Mecha RP: Legend of M

Klein returns to his room after he went to the bathroom. He couldn't stop thinking about his encounter. He finally saw his sister. He thinks as he punches his makeshift punching bag.
Roux stares indignantly towards the woman, the frustration directed more towards the general command of the rebels and less so herself.

"Nobody tells anyone anything with you lot do they? -sigh- I'm just a prisoner of war missy, my days of command with this lot well and truly over."

He glares at the guards, more to emphasise his point more then anything else.

"You seen a lot combat time? And answer honestly lady, because if what I think is right, then you could be a danger to yourself right now."

His gaze had dropped it's anger, but remained deadly serious, affixed to her eyes and with a voice worthy of command.

"How much combat time."

@Alaania Hellborg
" i have been on the battlefield for 4 years " she says suddenly snapping back to her serious manner. " why would i be a danger to myself, explain this to me " her reaction was completely different now that she was facing the man looking at him, understanding now that he was also from the league.

* damn, why did i have to enter this room of all those around. * she was now keeping her gaze on the man. her stance ready to defend if the need arise.

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His punches grow harder and harder as he finally puts all that happened together. He grits his teeth as he punches and kicks the makeshift punching bag.
There was darkness. It always started that way. The dreams. From the slimy depths of the shadows a voice would emerge, find it's way into his ears. Rocco, paralyzed as always, felt a disturbing calm take over his mind. The whisper at first was inaudible, a terrible mess of secrets and promises. It went on like that for a moment before finally becoming decipherable. "VENGEANCE". The whisper was harsh, almost mechanical, sending shivers up Rocco's spine. Then, suddenly from the shadows something new happened, something that did not follow the pattern of the usual dreams. A form began to coalesce from the darkness, towering over the mechanic with considerable height. It was Rache, the Mech he himself had built only a few years ago, but there were quite a few things different about this one's form. There was the shield for one, a sturdy yet light looking tower of blackened metal. On the left shoulder was a cannon with a large barrel, it seemed to thrum with energy as did the wings on the back of the mech. Rache stepped forward and extended it's massive hand towards Rocco. "VENGANCE!"

Rocco woke with a start, the memories of his dream beginning to dissipate from his mental grasp. The mechanics hand shot down to his belt line, feeling for his gun. Upon finding the sleek magnum revolver the man relaxed, if only a little. He took a look around his surroundings, doing his best to ascertain his current situation. He was somewhere dark, a few of his possessions were scattered about uselessly on the ground. After a moment his eyes began to adjust to the dull light and Rocco was able to come to the conclusion that this must have been Rache's cockpit.

Still hazy from the dream, the mechanic they called Gearhead opened the hatch that currently encapsulated him in an effort to remembered where exactly he had ended up. A sudden bright light hit Rocco's eyes and the man threw a hand up as his senses were suddenly over come with the sights, sounds and smells of a busy mecha hanger. Suddenly, the mechanics head was cleared and he remembered where exactly he was. A faint smile crept across his bearded face. 'That's right, those crazy fuckers did it. They captured an airship!' but just as this thought crossed his freshly cleared mind he also realized he was officially a member of those "crazy fuckers". After years of waiting for a chance at vengeance he was finally making steps in the right direction to hit those League members right were it hurt.

Rocco stepped off the edge of Rache, allowing himself to fall for a second before using a hand to catch himself on the edge of the cockpit. With his other hand he pulled out a cigar from his jacket pocket, put it in his mouth and lit it. From his unusual vantage point the mechanic began to examine the hangar proper. People moved about, preparing their mechas, and trying their best to just stay generally busy. It was rather nice to see a unified group such as this one, moving with purpose and vigor. Rocco however, felt a tad out of place. He didn't really have much to do at the moment. Honestly the man was just waiting for the next battle to ensue. So, with not much to do, the man hopped back in his cock pit, hit play on his portable stereo and picked up his guitar, playing along to Black Sabbath's "War Pig's/Luke's Wall". As he did so he tried to recall his dream. Not much came back to him but he did remember something about wings... maybe he should give Rache wings?
Roux had grown somewhat impatient, eager to end this conversation before he said something he shouldn't out of frustration.

"Combat fatigue, affects everyone differently. But it can come with visual and audible hallucinations. Some simply snap under the weight of it all and four years of combat is plenty for you to have grown used to the warning signs."

The attending corpsman nodes in agreement, before interjecting

"You said uh... That you were shocked to see your brother... I assume you haven't seen him in a long time? Sometimes it's an item that vaguely resembles one of sentimental value that triggers an episode, sometimes a voice, familiar features, a noise..."

He seemed more comfortable now that he was talking medicine, almost zoning out as he spoke.

"These triggers can set of a full blown attack that could worsen unless you take action now, consider, what is the likelihood of seeing whoever it was here? When was you last saw them? Do you feel guilty about it?"

He bombarded her with questions, Roux could see her getting worked up under the intense scrutiny.

"Hey ease up a bit, give her time to think."

The corpsman shrunk away a little, before moving between the two to address her again.

"If we don't deal with this now, you could wind up in a state where you can't tell reality from your own guilty conscience... It's best to wait and observe for now and avoid wherever it was that triggered this episode until we are certain you have no undiagnosed mental issues."

Roux pipes up from behind, a hint of concern in his voice.

"What he means to say, is the life of a fighter is rough.

The mental strain can sometimes eat at you without anyone, including yourself, realising. He just has no tact in telling people things it seems."

The corpsman nodded in approval but shrunk away from conversation.

-for sure, you ain't a people person doc.-

@Alaania Hellborg
she frown concentrating on what the man had said at the end " no i am not strained, i would have known. i actually touched him... pushed him against the wall. i know when my mind plays tricks on me, and i go see the medical staff every so often to make sure my mind is still in one piece. " she was trying to get everything in order in her mind.

" i was going to train, i saw two guards in the corridor then he got out of the room putting on the necklace i had given my little brother 4 years ago, and no i am not feeling guilty. i do what i do here because i want to keep him safe. at first i thought someone had taken the necklace from him... i did not recognize him right away.... but when he said that his sister had given it to him i looked at his eyes... and instinctively my mind blanked and my body only wanted to run. i was certain i would never see him again. " she says softly but seriously.

" anyway, i need to confirm this, i will be leaving you, because i obviously shouldn't be in here and talking to you... not that what i am saying is gonna give away anything. " she says a bit more confident.

she stops before leaving the room and turn around. " i got a feeling we have worked together before... or am i mistaken ? i am the pilot of the Crimson Rose, and one of the best sniper around here." she was a bit puzzled about the man, certain she had seen him around before.

@Tierax ( alright really going to sleep now see you tomorrow )
Roux chuckled a little, before waving her off dismissively, though awkwardly as his arms were still bound.

"It'll come to you I'm sure."

She left the room seemingly still puzzled, but if it bothered her she had decided not to show it.

"Anyway... Now that she's off doing... Whatever it is you rebels do when you ain't stabbing backs, mind telling me when I'm getting that lecture?"

He looked towards the corpsman, waiting for him to gather himself again.

"Also, you still ain't given me that light."

@Alaania Hellborg @dr xenon

(Cheers for making sure to free me up first! Take care!)
Fox nodded to Amelia as she left "Aight, I might join ya later once I wrap this up" He gave a thumbs up and to her when she left then set back to Work, however he did notice some rather distant yelling for a moment... "Hmm... Something going on back there?"... After a moment he just shrugged and went to finish his work. "If it's important, I'll ask someone later" It was the last Missile. Once it was completed, He set to work on getting them loaded into Staltz "Ok, Big guy, lets get you rearmed." He smiled.
Mikado Saris

Rebel Carrier - Hangar Bay

She was sat within the open cockpit of her Thunderbolt fiddling with a few controls. Her role in the last battle was meager at best and as such her machine sustained virtually no damage. This left a bittersweet taste in her mouth as she enjoyed the fact that her machine emerged unscathed, but the fact that she didn't contribute much did well to counter that feeling. Nevertheless she finished up her work ensuring her machine would be in tip-top shape for the next encounter. With nothing more to do she climbed out of the cockpit and onto the walkway, making her way towards the stairs and down to the hangar floor.

The hangar was fairly busy with technicians and pilots moving about checking on the machines and conducting any repairs that might be needed. Everywhere she looked it was just another face she didn't recognize. One more nameless soldier to be tossed into the fire. If there was one thing she missed about the US Air Force and even the League itself, it was their organization. But when you're basically a terrorist organization you didn't exactly have the luxury of keeping everything neat and tidy. This fact drew a small sigh from her as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

The US had a long history fighting terrorism, best in the world at it. And yet here she was, one of the terrorists. With a quick flick of her wrist the lighter produced a flame and a small puff later she let out a long exhale of smoke. At the end of the day it didn't really matter, terrorist, rebel, freedom fighter, didn't really matter what they were called. The US she served is long gone and the League was hardly the proper substitute. As long as it meant a chance at getting her country back she could live with being a terrorist.

"Hey! Take that somewhere else, you wanna get us all killed!?" A rather gruff and upset voice pulled her out of her contemplation. After a brief search her gaze landed squarely on an older man with a full grey beard and wrinkles to go around. He was dressed in standard mechanic attire and seemed to be one of the more important ones at that. He seemed to note the confusion on her face and was quick to point to his mouth. "Put out the damn cig you idiot. You're surrounded by literal tons of fuel and ammo and you go and light up?"

While he was still obviously agitated his tone did soften somewhat and with a sigh she pulled the cig from her mouth and dropped it to the ground before snubbing it out with her boot. "Yeah yeah, sorry about that. Wasn't thinkin' right." The man gave her another glare before storming off, mumbling something about pilots and their attitudes. She shoved her hands into her pockets as she stared upwards, only the dull grey of steel filled her view. "Shoulda stayed in the mech..." Despite saying that she knew there was no work left to do on the Thunderbolt and the pain in her stomach did well to tell her she needed something to eat. With that thought in mind she pressed on, figuring she'd try to find the mess hall in their newly acquired ship.

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AceOfSpades0210 said:
Now understanding a bit more of what she had said, Valk nodded his head slightly in recognition. "If by troll, you mean the Kaiju, then yes. Her armor plates have a bit of Kaiju shell armor infused into it, so I guess you could say that may be the reason why she's a bit different." It was the only reason why Valk could think that EXEA is considered a Kaiju on the energy signatures. If anything, he could use that to his advantage in combat by disguising his advancing mech as a Kaiju instead of a machine.
"Her own repairs only work minor things, like how her current exterior is minor damage." Valk added quickly in an attempt to finish his conversation with her. He wouldn't say it to her face, but she was intimidating. Very much so, in fact. But as long as she understood him and knew what to do, he didn't have a problem.

@dr xenon

Her expression softens more as Valk speaks, as if Rosie likes what she is hearing.

"This is good," she says giving Valk a slight smile. "Yes, troll is vat vee called them in Russia vhere they vere first discowered. My crew vill give her a good inspection and vee vill take care of sharpening the sword, uv course. Maybe ven vee finish, Rosie and you vill sit down and vee discuss how to add to her, yes?"

She reaches down to her left leg - which opens like a clamshell - and she pulls out ancient looking socket-wrench.

"You still have not told me your name, Sasha?" she asks, waggling the socket-wrench at him.

Moving out and back into the corridor Amelia's heart started beating faster, deep down she knew her brother was here, but the thought that he was there made her cringe a bit. it either meant he had ran away too, or worse. he was a pilot for the league and this last bit was making her shiver.

* please don't be a pilot for the league...* she thought getting more and more agitated. she walks toward the room where the guards are.

looking at the guard with a serious and commanding attitude, Amelia now straighten herself, her voice booming. " i want to see the man that was out earlier, take him to the room just beside this one, i need to have a one on one chat with him. "

both guard looking at each others frowning. " he is a war prisoner madam, you shouldn't be talking to him alone. " the guard reply, as the second nod. they could see she was getting annoyed. " i did not ask for your opinion i think. i asked you to transfer the man to a private room, if you are so scared that he might run away you can stay in front of the door and stand guard. " her voice showed the guard was getting on her nerve.

Amelia moves to the next room to wait for her brother, she was pacing the floor already. wondering how he would react after her little outburst and about her running away. she was sad to hear he was a war prisoner but happy to see he was still alive.

with a bit of doubt the guard turn around and open the door. " hey you. " he point towards Klein " come with me. someone want's to see you. " the guard say seriously.

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Tierax said:
<[ Shatterdome Ruins ]>
The survivors of the unprecedented rebel attack milled about aimlessly, mass graves dug and filled, dog tags sent home, the many surviving wounded being tended to.

As anyone walked the war-torn halls they would pass more wounded then should ever be possible, as they lay in stretchers lining the halls.

The speakers across the base blared to life breaking the morbid song of a wounded, broken army.

"All units to hanger beta for briefing and evac, Repeat ALL units to hanger beta for briefing and evac."

The male voice sounded surly even across the garbled speakers.

People gradually filled the hanger, the wounded being taken directly on board the massive carrier.

A man stood on a pile of crates by the loading ramp, his uniform seemed odd, like a simple recolour of the standard league dress suits.

He played with his voice a moment, before settling on a new accent, this time seeming like a poor mockery of a Canadian accent.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the League, we have been dealt a crippling blow by the rebels. This I will not deny.

But I hear you asking if there is even reason to try, to this I say... STAND UP."

His glare cut through the green troops like a hot knife, his voice somehow intimidating even with his forced accent.

"Stand up and defend yourselves! You are the League! We are the defenders of the last true remains of humanity! These dogs of the rebellion claim to want peace? Freedom? They simply want power!"

The crowd begins chattering amongst themselves, confusion spreading as they tried to figure out what this man was getting at.

"Some of you may have even seen the infamous Roux Le Corps fighting alongside you! Well the league saw fit to give that man a chance at redemption, and the first chance he got, he stole a ship and fled! These are the kinds of people we are dealing with! Cowards who slaughter and maim on a whim! Who throw any mercy back at you as they plot your demise!"

The confusion turned to anger as the crowd begun to get riled up.

Shouts of hate and frustration towards the rebels peaked occasionally above the growing noise.

"You are all to be sent on one of the largest ship ever built! The rebels may have stolen one, but her sister ship we christen now! Her name will be chosen to carry your anger! Your frustration! Your very vengeance to the heart of the rebel dogs! WE WILL DESTROY THE HEAD OF THE VENOMOUS SNAKE CALLED THE COLONIAL FRONT! And we will end their threat once and for all!"

His raging voice inspired further fury from the crowd, but some voices of dissent shouted as well. The man looked cooly down upon the crowd as he addressed them.

"You have suffered at their hands, it's only right you feel like it's too soon! But we have the Angel of the League here!"

He motions towards Ivis, as she takes the signal and floats up above the crowd, resting mid air above them wings spread out majestically as her particles swirled around her, giving her what seemed like a halo, and a brilliant radiance that hushed the crowds in awe.

"She fights with you, for she is League! And the League is one! But to you few not yet convinced we have mercenaries here who help not through money, but because of pure goodwill! These are people who fight for our cause but fear our banner! Show them then, that the League protects it's own!"

The crowd roared to life again, cheers and battle cries ringing out as the crowd anxiously waited on only permission to board.

The massive ship behind them suddenly flickered to life as if on cue, with lights activating alongside it's turrets as they swivelled around for effect.

"Now board! And finalise arrangements for departure! We leave in three hours! One world! One government! One people!"

His last lines hung on the crowd, become a chant as the marched onto the colossal warship. Ivis moved to guide more people on board, staying as radiant and inspiring as ever.

Jackson was nearby watching the speech, as it ended and he went to leave he felt a tap on his shoulder, turning he saw the man from the crates, recognising him as the "Beast Master" he met before.

"Where are you going? Article 2 boy. Get on board."

He hands him official looking order papers clipped to a copied contract.

There was a silent tenseness before the 'beast' walked off with his signature smugness.

"Oh, you'll also find a non-disclosure in there too regarding Roux, I expect his equipment back 'Sargent' one way or another."

He spat the lines again with disrespect as he once more felt comfortable on command.

Before turning and boarding himself.

@CERBERUS177 @Crimrose @dr xenon

Jackson's face crinkles as if he smelled something foul as he watched "Beast Whatever" walk away. He glances at the contract and orders cursorily.

It all seems in order, he thinks. Seals are there from HQ ... being on solo deployment is weird and this hampers my ability to find the Doctor ... but ... I'll read 'em in detail later. Got plenty of supplies already on board. Can't wait to work with the techs on the new flight platform ... But now - there's a VIP I want to meet.

Twitching his uniform into place he saunters over to where the Angel of the League is speaking to the troops. He waits patiently, politely for her drift through the crowd to bring her close to him. He catches her eye - and is a little taken aback by the returned gaze - but presses on - snapping a salute instead of just fawning over her like many of the League soldiers.

"Sergeant Jackson November, Athenian 44th Mech Cadre," he barks out. "Lookin' forward to servin' alongside such a renowned warrior!"


Klein's punching bag flies to the ground below the guard's feet as he kicks it one more time. He drags it back to the bed before walking with the guard. "Alright, that's fine." He says with a shrug.

@Alaania Hellborg
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the guards bring Klein to the next room, the light was off but he could definitely see someone was in there. pacing the floor. after Klein enter the guard close the door right away. and before he could even open the light, he feels a pair of arms surrounding him, it was not aggressive, but tender and shaking.

" Klein... why are you here..." her voice sounded alarmed and sad. he could definitely understand why they were in the dark now.

" why are you here... in this ship... why are you... " she shake her head he could feel some tears on his shirt.

" you are working with the league are you ... " she ask her voice shaking. " why did you do this... i know you had a good idea where i went... what if we had fought and i had killed you... did you stop to think about this... " he could see she was more than just shaken, she was happy, sad and confused at the same time.

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"I had a good idea but I wasn't sure. I wanted to find you again. But why? Why did you go to the rebels? You saw what they did. Both of us have." He says, his voice accusatory.
she lower her head feeling sad that he did not understand.

" Klein... the reason i went to the rebel is because the league is not what it seem to be... i heard things. saw things that made me cringe... i ... i just found out that the league was not all that it was showing to the public. " she goes to back away a bit. moving to open the light, he could see her eyes and cheeks were red.

" i did this because i wanted to free those i loved from this... i want peace. i wanted to keep you, mom and dad safe... but i knew mom and dad would not approve... they probably hate me " she says sadly looking to the side.

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"They don't hate you. They think you just ran away. I kept my suspicions to myself. They just want you home again." He explains softly. "And how are the rebels trying to keep the peace? When you were gone I narrowly avoided death when Rebels attacked a civilian building. They are terrorists."

@Alaania Hellborg
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" we did no such things, those were league soldier's, they are trying to make us look bad, if there had been an attack on a building from the rebels i would have been in the lot, Klein, you have to believe me, the league will use any underhanded method to keep the face and gain soldiers. they are being driven back by the rebel and are getting desperate to make us look like terrorist. you know i would never hit a civillian building... "

she takes a step back feeling angry at the league, she was trying to keep her cool in front of her brother but knowing that the league was hitting civillian and killing people just to make them look bad made her rage.

he could see her hands clenching into fists, she was clenching her hand so hard he could hear her skin wince, her knuckle turning white.

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taking a deep breath then exhaling, Amelia calms herself down un-clenching her fist. " i'm sorry klein i did not meant to yell, or become agitated... but you are being used by the league... all they see in you is a tool to further their quest for conquest... if you knew all the underhanded method they used to make us look like the bad guy's you wold puke... " she says sadly, lifting her head to look at her brother, she hated to see him like this.

she walks closer to him straightening his shirt a bit, then taking a step back " let me see the beautiful man you've become, my dear brother." she says softly taking a good look at him. he could see she was hesitating.

"would you be alright, if your rebel of a sister hugged you... or... do you need a time to digest this... " she says softly, she wanted to see him smile, to hug him. she never had thought she would see him ever again.

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"Aaaaand, here... We... Go!" Fox had managed to get the 10th and final missile into place For Staltz Missile Launcher. He would then look all over the mechanism to make sure everything was in working order, before he pressed an icon the holo screen being projected from the mech's arm and the launcher receded back into it. Once done Fox pulled out a rag to wipe the sweat off his brow. "Alright-" he made the holo screen disappear by swiping his arm at it as if he was trying to push it away. "Now that that is over..." He folded his arms and closed his eyes to think "Well I did say I'd join up with her later.... And really have nothing better to do now." he gave a nod "I wonder what kind of weapons the rebels own... Hand Cannon would be nice" He tossed the rag on the work bench as he made his way out of the hangar stretching his body and yawning. It took abit of energy and strength whenever he had to Manually load the missiles

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