Mecha RP: Legend of M

@Alaania Hellborg @dr xenon

Fox rubbed the back of his hat before having Staltz pull out it's assault rifle and activate it's plasma shield. "Right then" he flew back toward the Crimson Rose already having to gun down a few bugs that were too close to Amelia's personal space then shield bashing one in front of him which disintegrated it... it is a PLASMA shield after all.
" alright let's do this. " she says as Delta reply " target locked on, you are free to fire. " Amelia nod and smiles, taking a deep breath and stabilising the shot waiting to be sure of her shot before shooting. a large and bright beam darting out of the Omega rifle, exploding as the shot run toward it's target. the Crimson rose is proppeled backward and into the water, both arms completely destroyed, the cockpit dented letting some water in. " shit... this was a bigger kickback than anticipated... Delta status report " she says feeling a warm liquid pass over her eye, closing it. 

Delta reply " arms destroyed left leg incapacitated, oxygen level 50%, power dropped to 10%, " Amelia roll her eyes. " that's not what i asked... status on the damage of the hull, i know the crimson rose is damage and will need a full overhaul, i would expect a 70% damage to repair but i asked about the target. did i hit, and how much damage did it do " she says a bit annoyed. 

( Xenon you can reply as Delta for the damage report on the league ship )

@Raider867 @Foxora @TPBx @dr xenon
Giant Kaiju Fight - Off the Coast of Cuba

@Alaania Hellborg

"Assessing damage now. Please stand by," Delta replies to Amelia. Amelia can see scans being run, but the technology and hull composition are known to her systems. The results will take her time to ingest and make and sense out of. Her AI chimes in again, "Based on what I can assess the targeted area was severely damaged. Overall effect on the enemy ship ... unknown."

@Colt556@Raider867@A Skull on the Shelf@TPBx@HEATS

{What everyone else sees]

A giant shaft of light blazed across the short distance from Amelia's position to the bow of the League Super Carrier. The shaft's target was an unobtrusive half-dome with a shimmering buzz around it that sent ripples through the air like heat waves over a sun warmed road. As the shaft connected with the half-dome the dome incinerated and the splash-over energy slammed into the ship's hull ringing it like a bell, but otherwise leaving the hull unmarked. The Super Carrier's bow dips down and to the starboard side just a bit, before righting itself.

The battle rages on as the rebels begin to withdraw. Crab and beetle kaiju litter the air. Some stop to vomit the healing foam over the Leviathan's ruptured eyes. 

After a few moments - perhaps as long as a short, heated argument - the League super carrier begins to drop in altitude in a controlled dive, sweeping away from the fray, and closer to the ocean's surface. The remaining escort ships race to form a blockade between the Leviathan and their charge. A steady stream of fire from the escorts and the swarms of League mechs strike any of the smaller kaiju from the sky when they stray too near their protected zone.

Rebel mechs stranded on the Leviathan's back or struggling, damaged in the waves are picked up by a squadron of drop-ships in hot-recovery configuration - rocker-fired grapnels pluck mechs from where they languish. Dangling like so many action figures below the drop-ships they're unceremoniously dropped on the Rebel super carrier's flight deck. Then the drop-ships ruch back to pick up more stranded mechs.

With no fire landing on it from the rebels, the Leviathan turns its attention full on to the League forces. Another titanic gush of vomitous lashes out from the gargantuan Kaiju and pilots die. The survivors press on, pouring their concentrated fire into a single location on the beast.

The rebel dropships return, dropping the last of their rescued flotsam to the flight deck as Hawker's voice cuts over the rebel broadcast channel, and echoes through the super carrier.

"That's three minutes, ladies and gentlemen," she says cooly. "Prepare for full acceleration in 10 seconds. Helm bring us to 1000 meters."

Mechs crouch or splay themselves across the deck, unsure of what to do.

"7 seconds ... "

Everyone on the flight deck sees one last drop-ship racing to the super carrier - a single, crimson, insanely damaged mech dangling beneath it. A damaged Joust - its right leg completely shot off flies a close escort.

"6 ... 5 ... 4 ..."

Hawker's voice sounds strained. A swarm of beetles comes out of the escorting Joust's blindside and buzzes toward the Joust and the dangling Crimson Rose. The super-carrier has begun a steady climb. Mech pilot altimeters read through 100 meters. 200 meters.

 "3 ... "

The chatter of the drop-ship's point defense chain-gun barks across the air and the beetles die in a cloud of green haze. 350 meters.

"2 ..."

The drop-ship screams over the flight deck, retro-jets braking madly, dropping the Crimson Rose to the deck as gently as a mother laying down her baby. The escort Joust drops down next to the red mech as the drop-ship half-crashes on the deck and skids to a full stop. 500 meters.

"Hunnh!!! ... 1 .. ALL AHEAD FULL HELM!"

The massive airship surges forward, still climbing, and rapidly accelerates, leaving the battle off the coast of Cuba behind.
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Klein sighs in relief. He climbs out of the cockpit and tosses the keys to Eddie. "Here's your mech back." He says as he walks past Eddie. He looks at the wreckage of the Crimson Rose as he makes his way to the guards. He looks at the guards. "I guess you're going to take me back?" He asks the guards. The guards nod. "No hard feelings. It's just our job. Personally I wouldn't let you just stay in a cell." One of the guards say. "But the captain might see that you helped and didn't run away either. It's all up to her." The guard says, putting a firm hand on Klein's shoulder and leads him to his prison cell. Klein offers no resistance and actually moves ahead of the guards as he walks into his room. He moves to the bed and lays down on it, staring up at the ceiling.

@TPBx @dr xenon @Alaania Hellborg
as Klein talks to the guards Amelia start to try and open the door of the cockpit. " god damn it, open up... " she says annoyed. " Delta what is going on here, please don'T tell me i'll have to kick the door down... " a few second passes then Delta's voice can be heard. " i am afraid you will have to, the door has caved in and will not open on it'S own. " making Amelia sigh, she put her back to the console lifting her legs then takes a big swing at the door making it fly open as Klein is excorted out of the hangar back to the room, Amelia prop her head outside and look around " give me a minute i have to remove Delta from the carcass of the Crimson Rose, then we will be able to start repairing. " she says going back inside the cockpit. " alright Delta, you will be transfered to my Datapad for a week or more... depending on how long it will take to repair the Crimson rose... and after if you want we could find a new name for it " she says softly Downloading Delta to her datapad. 

Amelia get's out of the Crimson rose and look at the extent of the damage. " well... at least we made a big dent in their forces... " she says with a long sigh. she knew it would take a while to repair. noticing that the 001 was open and her brother was nowhere to be seen she frown. " where is he, the pilot " she says pointing at the 001. then look at Staltz seeing he did not get any residual damage from the explosion of the Omega Rifle she sigh in relief. both were alright, well as much has a mobile suit can be after a battle this heated.
"The pilot was escorted to his room by armed guards." An engineer says as they run from one machine to another. The damage was immense and all hands on deck were needed to at least get them to effective status before they reach South America.

@Alaania Hellborg
Fox hopped out of his mech once he had it parked where he had it parked last time. he took a moment to look up at his mother's mech and hold the bill of his hat. "Good job out there, buddy" he patted the hull of the cockpit before looked at the now bare hip side of it. "... Gonna have to get you a new sword..." He sighed just something on his to do list. he turned to see Amelia and her damaged Crimson Rose, and the joust Klein was using. it looked like Amelia was talking to an engineer that passed by, he made his way over to her "Hey! You alright over there?" he had ask after looking at her mech. Though he could already tell what the answer would be.

@Alaania Hellborg
she turn around looking at Fox with a closed eyes, he could see she had hit her head pretty badly and blood was slowly pouring down the front of her face over her left eye. " i could be better, and the crimson rose could be in worse shape. " her words were starting to get lower, she tries to raise herself from remain of the Crimson her arms unable to lift her up, she lean on the opening. " can i get a ... a hand please... " when she tries to pull herself out again she frown. seeing blood on the dented and damaged metal, she bring a hand to her head and pull it back " shit... " she mutter to herself. 

Fox could see she was about to fall back inside the cockpit her conciousness wavering a bit. " i ... i think i might have... overdid this... " she chuckle weakly.

@Raider867 @Foxora @TPBx @dr xenon
"Whoa whoa, Easy there" he ran over to her and helped her back onto her feet and pulling her arm over her shoulder "OK we're taking a trip to infirmary. Get that cut looked at and patched up." He started to walk with her out of the hangar

@Alaania Hellborg
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she nod slowly. " alright... " as he bring her to the infirmary, Amelia leaves a trail of blood drop, swaying a bit she chuckle. " it was a magnificent explosion, wasn't it. " she says weakly. walking down the corridor she start to lean more and more on his shoulder. " i... i think you will need to call them to me... " her legs were starting to feel heavy. 

@Raider867 @Foxora @TPBx @dr xenon
@Alaania Hellborg

"Hey... HEY!" he tried to stabilize her. "Sigh, like I can trust people to get here quick enough" he leaned her more toward her him and simply picked her up and grumbled"Jeez, for being amazing, your borderline crazy with what you did" he started running down the hall swiftly as possible "Get out of my way unless your doctor or I'll kick your ass!" He would call out to any rebel that was in front of his path. He would make it to the Infirmary with record time or someones gonna lose some teeth.
she chuckle " i guess i am borderline crazy. " she says in a low voice. she was not feeling good but she was glad someone was there to help her, she was also sad that her brother could not be there, but she expected the rebel to grab him has soon as they could. " i ... i want to see klein... " she says trying to keep talking, she knew that falling unconcious was not good, she had to stay awake and talking was the best way to ensure she would stay concious. " think you could ask the captain for this... " she add weakly. 

" i know i will get yelled at by him but i want to see him... " 

@Raider867 @Foxora @TPBx @dr xenon
Eddie and his engineering team began repairs on the 001 and the Crimson Rose. He sees Amelia talking to one of his men and joins in, "I'll take you to see him, but let's first patch you up " he tells Amelia, "I didn't have the proper chance to thank him for his help. That and I want to pry his brain a bit."
"Y-yeah, no problem! Trust me, you'll see him even if I have to drag him to you myself, but you gotta keep talking to me alright." he took a moment to think of something "Oh uh, right your brother. What do you like about your brother? I can tell he means the world to you" he rounded a corner and could see the infirmary insight up ahead. that filled him with relief.

@Alaania Hellborg
" he and i have studied together when we were at the Leagues academy, we both were sent there due to our parent's aspiration for us. oh .. and the fact they had been high ranking themself. " she says smilling softly. " i left him my necklace when i left a few years ago... " she add softly putting a hand on her head to try and lower the blood flow. " he also helped me with the blueprint of the Omega sniper.... that's why it was making me angry not to get any response from command after starting the overload... we had been left out there without any target or any goal... " 

he could see she was moving a hand in front of her eyes, her vision was getting a bit foggy but it was normal reaction to a concussion, at least she did not feel nauseous for now. 

@Raider867 @Foxora @TPBx @dr xenon
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"Right, I remember that part" once he got her inside the infirmary he called out. "Hey! Who's a doctor in here! She's bleeding and has a concussion!" Whether or not he was suppose to be quiet in an infirmary he could care less so long as someone heard him. he looked down at her  "Amelia, you with me? Come on now, you gotta tell me about that rifle. You got me all curious about it." He lied, he just wanted her to keep talking until a doctor arrived.

@Alaania Hellborg
she chuckle softly " yeah sure... " swallowing a bit she look around " i ... i am not all there right now... the details are not all there in my head right now, but the Omega sniper derive it'S strength from the percentage of energy i put in it.... i removed the safety lock on the maximum input, and changed the energy compressor, it ... it can pack quite a punch... but it seem i'll have to design a new energy stabiliser to prevent this from happening again " she chuckle coughing a bit. 

looking at her hand she sigh. " i am in deep shit... klein will have my head if command doesn't get it first... " she says chuckling.

@Raider867 @Foxora @TPBx @dr xenon
Rebel Super Carrier - Flight Deck 

The flight deck is swarmed by engineers, emergency medical crew, firefighters and mech pilots. What looks like chaos belies the professionalism running rampant as fires are extinguished, wounded are triaged and tended to, and pilots make their way below decks or join the engineers in sorting out the mechs.

The half-crashed drop-ship, still tethered to the Crimson Rose, gets a healthy dose of preventative fire-smothering foam, followed by a quick rinse down with a blast from a high pressure hose as the firefighting team realizes the crew is still on board. Just as the stream of water drops off the crew hatch cracks open and unfolds. With a mummer of servor motors and hushed hydraulics, Captain Hawker stomps out into the light, an exoskeleton encasing her body.

Giving the flight deck scene a perfunctory glance she stomps off toward the bridge, holding a hand to her right ear she be overheard saying, "Tactical - status!" 
"Heh, no surprise there. I'd be pissed too... Correction I am pissed, but that's beside the point" he adjusted her in his arms and decided the doctors were taking too long. He took over over to one of the cots "Least I can do bandage up that empty head of yours til an official gets a look at you." he set her down gently and propped her up into a sitting position against the wall. He then pointed to her "Your job is keep talking to me, anything you want I'll listen. Don't want you knocked out when I get your brother right?" he tried to motivate her as he looked for some bandages, which fortunately was short search, he then grabbed some cotton swabs and disinfectant and set them on table on her cot. He knew how to patch up someone and cures for illnesses or poisons contracted in the wilderness but that was about it. He got to work cleaning up the blood off her head first before he disinfected it.

@Alaania Hellborg
"Well, Amelia, I'll be able to fix that," Eddie assured her, "thanks to your brother, we had a successful run with the 001 today. I should be able to carry over the VICE System from the 001 to solve the current problems with the Crimson Rose in no time." Athena sent a notification from the engineering crew to Eddie. "Fox, Amelia, I'll see you two later. I have business to take care of on the flight deck." Eddie ran out of the infirmary and back to the hangar. 

@Foxora @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
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" alright Eddie, see you later, hopefully... " she says looking as he left the room. " please make sure to contact with through comm and tell me if the captain is gonna cut my head off. " she tries to say a bit louder. 

she then lower her head a bit, taking deep breath she didn't want to throw up, she knew this would mean things were worse than she thought. she was trying to calm down, mumbling to herself " you are fine, calm down you are in the medbay now, if something happen you are not gonna die... " she knew that her upset stomach could be due to two things, either all her bones were squashed due to the pressure of the explosion, either she was too stressed and it was turning her stomach upside down, she hoped for the second option. " please don't tell me i have broken bones... please... " she says softly. 

she lift her head slowly as Fox get's some bandages " just make sure not to put too much pressure if i have a severe concussion putting the bandages too tight might move the bones... " she says trying to keep talking to Fox.

@Raider867 @Foxora @TPBx @dr xenon
"Right, no problem." after he cleaned the blood off her, he took some disinfectant and a cotton swab. "I'm sure you've handled worse then this stuff rubbed on your wounds so no whining" he decided to joke with her, something to keep her positive as he poured some onto the swab and went to work wound on her head. "I'm sure your fine, alright? We humans are resilient folk" he flashed a big grin to her after saying that.

@Alaania Hellborg
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he can see her cringe at first, " yeah... i ... i will be alright... " she says in between clenched teeth. chuckling at his statement. " you are right i had worse... look " she move her shirt up a bit showing a scar on her left side right under her breast wich was still hidden under the shirt. the scar had healed in a weird way, the skin had swollen in a pattern depicting a rose. " i was sure i was dead when i got shot ... it went through and out the back higher up... " she says shyly. " that is something that i am scared to show my brother... i just know he will flip... but i have to do it eventually... i hate to hide things from him... " she mutter in a low voice. 

( you guy's can decide if she only has a concussion, or if she also have broken bones. i am unsure what to do here so i am leaving this to the other's )

@Raider867 @Foxora @TPBx @dr xenon
He looked at it and made sure to keep his mind ONLY on the scar though it was fascinating that her scar would heal in such a way, he looked back up to her head and finished up with his disinfecting it. "Yeah, I wouldn't be to happy if I was him either. Hopefully he won't go overboard and put you in a bubble cuz of it" he chuckled at the thought "Then I'd call you bubble girl for the rest of your life. "He finally set down the swab and started unraveling the bandage.

(I'd say just concussion for this one)

@Alaania Hellborg

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