Mecha RP: Legend of M

@Alaania Hellborg



"It's what decided my appearance for today. And thanks... At least it works for someone." Ivis didn't try to hide the fact that she was happy, the ears on her head moving for a bit after Klein gave his opinion on her outfit.

The girl in the group had yet to speak up, which while it was odd, made some sense. Perhaps she was the shy type, or maybe she was just letting the others get their comments out. Either way, Ivis decided to let her have a go. 

"My apologies, I got caught up in conversation. Klein here used to work with me. At least, every now and then. I guess most wouldn't remember me, but it's still nice to meet you." She reached out to the girl, likely for a handshake of sorts. 
Amelia kept her serious expression looking at her hand for a second, then decided to shake her hand, after all if her brother trusted her she was probably not that bad. 

" yeah i could deduce that from the slip up you just made. " then quoting what Ivis had said a few moment ago. " you were the one that got caught up in that ship, if you want to stay annonimous be careful, if it had not been me you would already be on your way to the ship. " she says with an amused tone. " let me introduce myself, Amelia Schterzen. " she then lower her voice for only them to hear. " pilot of the Crimson rose and captain for the Rebel forces. " she says lifting her head, to see her expression at that. 

then she look around as if nothing was wrong. " you were working with my brother, so i presume you are either a pilot, an engineer, or something else. " she let the idea out trying to see if the girl was gonna deny everything or if she was gonna be truthful. 

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It seemed the girl decided on giving a little trust to Ivis, though judging from her expression at first, not much.

"It's not like that would really do any harm to begin with. I mean I don't even understand why they want me to be so secretive. Keeping secrets moves people farther apart. If anything, I'd like to speak with a few more people." Ivis really saw no point in being secretive on a peace mission. If anything, it might come back later if she was. 

Ivis listened as the person in front of her introduced herself. Wait... Captain? This had to be 100% coincidence... The question was, what exactly did captain mean over there? It might just mean control of a specific squadron... 

Ivis lowered her voice as well, the expression of pleasant surprise on her face. "Wait... Really? That's awesome~ I'm Ivis, I'm not sure if you were at the battle with that colossal, but I was there."

As Amelia lifted her head, Ivis followed suit. "Oh, I guess this would be a bit hard to determine eh? I'm not sure what I'm called by everyone else, but it's probably not pleasant. And yes, technically I'm a pilot, but of a very small machine." Obviously, Ivis was using what some would call an indoor voice, not particularly loud, but not a whisper either.

@Alaania Hellborg


Amelia was pleased that Ivis did not try to be evasive and seemed to wish to discuss. " yes i was at the colossal Kaiju, i was the one who shot the huge ray and got propelled into the water. as you can see i am still alive and kicking, although the doctor and my brother would prefer that i stayed put. " she chuckle she then had with a more relaxed expression " so why is the fact that i am a captain so awesome miss Ivis. " she says with no malice in her voice, she was curious as to why a league pilot was here, she was sure that the league had left or either sink after they had left. 

"Wait, that was you? Well it's good to see you made it back then." Well this was rather surprising to Ivis, though perhaps it was because she lucked up and found a rather accepting group. Well, if Klein even counted, considering technically they did kinda know each other. Not much, but some.

Considering a doctor had given her specific orders to take it easy for a bit, Ivis assumed Amelia wouldn't be going against a kaiju for a little bit. "Well, doctor's orders should be followed... Considering the amount of people that injure themselves more when they don't, I think it's a good idea to do what they say. At least you can go outside though, that's nice right?"

"Huh? What's awesome about being a captain? C'mon, you know being a captain is pretty prestigious. Well, some might say my job is pretty good, but personally I've wanted to try my hand at other things... Unfortunately, that can't really happen to be honest, but that's not very important anyway. Besides, machines don't really get too much of a choice in the matter, and my position can't really be handed off to a random person... Not that any of that is of significance, considering it's better to have 100 people happy than 1 weapon."

Despite talking about this, continued to smile, although a hint of disappointment was noticeable in her voice. It didn't last long, considering Klein had just dropped a huge detail on why the group was even a group to begin with.

"Wait... Related? Interesting. Is it nice to have family?"

@Alaania Hellborg


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"It depends. If the family loves you, it's great. If they don't, it's not that good." Klein explains with a soft smile. "I grew up with a caring sister so it was good. Our parents were never there so that wasn't that good. So it kind of balanced itself. So my life basically was part good and part neglectful. Never really had an approval from my parents. But my sister always gave me hers and cared for me." He says, smiling at his sister before smiling at Ivis again.

@Crimrose @Alaania Hellborg @Foxora
Amelia chuckled softly putting a hand on his hand. " i know Klein, i know. " she then look at Ivis with a soft smile she was a bit surprised at her reaction and the capacity Ivis had to feel and express human emotions.

" it is really nice to have a familly, i am also really lucky he still want to talk to me after i left the League's forces... i ran away and i did not tell him where i was going or why i was leaving, but ... i am glad he still decided to talk to me and not push me away." she says with a slightly sad smile. " you know Ivis, you are an intelligent being even if you are just a machine to them, i can see the complexity and the humanity in your reactions... maybe you would be willing to have a chat while the two boys have a good time with the waves. i will only be able to sit on the sand and enjoy the sun... so a bit of companie would be appreciated. " she says with a genuine smile. 

"Well, the more the merrier, right? It's time to have some fun after all" Fox finally spoke up, after he took a backseat to the conversation. It didn't seem like he had much to say during it anyway. "We rent some beach stuff and go enjoy ourselves."

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @Crimrose
"So family is kinda iffy? I suppose you two must be close then. Oh... So your parents weren't like the ones I've heard of. That's unfortunate, but at least you two get along."  

Ivis continued to listen as the siblings explained a bit of their story. Under normal circumstances Ivis would've done the same, but lets be honest, no A.I. really has much of a story to tell at a young age. They seemed to have had a rather interesting setup in terms of events, but that could be expected of those who didn't have much influence from their parents.

"Sounds like you two have been through quite the eventful life. Well, I figured if I can't be a human, I could try to act as close to one as possible. Kind of a goal of mine... Wait, really? You're fine with that? I think I'd enjoy that, if it's really fine with everyone." 

Ivis was a bit shocked at the turn of events, considering she had just met the group, and they already knew she was League... Perhaps this group was just a bit different than what HQ and Sanchez had warned her about... Still, it'd be a waste to pass up the opportunity, plus they seemed relatively good. Then again, this is likely what they were always like, considering war was more of a gray area rather than good or evil.

@Alaania Hellborg


" fine with them or not, i am their captain and i asked you if you wanted to have a chat with a former League soldier. here is a neutral zone after all, and we are not like what the league is making us look like, if you knew what i know you would understand. " she smiles softly at her, then add " well continue that way you are really making me feel like i am talking to a fellow human " she says with a gentle smile. 

" so can i count on you while they are surfing the waves. " Amelia knew with Ivis reaction that she did not know the real side of the rebel and had probably been lied to about them like all the other soldiers. she was just hoping that Ivis was able to listen and understand to what she had to say about all this. 

Amelia look over her shoulder as Klein and fox left. " well i guess he really does trust you otherwise he would never have left me alone with a league soldier, especially concidering the damage i probably did on the ship last time. talking about it, how bad was the damage i caused... " she ask with a small smile. Ivis could see that Amelia did what she had to do in the circumstances that happened that day, after all the league had tried to pincer them between the colossal kaiju and their forces firing at the colossal kaiju without regard for the people already fighting at close quarter. 

"Hey!" He yells before chuckling. "Alright fine." He says before looking again. "But look, there's a green one." He says, pointing to a green dragon board. "You sure you want that one?" He asks with a smirk before taking the green dragon board. He then follows Fox to the checkout to get their boards.

@Foxora @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose
"Unless there's a red one, I'll stick with it" he stated before practically slamming his board on the clerk's checkout counter. "We'll rent these, if you please. and then a thought comes to his head and he turns to Klein and whispers. "Hey do soldiers get discounts?"

@Raider867 @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose
@Alaania Hellborg

"Well, I'd say you carried your weight. I'm not here to fight anyway, if anything, my objective is the opposite. I'm not 100% sure what the higher ups meant, but I think they're trying to make the first steps towards peace, or at a minimum, tolerance. I'm sure that it'd be a bit before anything truly happens though, and I'm not sure how it'll work. Personally, I would've just asked a long time ago what we were doing wrong, but we know neither side in a war likes admitting they're wrong. War is a gray area, everyone is doing something wrong, so they need to discuss it to get anywhere. That's what I'm here for, though I'll gladly do more. After all, professional relations are only half of creating peace, the other half is getting to know who you're dealing with."

Ivis continued to stand next to Amelia, her hands at her sides. 

She never really stopped smiling to begin with, it seemed like she'd just keep a smile all day long. Then again, smiling is known to make everyone a bit more optimistic when they see it, courtesy of human emotion and hormones. Ivis had the emotions part at least.

"So... Since I know we're doing something wrong to you and your people, could you tell me what? I'd like to know a bit more about why humanity is focused on fighting each other rather than kaiju."
Amelia smiled, she was happy that Ivis was considering listening to her side of the story. " push my chair to the beach, i'll talk while we are getting there. " she says softly " if you don't mind of course. " smilling at her. 

as Ivis pushed the chair Amelia took a deep breath. " alright, you want to know what the league is doing to us, the most flagrant event was the attack on the civil complex they accuses us of having done. in reality, we never went even close to that region, what you saw on tv and camera were league soldier disguised as rebels, they needed to make the people angry at us, they needed to justify what they were doing, this is called staging and deflecting, they make us look like bad guy's but all we are trying to do is stop a war that has killed so many, we are also trying to take down the officials that are corrupted and are slowly killing the populations. they are driven by power and total control of the worlds and they needed a scapegoat for their war, when we decided to join forces and do something about it, we provided them this excuse i guess.... stay a few days with us, see what we do, and how we are always trying to provide help and relief to those in need and you will see that we are not what the officials claim that we are. " she says sadly. 

she then takes a pause lowering her head and waiting for Ivis to react or reply. " can i ask... what did the league tell you about us, what do they paint us to be. " 

@Alaania Hellborg


Ivis agreed to push her Amelia's chair down to the beach, seeing it wasn't like there was a reason to say no. She returned the smile Amelia gave after asking if she didn't mind, and responded.

"It's no issue, it's what I'm here for."

As Amelia began her miniature story, the first thing she hadn't even heard of. While she did look into history quite often, the event must not have been a widely discussed one. She wasn't even really there for that event...  She continued to explain how the League attempted to make them look like a batch of savages, but it realistically made little sense to her. Why would humanity have inner conflicts in this day and age? Considering two massive mobile bases couldn't effectively take down a colossal Kaiju, then wouldn't it be smarter to just stay unified? It now made sense why the aliens left, and it wasn't because they were scared of mankind's potential. 

"So basically... Stuff that I wasn't really informed about happened, and I don't really have a reason to be fighting other humans right now. Makes sense. I was wondering why a race under attack by a larger issue would still focus on having internal conflicts. If you ask me, I think the aliens left because they knew humans would drive themselves extinct. Stay with you? I suppose I could arrange that. Well I never said you were bad, I just do what I'm instructed, considering I don't have much choice in the matter."

"Oh, and they haven't really called you much. All they told me was some of you have short fuses. If you couldn't tell, I'm not really told much about anything that I don't study on my own."

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