Mecha RP: Legend of M

before she can even speak to Fox, the doctor flashes the light in her eyes. " i ... i can see the light, but it's blurry, i have had trouble staying awake, i have no balance and i feel like i am gonna throw up... " she says her eyes reacting slightly to the light. 

he could see her hearing was still alright, but her vision was not reacting normally. 

"Nausea, imbalance, fatigue..." He says in thought. "Blood loss and concussion. Nothing to be majorly worried about." The doctor says, hearing what she said. "You just need to get some rest and not make any sudden movements for a couple days and you'll be fine." The doctor says, patting her shoulder. He closes his case and steps back.

@Alaania Hellborg @Foxora
" i ... i want to see ... my brother... " she says lowering her head a bit. Amelia frown her head was throbbing. " he is one of the prisoner of war.... but i ... i could only see him an hour before they took him away... " her voice was low, she knew her wish would not be granted, at least not for now, she lower herself onto the infirmary bed both hands resting in front of her face. she sigh softly. 

Amelia's eyes were blinking she was loosing conciousness and she knew it. thinking that it was probably better than staying awake and shower sign's of weakness in front of the other men. she close her eyes, hoping that she would not cry during her sleep. unfortunately her head throbbing was keeping her awake. " doctor... do you have anything against pain... " she ask in a really low voice. 

The doctor looks through his case again. "I have some painkillers but I will only give you one. When the pain comes back, tell me." The doctor says softly, taking a pill of painkiller and handing it to her with a cup of water.

@Alaania Hellborg @Foxora
she nod sitting up and taking the pill and glass of water. " thanks doctor. " she says softly drinking the water and taking the pills, swallowing it with a bit of difficulty, she had never been good at swallowing pills, they always found a way to stick to the wall of her mouth and dissolve. she takes a second sip of water, then lowering the glass of water on the table before going back to lean on the bed. she knew that the pill would take a while to take effect but still closed her eyes. it did not take long for her to fall unconscious. breathing softly her arms getting closer to her chest as if trying to hold something. 

Eddie opened up his comm device. "Captain Hawker, this is Chief Tech Officer Kyungwoong Park, if you can come down to living quarters, I'll have Athena send you my coordinates, that'd be great. Apparently the detainee won't hand over more Intel unless you're here. Over," Eddie said. He waited for a response from the Captain while gulping down the last bit of water in his cup. Eddie then got back up and went to the sink to refill his cup.

@dr xenon @Raider867
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"Hey, doc do you know where they keep her brother? last time I heard they place him in a special cell or something. is that still in the brig?" Fox decided to uphold his other promise, now that a doctor was tending to Amelia.

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
"No, it's in the lower rank's quarters. You pass by them near the hangar." The doctor says with a shrug. "I don't know which room he is in, though, but they are nearby. Just look for the one with guards in front of it."

@Foxora @Alaania Hellborg
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Considering how bad the battle went, and neither side had really come out unscathed, Ivis was a bit ticked off. She wouldn't show it, there was no reason to stoop that low. She was still on the ship, sitting around in a diagnostics lab, tinkering with her settings once more. She was confused as to why they didn't retreat earlier, considering how massive the Kaiju was. 'Why waste resources and lives on something so difficult to kill? Come to think of it... Why do people die? Am I programmed to die? What's the point in programming humans to die? It's such a glaring weakness...'
@Foxora @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @dr xenon @Tierax @Crimrose @TPBx @CERBERUS177 @A Skull on the Shelf @GinkyGotBack

The Next day

Amazon Base, outside Maracaibo, Venezuela

It had been nearly a full day since their last battle and miraculously the rebellion forces had avoided burning down in the mean time, though not for lack of trying. The South American Communist Alliance had never been particularly fond of its supposed allies in the north, and the feeling was mutual. While both had been willing to engage in limited trade from time to time their was a predictable confusion and uproar when the battered carrier showed up at their doorstep.

Despite this, the leaders of the factions had managed to come to some level of agreement that allowed the massive ship to hide within their territory for the duration of the repairs, at the cost of some surplus equipment and allowing them to survey some of the stolen tech.

Of course, nowhere in this agreement did it say anyone had to be happy about it, but for all it was worth this was the closest thing to R&R the pilots were going to get for a while, a fact at least some of them seemed happy to abuse.

In Roland's case however, he was just happy to finally get a chance to change clothes. He'd been stuck in his pilot suit for almost 3 days straight due to the off and on combat. A pair of khaki shorts, sandals, and what just might have the ugliest hawaiian button down ever crafted by man clashed harshly with his normally thread perfect military appearance, although it did nothing to soften his usual tact.

"Surf, sun, piss-boiling heat. Not to mention the army of militant guerillas. Not my first choice for a vacation." He grumbled to himself more than anyone around him as he made his way around the base.
Klein helps the engineers try to fix the carrier to try and up his standing with the group. He wanted to help them and to be trusted again. He was wearing some engineer fatigues instead of his usual grey or black clothing. He lowers his welding mask before moving to a kneeling position, turning on a blowtorch and welding a couple pieces of the external hull together. 

"How's your progress?" One of the engineers asks.

"Almost done with this piece." Klein says over the noise of welding.

"Alright. Help me with this new piece of hull when you're done." The engineer says before walking to a piece of hull a vehicle is storing in it's flat bed.

"Okay. I'll be there in a second." Klein says as he welds the hull.
the next day Amelia was sitting on her bed playing with the sheets between her finger's her datapad on the table beside her, she was bored and her headache was not receding, she sigh looking at the door and wishing she was out working on the crimson rose. eventually looking at the walls and ceilling.

Delta's voice could be heard.  Are you alright Amy, you seem sad and bored, can i ask if i could do something to help you. " she seemed concerned about her, and wanted to cheer her out, playing out her favorite song making Amelia smile softly, " i am glad you are here Delta, i don't know what i would do without you... " she says softly her eyes closing she lower herself back to the bed. " Delta... do you know why Klein is acting this way with me... " she says sadly. " i guess he is probably angry about me leaving... or ... i don't know... he just seem distant... normally he would have stayed with me until i was better... " Delta's voice becomes soft. " i have no idea, Amy, maybe he just need so time to figure things out, finding that you are still alive and with the rebel must be a hard for him, he must be still puzzled and unsure about all this too... give him time and he will come to you, alright. " Delta then continue to play music for her trying to calm her down, eventually Amelia fall back asleep her head pulsing too much for her to concentrate on anything.
Eddie sat in his quarters, looking back and forth between different screens and different blue prints. He was working on turning Unit 001 into a new and much more powerful machine. He was quick and efficient about going at it but creating a much smaller VICE Rifle proved to be a great challenge.

"Athena, run simulations on the VICE Magnum. Test cooling method 4. Set firing output to 80%." 

A progress bar appeared on the leftmost screen and slowly crawled to 100%. On the next screen was an IRC Client that Kyungwoong had open; it was filled with chat history of him consulting other scientists around the world that were sympathetic to the rebel cause. Kyungwoong sighed and spun around in his office chair. He opened up a game he had running on the third screen, it was an online fantasy trading card game he was decent at playing. He made his move and his opponent surrendered, the sound of a cartoonish explosion filled the room.

"Simulations complete. Barrel destruction occurred in 21.8% of  trials. Fatal  Energy Rebound occured in 1.5% of  trials."

"Damn it," Eddie cursed, knocking over the coffee from his desk, "Athena, save progress in Project Logs, I'm gonna take a rest." Eddie hopped onto his bed and closed his eyes. 
@Alaania Hellborg

Just then a message was sent to Amelia's datapad:

Sup buddy,

Thought you'd be worried about him while your stuck in bed, so I checked up on your brother. Looks like he's trying to get in the Rebels good graces helping them out with stuff. Also he's fine. Figured that last part was most important to add. Anyway, I'll pop by later and bring you lunch if ya want. Working on a new sword design to replace my old one right now.

Chat ya later,

Klein moves to help the engineers weld on a new piece of external hull on the carrier. He turns on the blowtorch again before welding his area up while the other engineer welds the other area of it.

"Alright, that should be it for you for now." The engineer says as they finish welding the new piece of hull into place.

Klein nods before saying, "Alright. I'll be going into the ship then." He says before jogging into the ship. He reaches the infirmary to find his sister asleep. He smiles as he pulls up a chair, sitting next to the bed and putting a hand on her hand softly.

"Amelia... Please forgive me... I've been distancing myself from you.... I just... I'm scared.... Scared to find out you've changed... I want you to be the same sister I knew when we were in the blue zone..." He mutters sadly, knowing she was asleep but couldn't find the courage to wake her up to tell her. He knew Delta was there and that she would be recording it, though, so he knew Amelia would hear it.

@Alaania Hellborg
"Ugh, I need to leave this room. Athena start running simulations for method 5, once finished switch out test material once finished, and then run methods 1-3. Also clean up this mess." 

"Understood Mr. Park."

Eddie marched out of the room and headed to the infirmary to see Amelia. On the way he picked up another cup of coffee since he spilled the one in his room. He walked into the infirmary and saw Klein watching over Amelia. "So what's it like having a sister," Eddie asked Klein from across the room. He took a sip of his coffee and cringed a bit, he forgot to add cream and sugar so the coffee was fairly bitter.

@Raider867 @Alaania Hellborg
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He looks to Eddie. "It's good. She and I got along very well, loved each other very much. She used to take care of me since our parents were off who knows where most of the day, only returning to the house at night to eat dinner then sleep. When she was sick, it was my turn to take care of her during the day." He says with a smirk, looking at his sister sleeping. "She used to scold me for not studying when I had a big test and made me stay up all night to study so I can get good grades on my test. Whenever I messed up, she helped fix my mistake. She was the best sister I could ever have. Especially when it came to having two high officials as parents." He says softly, a caring expression pointed to his sister.

@TPBx @Alaania Hellborg
Amelia frown and sigh in her sleep, moving her arms closer to her chest, her hands moving close to her forehead, the painkiller where not strong enough and made her sleep uncomfortable. a small smile appearing on her face as she feel's Klein's hand on hers. on the table beside the bed, the datapad notification light was slowly blinking. 

"Then stop worrying. It's not like I can't see it on your face, Klein. I bet she still feels the same way about you," Eddie replied. He paced toward Amelia's bedside and stood on the opposite end of Klein. Then Eddie rummaged through his pockets and found a granola bar and held it in front of Klein, "I always carry these around because I used to work on the deck a lot as an engineer. Its pretty hard work, and I was always hungry after, so I bet you are too. Please have this." Eddie gestured his hand out to give it to Klein.

@Raider867 @Alaania Hellborg
He takes the bar. "Thanks." He says, setting it on the nightstand next to the bed. He moves his thumb on Amelia's hand softly as he holds her hand. "I hope you're right, Eddie." He says softly. 

Klein looks to the datapad. "Delta, change to track one. That one's one of my favorites." He asks Delta softly.

@TPBx @Alaania Hellborg
Fox was bobbing his head to some music in his earphones as he was working on a design on the holo screen at the workbench he once again puleld infront of his mech. "Don't you look gorgeous" he took a moment to step back and look at his work as a whole.... "Hmm.... Foldable or retractable... Or perhaps go classic?" he looked back at the temporary standard sword he nicked off one of the Jousts and placed on Staltz hip, before shaking his head "Hah, yeah right, that just be annoying" and just like that, classic was crossed off the list.
Delta's voice chimes in " of course Klein, i will do this right away, and i will ask the both of you to keep your voices down please Amy had a lot of trouble to find sleep and the medication is not removing the pain at all... she passed the whole night starring at the ceilling unable to concentrate on anything. " at the sound of all their voice Amelia frown and shift a bit on her bed lifting her legs closer to her chest. 

Amelia was whining a bit putting a hand on her forehead, she didn't seem to have a good sleep. Delta changes the song, putting it to the first one as Klein had asked. 

" see what i mean, she would need stronger medicine but my guess is that they are not readilly available on this ship " Delta's voice seemed caring and concerned. 

"Yeah, though it's family matters, those kinds of things fall way out of my spectrum of expertise, " Eddie said, "I never had the experience of having a sibling so its hard to even imagine what its like." He took another sip of his coffee, sat down at the nearest available chair. He looked down and continued, "uri eomma was pregnant once when I was like 8 and uri appa was super excited. They told me it was a girl and that I was going to have a sister, alas 3 months later eomma miscarried and that was it." He gulped down the rest of the coffee and threw the cup in the trash can, "life happens like that I guess, its cruel, but we all keep trudging on."

@Raider867 @Alaania Hellborg
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