Mecha RP: Legend of M

"Well you certainly look at home here" Fox loaded a clip into his then cocked it back before lining up on his target and for moment he looked like a lifeless statue, He made you feel like wasn't worth paying attention to until he pulled the trigger and the gunshot would bring back your attention. The bullet went in the upper chest "Heart... brief second of confusion, fear, Almost painless" He straightened up and looked at his gun again. and lost his ser
"Impressive. You're a good shot." He says with a smirk, loading another clip and cocking it back. He lines up his target and takes a deep breath to steady himself and slow his heartbeat. He then fires a few seconds later, hitting above the center of the head. "Brain, quick and painless. Barely any time to react to any pain if at all." He says as he loads another round into the chamber.

Crimrose said:
@dr xenon
Ivis floated a bit closer, and examined the man that had been looking at her earlier. He seemed to be approaching his thirties, and wasn't too bad looking either. Kinda looked like he had been through at least a little. 'God damn that part of my programming, why would I care if he's nice looking or not... What is that even helpful for? I'll have to look into that later...' Ivis was busy thinking to herself for a little, before she realized she had started an argument with herself in her head.

"At ease, an ally of the League is a friend of mine. I've never thought I'd see too many outside forces join our own... This changes a couple of my views... Well, so long as we're fighting on the same side and for what is required, I look forward to fighting alongside you just as much."
Ivis didn't expect to see a Athenian here, as they weren't necessarily inside the League's circle all the time. While she didn't necessarily like the concept much, there was nothing saying he wouldn't eventually shift over to the League. Considering he was working with them, despite where the Athenians were from, showed that maybe not all outsiders were as bad as she assumed. She had heard of them hunting Kaiju every now and then, which certainly wasn't evil either. However, he'd still have to be monitored at least a little bit, until he gains her trust.


"Ta be honest, Miss, I don't think we're watcha call 'joined' with yer forces," Jackson drawls. "We got a convention with the World League - don't get me wrong - that allows us ta keep our independence. And while our chief export is defensive contractin', the Convention is fairly clear on who we can contract out to er not."

The commotion of boarding swirls around the two as they talk. Jackson tunes into it a bit.

"Say, my mechs stored and ready to go. Y'all got to get yerse'f somewheres? There gun' ta be a briefin' you know about? Or d'ya think Mr. Shouty is runnin' this circus? If that's the case - based on mah prior experience with that man - we best stick tight together and look out fer one another," he finishes with a grave and knowing look.

@CERBERUS177 [[jump in any time here!]]
dr xenon] [URL=" said:
"Ta be honest, Miss, I don't think we're watcha call 'joined' with yer forces," Jackson drawls. "We got a convention with the World League - don't get me wrong - that allows us ta keep our independence. And while our chief export is defensive contractin', the Convention is fairly clear on who we can contract out to er not."

The commotion of boarding swirls around the two as they talk. Jackson tunes into it a bit.

"Say, my mechs stored and ready to go. Y'all got to get yerse'f somewheres? There gun' ta be a briefin' you know about? Or d'ya think Mr. Shouty is runnin' this circus? If that's the case - based on mah prior experience with that man - we best stick tight together and look out fer one another," he finishes with a grave and knowing look.

@CERBERUS177 [[jump in any time here!]]
Jack overheard what JS(Jackson) was talking about and stood by, "Wait, what's happening?" he asked a little confused about what he meant by all that.

(Sorry if it's short, just want to be included ;- ;)
"Have it your way, just try not to die okay? The more people alive the better the chances are."

Ivis kinda figured something would pop up to ruin it. Either way, another loss could lower faith in the League, so it needed to be avoided.
He nodded as he placed his rifle on the table and started to slowly take it apart. "That is true, How about going for the adam's apple"

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Klein shrugs. "I think that would just be torture for the guy." He says with a shrug, firing another round into the target's throat area.

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Roux's face tensed as all six guards and their leader moved to surround him, they had their guns at the ready and he saw the safeties switched off.

They briefly chatted with the corpsman before grabbing Roux and dragging him out, though whatever they had said to the good doctor, Roux didn't pay attention to.

"The council will see you, now."

The lieutenant, or whatever his rank was addressed him in a tone that implied there were no other options, Roux made a sarcastic face straight back at him, but followed without resistance.

-oh boy... The council, I am in no small amount of trouble am I?-

They led him through mostly empty corridors, a few had work crews altering, repairing, or maybe simply learning the inner workings of whatever technical junk was behind the panel they had opened. It at least gave Roux something to look at during his walk this time.

Finally they arrived where they wanted him, the guards sat him at a single chair, it was absurdly luxuriant and bolted to the floor, good old world League.

It sat at the end closest to the door behind a similar table set up as the sortie room he had his first briefing since waking up, a few other chairs taken up with representatives of the various rebel cells, though most simply had monitors displaying the logos of their groups, likely connected long distance.

The guards that put him to the chair released the braces freeing his hands, but also took him up in their sights as they moved about the room making it clear there was going to be no funny business.

Roux scanned the room, a few faces he recognised, but was frustrated to see the roughnecks were one of the ones hiding behind a monitor, though a couple were familiar but he couldn't place a name to them.

-maybe I shouldn't have blown off so many council meetings when they invited us?-

He never really was the kind of person for these things, more concerned with his own group then the rebellion as a whole.

He saw captain hawker, sitting directly across but at some distance from him.

She did NOT seem happy to see him.

"Ladies and gentlemen-" Roux begins with his usual exaggerated ceremony for these sorts of things, "-a pleasure to see you all again."

@HEATS @dr xenon

Tierax said:
Roux's face tensed as all six guards and their leader moved to surround him, they had their guns at the ready and he saw the safeties switched off.
They briefly chatted with the corpsman before grabbing Roux and dragging him out, though whatever they had said to the good doctor, Roux didn't pay attention to.

"The council will see you, now."

The lieutenant, or whatever his rank was addressed him in a tone that implied there were no other options, Roux made a sarcastic face straight back at him, but followed without resistance.

-oh boy... The council, I am in no small amount of trouble am I?-

They led him through mostly empty corridors, a few had work crews altering, repairing, or maybe simply learning the inner workings of whatever technical junk was behind the panel they had opened. It at least gave Roux something to look at during his walk this time.

Finally they arrived where they wanted him, the guards sat him at a single chair, it was absurdly luxuriant and bolted to the floor, good old world League.

It sat at the end closest to the door behind a similar table set up as the sortie room he had his first briefing since waking up, a few other chairs taken up with representatives of the various rebel cells, though most simply had monitors displaying the logos of their groups, likely connected long distance.

The guards that put him to the chair released the braces freeing his hands, but also took him up in their sights as they moved about the room making it clear there was going to be no funny business.

Roux scanned the room, a few faces he recognised, but was frustrated to see the roughnecks were one of the ones hiding behind a monitor, though a couple were familiar but he couldn't place a name to them.

-maybe I shouldn't have blown off so many council meetings when they invited us?-

He never really was the kind of person for these things, more concerned with his own group then the rebellion as a whole.

He saw captain hawker, sitting directly across but at some distance from him.

She did NOT seem happy to see him.

"Ladies and gentlemen-" Roux begins with his usual exaggerated ceremony for these sorts of things, "-a pleasure to see you all again."

@HEATS @dr xenon
Roux was pretty certain that if they could just direct Captain Hawker's gaze toward the polar regions the ice caps would reform near instantaneously. As he went to speak again the Captain cut him off.

"Shut it, Mr. Le Corps," her voice - which had drilled countless raw, cocky mech pilots into submission - brooked no dissent. "Just shut it."

The other Council members waited a beat, looking at their hands, before looking up again. Even the remote ones paused and looked away.

"Commander Levesque," she continued after a moment. "Please read the charges."
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"Well, this has been fun." He says, putting the sniper back in time for armed guards to go up to them, aiming their weapons at him with safeties off.

"Come with us peacefully." The guards order.

"What are you doing?!" Amelia exclaims.

"We're taking him back to his room. You have no authority here." The guard leader says.

"I'm going peacefully." He says nonchalantly with a sigh. "Lead me to the room."

The guards take his arms and put them in a restraining position before leading him to his room. Klein offers no resistance as he leaves the gun range. He moves into his room and lays on the bed as the guards close and lock the door. His eyes close and he falls asleep.
Roux took the opportunity to think as the commander fumbled around their papers, looking for the charges.

-disorganised as ever, but given the circumstances... I guess I can't judge.-

He had forgotten how cold Hawker could be, her icy glare didn't seem to lift off Roux at all.

He fidgeted uncomfortably in his seat, a deafening silence broken only by the sound of papers being shuffled frantically.

-this will take some explaining... And luck.-

@HEATS @dr xenon
@Tierax , @HEATS


Levesque, a broad shouldered, gristled man who looked to be in his mid-40s cleared his throat. He wore nondescript fatigues with a no-nonsese large-caliber pistol in a shoulder-rig under his left arm, and the blaze on his shoulder identified him as a member of the Free French Republic.

"Roux le Corps," he begins in lightly accented English. His tone is flat as he reads the charges, belying a pre-war training in law perhaps. "The summary of the charges are such: That on May the Fifth of this year you collaborated with Agents of the World League to betray the Black Dawn cell of the resistance, culminating in their subsequent destruction. You are summarily charged with two-thousand and ninety-eight counts of murder."

He pauses to look up at Roux, and shakes his head in disgust.

"Furthermore," Levesque continues, "you have continued to collaborate with the enemy as indicated by your use of the eck-zo-suit now joined to your flesh, and your defense of the East Coast Shatterdome."

As he finishes all eyes drift between Hawker and Roux.

"Eventually," Captain Hawker says in a hushed and measured tone, as if controlling her emotions with each syllable she utters, "we will read the names of each -- and -- every -- patriot of human liberty you led to the slaughter, Mr. Le Corps. In time we will, but now we simply need to know how you plead to these charges? Then we will find or appoint someone to help in your defense, because, so -- help -- me -- God, we will show you more rights than you allowed those who followed you into that ambush!"

Hawker catches her breath and asks again, "So, how do you plea?"
Crimrose said:
"Have it your way, just try not to die okay? The more people alive the better the chances are."
Ivis kinda figured something would pop up to ruin it. Either way, another loss could lower faith in the League, so it needed to be avoided.
@Crimrose , @CERBERUS177


Looking a little bewildered by Ivis' response, Jackson turns to see Jack and brightens at the familiar face.

"Jack, right? We're gettin' ready ta ship out," he replies. "You still ridin' that Bear? If she ain't loaded up, you best get her on tha boat. We're goin' after tha rebs in less'n three hours!"
Roux gritted his teeth, as the commander read the charges out to the gathering.

A burning hatred of equal intensity to Hawkers frozen glare flaring in his eyes. He could feel some people gathered shifting somewhat fearfully, as the unspoken battle of will between the two overshadowed all else.

"Not. Guilty." He tries to say it defiantly, but the effort of restraining his own rage made it little louder then a whisper,

-They really blaming me for this? The hell would I ever do that to my own troops? That was my family! Assholes looking for a scapegoat!-

He stand at full, his furious death stare unwavering from Hawker.

He heard clicks as rifles pressed against body armour from the guards taking no chances and readying to fire.

"Not. Guilty."

Once more he delivered the lines, as defiant as originally intended.

"The hell would I have done that to my own men? You bloody cowards! I may not have cared about what you thought of me, but you should all full well f***ing know I cared for their lives more then even my own!"

He didn't much care for the other charges at this moment, but he'd be damned if he let them silly the name of the Black Dawn by saying their leader had betrayed then.

"We were set up, if I had known..."

His voice wavered, his eyes glassed over for a moment as he struggled to keep tears down. He hadn't even had time to mourn them yet. Working with the League? He expected consequences from that, but this? This was too much.

He sat back down, as his fury once more overcame the other flurry of emotions coursing through him.

"If I had known, I would have done my usual and told you lot to shove that assignment up your collective asses."

His voice was bitter, his rage having come full circle to a terrifying calmness betrayed only by his body shaking in raw fury, and his eyes biting at every face he turned his gaze to meet.

@dr xenon @HEATS
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dr xenon] [URL=" said:
@Crimrose[/URL] , @CERBERUS177

Looking a little bewildered by Ivis' response, Jackson turns to see Jack and brightens at the familiar face.

"Jack, right? We're gettin' ready ta ship out," he replies. "You still ridin' that Bear? If she ain't loaded up, you best get her on tha boat. We're goin' after tha rebs in less'n three hours!"
Jack laughed, "Wherever there's a fight, you can expect me! " he said holding a fist up, clenched tightly. "Oh... Hey Ivis ,how are you?" he asked her, seeing that they haven't really had any down time for any r&r. "My new mech is ready for combat, they have a jet ready and loaded with it... If CBC is destroyed, I can get into knucklehead, that is its name. " he said smiling.
Looking towards Jack, Ivis responded with light smile on her face. "I'm doing fine, just making sure everyone's ready for what's ahead of them. Ah, so you have a replacement mech now. That's good I suppose. Hopefully we won't have to worry about getting to use it though, right?" Ivis didn't notice as many people outside of the ship as before, but there was still commotion here and there. She hadn't been assigned with a true role as of yet, though she assumed it wouldn't be long before that happened.

@dr xenon

@Crimrose , @CERBERUS177

"Oh, we're gonna use it, Miss," Jackson says enthusiastically. "Gonna track down the rebs and get yern ship back!"

He looks off to the ship, notices that Ivis isn't moving toward it.

"Yer comin', right? Cain't let the League march without its Angel, can ya?"
dr xenon] [URL=" said:
@Crimrose[/URL] , @CERBERUS177
"Oh, we're gonna use it, Miss," Jackson says enthusiastically. "Gonna track down the rebs and get yern ship back!"

He looks off to the ship, notices that Ivis isn't moving toward it.

"Yer comin', right? Cain't let the League march without its Angel, can ya?"
Jack stands up and walks with JS, and waits for Ivis. He hopes he doesn't use the new mech, cbc was a great mech, nothing like it can replace it.

(Short, sorry, )
Upon hearing the comment about the League's march, Ivis responded. "You've got that right." Ivis began to gather the stragglers that hadn't boarded the ship yet, and headed towards it, hovering slightly above their heads.


@dr xenon
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Fox was about to comment his reason for shooting that area, but the guards seemed to appear at the wrong time. When they took Klein away, Fox stood next Amelia and was quiet for a moment... "Well... think on the Bright side... He's here, and you know where he'll be." He turned to her with a kind smile.

@Alaania Hellborg
@Crimrose @Colt556 @dr xenon @A Skull on the Shelf @CERBERUS177 @OGTomahawk @AceOfSpades0210 @Salex @Tierax @Raider867 @Foxora @Alaania Hellborg

Several hours later

Rebel ship off the coast of Cuba

The next few hours passed relatively peacefully for the rebels aboard their as of yet unchristened ship. With the help of the mechanical Roland had managed to jury rig a mainline joust into something like his custom, though it was a pale imitation all things considered.

In the bridge, things had been similarly relaxed. The route to the Caribbean had so far been free of patrols and the ship was now proceeding forward at cruising speed. However, one young officer had encountered a problem.

(@dr xenon )

"Uh, Captain Hawker." He briefly tapped the sonar equipment before looking back to his commanding officer.

"Ma'am, I think this equipment might be faulty. I just lost an island." he looked over his control panel and adjusted a few things.

"Wait. Nevermind. It's back. But... Wait. It's closer now. Like, a lot closer."
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<[ League survivors, flying somewhere in the open ocean. ]>

In the hours that followed the Leagues speech, the entire facility had been evacuated and salvaged for anything usable.

The surviving ranking officers, and all independent pilots finished a private briefing on the plan of action.

They were to lift off as is, meeting a small fleet of repair and rearm ships out in the pacific, then onwards towards Cuba, flying would help close the gap quickly, as it was assumed the rebels would not have figured that function out just yet.

They were hot on the tail of the stolen ship, The small fleet to also function as their re-enforcement's for the time being making up for their own incomplete functionality.

Crews hurriedly built the remaining components of the ship, but progress was slow and the ship itself was far from fully functional.

But morale was high among the troopers and crew, as the presence of the more notable members inspired them to near fanatical extremes.

In spite of this, a tension hung in the air after meeting their support fleet, it wasn't long now until they encountered the fleeing rebels...

@Crimrose @dr xenon @CERBERUS177
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" this doesn't change the fact that i am still talked to like a nobody, after all those years of service... " she was pissed that the soldier had talked to her that way, they definitely didn't know who she was, she sneer. " i'll have to talk to the higher ups about this... i hate being talked that way. " she rose up taking her sniper again. she goes to the shooting range and activate the moving targets, the simulation for a sniper, her stance shift taking aim, she takes a deep breath and start shooting one target after the other. at the end when all the papers come back out of the 18 of the 20 target had been perfect headshot. her expression was one of disdain and anger.

" if only they would give me my ranks ... this would not happen. " she says in a long sigh.

" sorry, this pisses me off... it'S been 4 years... i had expected to have at least some recognition... " she says a bit more softly.

"I got nothing right about you guys?" Jack asked Ivis and JS, "Yeah! We ain't got anything, not even animals!" Lisa said, Jack hopped over a dirt road, "I'm getting board here...Wish we could meet up with those bastards already..." he said

@Crimrose @dr xenon
Clayton Tirpitz - Rebel carrier - Crew quarters.

Clayton had just finished a quick shower. He was fully clothed but his hair still slightly damp. In a surprising turn of events, the captain of the ship had had all the pilots removed from the brig and given proper rooms, aswell as a little roaming space. He was still watched by armed guards, but it was alot nicer and again, surprising. He couldn't believe the rebels treated their POWs this nicely. He didn't even know what the League did with their POWs. Typically, there were very few soldiers to take prisoner after their battles.

Clayton immediately used this new leeway he was given to grab a meal and quick wash. He would've liked to see that his mech was O.K, but the hangar was restricted space. For now, he would just have to trust the independant pilot that captured him. Clayton had been thinking alot about what the pilot said. He did not want to admit it but that guy was right. Clayton went through excuse after excuse after justification in his head as he had argued with himself. He had only found it harder to be proud of his history with the League.

There was also the matter of the lost city of Midori. Clayton had been seeking it for some time. The League had shutdown several logical expeditions into the redzones. But they were enthusiastic about the city of Midori, despite there being little evidence that it still existed. Clayton had realized the Leagues leaders didn't care for old-world knowledge. They wanted its power. And they were willing to sacrifice good men to get it.

He requested a razor to shave but that was denied as it could be used as a potential weapon. He attempted to argue with the guards about it, but a quick muzzle sweep from their rifles and he dropped the matter.

Seeing no better time on the horizon, he decided to pop the question. "I'd like to see the CO of this ship." Clayton knew this request was likely to be shot down, but he wanted to meet the man behind the attack on the shatterdome.

@dr xenon

(Not sure who else would be relevent to mention here.)
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