Mecha RP: Legend of M

she nod softly, " i understand, but can i ask you something... " she says turning her head to look at her. " what keeps you from leaving ? if you are only treated like a piece of furniture... i know that if you would be in my unit things would be different... " she add with a soft smile. " as for the short fuse... i guess we can be passionate about the issues, but we always got a plan behind what we do and it always include the safety of the people... " 

Fox had caught up with the girls with Klein. "OK... map says the beach is this way..." he mumbled to himself as he pulled up his holopad "Hopefully there will be some good waves, when we get there." The path to it seemed straightforward enough and they could already see some signs of a beach in the distance, like people in swim suits, Stalls and large umbrellas, a line of Surf boards, seagulls and the smell of salt water was stronger in that direction.

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @Crimrose
@Alaania Hellborg



"Well... Anyone with a brain wouldn't just give a machine an A.I, and not have a switch to shut it off. I'm not the most stable of programs..." Ivis continued to look outwards  for a bit, before turning back to face Amelia.

"Still, it is expected to be passionate about particular issues. It'd seem less important if you weren't."
Amelia chuckled, she was amused that Ivis was this truthful to her. she smiled softly. " even if you got a off switch, what keeps you going, what drives you to still follow orders from the league, don'T take me the wrong way i am just curious, you seem fully fonctionnal and you seem to have a good mind, a sound thinking and surely you are the most pleasing person i met from the league in a long while. well except my brother. of course. " she chuckled. 

" i want to know what do you want, and what do you think, what do you wish for... i want to know what you are, what Ivis want's to do during her life. " she says with a wide smile. 

Ivis took a moment to think, tapping her foot to a nonspecific beat.

"For one, its pretty much all I know of. Since creation, its been what I've been doing. I don't know much else besides internal simulation, and exploring my head. I still have some weird stuff locked away up there, but its probably something like an April Fool's protocol. Oh... And thanks." A large grin made it's way onto Ivis' face, she was clearly enjoying the compliments.

Ivis knew the files could be anything, but an April Fool's protocol would just be hilarious. 

"What do I want to do? Get rid of the Kaiju, so I can actually take a break. Y'know, from the whole 'World in crisis' thing. It gets monotonous... Other than that, maybe work on some stuff that humans haven't really addressed enough. Cure to various diseases... Especially that weird bone growth one... That's just depressing."
Amelia burst in laughter. " that is part of human development unless you are talking about the disease that causes your bones to stop growing. but those are very noble goal, do you think the league will ever let you do those. " she says with a raised eyebrow. " you know, i was with the league, my whole life, i was at the military school and the army for nine years. all i was told was the bare necessity and as time grew i heard things that made me cringe, how the higher command was splitting some of the funds between them self instead of giving proper gear to their troops, how they are willing to sacrifice innocent civilian to make the rebel look like savages. attacking their own to create panic and go to war, how the higher command see the pilots and the soldiers as disposable troops not caring for the body count. the league will keep you locked up and will continue to use you for has long as you will be fonctionnal... that is all they think about, their own gain... and howmuch power they can get.... for them you are only a weapon to be used until you drop... that's why they do not tell you anything except the bare minimum. " 

Ivis could see that Amelia was passionate about this topic, and that she knew a lot about how the league acted, she could also see that she did not agree with the leagues method. " my parents were high ranking officers, i tried to follow in their footstep but ... i couldn't in my mind and soul, stay with a corrupt and bad military and government like the league... when i heard the rebels propaganda, i decided to give them a chance, and so far.... they have proven to be what i was looking for, a group of people dedicated to stop this war and save lives. " she says as Ivis and Amelia reached the beach. 

Fox had to bolt toward a changing room unfortunately, but he changed into just his Trunks and Bandana so fast it seemed inhuman as he bolted out. "YYYEEEEEAAAAHH!" Then made a Long jump into the Ocean and paddled with all his might. In time a large wave was on its way towards them. "Oh that looks good he paddled out a bit further before getting in position for it.

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @Crimrose
"Oh I see what your doing" He smirked before he got to his feet and started riding the wave as well. "Ok, Army boy, How about this?" he made the board dive further down the wave to gain momentum then ride it upwards just far enough to pass Klein, briefly held his hand out as if waving toward him, and fly up off the top and in the air to hold his board and make a spin, then land behind him. Then threw up the deuces sign.

@Raider867 @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose
"I'd watch where you're going, Militia boy." Klein calls, pointing ahead where some rocks and the beach were in front of him. He then moves down the wave to gain momentum before moving up off the top of the wave in the air for a second before landing back down on the water. He did this to avoid the rocks on his area of the wave before moving the board to slow down, letting the wave wash over him and make him sink. He then resurfaces before grabbing the board and placing himself on it again. Afterwards, he swims back out to get another wave.

@Foxora @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose
Fox merely mirrored Klein to get out of the wave and paddled out past him. "You act like this is my first time surfing waves, Army Boy? Also I'm not Militia." he sighed "I'm just some guy that got dragged into it all." When the next wave approached, he skipped it, didn't seem big enough for him so he decided to sit on his board and wait for a better one.

@Raider867 @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose
Klein catches the wave and calmly rides it to where Fox is. "I haven't surfed in so long." He says with a smile, stopping next to Fox and falling into the water, resurfacing and holding onto his board to keep up out of the water.

@Foxora @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose
"yeah well, Not surprising given your life story" he stretched as he looked out toward the Ocean, there was a good one coming but it wasn't here yet so there was still time to chat. "I wonder if there are sharks here" he rubbed his chin. "It's always good to hunt another predator" he smirked.

@Raider867 @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose
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"Well, I think they'll let me once theres nothing else to do. And, I kinda am a living weapon at the time. Well, unless they change my purpose for some odd reason. Not sure what they could possibly change it to though... Also, the bone disease known as F.O.P causes explosive bone growth." 

Ivis continued to listen to Amelia's part of the discussion, noting that she didn't seem to think anyone in the League was good.

"Well... There are still nice people there too... Like my engineering team. I've already begun to feel like friends with them, despite only now having real interaction with the crew."

@Alaania Hellborg
she nod gently noticing that she might have been a bit too passionate about it. " i ... i only hate those who are taking advantage of those situation, those who creates war, and death... those who are not even caring for the lives of their fellow league member.... those who only see their advancement and their gain, the corrupt and the plain bad men and women at the top... i know the engineering crew and the pilots.... heck even the soldiers are not bad... they are just victims of those in power.... " she says trying to explain her way of thinking. 

" sorry if i came as a league hater... i ... i still have my family there and people i haven't seen in years... friends that i left behind... i don't hate everyone in the league, otherwise i would not even have asked you to talk Ivis. " she says with a soft smile. 

Fox got a look around, sadly there wasn't any nearby to which he just shrugged. "Well, I'd have to make a hunting tool first anyway. I'll deal with that later, waves here" he turned his board to face the beach as the next wave came rolling. he paddled a bit before getting to his feet and riding along it and entered the tube.

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Klein just let it wash over him, letting it propel him closer to the beach. He watches Fox surf as he moves back towards the beach with the wave.

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As he rode through the tube he reached his hand out toward the water beside him and dipped his fingers into it.  There were some schools of within the wave itself but other then that, no sharks he decided ride the wave as much as he could toward the beach then temporarily stick his board in the stand for a moment.

The sky begun to darken somewhat, the ebbing sun turning the rainbow hazed sky to the more natural purples and reds of dusk, already people seemed to be gathering along the shores of the beach, some setting up tents, others propping up banners or making camp fires along the coast.

Custom mechs barely as tall as trucks begun to make their way onto the beach, a huge mixture of scrapped together bots and pristine, well built bots meant for show took walks as people cheered and gathered around them.

The crashing waves sprayed a fine mist into the air, making the scene almost flicker like a mirage in the now fading heat of the day for the boys out on the water, The girls saw it much closer, as mechs of all kinds strutted about showing off custom paint jobs, ingenious scrapyard fixes and modifications, and even entirely new customs showing off!

It wasn't planned but it seemed both factions inadvertently managed to arrive during the annual "Iron Sand" festival.

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Amelia looked around her eyes widening " oh, that is a weird timing, are we really... " she takes her datapad out and looked at her calendar. " ohhhhhh i never thought i would be able to be at one. i am so excited... " she says lowering her datapad to her legs then clap her hands excitedly. " too bad that i can't show up with the crimson rose.... in it'S state it would be called junk " she chuckled. she then raise her head to look at Ivis, " have you ever gone to a festival Ivis, if not this one is on me " she says with a wide smile. " anything you want i can buy it, after all, you have been good companies and you were willing to learn about our side, i think ... if we ever needed to discuss about a end to war, i would like you to be there. " she says now smilling again. " want to go shopping for clothes maybe, or stay here and enjoy the show. " she add gently.

" i just hope nothing bad will happen between both camp... " she then mutter to herself. 

Klein looks up at the the custom mechs from the water, his arms over his board keeping him over the water. "Didn't know I would have been able to see one of these festivals." He says with a smirk as he watches.


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