Mecha RP: Legend of M

" woah hold on fox. " she says pulling him a bit further " this deal is way too good to be true, nobody would just give away this much, i don'T trust that guy... " she whisper to Fox in a really low voice. " if i were you i would set a place to make the exchange, cash on delivery only in this kind of business. always protect your ass alright. some people would love to take those precious dollar you earned... and as your captain, i ensure you, nobody does deal like that... " she add in a soft voice, putting a hand on his shoulder and smilling softly at him. 

The whole situation that had unfolded was a tad unrealistic. Since when did people throw in this many things for a relatively good product? There was likely a reason... Like the gun being faulty in some way. Either that, or all the gear was faulty, and he just wanted to get it off of his hands. Either way, it was up to Fox whether or not he felt like spending the money on something that might not even be safe. Ivis would only listen for now, to see what would happen afterwards. She was still a firm believer in arm blades, but maybe he didn't want a melee secondary.




@Alaania Hellborg
Fox simply gave a thumbs up. "Hey believe me I know all this is too good to be true." He whispered back he made sure he was facing away from the salesmen as he faced Amelia He mouthed out the phrase "Follow my lead" to her before turning around, his face was now of what would appear to be genuine excitement "So my good man, how about we start talking business shall we. He held his hand to his chin stroking it. "Captain here raises a good point that this all seems like a steal. That definitely makes the deal dubious I'll admit." he then walked up and placed his hands on the man's shoulders. "But You know. I like you. I can tell by the look on your face that I should definitely not miss out on such an opportunity. So how much would you say all this would go for?"

@Alaania Hellborg @Tierax @Crimrose @Raider867
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she straighten herself looking over to the man with a serious expression, nobody was going to play one of her own without her having a word in the matter. the salesman could see she was definitely not liking this. " i better not find out that you played my friend here, he trust that you are a man of your word, i on the other hand am skeptical about such a good deal. but yeah let's hear your price. " she says a grin appearing on her face. 

" you know the whole, it'S my last piece and i can throw in some more gear free of charge sounds... dubious to me at least. " her senses were on high alert right now. 

The old man looked flustered, his eyes darting back and forth between Fox and Amelia as they put the pressure on.
"No no! nothing like that I assure you! it's simply...  uh... an expensive item, and the accessories are the last in stock... I can't sell them on their own!"

He seemed to be cracking under the pressure somewhat, but the instant he finished his sentence his salesman's glimmer came back.

"But you are smart people, I can tell. For 20,000 Credits the lot is yours! In fact, I'll even be there to deliver it myself!"
He struck a proud pose once more, raising his fist to the air.
"Not one person has EVER complained about a purchase from my stock I assure you!"

@Foxora @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose

As Klein wandered the market looking for mechs, he noticed two young boys putting up posters, on the front and center was the red knight mech he had seen earlier. The two boys ran past him jamming the poster in his hand and sprinting off muttering something about signups closing soon. Signups for what?

Looking at the poster, he was amazed to see a Mech Tournament fight and a Race to be held one after the other though the mech race was first, with mechs provided apparently.
It was a no-holds-barred course around the coast to the main event, an arena where the mech fight is to be held.
First place was a Brand new Mech plus lesser place prizes, though it didn't say what model, it DID have the backing of a fairly big name in these parts, Dyno Mechatronics, so it seemed legit.
Second was 200,00 Credits and a new flight suit, meant to make even the most obnoxious of cockpits feel natural and comfortable.
Third was a free paint job and service for a mech of your choosing.

The fight seemed to be the main event, It's prizes where quite intense though it came with the downside of having to enter your own mech.
First place was a Brand new Mech carrier ship, The I-88 Manta.
Klein knew of the ship of course, it was a civilian ship but built like a castle. It only had room for one mech but was basically a house with wings and an autopilot.
First runner up got 300,00c. Not a new ship, but nothing to sneeze at either.

Seemed pretty obvious only first place would get respect around here judging from the prizes.

Klein smiles. "I think I found my mech." He says happily before running to where the signups were held. "I'd like to sign up for the mech race, please." He says to the man at the sign up booth.

Fox folded his arms and started nodding. "Well, well, 20k is it?" he then dawned a thinking pose, "You certainly seem to be confident to say this to a Sniper and a Hunter." He chuckled. "Tracking prey down happens to be a specialty of mine you know" He gave an innocent looking smile. Then he turned to Amelia "Cap'n your thoughts?"

@Tierax @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose
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" if the man is alright with receiving the money on delivery, i see no problem with this, but there will be no payment in advance, especially for this kind of deal. " she says seriously, " unless you can show me anything from your inventory, i think this deal is a bit too good to be true. tell me sir, who did you sell your product before. i want to know if you got good contact first. " her expression showed she was not impressed. considering the price was only 20k for a mech weapon it was a bit too low on price and did not even cover the price of the materials. she knew how much something last this was costing and she was not gonna get played by an amateur. 

"Haha ahh my lady, I can't give out my contacts, some are a bit more concerned with privacy then my reputation haha!"

His laugh was loud and hearty, for a moment you could confuse him for an old lumberjack, but only while he was laughing.

"No no, I keep my inventory locked up tight, money on delivery is the way I've always done business... though, full disclosure. I will be bringing some insurance if my own to make sure you don't try to weasel your way out of it."

He gave another hearty chuckle and slapped Fox on the back, stepping in to join the group.

"Unless of course your willing to drop half now in good faith? You seem like a switched on bunch, if somewhat nervous. But I won't be asking any questions beyond what I need to make a sale!"

@Foxora @Crimrose @Raider867 @Alaania Hellborg
" untill i see the product you are not getting a penny from us. so want to make an appointment somewhere in town for the exchange, it will not be any other way. i do not trust you and that deal. but it'S up to fox. althought i warn you, the cost to make that sidearm and all that he somehow is willing to give away are not even halfway covers the raw material of the metal needed that is without talking about the time and the workers pay,  the 20k he ask of you is a deal for a non fonctionning decorative part. " she says getting annoyed that the old man still imagined she didn'T know what she was saying. 

" last thing i will say to you old man is, i am an engineer and i knwo how to make those kind of armaments so stop trying to rip off my friends here. " she says showing sign of anger.

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"Sir, when will the match start, by the way?" Klein asks the person at the signup booth for the race as he finishes signing up for the race.

A look of indignation crosses the mans face before he calms himself. As he speaks the jovial tone and general cheer seem all but evaporated.

"That's a sharp tongue you have there missy. But I'ma give you some advice free a charge, it's fine to question a mans trade but you aught ta learn yer'self some diplomacy. Now I know whatcher thinkin.. got yerself some fancy mech or maybe the backing of a few hardboys, but i garuntee you those of us in the arms business got fancier guns and harder boys."

He adjusts his dusty coat and stretches his arms as he take a seat behind his table, turning to face Fox again his voice take back his salesmans pep.

"Now then, If you want to pay only on delivery where do I take your goods?"

@Foxora @Crimrose @Alaania Hellborg


The man at the desk looks at him wearily, almost as if he was about to fall asleep.

"What event you after, Race or fight? I got the waivers here for both."

Leaning under the table he produces two incredibly thick piles of forms.

"Sign up fee is 500 creds each"
"I'm after the race, please." Klein says to the man at the desk. He puts down 500 credits like it's nothing. "Do I have to provide my own mecha?" He then asks.

"Not for the race, too many people spoiled the fun so we provide them now. Sign here... here.... there.... here.... this ones over here... and there... and finally here."

Looking over the paperwork the man at the counter seemed satisfied, looking back up at Klein he motions over to the other side of the festival, past where his group was gathered talking to some old man.

"You'll find the race mechs over there, try not to get blown to pieces, people love to pick on the new guys "

He grabs Kleins credits and pockets them in a container beneath the table, putting an ID with "Racer 101"

"Whats yer racer name gonna be? New blood?"

"I would like it to be White Wolf." Klein says to the man. "And don't worry. I won't get blown to pieces." He adds with a confident smirk. He takes the ID when the man was done with it before following where the man was pointing to.

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He folded his arms "There's giant military cruiser by the docks, show up there in about hour I'm sure the boys there won't let you get any farther in then at the entrance" he shrugged "Security reasons and all. We'll meet you there by then. There are still some things I promised Cap'n we would do here so take that as a estimate of our arrival back."

@Tierax @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose @Raider867
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Frowning, the old man nods slowly.
"Don't keep me waiting too long boy, My boys and I will make our way over after the Tournament, see you then."

He waves them away, quickly leaning out to another person passing his stall attempting to make a sale with them.
He seemed utterly enthralled by the old mans sales pitch and it becomes quickly apparent no one would be able to get a word in edgewise.

@Alaania Hellborg @Foxora @Crimrose

The man seemed confused by Kleins racer name.
"Seems a bit fancy for a first timer but lets see what you got."

he waves his hand once more in the direction of the race, pointing straight past Kleins group. 
"Plenty of gutter rats about if you really want a tour guide, though I'd watch your wallet if you wanna hire one of 'em."

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"Well, that's settled I suppose. I don't normally buy too much, so I didn't wanna say anything. I still believe in laser blades though, but it's your preference." She shrugged, before looking to Amelia. 

"Anything else you'd like to ask about?"


@Alaania Hellborg
"I never said that idea was out" Fox turned to Ivis "Just haven't found what I'm looking for here yet" he gestured festival. It was then that he crossed his arms and tapped his index finger against the side of his head. "I might just end up purchasing some materials the manufacturing wing doesn't have and design it myself... Might have to look up laser mechanics again later as well to get the wiring right.

@Crimrose @Alaania Hellborg
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Amelia chuckle " hey don'T try to lure an engineer into buying stock that might not work, i want to see before i buy that is the way i do things, i will also ask him to try the piece before buying, especially at a festival where sharks hide to trick fools into buying empty items, decoratives or even buying something that doesn'T exist. " suddenly she frown, " where is klein ? " she says now a bit worried, she had not notice her brother's disappearance, it was unusual for her to miss such a detail. she then look around trying to spot him. " come on... i wanted to pass time with my brother... " she says feeling a bit sad. 

she then shake her head " sorry guy'S i shouldn't be feeling like this, it'S a festival, i am sure i will see him later... " she says obviously she didn'T want to spoil the fun for the rest of the group. she smiles softly looking at them, and they could see she was a really good actor as her sadness didn't show anymore on her face. 

" alright, next was Ivis, what do you want to do Ivis, it'S your turn to decide. " she says putting her hands on her hips. 

Fox folded his arms. Yes she was a good actor, but he knew enough about acting how you shouldn't take it as it is, and he's been with her long enough to understand she wanted to spend as much time with her brother as she possibly could. "Hey Ivis you don't mind postponing your choice a little bit longer do ya? I'm kinda curious what's gotten Soldier boy's interest over there" he turned to Amelia "I don't see any issue with us popping by and seeing what's up right?"

@Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose
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