Mecha RP: Legend of M

"That's true, sadly." Klein says softly to Delta, still holding Amelia's hand softly. He lowers his voice so she can sleep. "And thanks, Delta." He adds softly. He softly moves his thumb over Amelia's hand still. He looks at Eddie. "I'm sorry for that." Klein says. "Life is hard like that, but we still keep going. Us humans are stubborn bastards, aren't we?" He asks with a soft chuckle, careful not to raise his voice.
"Yeah, that's true, and I can say that I'm right about that without a doubt in my mind," Eddie said as he slouched back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling. He picked up his tablet and held it in his front, he opened up the IRC Client that he had open on his computer earlier to see if it updated. He looked at the notes that a guy named "NinjaKat119" put out on how to make the VICE Magnum. He examined the files attached to the messages and couldn't believe that idea skipped over his head that he felt like an idiot. Eddie got so excited that he wanted to exclaim, "Eureka" in the infirmary, but Eddie kept his emotions in check, only letting out a small grin. 

"Athena, copy these designs and post them onto the server, give restricted access to supervising engineers. Assign Mech Engineering Team A and C to move 001 to the construction bay and begin working on the Mark Two SC Drive Mech. I'll give further instructions after I get a couple hours of sleep," Eddie ordered quietly, yawning toward the end. Eddie then turned toward Klein and told him, "since you're part of our engineering team, you're welcome to join either teams in the construction bay, you can also return to your duties on the deck, or you can stay here with Amelia until she wakes up. Whatever your choice is, make sure you report it to your head engineer or to Athena. "

Eddie then kicked back the recliner on the chair he was sitting in and immediately fell asleep. He was extraordinarily tired after staying up most of the night working on the designs for the Mark Two mech, and no amount of coffee or energy drinks was going to change that fact.

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867

(I'll just NPC Athena or some engineers from here on out)
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Klein nods, staying with Amelia. He doesn't want to leave her side. He never lets go of her hand, still softly holding it in his hand. He just watches over her as she sleeps. "Sleep well, sis." He whispers softly to Amelia.

@Alaania Hellborg @TPBx
Fox had finally decided on the final draft, and was pumped to get a head start when he noticed there wasn't exactly a manufacturing or smithing in the hangar, and he wasn't exactly knowledgeable if they had one or not. "Well.. it never hurts to ask" he said as he hopped over the table and adjusted his hat before walking off                                                                                                   
One of the engineers from Mech Team C casually walked out of one of the automatic doors leading to the Construction Bay. The engineer was planning on going on his break, but he noticed a pilot with long hair and a black hat looking around for something. "Hey, sir, are you looking for something," he asked him.

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Fox turned to the engineer and smiled "Perfect timing, Hey is there a manufacturing  station on this ship. preferably one for making mech parts and weapons? "I'm still not used to this place yet."

"There is one. I'm currently stationed there with some other engineering teams. It's called the construction bay, " the engineer replied, "I'll show you the way there, it's quite a bit a way because its closer to the center of the ship." He motioned Fox to follow him.

"Then Onward good sir!" he preformed a rather  regal hand gesture and a posh accent before trailing behind him. "Gots ta make me sum gear" He stated with the polar opposite of his previous fake accent.
The engineer guided him through the halls of the rebel ship. The enclosed hall gave way to a glass encased sky bridge that overlooked the operations in the Construction Bay. The Construction Bay was separated into many different workshop areas containing the many different mechs used by the rebels, including the Crimson Rose and 001. In each workshop contained the necessary machinery to create and put together different parts for each respective mech. The engineer walked up to the entrance of an elevator that lead to the Construction Bay floor and passed his ID Card over the scanner.

"Reading ID Card...Access Granted, Hello, Petty Officer Rodriguez. I thought you were planning on taking a break"

"Yeah, Athena, no worries, I'm plenty rested now. Is there a weapon workshop available?"

"Searching... Workshop 5A is available for use. Sending access request... Access Granted, Conditionally: Return to Workshop 3C once finished."

"Alright, thanks Athena," Rodriguez replied. The elevator opened and made a small ringing sound. "Right this way sir."

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"Right behind ya man" Fox replied as he decided to take a gander at everything as they walked. Everything looked real nice and the place looked like it was in full swing. Which was to be expect he would guess.

Amelia shift a bit grabbing her brother's hand softly and pulling it closer to her cheek. she was not sleeping soundly and still hearing everything around her and had trouble not smilling or pulling her brother close, her head was spinning and she knew that if she would get up she would be sick but she wanted to talk to him, to hug him, so she decided to do this sneakily, hoping he would understand what she wanted. " klein... please come back... " she mutter in a low voice, her half unconcious state were making her fear he would leave, and mixed with her headache made her say out loud what her brain would say in her dream. 

Klein was surprised at first before he smiled softly, moving closer and taking her other hand, placing it on his cheek so she knows he's there. "Don't worry, Amelia. I'm right here." He says softly, lowering her hand to the bed again. He moves his thumb on her cheek softly, smiling at her.

@Alaania Hellborg @TPBx
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The elevator made its around the area above the Construction Bay bringing the pair to the entrance of Workshop 5A. The automatic doors pulled open filling the cabin of the elevator with the air of the Construction Bay. The air in the Construction Bay was heavy, humid, and slightly polluted with the exhaust of the different machines working inside, making it volatile to breathe without the proper protection. In one compartment of the elevator were a bunch of breathing masks used by the workers in the construction bay, Rodriguez picked a couple up and put one on his face and passing the other to Fox.

"Put this on, wouldn't want you ruining your lungs being down here for too long. The ventilation shafts normally help but when we're working overtime like this to fix everything after a major battle, it's hard to filter out all the exhaust from the machines," he told Fox, "up ahead is Workshop 5A, we'll try and get whatever gear you want made here really quickly." Rodriguez then walked out of the elevator and slid his ID Card through the scanner, opening the sliding doors leading into the workshop.

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Fox catches the mask and slips it on. "Running full cylinders, eh?" He checked to make sure it was on snuggly so no air could enter or escape from the sides "Alright then." he started walking forward "Thanks again Rodriguez, this helps a lot.

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Maracaibo, Venezuela - "Uno Mas" bar n grill

The evening breeze was coming fresh off the ocean - or as fresh as the air could be coming over polluted cesspool of a bay. Still, it pushed through the crowd on the bar's deck, and swept away some of the worse aromas percolating in the human stew of the "Uno Mas" patrons.

Whatever, thought Jackson. These're my kind of people

Mech pilots, ground crews, technical specialist - warriors and hostlers from both sides, all sides if you considered how often the rebels went after each other, were probably present in the "establishment." hard to tell though because no one wore any kind of uniform. Jackson was in a blue and black splatter-patterned tank top, canvas shorts and combat boots. Boots because he didn't want to get caught in a brawl in flip flops. His Glock was tucked into a waistband holster  more or less concealed to less prying eyes. 

He sat alone at a table overlooking the bay and the jungle sweeping away to the north, wondering how he had managed to get there.
<[ Rebel Super Carrier - brig ]>

Roux floated in his room, staring at the new gaurd, third new face guarding his door since he was put back in it seemed, none of these new ones would talk to him, though the first replacement was fun to annoy.

The battle with the Kaiju was the last time anyone had really spoken to him and he couldn't even tell how long ago that really was.

He walked to the door, finding that floating around was extremely tiring to do and landing midstep with a clumsy kind of grace.

"Hey, Hawker said I was to be put on trial, when're the lawyer types getting here? I'm getting pretty bored in this breadbox."

The gaurd glared at him for a moment, before turning away, ignoring the question outright.

-fine- he thought, a bitter look crossing his face -be like that, but once i clear my name and my boys ain't getting theirs used as a political point, don't expect any help from me you prick.-

He tried hard to stay calm, he already ran through everything he could think of in his head to defend against, now it was just a waiting game.

@dr xenon

Eddie woke up from his nap and checked his watch, about 3 or 4 hours passed by while he was asleep. Looking around the infirmary with waking eyes, Eddie noticed Klein stayed with his sister the entire time and decided to leave him there to rest. He then made his way to the Construction Bay, gliding down the corridors briskly. Before he got onto the sky bridge leading into the Construction Bay, he went to the locker room and picked up his work clothes and breathing mask and threw them on quickly. 

"Athena, give me a status update on the work crews at station 3C."

"All are present and accounted for except Officer Rodriguez. Reported progress on Mark 2 at around 30% with no complications."

"Thanks Athena, Give me Rodriguez's current location and assignment."

"Current Location: Workshop 5A. Current Assignment: Assisting Pilot Sebastian 'Fox' Edwins in creating equipment for the Staltz."

"Take me over there, I'll relieve him of his duties for the time being. Schedule some time off for the Mech Engineering teams in 3C they've really pulled through for me this time. Have them return to their normal duties after."

"Already complete, Mr. Park."

The elevator pulled into the sky bridge and immediately took Eddie to his requested destination. After arriving at the workshop, the door opened automatically for him. He peeked inside to see what Rodriguez and Fox were up to.

Fox had pulled up a holo screen with schematics with his new sword design "Alrighty, so where do we start?" he asked  Rodriguez.
Maracaibo, Venezuela - "Uno Mas" bar n grill

Warm beer wasn't Jackson's favorite. He inherited a taste for ice cold beer from Athen's pre-war American-based culture, but he had spent enough of his young life in the field to appreciate anything you could drink without purification. Though he was starting to have his doubt about this particular establishment's cleanliness.

I'm also wondering if the black market guys are ever going to show up, he thought.

He'd made some inquiries - a few questions here, a well placed bribe there, and a story about a league pilot looking to make some money on the side selling some munitions that fell off a cargo lifter, or maybe trade for some shiny tech that would give him an edge. Now he just had to sit back and wait to see what kind of local entrepreneurs would show up. Truth was he was only on his second beer. Cutter just wasn't patient by nature, and he was starting to get twitchy. Then he noticed a trio of fairly non-descript people walk in. Well, they would have been non-descript if observed separately. Together they basically said - guy who's flashing some expensive jewelry around and two toughs who make sure no one takes it away from him. One tough took up position at the bar. The other two made straight for his table.

"Excuse me, my friend," said the one with the flashy jewelry in accented, but excellent English. "May we join you? I have reason to believe that you are in the market for some hard to find local merchandise. Is that the case?"

Jackson stood as the man made his introduction, and extended his hand.

"I am looking for some items," he said with a smile. "Please sit."

The two settled in place and they made some small talk as drinks were ordered. 

Observe the local customs, Jackson thought to himself. Build a relationship. If these guys don't have what I need, maybe they'll lead me to who has heard of a certain Athenian techno-wiz that was abducted just a short time ago - and so on until I find Dr. Kamishiro - and bring the hounds of hell down on the bastards who took him and killed my men.

"Mr. Rodriguez, I'll take things from here," Eddie said from the entrance of the workshop, "it's nice of you to help out Fox, but you should really get back to your post, the rest of the guys are waiting for you." Eddie then casually paced up in front of him. Upon reaching the area right in front of the engineer, Officer Rodriguez saluted Eddie, and Eddie saluted back.

"Yes sir," Rodriguez replied, "sorry for the inconvenience." He thought he was going to receive some sort of punishment for some sort of misconduct, like abandoning his post or something. The look in his eyes was apparent to Eddie, so he decided to let it slide.

"It's not a problem. Just try not to do it again. Call me up next time, if you need anything." Rodriguez marched out of the work station and onto the elevator. The elevator lifted off and took him to Workshop 3C where he joined the rest of Mech Engineering Teams in there to continue work on the Mark 2. Eddie turned around and laughed, "god, Fox, that never gets old. It feels too weird to be the same age, if not younger, a lot of these guys are, yet being several ranks above them. It's sort of stressful, actually, dealing with them. Anyways, let me take a look at the designs for the new sword that Staltz is getting." Eddie then pulled up his tablet, and Athena accessed the database containing the newly drafted designs of the sword. He then walked over to the holo-display table and flicked his finger across the tablet screen and uploaded the design to the holo-display. The table then created a hologram of the sword.

"It's pretty nice sword," Eddie said waiting for Fox's response.

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Fox waved Rodriguez off before turning back to the designs and conversation with Eddie "Yup, personally drafted up by yours truly, I decided to go with foldable again however just to be safe, some stronger material would be needed. The other one worked well, but it was only made of titanium." He then pointed at the blade edge, also figured the edge could be super heated to carterize incase such a kaiju exists that it regenerates." 
"I see. Well, I've been doing some research on trying to create more durable armor for the Mark Two and other rebel mechs, and I  remembered some stuff from a couple of materials engineering classes I took a while ago," Eddie said with a muffled voice from his breathing mask. He then pulled up a cross-section of what the metal inside the blade, "it'll still use titanium, as it is a very readily available metal that we have on hand, but that's not all. The blade would be encased in a molybdenum-nickel alloy, which is a fairly hard alloy with a high melting point. It's normally a heat shielding tool, for your fun and enjoyment,  can be heated to a high enough temperature to melt through other armor. Then below that casing would be the pure titanium body of the blade, but for sturdiness, the core of the blade would be made of graphene. It's a carbide that is so much more incredibly stronger than titanium, like 100 to 200 times stronger. However it comes with a nasty price as it is difficult to manufacture in mass quantities." After saying all this, he took a deep breath through his breathing mask to regain some energy. Eddie thought for a moment and then crossed his arms and threw his head back in dismay.

"Athena, how much graphene do we have onboard."

"Last of the Graphene Supply used in Workshop 3B to repair armor on the Crimson Rose."

"Why am I not surprised, contact our nearest supplier, we'll need to pick up more."

"Searching for nearest supplier... Supplier Found... Pick Up at Maracaibo, Venezuela. NOTE: Price is negotiable."

"Thanks, Athena," Eddie replied, "Fox, you might have to come with me on a shopping trip. Don't worry about your gear not being finished. Most of the process for creating weapons here is done automatically, its just the mechs that are a pain in the butt and require manpower to fix. Though you're also welcome to stay here and watch."

@Foxora (and at any rebel, just throwing out ideas to get off the carrier)
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Fox gave a nod "Alright then, It was nearing lunch anyway and I'd promised to be somewhere. We'll meet up at the hangar when this sky whale lands then?"

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He shook back before giving a thumbs up. "Alright, I better go find something decent at the mess hall, Cya later" he turned and jogged toward the elevator riding it back up toward the exit.


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