, so get over it." He then made a serious manly face with a cold stare as he imitated a gruff version of his regular voice "Now shut up and eat your jerky, boy."
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Amelia chuckle " thanks, i know my brother will understand, it'S my parents that worries me... they ... had high hopes for the both of us and i probably let them down. " she says now smilling. " talking about my brother, i wonder what he is doing right about now... i wish i could see him, there is not a moment i don't feel bad about leaving him without any explanation... but it was for the best... they would have bothered him with incessant questionning... " she says still smilling thinking about her little brother. she take the mechanism from his hand and lower it to the shell. " alright fourth one done " she says as she weld it together.

Roux felt numb, but something in the back of his mind told him this was as bad as it gets.

No way it could get worse then this right? Only death remained, and Roux wasn't scared of that.

He followed the instructions of the corpsman, as he poked and prodded, taking various measurements and re-checking on his wounds.

As the time ticked away Roux stayed deadly silent, slowly coming to terms with his situation.

"All done pilot, you'll need more checkups which I'll schedule now... And uh... Maintenance as well."

"Thanks." He starts bluntly "So I suppose the bigwigs are going want to know why I was fighting on the wrong side of the line then? When they calling me in for that?"

@dr xenon
Klein sits in his room bored out of his mind. He hits the back of his head against the wall as he sits against the wall from his bed.
"Well if you and your brother love each other so much, I'm sure he'll an earful WHEN you two meet again." He was well underway with rig number 5 "Wow, from the looks of this I'm sure we'll be done in minutes.

@Alaania Hellborg
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" i love him dearly, he is the reason i do all this, the reason i keep fighting even after almost dying, if i give up now i'll never see him again..." she says softly then add " and yeah we are gonna be done in minutes, once i learn something i can replicate it with ease, i can spot someone in a crowd from miles away, as long has i got the right scope. so details are my specialty. " she chuckle " my skill at detecting and figuring things out fast is what makes me dangerous out there in the field. both inside the crimson rose and on foot " she says softly a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Fox chuckled and poked her forehead "Alright, alright, settle down I know your amazing you don't have to explain it to me" His fifth construct was pretty far along now.

@Alaania Hellborg

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