Mecha RP: Legend of M

she moves closer to Klein hugging him softly " i'm sorry i didn't say anything... but with what i had learned i couldn't risk my familly being interrogated and hurt because of me... so i ... i'm sorry " she says softly glad to see he was not angry. " about mom and dad... what did they think happened... " she ask unsure if her brother even knew. " and what will you be doing now... you ... you are a prisoner after all ... " she says worried.

"I don't know what I'll be doing... But... I trust you... You always knew and told me what to do... I want you to tell me what I should do..." He says softly as he returns Amelia's hug.

@Alaania Hellborg
she gently lift a hand to her forehead. " i can't force you to join the rebel... you have to decide this by yourself... if i tell you to join, i am no better than the league... even if i would prefer to see you here with me... " she says softly, her head lowering a bit.

" Klein, i want to show you around, i want to show you why i joined the rebel... and i ... i want to show you my mech... " she says softly. looking at him with hope.

" and if you want... i'll show you the recording of what i heard to make me realize the league needed to be fought. " she add seriously moving toward the door. " come with me brother. and i will prove to you we are not what the league says about us. "

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Klein nods. "Okay, sis." He says softly, following her. "I hope you'll bring a voucher for me, though. The captain confined me to the room I was in." He adds with a chuckle.

@Alaania Hellborg
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she straighten herself a smirk on her face. " oh for that don't worry, i will. you are my brother, i know you will not sell us out, and it'S not like they will release you soon or anytime soon during this time of war. " she says smilling a bit.

she start walking out looking at the guard " he will be coming with me, if the captain or anyone is looking for him, tell them i will take responsibility for this, he is my brother and i hope to make him join the rebels. " she says her voice commanding. the guard seem taken aback by this and only nod. " yes M'am " he says.

she then look at Klein. " i'll show you the hangar first. you'll see everyone working there, they come from all kinds of walk of life and works together here toward the same goal. " she says softly. " and you will be able to meet my pride and joy " she add grinning widelly.

He chuckles softly. "Too bad mine was left in the shatterdome. You would have been able to seen mine. It was an old Stryker unit I custom fitted myself." He says with a chuckle.

@Alaania Hellborg
" oh... sorry to hear that... " she says softly. " by the way how did you get captured ? " she ask as they make their way to the hangar.

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"I defended the shatterdome from the frontal assault with the Rebel's machines but they infiltrated from behind. I left my Stryker in the hangar of the Shatterdome and went to defend it. I didn't have any backup but I didn't care. I tried to defend the engine but one of the grenades knocked me out. And here I am." He says with a shrug as they make their way to the hangar.

@Alaania Hellborg
as she hear the word grenade she stops then turn around patting his arms and his chest. " are you hurt somewhere " she ask now a bit worried. she goes to lift his shirt slowly to see if he was hiding any broken bones or wounds.

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she straighten herself her expression showing a bit of anger. " it has nothing to do with being strong or weak Klein, even if you had been the strongest man alive a grenade will kill you or break your bones if you are close enough to the explosion. " he could see he had hit a cord here and she did not like this.

" just make sure that if you throw up or you feel dizzy, you call a doctor, you might have internal bleeding or a broken bones leaking marrow in your bloodstream... " she says in a sigh.

they finally reach the hangar, " you probably already know the layout of the ship... but here is the hangar, and this " she point to the Crimson Rose. " this is the crimson rose, it's my Mobile Suit and yes i customized it. " she says trying to change the subject before she turn angry at him.

"Impressive. LB-55, right?" He asks, looking at her for conformation. "I think this would scare the enemy quicker than you would kill them, too." He says with a chuckle.

@Alaania Hellborg
" that is the point, a war is first fought on moral of the troops, if they are shaken and scared to face us, they will break more easily and this will make the death toll lower. " she says nodding to confirm his statement. " i wish to win this war with as little casualty as can be... i know it'S wishful thinking but i hope to minimize the casualty on both side. " she says with a smile. " of course i am still a sniper genius to begin with so try to figure out what i changed on it " she ask with a smirk turning to look at her brother.

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@dr xenon

Ivis floated a bit closer, and examined the man that had been looking at her earlier. He seemed to be approaching his thirties, and wasn't too bad looking either. Kinda looked like he had been through at least a little. 'God damn that part of my programming, why would I care if he's nice looking or not... What is that even helpful for? I'll have to look into that later...' Ivis was busy thinking to herself for a little, before she realized she had started an argument with herself in her head.

"At ease, an ally of the League is a friend of mine. I've never thought I'd see too many outside forces join our own... This changes a couple of my views... Well, so long as we're fighting on the same side and for what is required, I look forward to fighting alongside you just as much."
Ivis didn't expect to see a Athenian here, as they weren't necessarily inside the League's circle all the time. While she didn't necessarily like the concept much, there was nothing saying he wouldn't eventually shift over to the League. Considering he was working with them, despite where the Athenians were from, showed that maybe not all outsiders were as bad as she assumed. She had heard of them hunting Kaiju every now and then, which certainly wasn't evil either. However, he'd still have to be monitored at least a little bit, until he gains her trust.

"The overall frame is completely different, though the wings are still the same, albeit with modified pieces to it. The sniper, of course, is new and... looks custom built. And the color is different as well." He says, his mind scrolling through his mental files of machines.

@Alaania Hellborg
" alright, but what about it's capacity, what do you think it has, let's see if you still know me like you did my dear brother. " she smirk. looking at him tenderly, she was happy to see him and she was happy to be able to talk to him like this.

" that is not what i asked you, you are evading the question " she chuckle, nudging him " what is the most important abilities of my mobile suit " she says with a grin.

"You like protecting your allies so I'm guessing a shield... And... I think that's it?" He says with a smile.
" oh come on klein you know me better than this, stop playing around " she chuckle pushing him in a teasing manner. she walks closer to the crimson rose. turning to face her brother again. " you saw the shield already, now tell me you never heard or seen this bad girl on the battlefield. " she smiles widely.

her smile slowly fade away. " are you alright klein... " she says walking back toward him. " you don'T normally evade those kind of question... normally you would jump at the thought of trying to figure out what a mobile suit has for armament and for coding... " she says softly putting a hand on his arm.

Fox made his way over to the targeting range, He could see a couple rebels practicing occupying some of the stalls but he didn't see his new friend here. He folded his arms and tilted "Huh... I thought she said she'd be here... Guess she caught up with something else" he shrugged and rubbed the back of his head. Well since he was here. He looked at the gun rack " There still quite abit of choices on the rack. A standard Issue Assault Rifle, A pistol, multiple duplicates of those two, a few shotguns, A couple sniper rifles, Unfortunately no hand cannons. "Darn..." he groaned alittle, but decided to grab the pistol and sniper Rifle. "These look pretty good" He held the rifle broadside to get a good look at it. "It looked like another standard issue for snipers. A quick look down it's scope seemed promising enough. However He would very much like to tinker with it for better specs. He decided to to avoid that for now and just practice with it and pistol, So he made his way to one of the empty stalls.
He sighs softly. "I just want to stay with you a bit longer... I know at the end of this, I'll have to return to my "cell" again. I just want to savor the moment of being with my sister after three years." He says with a smile.

@Alaania Hellborg
she smiles softly " i don't intend on letting you out of my sight until i can hear from the superior that you are released. " she says with a smirk. " don'T you worry about anything you are not going back into that room " she says seriously.

" so go ahead and ask away, i want to show you what brought me to join the rebel, the humanity behind them and especially, the friendly atmosphere reigning here. " she add with a soft smile. " i was supposed to go to the firing range and practice, want to do a friendly competition like we used to " she says with a grin.


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