Mecha RP: Legend of M

Eddie nodded, "alright I'll go see the Captain then to get her permission to go. I'll contact you all after the final decision has been" He then made his way out of the room, closing the door behind him. Eddie then glided around the halls and to the bridge in search of Captain Hawker.

@dr xenon @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @Foxora

Rebel Super Carrier Bridge

The bridge is still a steady hum of activity. Despite being in port there's twice as many people on the bridge as you might expect. A closer examination shows that about a third of them are instructing the other two-thirds on the instruments. 

A quick query from Eddy informs him that the Captain is in her Ready Room attached to the bridge. A marine on guard outside it announces Eddy to the Captain who bids him enter.

The Ready Room is a mid-sized conference room with displays on all the vertical surfaces. Most of the displays are blank at the moment. The ones showing anything seem to be scrolling status updates on repairs. Hawker sits at the table working on a tablet. A steaming cup and a thermos are on her right, and a pile of datapads neatly stacked on her left. She glances up and waves Eddy to a seat.

"Good afternoon, Chief Park," she says warmly. "To what do I owe the pleasure? A break through on the 001 project?"

"Yes, I did manage to meet my current project goals for the 001, Captain, but I'm not here for that right now," Eddie stated, "I'm here to ask for your permission to green light this operation." He pulls up his tablet and with a few touches the presentation screen lights up. He then flicks different windows from his tablet onto the presentation screen. "I'm currently in contact with another rebel faction in South America known as the Sudamerica Fuerza de Libertad, also known as the SFL. They are a more localized guerilla force in South America that we currently don't have strong ties with. However, they have one thing we don't right now and that is resources. I've already settled the payment, but the deal must be finalised in person. This is where we run into some complications."

@dr xenon
<[ Rebel Super Carrier - Interrogation Room ] > 

Roux seemed awkward for a moment after ms Osanka agreed to hear him out.

"I uh, wasn't expecting that to be honest! Haha well, I suppose a light would be nice! I was gonna save this smoke for when I next saw the esteemed professor but it doesn't seem like I'll get the chance, still, don't wanna waste it y'know?"

Roux slowly floated over to the bed and dropped down onto it.

"Oh wow.... that's..  l.. phew~"

He seemed out of breath, panting between words.

"Kinda hits you all at once this thing... not used to that yet haha"

He rolled onto his side with his back to the wall looking nowhere in particular.

"Thanks for hearing me out Oksana, am i saying that right? I wanna be able to give you the respect of saying your name correctly."

@dr xenon

Rebel Super Carrier - Interrogation Room


There was silence after Roux's last words. When Rosie comes back on the PA it sounds like she's inhaling after a long laugh.

"If this is your only question, then you surprise me," she says with a sigh. "And for the loaf uv all zat is holy, call me Chief. I know you are trying, but you butcher my Mother's tongue."

As she is finishing her sentence there's a clunking at the hatch as someone undogs it. A very serious guard still stands there. Roux looks over, instinctively catching the man's eye so it takes a moment for him to motice the tip of a metallic tail bobbing along on the other side of the table. A moment later Professor Mu'Dak lands on the tabletop, an unlit cigarette in his mouth, and a lighter in his paw. He gestures to Roux with the lighted in the universal sign language of "let me light that for you, buddy."
Amelia Chuckle " you really are something fox, alright show us the way to the first destination " she says smilling tapping a hand on her brother's hand. " i am really happy to be here with you " 

(  sorry for the long wait i work long hours and i am tired... )

Fox just held a big confident grin as he watched the two siblings before turning pointing out the exit of the infirmary. "Then onward my friends! To-" He immediately busted out laughing. "OK, haha, thats about as far as I could get with that acting hahahahaaa!" his held his stomach for a moment as he let himself  indulge in the laughter for a moment. Once that passed was already making his way out the tot he exit. "Alright enough standing around, lets get a move on you guys" The determined smile once again returning to his face.                                                                             

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
Captain Hawker's Ready room

After studying the screen and flipping through some of the screens to get to more detail, Hawker sits back in her chair and steeples her fingers. Her one-eye stares through the mesh of flesh and metal digits at eddy.

"You're quite sure of this payment?" She asks. "It seems a bit steep. we can quibble over that next, but first please do tell me about these 'complications'."

"They want us to meet in an area outside of Maracaibo, at a nearby weapons facility. But the city and one of our only routes are currently controlled by the League, I've been trying to think of ways of getting past their security and defenses, but I'm pretty much stumped," he paused and then saw a picture of the Captain in her younger days. She was standing proudly on her first warship at some sort of Luau, surrounded by her comrades who were dressed more casually in Hawaiian wear, "or at least I was until now.. Captain, how long has it been since we've taken a vacation?"

@dr xenon
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< [ League Super Carrier - Ivis's Maintainance Bay ] > 

The 'Beast Master' almost laughed, but caught it, he looked at Ivis amused, before a burst of data flooded her mind.

"Your secondary body will be as you see fit I believe,  appearence-wise anyway. Physically you'll be much more fragile then a human adult, I don't know why exactly, but testing showed the particles don't seem to bond as well in such complex forms as mimicking a human body. You should also be able to move about like any normal human would though and there is code to simulate physical stimuli for yourself."

The doors at the rear of the maintainance bay opened up and work crews begun filling the room, opening panels to get at the wiring, tearing machinery out of place and hauling in new ones.

"We are in the process of getting the hardware ready to field test your update, remember, you represent the good guys, you are the angel of the league, remind the world of that."

He stared at her almost coldly despite the calm expression he presented hinself with, Ivis knew right away he wasn't intending to answer anymore questions.

Before she had a chance to say anything though she begun noticing that everyone else in the room kept looking over their shoulders at her, whispering to each other as they worked.

( sorry again for late reply )

< [ Rebel Super Carrier - Interrogation Room ] > 

Roux bounded out of bed with excitement, his face lit up and clearly happier then anyone had ever seen him outside of his own faction. The gaurd didn't seem to be expecting it and readied his weapon, which was met with a what Roux thought was a stern berating from the simian.

"Ahh professor we meet again! I'm gonna honest with ya I don't know how you deal with some of these people, jumpy ain't they?" He laughed as he leaned in, the professor lighting his smoke before lighting Rouxs own, he coughed a little on the first drag, but the second went down much smoother.

"Don't know the brand, but I like it!" He chuckled, glaring at the guard who lowered his weapon with a disapproving grunt.

"Oh hey by the way Professor! check this out I finally figured out how they work! So if you wanna do one more test before I get the line and see what they do while active I'm more then happy to help you my most esteemed professor!" He said with childlike enthusiasm, floating and taking a bow mid air before gently landing and collapsing to the floor, covering his fall by crossing his legs to make it seem like he intended to sit down anyway.

For a while they simply talked nonsense back and forth, Roux not understanding a word the professor was saying but seeming to answer to the simians liking, while the guard watched in a mix of confusion and annoyance, everynow and then coughing from the smoke building up in the room.

" oh. "  Roux said, a thought taking him visibly by surprise, "Sorry chief I didn't mean to ignore ya, but I'm only gonna obey that on one condition, teach me to say your real name right. You haven't insulted me yet and I don't wanna be the first to cross a line here, but where I grew up you addressed people you respect by their real name. I know not everyone thinks of it the way I do, but I'd like to be able to give that respect if I could."

Turning his gaze away from the mirror he looked at the professor, he wore an expression Roux couldn't quite place.

"And of course you too professor, I need to give you the respect of your name as well! Impeccable timing by the way, I was just talking about you!"

@dr xenon

( You know I love this monkey right? )
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she look at her brother over her shoulder she was happy to be well enough to be able to go out, still it made her shy to have to depend on them for movement. she had never needed someone's help before and was not sure how to ask for their help. her cheek turn pink as she ask " Klein... i ... can i ask you to push me... i would very much like that. " 


( again sorry for the wait i have been overworked... 9 days in a row i fell asleep almost as soon has i got home in the past few days... )

< [ League Super Carrier - Ivis's Maintainance Bay ] > 

The 'Beast Master' almost laughed, but caught it, he looked at Ivis amused, before a burst of data flooded her mind.

"Your secondary body will be as you see fit I believe,  appearence-wise anyway. Physically you'll be much more fragile then a human adult, I don't know why exactly, but testing showed the particles don't seem to bond as well in such complex forms as mimicking a human body. You should also be able to move about like any normal human would though and there is code to simulate physical stimuli for yourself."

The doors at the rear of the maintainance bay opened up and work crews begun filling the room, opening panels to get at the wiring, tearing machinery out of place and hauling in new ones.

"We are in the process of getting the hardware ready to field test your update, remember, you represent the good guys, you are the angel of the league, remind the world of that."

He stared at her almost coldly despite the calm expression he presented hinself with, Ivis knew right away he wasn't intending to answer anymore questions.

Before she had a chance to say anything though she begun noticing that everyone else in the room kept looking over their shoulders at her, whispering to each other as they worked.

( sorry again for late reply )


The only words that came out of her mouth, there was nothing more to say anyway. The engineers and staff staring at her would only receive a stare in return, before a small smile crossed her face. She was obviously trying to see if they'd be creeped out or not, considering some humans seemed to have this eerie feeling when a machine would smile while directly staring at them. A few turned back, but others simply smiled back before continuing to work. 'Maybe they don't like machines that much? Oh well, I'm here.' She thought to herself, waiting to be called in once they finished setting up the equipment.
< [ League Super Carrier - Ivis's Maintainance Bay ] > 

The work was boring to watch, less people stared at her now, though the ones who did were much more open about it.

The 'Beast' had turned and left without word it seemed, as when Ivis turned to face where he was a young man stood in his place, he wore typical League mechanic attire though he was covered head to toe in grease.

"I...Ivis? We uh..  finished work and are umm... ready to go?" He nearly turned to leave but quickly pulled a small usb from his pocket offering it to her.

"This is from some of us from maintainance, we wanted you to feel like you fit in here." Blurting it out, his face turned bright red and he tried to hide it.

"It's just a bunch of things we all like, games, art, music that sort of thing... maybe you'd like it too?"

He stands there awkwardly, a few crewmen in the back of the room let out wolfwhistles and a few others cheer him on, work seemed to have halted waiting on her as people milled about and started watching the commotion.

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It seemed a bit boring for a while, considering all that was happening was the setup. She partially dozed off, before someone interrupted her being brain-dead.

He was seemingly nervous about approaching her, and she assumed that she was right about the issues with humans and machine. Well, until he offered what was surely a USB drive, stating it was from the maintenance team.

Smiling, Ivis accepted the offer and took the USB drive. 

"Yep, I'm ready as I get to be I suppose. Thanks, I'll make sure to check this out as well. Any games you'd like for me to try out after this? Don't say anything if I get better than you though!"

She said in a joking tone. She enjoyed interaction especially around those not considered a Higher Up. Mainly because she could do what she was given an A.I for, to be closer to a normal person. 

Ivis waited for a response, perhaps she didn't need to go right away...

The young mans eyes lit up and a massive grin spread across his face as she accepted the usb, cheers from some of the crew erupted around her and even a few that initially looked on with distrust or disaproval smiled softly as they went back to work.

The young man sat upon a few crates nearby and relaxed a bit, as the other ls set up around her and begun hooking her  up to the ship.

"Personally I like RTS games, found an ancient game called C&C kains wrath on there, got good with NOD so bring it! -ahem-... uh... colony management games are fun too! My mate jordan prefers mmo style games so a few of those are there too.

Uhh lets see, Tychus left some puzzle games on there and a few VR sims as well..."

He drifted off, listing game after game. It seemed Maintainance was mostly a bunch of gamers, a luxery few had these days.

A sharp jab at her consciousness ripped her out of conversation and a crew man behind her begun apologizing, it seemed a large cable almost thensize of his head in width had fallen nearby and damaged a coupling that attached her AI core to the ship.

The young man seemed to almost bounce out of his skin rushing to her pulling out a sturdy looking datapad and tapping away with astonishing speed.

"Are you ok? Doesn't look like any code corruption from the shock but I can't tell for certain..."

He looked up at her, a mixture of concern and professional determination flushing away his previous embarrassment.

It seemed the crowd was pleased with her acceptance of the drive, she didn't really understand why, but it didn't matter at the time.

Afterwards, the young man proceeded to list off a couple of games, which sounded partially familiar, but not all of them.

"....I think I should be fine. Certainly wasn't pleasant though. No b-big deal or anything."

It certainly wasn't fun, considering it was pretty much like having a part of your brain cut off, if your brain actually had nociceptors. The man that had dropped the large cable had apologized, and she couldn't really be mad at him for doing so. It was only human to make mistakes, and being upset about it wouldn't help her reputation with those wary when dealing with her.

"You can run a couple scans if you'd like I suppose. Better safe than sorry."

Considering that she couldn't really do all that someone trained to deal with machines could, it'd be best to get everything over with now than to enter a mission possibly damaged. Nobody could be mad at her for getting last minute checks, it was the responsible thing to do as a likely expensive piece of tech.

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The yound man nodded and set to work, after a few minutes of queries and typing he looked up and smiled with an oddly stern look on his face.

"Now we are about to update your program, but before we do I have to patition some of your memory incase of catastrophic failure, and before you ask, you can't back up your AI as it's the randomness of your own initial setup that determines your personality, a simple backup has next to no chance of retainibg sentience let alone your memories... Put simply, you are an anomaly we simply cannot replicate here and we won't risk killing you."

He picks up the datapad and pauses as different crew around the bay signal that they are ready, he then turns to Ivis and continues where he left off.

"We are going to do one final compatability test on your partitioned drives, with less available to access your mind will slow right the hell down to almost superhuman levels, instead of machine levels."

He smiled a little, giving a cheeky wink and taking a mock pose of a father giving a lecture.

"And that's the level we are going to be playing games against each other with ok? No way I could beat a mind so much faster then mine I can't comprehend it!"

The data pad makes a noise and Ivis notices an error prompt, he quickly runs through the information shown and looks at her with confusion.

"Says here nearly two thirds of your available memory space is already partitioned off... are you aware of that?"

"That's fine with me I guess." She said, responding to the apparent downgrade in response times. It's not like it would change too much, as she likely didn't even respond much faster to threats anyways. 

Afterwards, he began to do something reminiscent of a fatherly lecture to a child, and added a wink in somewhere. She laughed a little, considering she just realized how silly that actually looks when you're talking about gaming and nothing really serious. She was a bit curious though, as the lad never gave his name.

"May I ask what your name is? Or anything you'd like me to call you by I suppose."

It wasn't long before the totally not Windows XP error noise played. 

"Oh... Those sections. I've been trying to get in there for a while, but every time I almost get it, the passcodes change again. Brute forcing it leads to a single character being off every time..."

Fox walked on out the infirmary with Amelia and Klein and down the hall when a thought occurred in his mind. "It has just come to my attention that we more then likely do not have some things to help us fully enjoy this day.... Well then I guess the first stop is a little bit of shopping." he held up his data pad and was already setting to work on something.

(Do we time skip for the landing or what?)                                                                             

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
< [ League Super Carrier - Ivis's Maintainance Bay ] > 

"Ryan Faraday." He replied absent mindedly, he typed for about twenty minutes, apart from his name he didnt even answer his own colleges when they asked what was taking so long.

Finally, with a triumphant pose he shouted his victory to the room with an unexpected loudness.

"Ok I wasn't able to bust them open either, BUT! I was able to segregate enough of your drive regardless... you don't need weapon control right now anyway so... lets do this."

With the push of a button Ivis felt something she never had before, it was painful but she was numb, she couldn't think anywhere near as quickly or easily but it also felt like she was having new ideas that had never before crossed her mind.

for a moment her voice distorted as she screamed, the crew around her fell instantly to a panic, shouts for it to be cancelled echoed around the room.

"She's stable damnit don't panic yet!"

"Cancel the damned update!"

"Overload in the power lines shes drawing too much in!"

"Heads up! Get out of the way!"

The voices seemed faded, distant and came from all around her, while she could still see it didn't seem to make sense. 

Then all of a sudden she felt her mind race, her consciousness seemed to stabilize but she was in a void, there was no sound here, no vision, no touch.

Her own voice called out to her despite the lack of... anything.

"What do I look like? What am I?"

She tried to query the question but, couldn't even make the attempt, she tried everything she could until she got desperate, trying every function  to try and talk to herself in a desperate attempt to make sense of this darkness.

When suddenly she felt that same desperation from her emitters, they seemed to beg for an answer...

With that she tried to speak through the emitters, her words instead of creating sound, sculpted symbols from every culture she new of that represented confusion...

"That's not me,  what am I? Please!"

Her own voice seemed desperate speaking to her.

Outside of her caged mind the crew desperate to save Ivis rush about the hanger, power cables exploding from a power drain far beyond what was predicted, the force of each overload throwing debris at dangerously fast speeds throughout the bay.

"I-I-I-I HELP" Ivis droned in a glitched monotonous voice, her body seemed so shake and jerk, and her emitters formed question marks, confused emotes, and symbols some of the crew had never seen before.

"The hell is happening?" A woman screamed over the chaos around her, as the emitters begun layering a cacoon around Ivis, preventing anyone from interfering with the update any furthur.

( @Crimrose here you go, shape your new body )
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((Fun Fact, I chose this completely at random, by closing my eyes, scrolling, and double clicking. Then, I gathered the similar pictures I had. Thought it'd be more fun that way. First I got a monster though, so that was obviously a dud.))

The man introduced himself as Ryan Faraday. Kinda common, but just outside of a name that you see everyday. After a good twenty or so minutes, he finished before stating that he did managed to section off some more data. He was right when he said she wouldn't need weapons, at least if all went well. 

That was what she was thinking before the process happened.  Well, lets just say what happened earlier might've lead to this, considering the cable the man had dropped earlier looked mighty important... More thoughts about why life has a value in comparison to any material objects were the first things to show up in her head, but they were quickly overshadowed by several other things that had nothing to do with life. 

This went on for quite some time while others around her panicked, and she couldn't do anything to really tell them what was going on. A few symbols and such, but it was unlikely anyone spoke half the languages she put out. Perhaps this was actually the process?

(While in this form, her text will be purple.)

Complete silence. No sounds from the cocoon, no lights on the inside. It was kinda odd, considering you'd at least expect some form of light to come from it, to at least show that something was happening.  A dim glow could now be seen coming from inside the shell, and Ivis took the opportunity to try getting some communication in. Moving her hands as close to the walls of the cocoon, she hoped the shadows of her hands could be seen. While she knew sign language, it's full capabilities were limited without the rest of her body showing. Instead, she'd just fingerspell the sentence. 

"I'm okay... I think."

For about five minutes, most things seemed to have reached a calm.  Power wasn't being drained as frequently, but that was odd in its own right considering she was still in the cocoon.  At the end of that time, the cocoon started to dissolve from the top down. Sighing, Ivis stretched a bit before standing up as the shell continued to fade. 

"That hurt... A metric boatload...  Is... Everyone still okay?" Her voice was around midway in pitch, maybe leaning a bit towards higher than lower.  Besides that, it was pretty much normal. Her outfit was weird, but she did kinda select a random appearance at the start, and she sure did get one. Well... At least she'd come across as friendly perhaps... 

(About 5'6 in height. Excluding the ears.)



(Assuming she's supposed to come out of that thing, or is it somewhere else?)
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Amelia frown looking at Fox then at Klein. " what do you mean Fox... " 

( and the time skip already happened. we are docked already it'S just amelia was stuck in the infirmary until her condition stabilised. )

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(Cool then haha I guess I missed it. Sorry bout that)

"Oh nothing too big. For example, I want to surf, so I need to rent a surf board" he gave a thumbs up. "Never surfed a day in my life either, but I wanted to" He then had another thought. "Oh shoot. some shades would be nice" he made a gesture with his hand as if he was holding onto a pair of invisible glasses that were on his face." It didn't take too long for them to the nearest exit out of the ship "Hoooolllly... hotter then I thought" Fox was now fanning himself with his hat.                                                                        

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
Fox looked over at Klein "Well my apologies Mr. Soldier man, we all can't the pinnacle of human adaptation when it comes to the temperature. Us Normal folk aren't as fond of sweat rolling down our cracks like you are." he placed his hat bakc on his head before the sun reached his face and placed both his hands in his pockets as they started walking.

@Raider867 @Alaania Hellborg
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