Mecha RP: Legend of M

Amelia was in the training room, her stance was calm but aggresive, she was training martial arts with another one of the pilot who had the same rank in martial arts. blocking and dodging hits returning some, eventually he send a punch wich she grab and use the speed and strength he gave in his punch to flip him over her shoulder stopping a punch and inches of his nose. " this time i was the winner, maybe next time you will have more chance " she chuckle. helping him up, she then goes to grab her towel removing sweat from her neck and forehead.
During the trip Fox decided to keep Amelia company for awhile in teh gun range and workout center. Hearing what she said, it was best to let her vent until they parted ways or if she ever visited her brother. At this point in time Fox was sleeping in Staltz cockpit in the hangar. the barracks seemed a mess with the rebels fighting over what bunk to sleep. Some of them weren't even off duty yet and just wanted to mark a spot for themselves.

He much rather decided to just avoid that in general and make a mental note to build his own bed in the future.
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OGTomahawk said:
Clayton Tirpitz - Rebel carrier - Crew quarters.

Clayton had just finished a quick shower. He was fully clothed but his hair still slightly damp. In a surprising turn of events, the captain of the ship had had all the pilots removed from the brig and given proper rooms, aswell as a little roaming space. He was still watched by armed guards, but it was alot nicer and again, surprising. He couldn't believe the rebels treated their POWs this nicely. He didn't even know what the League did with their POWs. Typically, there were very few soldiers to take prisoner after their battles.

Clayton immediately used this new leeway he was given to grab a meal and quick wash. He would've liked to see that his mech was O.K, but the hangar was restricted space. For now, he would just have to trust the independant pilot that captured him. Clayton had been thinking alot about what the pilot said. He did not want to admit it but that guy was right. Clayton went through excuse after excuse after justification in his head as he had argued with himself. He had only found it harder to be proud of his history with the League.

There was also the matter of the lost city of Midori. Clayton had been seeking it for some time. The League had shutdown several logical expeditions into the redzones. But they were enthusiastic about the city of Midori, despite there being little evidence that it still existed. Clayton had realized the Leagues leaders didn't care for old-world knowledge. They wanted its power. And they were willing to sacrifice good men to get it.

He requested a razor to shave but that was denied as it could be used as a potential weapon. He attempted to argue with the guards about it, but a quick muzzle sweep from their rifles and he dropped the matter.

Seeing no better time on the horizon, he decided to pop the question. "I'd like to see the CO of this ship." Clayton knew this request was unlikely to be fulled, but he wanted to meet the man behind the attack on the shatterdome.

@dr xenon

(Not sure who else would be relevent to mention here.)
(I'll jump in here since @dr xenon is trying to prep the fight. Plus I need something to do.)

Rebel Ship

Mess Hall

"Captain's busy." Roland stated matter-of-factly as he walking into the mess hall. Of course, he didn't actually know what the captain was up to, but he wasn't about to humor the orders of an enemy combatant. He didn't bother to look at the POW as he made his way over to the table and grabbed something to eat.

"If you got a question, I can answer it. If it's really that important, I'll run it by her later." He scooped some gruel onto his plate and made his way over to where Clayton was seated and sat opposite to him and picked up a charred piece of meat and bone he assumed was supposed to be a chicken leg and took a bite.

"The food here sucks." He said more to himself than anyone between bites and set down the drumstick. Finally he took a good look at Clayton.

He squinted for a moment, as if trying to recall something.

"You look sort of familiar. Have we met before?"
Rocco "Gearhead" Falkov - Stolen Rebel Ship - Hangar 3

Since his arrival on the rebel ship Rocco had mostly stayed to himself. It wasn't that he was by any means a recluse, he just found that most people around were busy and to be honest he didn't want to bother them with petty small talk. Because of this Rocco found himself with an excessive amount of free time. The leaders of the rebels were kind enough to give the man his own room but the mechanic didn't plan on using it.

After taking a quick shower and returning to Rache, Rocco found himself working over a set of blue prints. The idea for wings had come to him merely hours ago but he was just now beginning to flesh out the idea on paper. He would eventually design a few smaller scale prototypes before hiring a couple heavy lifters to eventually piece together the final product, but until then it was all pencil work.

It was around this time, while Gearhead was running through the design process, that the aforementioned mechanic suddenly felt something rather disturbing. There was a tingling on the back of his neck, right around where Rocco's "Link Comp." was located, and a chilling stillness took a hold of the ship. Something wasn't right. Something was coming.
@Crimrose @Colt556 @dr xenon @A Skull on the Shelf @CERBERUS177 @OGTomahawk @AceOfSpades0210 @Salex @Tierax @Raider867 @Foxora @Alaania Hellborg

Rosie - Rebel Super Carrier Engineering Section - off the coast of Cuba

Bathed in the cold glow of schematic displays and equipment tell-tale lights Rosie and Professor Mu'Dak contemplated something called Kuroshi Impeller Drive. A plate of crumbs sat next to a tea pot and a half-empty mug of tea. Curls of cigarette smoke danced like spectral serpents over their heads - streaming out of Professor Mu'Dak's nostrils like some nightmarish fakir's basket.

"Ah-ah-AH!" the monkey chittered, waving frantically at a section titled Cold Igniter.

"No," said Rosie offhandedly in Russian.

"Ha-ah-ahhh?" he tried again waving at a section labelled Secondary Wave Inducer.

"You are trying my patience," Rosie retorted. "Again, I tell you that the secondary wave cannot preceed the primary wave. Is simple English, no?"

"Eee-ee-ee!!!" the monkey chittered as the tea in Rosie's mug tilts off the level.

Captain Hawker - Rebel Super Carrier Bridge - Off the coast of Cub

HEATS said:
"Uh, Captain Hawker." He briefly tapped the sonar equipment before looking back to his commanding officer.

"Ma'am, I think this equipment might be faulty. I just lost an island." he looked over his control panel and adjusted a few things.

"Wait. Nevermind. It's back. But... Wait. It's closer now. Like, a lot closer."
Hawker stepped closer to the SONAR officer. He was fairly junior, but he was one of the few wet-Navy veterans on the crew so Hawker took stock in what he was saying.

"Let me see that, Ensign," she says moving next to him and hitting the 15 second playback. Seeing the trajectory she leaps for the command chair, slamming her hand onto the red stud placed there. "ALL HANDS! BRACE FOR IMPACT! ALL HANDS! BRACE FOR IM--"

Her shout is cut off as she's thrown bodily across the bridge as an inestiamble mass slams into the port side of the super carrier. Any hull made of lesser metal would have crumpled like foil, but the super alloy shrugs off the blow. The crew however are subjects to Newtonian physics and are tossed about like so many peanuts in a half-empty can. Those that were able to brace in time ride out the storm of unsecured items flying about the cabins and passageways. The others, like the Captain, feel more like the aforementioned peanuts.

She sailed through the air - twisting mid-flight in a way that would make gymnasts and judoka proud, managing to roll to a relatively safe landing - if a bit bumped and bruised.

"Label that contact Leviathan!" Hawker shouts from the deck and claws her way back to her command chair. Blood dripping from a wound high on her aristocratic brow. "ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS! ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS! SCRAMBLE THE MECHS!"

Rebel Super Carrier Cell Blocks

ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS! ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS! SCRAMBLE THE MECHS! screached over the loudspeakers and the guards rushed away from the officers quarters holding Klein and Tirpitz, and the brig holding Roux. Leaving only one guard behind in each location
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Amelia sigh trowing her towel in the basket. " i guess i'll go check with the higher ups about my brother's situation " she tell the man with who she was training. " i'll see you next time " the man nod " good luck " he says.

she moves to the mess hall knowing that most of the men were coming and going there, she was hoping to find someone with who she could discuss the situation and try to get permission to take her brother under her wing, or at least find someone who could direct her to a higher ranking officer.

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Rebel Super Carrier - Outside the Ship

Contact Leviathan was slow to turn. Pushing water out of its way like a slumbering bear shaking off a blanket of snow. It turned and raised its massive maw - a cavernous maw able to swallow buildings - and let out a rumbling roar like an echo of Mt Vesuvious' eruption


First one of the ship's turrets opened up, but soon all of them were pouring fire into the hulking, unbelievably huge Kaiju.
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<[ Rebel Carrier- brig ]>

Roux was mulling over that brief meeting, it ended abruptly, he couldn't say anything through his anger.

-not my best moment, come on man keep it together-

His thoughts were interrupted by his pillow and blanket suddenly flying past him towards the cell door, following their path he's sees the guards struggling to stay standing, some being tossed flat to the ground.

For the first time, Roux heard the hum of his implant, as it steadied him keeping him upright and completely negating the feeling of impact.

"Huh." He muttered to himself.

Moving the bulbous arms forward for a better look at their faint glow.

"I wonder.."

His out loud thoughts interrupted by sirens and warnings broadcast from the speakers.

-what now?-
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dr xenon] [URL=" said:
@Crimrose[/URL] @Colt556 @dr xenon @A Skull on the Shelf @CERBERUS177 @OGTomahawk @AceOfSpades0210 @Salex @Tierax @Raider867 @Foxora @Alaania Hellborg
Rosie - Rebel Super Carrier Engineering Section - off the coast of Cuba

Bathed in the cold glow of schematic displays and equipment tell-tale lights Rosie and Professor Mu'Dak contemplated something called Kuroshi Impeller Drive. A plate of crumbs sat next to a tea pot and a half-empty mug of tea. Curls of cigarette smoke danced like spectral serpents over their heads - streaming out of Professor Mu'Dak's nostrils like some nightmarish fakir's basket.

"Ah-ah-AH!" the monkey chittered, waving frantically at a section titled Cold Igniter.

"No," said Rosie offhand in Russian.

"Ha-ah-ahhh?" he tried again waving at a section labelled Secondary Wave Inducer.

"You are trying my patience," Rosie retorted. "Again, I tell you that the secondary wave cannot preceed the primary wave. Is simple English, no?"

"Eee-ee-ee!!!" the monkey chittered as the tea in Rosie's mug tilts off the level.

Captain Hawker - Rebel Super Carrier Bridge - Off the coast of Cub

Hawker stepped closer to the SONAR officer. He was fairly junior, but he was one of the few wet-Navy veterans on the crew so Hawker took stock in what he was saying.

"Let me see that, Ensign," she says moving next to him and hitting the 15 second playback. Seeing the trajectory she leaps for the command chair, slamming her hand onto the red stud placed there. "ALL HANDS! BRACE FOR IMPACT! ALL HANDS! BRACE FOR IM--"

Her shout is cut off as she's thrown bodily across the bridge as an inestiamble mass slams into the port side of the super carrier. Any hull made of lesser metal would have crumpled like foil, but the super alloy shrugs off the blow. The crew however are subjects to Newtonian physics and are tossed about like so many peanuts in a half-empty can. Those that were able to brace in time ride out the storm of unsecured items flying about the cabins and passageways. The others, like the Captain, feel more like the aforementioned peanuts.

She sailed through the air - twisting mid-flight in a way that would make gymnasts and judoka proud, managing to roll to a relatively safe landing - if a bit bumped and bruised.

"Label that contact Leviathan!" Hawker shouts from the deck and claws her way back to her command chair. Blood dripping from a wound high on her aristocratic brow. "ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS! ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS! SCRAMBLE THE MECHS!"

Rebel Super Carrier Cell Blocks

ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS! ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS! SCRAMBLE THE MECHS! screached over the loudspeakers and the guards rushed away from the officers quarters holding Klein and Tirpitz, and the brig holding Roux. Leaving only one guard behind in each location
@dr xenon @OGTomahawk @Alaania Hellborg

Rebel Ship Mess Hall

"Have we met before?" Roland barely finished his question to Clayton when a red light and siren began to blare in the mess hall.

"what the h--"

ALL HANDS! BRACE FOR IMPACT! ALL HANDS! BRACE FOR IM--" The sheer impact threw Roland some distance from the table, slamming him onto the hard metal floor and close to Amelia. He tried to stand but the loss of direction from the fall and the feeling of the rocking beneath him sent him tumbling to the floor again. After a few more seconds he forced himself up with a loud groan.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" His voice nearly cracked as his confusion became audible.

"ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS! ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS! SCRAMBLE THE MECHS!" He scrambled to find his footing as most of the guards sprinted out the door and tried to offer a hand to Amelia before sprinting out himself.

In the Hanger things weren't much better. While the mechs themselves were fastened down, numerous tools and pieces of eqipment were spralled across the floor. Over the flood of people Roland spotted the lead mechanic.

"Rosie! Rosie, What the hell is going on?! Is it the League?" He shouted through a mixture of confusion and misplaced anger.
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The Alarms... did not give him a gentle awakening. "What the Fu-!" Fox jerked awake nearly falling out of his cockpit seat. "What? Huh?! We under attack?!" He stuck his head out and noticed Rebels running all over the place in the hangar, some even getting into Mechs. That's when he noticed the Crimson Rose activating. "I guess we are!" he rubbed the sleep form his eyes and climbed back onto his seat activated Staltz.

The cockpit closed up and receded into the chest area of the mech and it Rose to it's feet. It's head jerked up and it's Optics lit up. Fox turned on his comm links and tapped into the Rebels frequency. "Ok... anyone what we're fighting here... I jsut woke up..."
Amelia accept the help she receive from another soldier " thanks mate, i'll pay you a beer later. " she says getting to her feet. it doesn'T take long for her to dart toward the hangar.

When she finally reach the hangar, she look around. running toward the Crimson Rose. she makes her way to the cockpit and sit in it. powering up the mech. she start to check all systems.

" Lieutenant Amelia Schterzen ready to go. awaiting order's, what are my target's " she says in her communication device.

she mutters out loud to herself " please klein don't do anything stupid... stay in your room...i'll take care of this... "
HEATS said:
@dr xenon @OGTomahawk @Alaania Hellborg
Rebel Ship Mess Hall

"Have we met before?" Roland barely finished his question to Clayton when a red light and siren began to blare in the mess hall.

"what the h--"

ALL HANDS! BRACE FOR IMPACT! ALL HANDS! BRACE FOR IM--" The sheer impact threw Roland some distance from the table, slamming him onto the hard metal floor and close to Amelia. He tried to stand but the loss of direction from the fall and the feeling of the rocking beneath him sent him tumbling to the floor again. After a few more seconds he forced himself up with a loud groan.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" His voice nearly cracked as his confusion became audible.

"ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS! ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS! SCRAMBLE THE MECHS!" He scrambled to find his footing as most of the guards sprinted out the door and tried to offer a hand to Amelia before sprinting out himself.

In the Hanger things weren't much better. While the mechs themselves were fastened down, numerous tools and pieces of eqipment were spralled across the floor. Over the flood of people Roland spotted the lead mechanic.

"Rosie! Rosie, What the hell is going on?! Is it the League?" He shouted through a mixture of confusion and misplaced anger.
@HEATS @Alaania Hellborg @Foxora

Clayton - Rebel ship - Mess hall and then hangar

Clayton was thrown from his seat. Just like everything and everyone in the room. He wound up on the floor with his back against the bulkhead. "What the hell was that?!" He said as he got up. "You guys didn't sail this thing into a damn iceberg did you?" His question was answered by a loud roar, followed by cannon fire. Even in the depths of the ship, it was loud.

The pilot that had just been there had already left, along with most of the guards. Clayton would have been a fool not to take advantage of the commotion. He slipped past the dazed guards and made a beeline for the hangar. Once he made it, he staggered around in circles looking for Lucky. He noticed it when the carcass of Luckys sentry skid across the floor, apparently it wasn't tied down. He sprinted over to his mech. It was untouched. "Oh Thank fuck." He said, relieved. But Lucky was still damaged.

Clayton climbed into the cockpit and pulled the ignition lever. It took a few tries to start the mech up. He immediately did a systems check. After a few seconds, a series of lines of red letters were displayed on the screen.

"Missiles: 0/20"

"50% ammo capacity"

"Armor integrity 75%"

"Sentry offline."

"Right leg severely damaged."

"Climate control fully operational."

It wasn't good but it was all he had. He gave the sentry the command to go online and rejoin Lucky. It got up from its resting place across the bay and did so. He hesitated before taking the next step. He ripped Luckys IFF tags from their sockets. He didn't want to be accidentally targeted by the rebels. He then switched to an open-frequency on comms. "Nitrus, firing up." His heart pounded in his chest and his voice almost wavered a little. He was about to fight alongside the rebels. Hopefully, they liked that.
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Rocco "Gearhead" Falkov - Stolen Rebel Ship - Hangar 3

It was unfortunate really, Rocco was hoping the ride was going to be a lot smoother than this.

Being in Rache did little to help with the impact the super carrier had just sustained but the mechanic was able to catch himself before being thrown around too much. Gaining his footing once again Rocco quickly put his belongings in the storage locker tucked in the back of the cockpit, Rocco then jumped into the pilots seat whilst activating the "Link Comp.". Rache flared to life, sending a wave of artificial information into Rocco's mind. Man and machine were now one.

Taking a second to adjust to the feeling, Rocco flexed his fingers and adjusted his stereo until it was playing a fast paced jazzy tune. The mechanic inhaled sharply, allowing the excess feelings to settle in; the cool metal frame of skin, the heavy exterior resting upon itself, the smell of iron, and the rage. There was always rage. Rocco had never figured out why or where it came from but he was just glad that that was the only side effect of the "Link Comp." After a few seconds of adjusting, Rocco went into full throttle. Rache was lifted onto the launch deck by an elevator like device and there the mechanic got his first look at the beast that had picked a fight with the rebels. Suddenly a voice crackled over the comms.

"Ok... anyone know what we're fighting here... I just woke up..."

Rocco chuckles a little bit to himself. "The devil himself... now get out here and give me a hand." And with that Rache was launched. Rocco felt the salty air as it rushed past Rache's metal skin, and the adrenaline and exhilaration began to set in. Flying into the air above the beast, Rache came down hard on the beast's back, using the lance; "Oathkeeper", as a trust. The point of the lance carved into blubbery flesh, allowing the viscera underneath to slowly seep up.

Rocco "Gearhead" Falkov - Agressive Kaiju Back - Engaged in Battle

Upon landing, Rocco noticed that what originally looked like oversized barnacles were actually people sized crab like Kaijus, and they didn't seem to pleased with his presence. With out a second of hesitation Rocco removed the plasma assault rifle; "Doctor Shoots", and began to unload in concentrated bursts into the hordes of crabs, while Oathkeeper kept them at bay. With pilot and machine as one, the speed and ferocity of these attacks were unmatched, leaving the Kaiju in a bad spot.

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Amelia curse. " forget it, i'll figure things out, when i see the situation. " she mutter's angrily. she launch the crimson rose flying high in the air. when she is finally high up she turn toward the threat ahead spreading her crimson wings as they start glowing indicating her magnetic shield was activated. she take her custom built Mech sniper and grin aiming her sniper in the direction of the fight, seeing some kaiju she frown a bit " Hey you are you alright down there, need a hand? " she then look around to find some of the most dangerous target while waiting for the answer of the other Mech, her targeting system activating. " Lieutenant Amelia Schterzen, sniper requesting target, Leviathan reply, who is the priority? " she ask seriously.
Rebel Ship Hanger 3

With Rosie too busy with literally everything going on to answer his question, Roland sprinted past her and into his Mech. The roars outside had already clued him in to what it was they were dealing with.

"Kaiju in the Ocean, League on the land, give me a freaking break!" He growled to himself as he preped his suit and stepped out onto the runway catapult.

"All systems nominal! Lt. Roland Croix, Joust Launching!" The elevator shot up to the outer deck and then rocketed the suit forward, throwing it into the air. Only then was he able to use his thrusters to turn around and get a good look at the beast. It's massive form loomed over the ship, covering almost the entire deck in heavy shadow.

"No way in hell. They Do Not Get that big! Fuck you!" Poor Roland's mind was having difficulty comprehending the sheer amount of bullshit before him, with a yell he leveled his rifle and fired and shattered a number of oddly shaped plates on the beast's back, only to have said plaes sprout wings and begin hurling themselves at him in swarms.

The small beetle-like Kaiju came at him like a cloud, latching on to the joust and gnawing at it's metal plates.

"Bullshit!" was all Roland could muster through his growing incoherent rage as he began frantically stabbing them with his knife.

@Alaania Hellborg @Tierax @OGTomahawk @Foxora @Throne Trinity
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Mikado Saris

Rebel Carrier - Hangar Bay

The trip through the ocean was as uneventful as she thought it might be. Hour after hour of nothing to do. She had long since fetched a meal and freshened up at the bunk assigned to her. She was in the process of dozing off when the captain's voice blared out over the comm. system to warn them to brace for impact. Being half-asleep her response time was inadequate and the entire ship rocked violently, throwing her from her bunk and to the floor along with various items. The impact immediately jolted her awake and with a none-too-quiet "Shit!" she was already about to make her way out the door when a second message came through demanding pilots get to their mechs. With that order she knew all she needed to know, they were under attack. She moved quickly to strip off her clothes and change into her hardsuit before scrambling out of her room and towards the hangar.

Upon reaching the hangar it's state was pretty much what she expected. Mechs were being lifted to the deck via elevators while mechanics ran to and fro to recover equipment that was strewn across the floor from the impact. At the far end of the hangar she spotted a small fire as a mech apparently wasn't fastened securely enough and had fallen from the impact. Nevertheless she made her way to her Thunderbolt, bolting up the stairs to the walkway and sliding into the machine's cockpit. The hiss of hydraulics momentarily filled her ears as the cockpit slid shut. For the briefest of moments she was plunged into total darkness before lights flickered online. Two red dots appeared over her pupils as the machine's HUD synced up with her suit and overlaid tactical information. The blackness before her was swept away as vision of the outside filled the cockpit. Looking over the corners of the HUD she double-checked the various read-outs to ensure everything was as it should be.

The thrusters at her hip moved in a variety of directions as the walk-way moved away and the mechanics rushed to remove the restraints that previously saved the machine from the impact. "Everythin' seems in order..." She mumbled to herself before looking over to the side and reaching out for her Mk.57 that was nearby. Information was hard to come by as everyone scrambled about but one important fact had made it to her ears and that was the fact that their enemy was a huge kaiju. The WS-16s attached to the machine's thighs wouldn't be much help against something as 'big as an island' after all. "This is Valkyrie-3, all systems green." After a brief moment her comm buzzed to life as one of the traffic controllers her gave her the green light to move to a nearby elevator. Free of her constraints she took a slow step forward as she made her way to the elevator to join the others that were already on the deck.

The Thunderbolt lumbered towards the lift with heavy footsteps. What the machine lacked in agility it more than made up for in armor and raw firepower. Nevertheless it made getting the thing into action in a timely manner more than a little tedious. Soon enough the machine was positioned upon the lift and slowly being raised up to the deck. As her mech rose she looked around, taking in the situation outside. The ship's guns were pounding away at a massive sea-borne kaiju as the various mechs joined the fray. She noted some mechs high in the sky utilizing their flight to rain down fire upon the monster while others still opted to charge in and get in close on the beast's very own back. Unfortunately she was incapable and unwilling of doing either of those things and instead slowly walked over to the edge of the deck. As she approached the barrels of her twin Avengers spun to life before spitting forth a torrent of rounds towards the beast.

Even within the insulated cockpit she could feel the vibrations as her gatling guns went to work. The dull hum causing a bemused grin to cross her face as she imagined just how loud and obnoxious those things must be for anyone unfortunate enough to be out on foot. Nevertheless she very much doubted those things would be able to do much against the creature and thus hefted her massive gun into position, taking aim towards the creature while being careful not to hit the more ... outgoing pilots. As she fired on the creature she noticed one of the recently launched mechs do the same only to be assaulted by a swarm of whatever the little kaiju were. Seeing this she figured it was her duty to help as dealing with small-fry was her specialty. She activated her comm and spoke up. "Joust, this is Valkyrie-3, I can help with the little ones but I can't help with the ones already on ya!" Maneuvering her machine to aim her Avengers in the Joust's direction she again opened fire. The stream of rounds flew into the cloud buzzing near the allied mech, the sheer volume of fire doing well to tear into the swarm.

Amelia see's the trail of beetle like Kaiju fly toward Roland's mech. " switching to burst mode. " she says with a leveled voice. her sniper opening and switching to a burst assault rifle. " Support fire incoming Lieutenant " she says taking aim and shooting that the cloud of beetle like kaiju trying to overwhelm the man. her eyes darting around her 360 degree screen inside the cockpit giving her a good idea what the surrounding battle and enemy position were. " incoming magnetic shield " she says two little drone like thing flying toward the lieutenant's mobile suit. attaching themself to him trying to push the beetle away. " this will only push the time they take your mech apart, you need to get rid of them and soon with the current situation the shield will last only a few minutes. " she warn him

moving closer to him she continue to provide support fire. " lieutenant i will keep an eye out for any incoming mech " she says in a calm tone.

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Once it was clear Staltz launched out of the hangar and took flight "A Kaiju" He looked on at the giant. "Haha, Aaaaalright!" he cranked up the speed on his flight boosters "Now this a beast worth hunting!" Staltz then grabbed it's rail gun "Here we go!" He then noticed some smaller beetles swarming a Joust.... familiar looking joust.... He knew it was en entirely different joust... but somehow... he sensed that he should be really pissed off at the pilot inside it. "The cheapskate, Oooooh your not getting out that easily!" He noticed Crimson Rose aiding Roland but he shook his head. and opene dup comm links "DOn't worry, Amelia! I got this one! This Jerk ain't allowed to die yet!"

Staltz Immediately flew right at the mech and Swarm at full speed! "Ready or not! Here I come!" and rammed right into the swarm grabbing onto Roland's mech and using his momentum and boosters pushed the two of them out of swarm. "I hope you have explosives this time" he told Roland as he let go of his mech, whipped around and fired 3 missiles into the swarm scattering it with explosions.

@Alaania Hellborg @HEATS
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Amelia reply to Fox, " good to know, i'll try to get a more bothersome target then " she says looking around to try and spot a potential threat. she gently says " Cobalt Sniper mode " she says in a leveled voice. the assault rifle turning back to the sniper she had at first. she takes aim trying to spot any League's Mech keeping an eye out for any incoming target that could try to take them by surprise. her wings glowing making her look dreadful.

@Foxora @HEATS
Klein grunts as he stands up. "Kaiju?" He asks in surprise. "Hey! Let me out!" He yells. "I want to help!"

There was no answer, the guards were probably gone or the guard didn't answer. He begins searching for another way out. He had to help. It was his nature. He finally finds a vent access and pries it open. He crawls through the vents, moving to the closest exit vent to get out and get to the hangar.
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@Colt556 @Alaania Hellborg


Rebel ship off the Cuban coast

Leviathan Battle

The Kaiju Leviathan was deceptively fast for its impossibly massive size, each swing of its many dense limbs easily smashing any pilot caught off guard.

Furthermore, the many pilots who were keeping their distance weren't having much better luck as their shots seemed to at best further agitate the monster when they did anything at all. Most bullets only hit the dense cloud of beetles surrounding the Leviathan, and those that did get through couldn't seem to punch through it's leathery hide.

Suddenly, the beast's bulbous throat began to inflate, as if filling up. It opened it's gaping maw and released a powerful beam of some murky liquid. The sheer force of it was enough to shatter and crush the machines caught in it's blast


The sudden hail of gunfire around his machine didn't do much to calm Roland's nerves.

"Watch it!" He shouted to nobody in particular as a shot passed just a little bit to close for comfort. With a broad sweep of his knife Roland managed to tear off the remaining beetles before jetting backwards and pumping more lead into them with his rifle, Knife still cluched firmly in his other hand.

But the beetles were more like waves than living things. The countless thousands of them swarming and circling around them, no matter how many he killed they just kept coming.

"Lieutenant I will keep an eye out for any incoming mechs." Roland Growled a bit at Amelia's nonchalant tone.

"I'll be honest, mechs aren't really on my priority list right now!" He shouted in a tone that was anything but calm. He quickly looked around and tried to assess the situation through the buzzing cloud.

"Valkyrie 3! Red Suit! That Big bastard over there is target number 1!" He Shouted at his compatriots and motioned to the Leviathan.

"We have to pull it's attention away from the ship!"

@Colt556 @Alaania Hellborg
noticing the leviathan was belching out a beam of murky liquid Amelia had an idea. " hey what if i time my shot for when he open it's mouth. if i aim correctly and with the right angle i could try to take it down and destroy it'S brain but i would need to get in place and have covering fire and make sure it doesn't target me, do you think this could work. hit him from the soft spot " she says calmly. her mind was buzzing with different tactic when it came with heavily armored creature.

@HEATS @Foxora
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Klein runs into the hangar, spotting a few Rebel Jousts. He runs for the one with a rocket launcher and shield. He climbs into the cockpit quickly before closing the door to it. He begins powering it up, his machine's IFF appearing on the radar inside the hangar.
"That's..!" Roland caught himself, agitated though he was, it was a better idea than he had.

"I mean.. It's a terrible idea, but it's worth a try!" He admitted begrudgingly.

"Valkyrie 3, Fox, help me cover the red suit! We're gonna try and end this in one shot!" He nodded to Amelia.

"We're counting on you! Don't miss!" He darted towards the beast and opened fire, trying to draw it's attention.

@Alaania Hellborg @Foxora @Colt556 @Raider867
He powers it up, feeling around the controls and doing a quick change that he can easily change back before moving to the opening of the hangar, flying out of the hangar. "Not my Stryker Kai... But it'll do..." He says as he flies out of the hangar.

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