Mecha RP: Legend of M

- Rebel Ship: Hangar -

The ship rattled again after being hit by enemy forces. Eddie struggled to stay standing on his two feet as he walked toward Unit 001. As he got closer to the mech, he zipped up his flight suit and contacted his personal AI Aide, Athena."Athena, contact the bridge tell them I'm launching in Unit 001 and start up the Photon Ignition." The lights on Unit 001 flickered on and Eddie climbed into the open cockpit. He strapped himself and went through the launch procedures, checking all the different gauges and flipping the switches to start up Unit 001. The cockpit closed and the combat screen came online displaying the dark hangar around him. "Launch Permission Granted" appeared on the screen in bold green text giving Eddie clearance to launch.

The platform below Unit 001started to rise and the hangar door above it opened. The sky was blackened by the number of Insectoids and Beetles that had swarmed the battlefield. Insects launched their bodies at Unit 001 before it even reach the surrounding of the Rebel Ship, but Eddie reacted quickly enough to counter their attacks by blindly firing the CES in their general direction. The energy beams, which hold enough power to deal significant damage to most mech armor, easily penetrated the exoskeleton of the insects. Eddie was contacted by the Captain to give him a mission update. "Eddie, you'll have to do your best to break through the horde's defense and attack the Kaiju," the Captain said, "I know you designed Unit 001, but I'll remind you that your VICE Rifle should be able to pierce through its thick hide. If you get a few good shots you might be able to knock the Kaiju down."

"Copy that, updated mission parameters, " Eddie replied. He closed his eyes a bit to let himself focus. Then Unit 001 took off and flew toward the heart of the swarm.
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Jackson/Cutter - Leviathon Kaiju Fight - League Side

@Crimrose , @CERBERUS177 , @Tierax

Wish I could've gotten in some more flight time with this new gear, Cutter thought as he hurtled toward the massive Kaiju. But so far so good.

The Riptide mech's goat-like feet were clamped onto the top of a flying disc and it was riding the disc like some sort of pumped-up hoverboard. The four turbines housed protectively in the flight-platform provided vertical lift and the suit's built in jump jets and aerilons provided the thrust and guidance propelling the suit forward into the fray. Stray beetle-like Kaiju bounced off the suit's forcefield as it plowed through the sky. The ones homing directly in towards Cutter were either dispatched with smart missiles or incinerated by his fusion blasters.

NOVA GENERATOR AT FULL CAPACITY the Riptide's AI informs him.

"Ivis, Metal Head," he calls over League comms. "I'm gunna direct all my AP fire behind its port-side eye - that necks gotta have weaker pertec'shun. You follow up with all the high explosive damage you can deal out to keep them little varmints from healin' it and to aggravate the wound! I'll pour in AP fire long as I can. Roger?"

Not waiting for their responses he paints the target location and sends that over tactical comms, too, so all the League forces can see where he's headed. Then he guns the engines and heads for dangerously close quarters - firing the ion accelerator in explosive blasts ahead of him to clear the way, and unleashing full salvos of smart missiles to do the same. Nearing the 200 meter mark he pitches the flight platform forward to slow his progress. As he decelerates to 150 meters he trains the ion accelerator on what he suspects is a weakness in the Kaiju's passive defense.

"Nova lance!" he shouts and a near coherent beam of energy extrudes from the ion accelerator and races to the Kaiju's flesh.
"Wilco. Loading HE, beginning harassment." Making her way to the side which she saw the Riptide focus it's beam on, she arced her gun appropriately for the range she was at, and began to fire. The ability of having ammunition and extra weapons linked to her particles was especially helpful around now, as her shotgun only held 10 shells at a time. Scattershot would've been relatively useless at this range, and thus she was sticking with the slug-like shells. While she was unsure if 80mm would be enough to damage the large beast, the smaller beetles would likely be severely wounded or destroyed if they came withing range of the blast. A direct hit would pretty much turn one into chunky salsa, which we all know is probably tasty for some odd reason.

While Ivis would've loved to focus some beams on the wound as well, it wasn't requested, and those may actually end up fixing the wound more than damaging it.

@dr xenon


Hawker - Rebel Supercarrier Bridge

The chaos outside the ship was not echoed on the ship's bridge. Hawker had pulled her command staff from the best the Rebellion had to offer. While they hadn't served on this bridge for more than a few hours, and only a few had served on any sort of wet navy, all had command center experience. Green lights on consoles winked red and a mech pilot somewhere probably died. Damage reports came in from all over. The bridge staff took it all in stride - there would be time for grief and theatrics later. Right now they had a job to do and lives depended on them to keep level heads.

"Chief Strelchenko!" Captain Hawker barked into her comm pickup. "We need the Kiroshi Impeller Drive engaged now. We need to disengage from this fight."

"Capetain," came the reply over Hawker's earbud. "Primary wafe inducer is go. Vitout the secondary engaged we haf no backup if primary fails. Then vee crash."

Then I suggest you get the secondary running as soon as we are airbourne," Hawker replied. "We do not have time for further delays. Either the Leviathan or the League will undoubtedly overcome us. I would rather take my chances in the air."

"Again, Capetan, is not perfect -"

"We do not have time for perfection, Chief," Hawker blurted over Rosie. Engage the KID!"

Deep in the bowels of the ship power was unleashed and washed out of the ship, driving it upward from the sea.
"CBC is 10-7...Knucklehead is 10-8, looking at more tangos flying towards the hanger, how copy?" Jack said, taking a hold of a large bug and tearing it's head off and tossing it away, "I got bugs everywhere and the main side guns near the hanger are bogged down...literally there is now a bog of bug blood sticking the guns they can not, repeat NOT move. If you can send over heavy ordinance I'll be able to help. But until you get a flame unit of heavy spec soldier in that hanger to defend, I can't do much. Over." he said, shooting some bugs making them explode.

@Crimrose @dr xenon
Eddie saw a group of bugs throwing their bodies into the World League Carrier's hangar. He stopped his attack run and against his better judgment, made his way to the carrier to assist the League ship. If the Rebellion was going to survive this they'd need the League's help to destroy the Kaiju.

Eddie directed Unit 001 to strafe the League Carrier, clearing the area outside of the ships hangar of Insectoids using a combination of medium powered shots from the VICE Rifle and energy bolts from the CES. Bright beams of blue light shot across the sky piercing his designated targets.

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Amelia looked around seeing that the Rebel's Carrier was lifting up she flies toward the leviathan saying in her calm voice. " lieutenant let me try again, i know i can do this, give me an opening i'll get inside him from his ear and i'll charge my weapon before firing it, i might lose a few limbs but at least all be able to beam his brain long enough in there without worrying about getting hit. fox think you can keep his attention off of me ? " she says seriously. the ear was a soft spot and a really good entry to fry one's brain and with his size she was definitely going to be able to do this. " Klein i will need your support fire, i'll need you to keep these bugger out of me. can you do this "
"Of course I can." Klein says, leveling his rocket launcher, his Joust still moving. "If I'm in trouble, don't worry about me until you kill the Kaiju. Me and the others will try to get each other out of trouble while still keeping the bugs off you." He says through the Rebel's open channel.

@Alaania Hellborg @HEATS @Foxora @dr xenon
"Shit!" he shouted as rounds flew into the hanger, killing bugs and crew alike, "I need a casualty report!" he shouted, "We have 5 wounded, 6 dead." came a voice from the radio, "Control I just had a rebel straif run on the hanger, "...Control, permission to engage?" he asked command

@dr xenon
Eddie heard the message on the open channel and replied, "Amelia, this is Eddie. I'll be there to provide support as well from with the SC Unit One soon. Just hang tight. Headed toward your location. Over." Eddie closed the channel and pushed forward on the throttle, the Power Drive expelled more particles and increased Unit 001's flight speed dramatically. As he flew through the swarm, he lit up the skies with the energy beams from his main weapons, killing many bugs in the process.

@Alaania Hellborg
The rebels were doing a good enough job of distracting the behemoth Kaiju that he was able to circle around it in his Jet-Ruhiel. With a mental command a shower of Beast Pods were loosed onto the backside of the beast, clearing away a swarm of beetle kaiju that had formed around the bigger one. Transforming back into it's mecha mode, Ruhiel began descending at an almost unreasonable speed until it landed feet first onto the Kaiju's back. As he landed, crab-like kaiju made their way over to Ruhiel which almost immediately began firing it's Flank Bombs their way. This took care of most of the kaiju that were in front of him, but even more were approaching from the other directions.

Just as they had gotten close enough, Ruhiel made a ten feet jump into the air, leaving behind a now exploding Beast Pod for the crabby kaiju. As he landed again, Sergei switched on Ruhiel's scanning protocols and began his search. Sergei wasn't sent out here to assist in the assault on the Kaiju, he was instead here looking for any possible weaknesses the creature may have had that the League would be able to exploit. However, his mission also held a task that was just as important, searching for anything on this monster that the League could take from it after they had killed it and use to get an upper hand on the rebels. He didn't doubt that once this thing was taken care of the higher ups would want to immediately open-fire on the rebels, so they wanted him to look for anything useful while the Rebel milita and the League soldiers toughed it out up there.
" copy, thanks guy's, let's hope this time it will pass. " she says with a hint of enjoyment.

she goes to fly toward the kaiju making a long turn coming from behind the big beast. she look around to find the ear.

eventually she locate it. " lieutenant waiting for your ok, otherwise i am taking the lead " she chuckle
A group of bugs move to try and intercept her. Klein sees this and fires his rocket launcher. Three rockets take out the group as they were close together. He checks the readout. Only two rockets left. He checks his ammo packs and there was two more packs for the launcher. He fires the last two rockets into other groups nearing Amelia, taking the groups out. He ejects that pack and loads a fresh one into the rocket.

@Alaania Hellborg @HEATS
Eddie flies over Klein's mech and lands right behind his Stryker, covering his flank while Klein reloaded his rockets. "I got your back, Klein," Eddie said over his comms. A large swarm of bugs came at Unit 001 head on. "Athena, get a lock and set VICE Output to high," Eddie commanded.

"Affirmative, target locked, output at 80% capacity," a computerized voice replied.

"FIRING!" A much brighter and more volatile blue beam exploded from the barrel of the VICE Rifle, devastating the enemy swarm eliminating much of the initial threat. Now the Bugs' attention was now taken away from the fleet and now on Klein and Eddie.

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
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@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @HEATS

"Wish Granted, got just the thing" was Fox's response to Amelia as he flew danger close to it. straight toward it's face Hey, buddy. See me? He floored it now. toward it now but then juked left. "How's this for a distraction" Staltz pulled out it's sword thrusted it into it's eye. "Well I ain't getting that thing back" Staltz then immediately stomped the blade in deeper into it. You could be as thick skin as you want, The eye will always be vulnerable. If this doesn't grab it's attention I don't know what will.
Kaiju Battle Near Cuba


CERBERUS177 said:
"Shit!" he shouted as rounds flew into the hanger, killing bugs and crew alike, "I need a casualty report!" he shouted, "We have 5 wounded, 6 dead." came a voice from the radio, "Control I just had a rebel straif run on the hanger, "...Control, permission to engage?" he asked command
A voice crackles over Mad-dog's headset.

TacCon to Mad-dog. That's a negative on return fire! Hostile fire is unconfirmed. Again, negative on return fire. Focus on the Kaiju, then the Rebels. TacCon out.
Amelia grin from the inside of her Mech. " alright just be careful i don't want any casualty due to this plan, if you think you are in danger, switch to defense, i will go in and overload the Omega Sniper, the beam should blast through to the brain. " she reply seriously. Klein knew that doing so would definitely cause the Sniper to explode after the shot, she would probably loose both arms and possibly suffer heavy damage to the rest of the mech.

the Crimson rose flies closer to it's skin, hovering close to the ear. " lieutenant answer me, am i clear to go ? " her voice sounded a bit annoyed. she needed to make sure everyone was approving first. Klein could already see her preparing to overload her sniper, switching the power to it and removing the safety.

from up there her wings start to glow brighter. Amelia looking around the console " alright baby, time to show them what you got. " she says out loud to herself. " Delta diverge all power to the cobalt, this will be a firework " she chuckle. a mechanical voice replying " all power diverged successfully, shield down, thruster minimal, power stable. i suggest another course of action madam this will render the shield unstable if inefficient, you are putting yourself at risk here. " Amelia sigh " i know delta, but we are stuck between this giant beast and the league, we have to free at least one front... what are my chance at survival ? " a few beep later delta reply " you have a 35% chance at survival. " Amelia frown. " alright set power 75% to the Omega sniper, the rest boost the shield and cut the thruster's and any other secondary power and use this to boost the shield. Delta reply " with this it upgrade the chance of survival to 45% " Amelia smile " that's acceptable. " she says waiting for the lieutenant approval, chuckling " hey if it doesn'T work at least it's gonna render him unstable and he might flee. "

@HEATS @Raider867 @Foxora @Colt556 @TPBx

( waiting on HEATS to say his part, and decide how the kaiju will die :D )
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Rocco "Gearhead" Falkov - Leviathan's Back - Engaged in Battle

It was as if all of hell had broken loose. Bullets streamed down from the sky, rockets peppered the Kaiju and the whispers were getting stronger. The cry for rage, for vengeance was becoming harder to refuse. Of all the places Rocco had chosen to fight, maybe being on the back of the beast was the worst spot. It had taken some time, and some unfavorable damage to Rache, before Rocco and his war machine were able to reach the head. With a calming breath he put away Doctor Shoots and held the lance; Oathkeeper, in both of his hands. Planting one foot firmly in front of the other, Rache was in a dead sprint to the edge of the Leviathan. Upon reaching the edge he jumped, and began to plummet. The side of the monster blurred past but with Rocco's heightened senses he was able to plan out his next actions with amazing precision. Firing his thrusters at jus the right time, Rocco and Rache manage to weave around the beasts flailing limbs and charge, lance first into the beast's eye. With the pull of a trigger Oathkeeper unhinged itself and blast after blast from the gun-lance sent cornea matter and optical fluid flying in every direction.
"Thanks for the help, but why did you direct the horde of bugs to our location?" He asks as his Joust reloads the rocket launcher. He then aims at a group of bugs, firing a couple rockets. The explosions take out the group of bugs he shot at.

@TPBx @Alaania Hellborg
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"It was a spur of the moment decision. I didn't think I'd aggro that many of them," Eddie replied. He pulled up his CES and began unloading round after round into the Bugs rushing toward them, ripping the creatures to shreds with a flurry of blue beams. Then the CES jammed up, the barrel was red-hot. "Athena, give me a status report."

"VICE System at Critical Temperature. Time to Cooldown in t minus 439.3 seconds."

"Thats too long. Do a system cooling flush I want my gun running ASAP, ." Eddie ordered. He then opened the comm Rebel public channel."The guns are fried on Unit 001, I need you guys to buy me some time while they cool off."

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @Foxora
"My turn to help you." Klein says with a smirk, moving in front of the Unit 001. He fires a barrage of rocket fire at the Bugs, eliminating groups with the explosions his rounds made. He loaded another pack. "Last one... make it count!" He says to himself as he fires another barrage of rockets. His ammo readout slowly drops as he fires. He stops firing the rocket launcher, firing the head vulcan gun at the bugs. It took more rounds to eliminate the Bugs but at least he wasn't wasting rocket ammo.

@TPBx @Alaania Hellborg
<[ Kaiju conflict zone- League super carrier bridge ]>

The captain watched the battle nervously, the comms officers seemed to never stop talking as they responded to every call they could trying desperately to keep their troops from falling into disarray. This battle was falling apart, they were losing hard.

Then he noticed something odd, the rebels seemed to actually be hurting the massive beast, as it's eye lit up the creature seemed to screech out in pain.

An idea flashed through his mind, though he hated it with every fibre of his being it was the only way he could potentially save his people.

Ordering the Comms to public channels, he breathed deep to calm himself.

"All World League Forces, there will be another day to take back what is ours, another day to find vengeance against the rebels who slaughtered our comrades."

His mind for a moment turned to a rebel pilot he had received a report of, they seemed to help the League ship by blasting a swarm away from a perimeter breach. And with reluctance put every ounce of himself into his next words.

"But that day comes for none of us if this creature isn't stopped right here! If we fail, this beast will no doubt make landfall and is likely to push us back to the brink of extinction! You all have new orders, cover the Rebel forces as they attempt to slay the beast until reinforcements arrive! I'm calling a cease-fire against them until the greater threat to humanity is destroyed!"

The League comm chatter seemed to stop dead in it's tracks.

"I repeat, Prioritise the Kaiju swarm-forms! And cover the rebel forces! We are the World League! We choose the lives of the many above our own! One world! One government! One people!"

The League forces all joined the public channel, repeating the chant as their morale once more sky-rocketed to fanatical extremes.

Slowly but surely, the League ships pushed back the smaller Kaiju, this time checking fire to avoid strikes against the rebels.

The battle once more reached a deadlock, as the now combined human forces reached what seemed to be a stalemate against the Kaiju swarms.

The whale-like creature itself seemed to recognise the change in tactics, and displayed a disturbing intelligence unheard of among Kaiju, with a low growl from the main beast the crablike forms poured seemingly from the flesh of the creature itself as if by command, slowly forming a living armour, League and rebel jousts pinned on it's back trying in vain to support each other were quickly swarmed and devoured, their scraps taken and moved to more vulnerable areas to act as further defence.

The beetle like swarms seemed to begin following orders as well, as they suddenly became a much greater threat, flying erratically to avoid fire and, though their numbers didn't suddenly swell like their crablike brethren, they instead dragged the remains of their victims back to the main beast, adding to it's already nigh impenetrable defence.

"Whoever is in charge of the rebellion here, I promise you, if you make me regret my decision I will personally have you begging for mercy at the heel of my boot."

He motions for the lines to be cut, and sitting in his personal seat on the bridge opened private lines to all the independents supporting the League... with a short pause for thought, Ivis as well.

"You lot, I'm giving you freedom to act as you see fit, I'm also assigning fighter squadrons to each you. Use them at your own discretion. End this in victory, I assure you, the only alternative is for us all to perish here in defence of humanity."

He cut the lines, issuing orders to the various fighter wings to move onto their assigned leader.

The rebel airship now firmly in the air the captain ordered the fleet to break the blockade and fall into a defensive perimeter around both of the largest vessels, ordering his own to close the gap between them and tightening the defence. The breathing room for each factions crews to re-arm, repair and recover from the brutal start of the conflict seemed to almost be tangible.

As they neared, the Kaiju's carb armor covered the entirety of it's lower section, it would not we long until the leviathan would be completely covered, it's head the last remaining area exposed.

@dr xenon @HEATS @Crimrose @Throne Trinity @Foxora @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @TPBx @Colt556 @CERBERUS177

-sorry if I forgot anyone, I'm having a hard time doing these on my phone xD -
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@TPBx @Raider867

"Right! Shoot stuff! Got it!" Fox responded to Eddie's request by pulling out Staltz assault rifle and blasting away at any bugs he could see "maybe I should install a shrapnel gun to Staltz for these situations." He asked himself as Staltz grabbed an incoming bug and crushed it in it's palm before returning to trigger on the gun and firing away.
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Klein emptied what's left in the rocket launcher as well as the head vulcan. "Damn, I'm out." He tells Eddie. "What's the status of your Unit 001?" He asks as his Joust threw the rocket launcher away. "Is it cooled down?"

@TPBx @Foxora @Alaania Hellborg
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