Mecha RP: Legend of M

"Not a diplomat here, since I don't need to be right now."

Ivis retorted, considering she was right on that part. Besides, she didn't attack first, so it was this woman's fault, and not her own. Besides, there are no angels, only hypocrites.  Especially in war and such.  That's the lesson Ivis had learned from studying these beings.

Retreating back, she began to walk calmly towards the Humvee she had been given, as if nothing had happened. If someone refused to move, she'd just have to push through them. Ivis didn't have the time to be messing with some human with anger issues. She had places to be. She turned back around, fully expecting her attacker to attempt another blow.

"If you'll excuse me, I have business to, and a meetup soon after. You're really good though, not responding to those comments and all. I use it as a tactic to throw people off sometimes. Perhaps we can continue another time, on hopefully better terms. Time is considered precious among the living, you shouldn't be wasting it fighting a machine, whose time ranges from 1 day, to when the Sun dies. Take that into consideration, next time you direct hostility to a mechanical being. I'll forgive you I suppose, and I also assume that you'll knock me upside the head later."

L < [ League Super Carrier - Airbase ] >

Sanchez laughed, the soldiers around her seemed confused, or in shock, it was hard to tell.

"Next time, niether of us holds back till one cries uncle! You're good but fair warning, the people out there have much shorter fuses and they will NOT fight fair.

You'll be going out to represent us and it's been damn hard to keep things civil."

A look of either disappointment or maybe pity washed over her face, as she waved off the group that had gathered.

"So try not to have a fuse as short as mine eh?"

"I'll take you up on that offer. I still need to hope they get this system fixed up though, as it's only good in terms of movement really. As for civilized, I partially wish I hadn't completely randomized the appearance. Considering how a large portion of humans behave towards those with an innocent appearance, this probably doesn't fit the bill. Oh well."

Ivis opened the door to the drivers seat, before hearing Sanchez add something.

"Sure thing." Nodding, she got in and closed the door, locking it and sighing. 'I suppose I'll be playing a Touhou game... With fists, and no ability to hit back. At least, I won't unless they threaten me with something worthy.'

With that, she inserted and twisted the key, until the engine spun up and was steady. She headed up to the gate, nodding at the man in the tower, before he opened it for her and she began to make her way to the city she was supposed to visit. 

'Why do I get the feeling nothing will go bad at all? I mean, sure I'm technically with the League. But considering how they do need us for assistance with large Kaiju, ruining a relationship with us would be suicide.'

<[ Maracibo City ]>

The long drive through the jungle towards Maracaibo city was boring, though the amount of broken vehicles and mechs left at the side of the road was worrying to Ivis, more then once she saw what looked to be groups of homeless clustered around firebarrels as she got closer to the city limits.

As the jungle begun to recede a massive crater greeted her eyes, filled with stagnant, filthy water.

The city in its centre built on the only part of the ground not yet swallowed by posidons filthy mucus wasn't much better in appearence, small skyscraperz not much more then five stories tops filled its core, surrounded by smaller buildings and shacks.

There was smoke bellowing out from everwhere which oddly refracted the light just enough to leave a rainbow-like haze above the city.

 Three bridges led in and out, the one Ivis was approaching had a security check point manned by half dressed league troopers trying to escape the humidity of the jungle, and was in good repair, another leading towards the coast looks luxurient and had flourishes along its entirety.

The last bridge looked barely held together but had the most traffic, a large section on its side had collapsed long ago and had hastily been repaired with what looked to be scrap wood or debris.

The drive through town wasn't much better, dilapidated buildings were the order of the day, and traffic slowed to a crawl in some places as peddlers pushed thier stock in the middle of the street.

The people themselves either had no interest in her or looked at her with suspicion, watching her as she drove around looking for a place to start.

She saw a group of people, one of them in a wheelchair looking at clothes, and a small tavern nearby with an oddly familiar name looked promising, but the people gathered outside looked more then just a little rough around the edges.

@Crimrose @Raider867 @Alaania Hellborg @Foxora @dr xenon

(Anyone else in town i forgot?)
" oh that is not true, you always had good taste... you are just not confident enough to assume them... " she says as she takes a set of clothes that could look like she could be a rock singer. she might not have been able to walk yet but at least she would look nice, all she needed now was a new haircut. 

( take the one in this picture for the haircut :P i like this look. she look nice. and sorry again i was overburden but now it should calm down and i should be able to answer normally... hopefully )


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When Fox noticed Amelia's new outfit he gave a whistle and a thumbs up "Lookin' good there, girl." Fox clothing search wasn't as extensive as her's His pants seemed to fit for any season, So he wore only a light T Shirt. It was Red with the symbol of sly looking Fox at the front of it. His Boots were changed for black sneakers his hat was taken off showing the bandanna hiding underneath it, but this time he adjusted it was it covered the top of his shaggy head like a pirate.

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @Tierax
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Klein's clothing search was the same colors as his normal attire, shades of grey and black with some white. He wore a grey shirt with a white jacket with it's sleeves rolled up his arms. He had camo shorts with shades of black and grey colors as the camo. His black boots were changed out for grey sneakers. He still wore his sister's necklace around his neck and wore an arm band around his wrist.

@Foxora @Alaania Hellborg @Tierax

Klein Beachwear.PNG
" well i guess we are all set up now.... oh ... no that is true, we still need something to wear at the beach. " she says with a chuckle, looking at Fox and her brother with a smiles. " it's a bummer that i am stuck on this wheelchair with this wonderful temperature... " she says sadly looking down at the chair and sigh. 

"Oh don't give up hope just yet, my dear" Fox smirked while pointing toward her. "Wheelchair or not, I guarantee that even you will be able to enjoy some beach time fun as well! So go back to shopping for swim suit." Fox had already had a pair of trunks in his line of vision that he thought would work for him. They were White with Black stripes going down the sides of them.

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @Tierax
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" i guess i am the only one that didn't find any swimsuit yet " she chuckle as she turn her head around trying to spot a swimsuit, she notice a weird looking woman looking at them for a while, she frowned looking at her too. then she says in a low voice for only klein to hear. " do you know that woman, she is staring at us... " then continue to look around to find a swimsuit, eventually finding an aqua colored swimsuit, it had no special detail on it, but she felt like she would be fine in it. 

@Alaania Hellborg



Ivis looked down at her lap for a moment, as the group of people began to return her own gaze. Wait... Who was in that group again...? One person looked oddly familiar... 

She twisted and removed the key after finding a decent spot to leave the Humvee, looking around for anything particularly off, before stepping out. Ivis looked over to the group yet again, this time with a smile rather than a neutral expression. Closing the door, she locked it and slid the keys into a pocket formed on her outfit. While she was armed, it likely wouldn't be noticed anyway. It was in a separate pocket altogether from the keys and her various other items.

Continuing to smile, she waved at the group. She was approaching, but being a bit careful in doing so. Considering the other two people were completely new to her, the unexpected could very well happen. "Hey there~!"
He could only assume the stare down they were giving her must have caught on to her as she decided to come up and greet them, either way if the greeting was for him or not, he decided to return the greeting anyway "Sup Random girl!" Fox bluntly stated with smile.

@Crimrose @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
Ivis first nodded to the other male stranger of the group, who had greeted her pretty well considering what she was doing. Maybe they didn't quite get it? She then turned to face Klein.

"Yep, that's definitely you isn't it? Guy that got stuck on that ship? Voice is a dead-giveaway. How's it been going anyway?" She waited for a response, a bit of surprise in her voice.

@Alaania HellborgHellborg


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"Certainly has been. I've been doing well myself, a couple issues I've been sorting out, but other than that it's been golden."

She noticed the other male's actions, and made the assumption that he was guessing a bit too far into it.

"Ah, we do know each other, but not in the way I'd assume you're thinking. On an unrelated note, I think this appearance is... Outlandish. What do you think? I will now tell you, never hit the random button."

She turned to the left, before the right, trying to give a better view. 

(Sorry for short posts, on mobile.)
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Amelia was sitting in the wheelchair, looking at the woman from head to toes, deciding to keep silent for now, her brother seemed too busy catching up with her to even introduce his sister. Amelia crossed her arms then looked away trying to look normal and not annoyed to be forgotten. eventually she give a side look again as the conversation goes on, the woman had said something that made her realise, this woman was with the league, Amelia's expression turning to a more serious one, still she was willing to give the woman the benefit of the doubt, some people had no idea what the league was really about. 

she then raise her head and waited for a chance to join the conversation.


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