Mecha RP: Legend of M

"I'm fine. I'm allowed to roam the place now freely with some restrictions. I was helping out the engineers repair a section of the hull earlier before I visited." Klein says softly, adjusting himself and moving the chair closer to the bed. 

@Alaania Hellborg @Foxora
" that's good, come here for a second " motionning him to get closer. when he is close enough she move a hand close to his cheek giving it a small tap as she says " Delta play the recording please. " 

when the recording ends she look at him seriously and frown " never EVER hide these kind of feeling from me... i am the same person Klein... i might have changed a bit, but i always stayed true to how i felt, and it is the reason i joined the rebel, because i stood for what i thought was right. i will not become a killing machine, nor will i become a danger to anyone i love and you know that... now rest your worries and please don't hide from me anymore... i thought i had done something wrong, and it made me sad to think you might not want to talk to me anymore.... " she says now a bit sad. 

she was rubbing her thumb on his hand. lowering her head a bit.

@Raider867@Foxora@dr xenon
Klein nods softly, hugging her. "I'm sorry, Amelia. I won't hide it any longer." He says softly, pulling back after a second. "I promise." 

He sits back on the chair, still holding her hand softly. His chair was closer to the bed so he could be closer to her as she rested.
the pills were still slowly dissolving in her mouth making her frown a bit, the bitter taste was not the best taste ever in her own opinion. she look again at the glass of water. 

" can you give me that please. " as she point at the glass of water, she did not want him to worry about her. " my mouth is kinda dry... to say the least... " she awkwardly tries to lie.

@Raider867@Foxora@dr xenon
she takes the glass of water and gulp it down, sighing as the bitter taste is washed up. " thank you brother... i ... i had to clean out the taste of the pills.... " she says unable to keep it to herself, she always hated lying and it was one of her flaws. when it came to familly she couldn't lie at all. 

" sorry i didn't say it right away... i ... i just didn't want you to worry, it was just painkiller for my head. it's not dangerous, nor a case for worry " she says softly. 

@Raider867@Foxora@dr xenon
Klein nods. "It's fine. I'm not worrying." He says with a soft smile. "Painkillers are needed for headaches." He adds with a chuckle. "Besides, I hid something from you as well, too, so it's only fair to keep something from me for a bit."

@Alaania Hellborg @Foxora
Rebel Carrier Sick Bay

There's some intermittent commotion down the corridor from Amelia's room. It's not a bad commotion - bursts of laughter, voices raised in what sounds like friendly greetings. It's been slowly moving down the sickbay toward's Amelia's room. A few moments after the last burst of laughter there's a rapping on the doorway and in walks a tall, brown-haired woman sporting an eyepatch on her left eye and Naval Captain's bars on her duty uniform.

"Leftenant Schterzen," says Captain Hawker in her clear and crisp Oxford English. "Are you well enough for a visit?"

@Alaania Hellborg@Raider867@Foxora@TPBx
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Amelia straighten herself in her bed saluting the captain " yes i am captain. to what honnor do i have a visit from the top " she ask puzzled by this. 

she look at her brother for a second than turn to look at the Captain again. 

@Raider867@Foxora@dr xenon
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"What a touching scene, glad you're ok, Amelia" Eddie said walking into the infirmary. He opened his protein bar and took a bite out of while walking toward the group next to Amelia. To wash down the gritty protein bar, he opened up the energy drink and took a large gulp of the fizzy, fruity drink. He then addressed Captain Hawker, "good morning to you, Captain. I'm glad you could join us today as well."

@dr xenon @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @Foxora
Fox smirked at Amelia's compliment of being a good friend. but remained silent as she and klein strated talking to each other. At this point he was starting to fell alittle like he shouldn't here as they had there sibling moment, but he was now already in his seat eating firm his lunch container... apparently the soup carried some kind of he could tell... but so far tastes decent. So he guessed  he didn't potentially poison his new friend with her lunch container. "Should I go or something so you two can bond more" he thumbed toward the exit, but that was when Captain Hawker and Eddie arrived. arrived. "Hm?"

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @TPBx @dr xenon
Rebel Carrier Sick Bay

"Everyone be at your ease," Hawker says with a smile, returning Amelia's salute. "I always make it a point to visit sickbay after a battle, Leftenant."

She enters the room further and stands at ease, giving Eddy a friendly nod. People had been passing by Amelia's room in ones or twos as the normal course of a sickbay's foot traffic. Now there seemed to be an endless supply of people wandering by - some brazenly gawking at the captain, others stealing glimpses of her. After a few minutes it's obvious that a few people are orbiting the doorway and making multiple passes by.

"Though I have been waiting to speak to you, and your brother about something specific. It would seem that serendipity has brought us together," she continues. "The forces on this ship represent more of a confederation than a singular unit and the chain of command is more parliamentary than a traditional military deployment may enjoy. While I may be inclined to throw the League Leftenant," she nods at Klein, "into the proper brig again, or what's left of it," she gives Fox a knowing look, "Other members of the Council had differing inclinations. Given his role in the battle against the leviathan kaiju and his return to this vessel and not the League's, they believed him to be a recruit to the Rebellion. Is this the case, Leftenant Schterzen?" Hawker asks with her single, grey-blue eye locked on Amelia's two. "Have you recruited Klein Schterzen to the Rebellion?"

@Alaania Hellborg@Raider867@TPBx@Foxora
Amelia smile softly at her brother than look back at the captain. " yes, i think i did. i showed him that we are not what the League makes us look out to be, i also clarified the incident of the civilian building they accused us of attacking. my brother has always had his ear open to other's opinion and always made his own decision, much to the regret of our dear parents... " she says softly. 

Amelia felt happy it seemed like a lot of people was coming to see her, she felt at home and really like that everyone was giving a bit of attention. 

" if higher command need someone to look out for him and make sure he is not alone in here until he gains more respect, if it is alright with you Captain, i would like to volunteer, i know he is a good man and would do anything for what he think is right. " she add a bit more seriously.

@Raider867@Foxora@dr xenon
"I'll also vouch for Klein's enlistment, Captain," Eddie added, "in a spur of the moment decision, I decided to trust him with the 001, and he flew it wonderfully and returned it in one piece. I'm not too worried about his loyalty to our cause." Eddie took another bite of his protein bar after finishing his sentence. 

@dr xenon@Alaania Hellborg@Foxora@Raider867
Fox looked another direction as he drank his fizzy drink when Captain Hawker was looking at him and talking about the brig. However he raised his hand after Eddie spoke. "For an Outsider's opinion on the guy, he seems alright. Kinda dopey once in a while but overall seems like a team player." He gave a sly smirk

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @dr xenon @TPBx
Amelia smiles softly taking her brother's hand and rubbing it softly. " i am sorry brother... " she says softly. looking at the other's around. " thanks all for the support it's really appreciated. " she add looking at each and everyone of them ending her round to the Captain. 

she was waiting for the Captain reply. 

@dr xenon@Raider867@Foxora@TPBx
Hawker nods at Amelia, Eddy and Fox in turn as they speak.

"Thank you, Chief Park," she says, contemplating Eddy's words. "Your spur of the moment decisions are better than many people's tortured ones."

She looks back at Amelia.

"I am glad to hear you say that, Leftenant," she says in a business like tone. She turns and starts to pace a short circuit in the small, crowded room. Her voice and gestures reminiscent of a mech flight instructor lecturing. A soft whine of servos wafts from her cybernetic arm as it moves about. "My colleagues are inclined to have you not merely look after your brother, but command him. The two of you will be the core of a new mech wing -- for the record, I argued against this unorthodox unit structure. Once you have recovered more fully, you will build out the wing to a full load of 4 to 6 mechs."

She stops her pacing and trains her eye back on Amelia. Her eye narrows its gaze.

"I will leave you to consider this, and the responsibility of having a command where the disregard of orders by your unit is your mess to handle. I will leave you to your rest and make arrangements for Klein Schterzen to be sworn in," she nods to each occupant of the room. "Good day."

Hawker exits.

[[site blipped and I lost my original post. So annoying.Rewrote it, but it's shorter]]

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider @TPBx @Foxora
<[ Rebel Super Carrier - Interrogation Room ] > 

Roux seemed awkward for a moment after ms Osanka agreed to hear him out.

"I uh, wasn't expecting that to be honest! Haha well, I suppose a light would be nice! I was gonna save this smoke for when I next saw the esteemed professor but it doesn't seem like I'll get the chance, still, don't wanna waste it y'know?"

Roux slowly floated over to the bed and dropped down onto it.

"Oh wow.... that's..  l.. phew~"

He seemed out of breath, panting between words.

"Kinda hits you all at once this thing... not used to that yet haha"

He rolled onto his side with his back to the wall looking nowhere in particular.

"Thanks for hearing me out Oksana, am i saying that right? I wanna be able to give you the respect of saying your name correctly."

@dr xenon
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Amelia look at the Captain nodding in agreement, " i will take the time to get better, then i will come give you my answer Captain, you can expect this to be a positive one, but i need to confirm with some people before. " she says seriously, now looking at the lunched box that Fox had given her a few minutes ago, she was starting to get hungry and hoped that her stomach would not betray her. at least not in front of the captain. 

" i will see you again captain. " she add has Hawker leave the room. Amelia then lower her head and stop her gaze on the food. " do you guy's think i am captain material... " she says in a lower voice. 

@dr xenon@Raider867@Foxora@TPBx
"Well you always were ordering me around when we were kids." Klein jokes with a smirk. "But in all seriousness, you are a good leader, Amelia. You always were back in the academy when everyone picked you as the squad captain on our mech competitions." He says with a smile and nod. "So I have no doubt you are captain material."

@Alaania Hellborg @Foxora @TPBx
Fox shrugged "Seemed to be doing fine barking orders when we fought that big kaiju? He said before he finally finished his lunch by downing the last of his drink "And better to listen to you then some random guy." Fox shrugged with a smile. "But hey what do I know? I'm apparently along for the ride as far as your superiors are considered"

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @TPBx
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"I'm fine with whatever you guys decide to," Eddie stated, "you'll have my support 100%." He slicked his hands through his hair impulsively, "I guess I have more work on my hands making sure this fine mech task force is ready to take on any mission then." He didn't know what to expect, it's not like he didn't trust Amelia's battlefield judgment, but he too was already living through the struggle of being cast into a leadership role he wasn't too prepared for. Those thoughts aside, Eddie was happy that to see everyone so happy after all they've been through. Eddie then remembered the task he gave Fox and decided it would be the perfect opportunity to talk about it. Eddie then closed the doors leading into Amelia's room to allow for some privacy. He placed his tablet on the ground and a hologram of the globe popped up and filled the room. On the globe was a red dot over Maracaibo, Venezuela.

"Speaking of preparing this mech wing, I need to brief everyone here on the upcoming mission. Fox already knows some of the details and will be coming with me, but I'll explain the rest to all of you, " Eddie paused, took a breath, and continued, "should you choose to accept this mission, upon arrival at our destination, you'll be part of a team comprised of capable soldiers and pilots that will escort me to an old weapons testing facility located on the outskirts of Maracaibo, Venezuela. This mission is of vital importance to the Rebellion as said weapons facility is supposed to contain the resources we need to keep fighting the war against the League."

Eddie then gulped down the last bit of his energy drink and continued his monologue, "I know this is all sudden, but I'll let you guys have some time to think. There are many other brave souls aboard this ship that I could ask, but I trust you three the most."

@Foxora @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867

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