Mecha RP: Legend of M

"What The-" He shot up with her. "Do these people think their Roman gladiators or something?!" He then looked back at he Diamond Dyno then at the dust cloud "Ivis, your not busy right? gonna need your help for a bit."

(Wooo! Babies!)

@Crimrose @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @Tierax

"What is it you need assistance with?" Ivis was a bit confused, considering there wasn't much she could do about how the races went. Either way, it wouldn't hurt to listen to the request at least.

"It's far too late file a complaint about how they do things here, no matter how stupid it is, and Klein seems to be holding his own." he cast his gaze over at the Dyno. "That doesn't mean we can't take care of something else" he had a smirk "Be back later, Cap'n! Watch Soldier boy for us!" He hopped over some people and bleachers and ran off "Let's get movin, Ivis!"

@Crimrose @Alaania Hellborg
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"OH! And there you have it folks, Diamond Dyno up to his old tricks! Didn't even try to race before resorting to shooting someone in the back! What's this? Oh would you look at White wolf go! That's some fine piloting, If he's not careful he's going to paint a bullseye on his back as he takes it away to fifth place! Lazy Daisy brings up the rear in eighteen- wait wait eighth place! forgot about the casualties but silver lining! Ice Eater managed to eject in time! Med crew, do your thang!"

The dust settled, in one fell swoop the race was dropped to only nine other racers. Klein could feel his pulse beating faster, of the four mechs in front of him first to third were fairly far away while fourth was only just out of reach, As the raced over the beach they neared a beach cove segment located flat against a cliff face, barely big enough for a single joust to run across, but the shallows looked accessible, maybe a shortcut across to the otherside?

"Vying hard for sixth place is Dirty Dancing and POPCORN! What you doing popcorn? You running through the shallows? Totally counts as on track but fair warning, there's a sea cave under there and that roof ain't gonna support a mech!"

As Popcorn maneuvered her mech across the shallows Klein could see patches behind her suddenly spiral like water in a drain, her footsteps breaking the roof and the water rushing in. Amazingly she made it across really quickly, Dirty dancing behind however...

"OH and there goes Dirty! If your air lasts long enough for med crews to get to you I promise I won't tease too much!"

Klein listened to the announcer announcing the current places, Popcorn had taken the lead, The other four in front, Cassiopia, Melon Collie, Dogmeat and Tuh Tul were all tied for second and fighting pretty intensely.   Lazy daisy seemed to hang just in front of Diamond Dyno, Dropping klien back to sixth but technically third... He weighed his options, He could try to charge the pack, hoping they are too busy fighting each other to stop him, or try and make a break over the shallows... maybe there was another option? or maybe he should wait for a better opportunity?

@Raider867 @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose @Foxora

(Hooray! for the tiny human!)
Amelia's heartbeat had gone through the roof, what was that supposed to be, they were fighting in war but this ... this was vicious and without honor, she frowned so many thought going through her mind at this moment, she was gonna make sure that if anything ever happened to Klein that Dyno guy would hear it from her quite fast and in a way he might regret. still she wanted to cheer her brother. 

closing her eyes shut she took many deep breath before she took one more, screaming at the top of her lungs. " YOU BETTER WIN THIS SCHTERZEN OR YOU WILL HEAR IT FROM ME... COME ON WHITE WOLF THIS IS NOTHING " she hoped he would hear her but she highly doubted it, in the thick of the race with all those mech running and fighting her voice would probably not even sound like a whisper. 

she kept a close eye on the Dyno guy not trusting him to play fair, she just knew guy's like him had more than one trick up their sleeve. 

Kleins maneuver worked as intended, but as he passed the pack he heard his onboard alarm systems flair to life and before he could even look to see what the threat was a loud explosion rocked his mech, a missile had stuck his back in retaliation as the rest of the salvo passed by striking into the cliff face, another strike like that and he might just have to bail out.

"OH and would you look at that White wolf pushes forwards to second place and take a rocket to the back for his troubles! The pack behind seems off kilter but they're still moving! You got a great big target on you now new blood! But damn if I don't love your enthusiasm!"

Finally passing the cove area, they reached another long narrow straight away, Further in the distance he could see the river delta, the jungle to his side seemed to creep up the cliff itself, and the shallows to the opposite might be seacave too. Popcorn seemed to be slowing down, he was about to pass them now, They didn't seem interested in fighting though, in fact they moved aside to give room for both on the beach.

"What's this? Lazy daisy has just gone to last place as Diamond Dyno charges the pack! Is he trying to push to the front now? Ladies and gentlemen it seems like Diamond has after all this time learned to try a new tactic!"

@Raider867 @Crimrose @Alaania Hellborg @Foxora
(What you up to foxora? You thwartin' mah plans?)
Fox ran around then stadium toward an area that was strictly staff and racers only. "Quick Question Ivis. Are you able to hack and remotely hack since? Just curious..." He then hopped over a fence and landing in some shrubbery on the other side hiding in it.

( Oh just something special for Diamond Dyno later :3 After the race ofcourse. Wouldn't want to ruin what you already had planned for that.)

@Tierax @Crimrose
Kleins onboard systems begging blaring alarms of overheat status, he may be at the head of the pack but if he kept this pace he'd burn out before he'd even reach the flight packs.

"Would you look at that! White Wolf getting some aggressive plays in, not once but TWICE firing back at the other racers, Careful now young blood, by my estimates you've only got your two homings and maybe a half salvo of dumb fires left! Keep this up and someones gonna go for blood when you cant fight back! Ha HAA!"

The announcers voice seemed heated, crazed, fanatical... It seemed to whip everyone into a frenzy, as the mechs behind Klein stumbled about trying to dodge the missiles, one taking a direct hit and losing an arm. Judging by the colors, Lazy daisy.
As he rounded out into the delta he saw the flight packs ahead, he also heard alarms of a homing missile lock. he couldn't see any other racers behind him, but as he scanned the track behind him he saw a plume of smoke above the treeline, the homing rocket was bearing down on him arching in from above!

@Raider867 @Crimrose @Alaania Hellborg @Foxora

(hmm... continue -evil finger pyramid of contemplation-)
He stops moving for a second until the homing rocket was right on him, diving quickly out of the way so that the rocket explodes on the ground near him. He then moves to equip the flight pack before shooting into the sky and staying on the track. "This is getting fun." He says with a smile to himself. 

@Tierax @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose @Foxora
Following Fox's lead, Ivis replied in a hushed tone. She knew what he was planning to an extent, but she wasn't in the proper body to do the real deal. She'd need a computer first, and then it'd be longer if she did it manually. "Well... Not with this setup... This one's not really made for hacking via connection, and I can only go so far in terms of basic skills.  I can dig into some things I've found, but not too sure about whether it'll go unnoticed."



@Alaania Hellborg

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Fox rubbed his chin for a moment. "Well so much for fast way, but so long as you have access to a terminal you CAN do it, right?" Fox sidled up to a wall of a trailer. Peeking out slightly he was looking at a set of trailers, tents, and rented out cabins. A few security guards could be standing at their posts or even patrolling around in the area. He started scanning each building until he noticed one trailer with a lot of tech on and around it and focused on it. If one would guess, alot of important tech and information would be stored there.

@Crimrose @Tierax @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
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As he finished putting on his flight pack he realises he somehow dropped behind the pack. Looking up at them it seemed the weren't even equipped properly, the other racers ahead using them almost like boogieboards.

Sure... it's be a faster takeoff but klein knew he'd have the mobility advantage.

Taking off through the canyon he saw small, almost spherical devices flying through the air with him, recognising them as little camera drones.

Returning his eyes to the twisting canyon ahead he saw what looked to be an unnaturally jagged and crisscrossed stone tunnel with barely any holes for light. A few of the racers dived straight in and from the looks of things it was a well known short cut.

Klein was back in third place now.

--- @Raider867

As Fox and Ivis crept around they heard a few voices approaching, deciding to err on the side of caution they hid behind a small pile of spare ship parts.

"You see Diamond's start?"

"Sure did, pricks as brutal as ever... why do that anyway?"

"He's paid to target them didn't you know? It's either that or the boss'll uh... 'cut him loose' if you know what I mean."

The group seemed to be amused by this, laughing as the walked past where the two were hiding.

One seemed to pause for a moment awkwardly close to Fox.

"Hey... where's Tonia? She still after that rebel girl?"

"I think so, or shes slacking off again, I swear I'd yell at her for it if she wouldn't gut me like a trout."

They laughed and left, the coast looked clear for now...

-- @Foxora @Crimrose

As Amelia watched the race with baited breath, an odd woman plopped down in the now empty seats beside her, dark tanned skin and wild auburn hair struck Amelia, but her choice of attire... almost overly revealing clothes, denim shorts if they were even long enough to be called that, over full length stockings, a red singlet with a strange emblem on front and for some reason a tactical combat vest unzipped and hanging loose revealing a chest holster with a pistol of some sort.

She leaned back in the seat putting her feet up, clad in oddly armoured combat boots, kicking the man in front. As he turned to tell her off his face went pale and instead he returned to the race and pretended he never had the 

She reached around Amelia grabbing her shoulder and bringing her close as if they were always friends.

"What's up cripple? Enjoying the race?"

Her tone didn't sound like she was trying to be insulting, it was also very clear that she didn't care.

--- @Alaania Hellborg
Klein brings the thruster up to maximum, going to try and pass the racers again. He loads one of the seeker rounds and locks onto the legs. He still isn't going to kill anyone. He then fires the seeker round into the third place racer's legs.
@Tierax @Alaania Hellborg
Amelia frown almost loosing her balance, she look at the woman her mind blaring with alarms like * careful, you don't know that woman and we are at a weird festival where they pitted racer in a death race for amusement. * still Amelia pushed the feeling aside. * maybe she is just overly outgoing, calm down nobody knows who you are here. *

she sigh then turn her head to look at the race. " not really, i don't see the point nor the need to kill your opponent in a race... plus in these time people should be trying to enjoy non-violent sports there is already enough death like that " Amelia says in a detached tone. 

As Fox listened to the group as they went by he turned to Ivis. "Well this is interesting. Some kind of Kingpin of the tournament calling the shots. Wouldn't be a surprise if he's the reason for the fatality rate of this competition" Fox turned toward the spare parts and examined them a bit. "Anyway, lets get moving" He peered out to make sure the coast was clear for the two of them. When it was he gave a nod to her before hopping over his cover and silently side stepped toward the building, eyeing the group from earlier in case they decided to turn around. He kept low to shrink as much chance of detection as possible before he finally made it toward the door and slipped in quietly. NO way he would chance that that there wouldn't be anyone inside. He immediately took cover behind what looked like a server and he noticed someone sitting at a chair in front of the terminal. Bright side, at least I found what I'm looking for he peered over to make sure the man hasn't noticed anything.

( Alittle fun for the both of us, you decide what the man is doing or whether or not he is oblivious, Tierax )

@Tierax @Crimrose
"Perhaps..."  It was a bit odd to think someone would really be behind the races, but considering the fact that it was more of a gladiatorial race... It made a bit of sense. 

The ears on her head flattened as best as they could, and Ivis waited for Fox to give the green light. Once he had given the green, she followed in a similar matter, to keep things uniform. She didn't know whether he had planned any other routes of approach, so it was best to not try anything special. The two found an entrance to the building, and it seemed Fox had no plan on stopping. Considering she had no clue whether Fox was armed or not, she couldn't leave him alone in there. Heading in as well, she hid behind some sort of mobile cart, likely containing more routers and such. Obviously there was a gap at the bottom, but the rest was solid. Considering most angles of the room, it'd be hard to see her feet without directly looking under.

She hadn't taken time to look over the cart, and so didn't know of the man being in the room. However, considering the race was underway, there was bound to be someone at the controls.


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As Klien weaved through the canyon he loosed the missile, its tracking closing the distance quickly and striking the mech ahead. As it's leg burst into shrapnel and flame Klein saw an unexpected side effect. The blast had severed the connection between the mech and the flight pack it was holding.

For a moment time seemed to slow, he could see the pilots attempts to correct for the damage but it was to no avail... bailing out he had to weave quickly around to avoid destroying the pilots chute as he passed. He made eye contact with the pilot though, and something seemed off, it seemed like she recognised him, her eyes hardened and he could feel an oddly intense hate that pierced him to the core.

But just like that, he had passed the flaming wreackage and was hounding quickly onto second place. He looked down at the tighter, shorter path below, the other racers hadnt chosen to go that way for the most part but the few that had seemed to have crashed, seemingly nowhere to be seen.

A stray missile slams into the canyon wall bringing his attention to the back of the pack, they were getting aggressive, soon one of them would be lining a shot on him, he needed to get a greater gap if he wanted to avoid any shots to the back, but he could hear the mechs powerplant groaning under the strain he had on it, any faster he'd risk destroying it and falling out of the sky powerless.

- @Raider867

As Ivis and Fox peak from cover to observe the man, they notice him listening to some sort of headset, it looked like they had found the room in charge of the live broadcast.

He switched rapidly between different drone cameras and quickly put up diffrent displays and even betting on in real time, it was honestly impressive that one person was in charge of the live broadcast and seeming to do a good job.

Fox was a little disheartened, he wouldn't be able to do anything but screw with people's channel from here... but he heard a voice from almost right beside him that almost made him jump out of his skin.

"Damnit Kent, you left it behind again? You know full well what Tonia's like... unless your in position? Shit sorry man im drunk just gimmie a second man ill send the instructions soon."

It was another earpiece, but it looked military grade, looks like Fox managed to strike some gold anyway.

- @Foxora @Crimrose

The announcer went wild, cheering on the crowd to a near deafening roar.

"And White Wolf stalks his prey at the front of the pack! I changed my mind buddy you are ferocious! Look out DD, Looks like the the young blood this year got some fight in them!"

Amelia was surprised to hear White Wolf being cheered on, her brother had made some fans it seemed.

"Seem like the high born type, let me guess, you either got the rich folk to take care of ya and sent you to an academy, or you are the natural talent type and got picked out for it."

The strangers voice snapped her attention away from the race.

She waved her hand dissmissivly at Amelia and she caught a glimpse of a toxic dart launcher hidden in the other womans palm.

"Either way I think you realise by now that even if you made a scene no one is going to help you. I've been following your group since you entered the city. You were League, weren't you?"

Amelia had noticed the civilians around her seemed to be almost ready to break away sprinting, held in place only by their fear of this lady beside her. That on it's own made her uneasy.

"Let's just talk and do this the easy way yeah? I hate working holidays."

@Alaania Hellborg
Amelia smirk " and you think that i will be scared like the other's, no i know i am not that type, but still let's hear what you got to say and maybe MAYBE i will make it easy for you " she says seriously. 

Amelia was already thinking of different ways to get rid of the dart, there was many way to get out of a situation like this and most were at her disposition right about now, although she knew that this had to do with her whole group not just her and as captain she had a duty to think before acting.

" although i warn you, i am not easily killed. " she says her smirk getting wider. 

she knew she was in trouble, she was in no condition to fight back, but if she had to she would not even think twice about it. 

The woman stared at her with an unsettling intensity before turning her gaze away. She seemed to look around the room idly, but following her eyes Amelia noted that there were other people in this seating area alone that seemed to be waiting on some unspoken cue from the woman beside her.

Their eyes met again and the odd woman seemed to recognise that Amelia had seen.

"Yeah, military training, I'd say a prestigious acadamy, one that didn't cut corners in training. D'you know why I'm here Amelia?"

Using her name like that struck fear into her heart, this woman knew far too much about her... 

@Alaania Hellborg
Klein sighs softly. "Why do we have to use weapons..." He mutters to himself before boosting forward, stalking the second place racer. He reaches point blank range and gets in front before snapping the knees of the mech and grabbing the head, crushing it. He then grabs the weapon arm and keeps it from moving as he carries the now disabled Joust.

" so you know me big deal, now what do you want to say to me that needs this level of preparation and all for me it's kind of flaterring. " she could see Amelia had seen worse. 

The added weight slowed Klien considerably, but if the alternative was letting the other pilot fall to their death he was happy to take it.

He continued to lead in second but he wasn't gaining any ground on the pilot in first place. His Hud screamed throwing warning after warning of critical heat levels in the powerplant, strain on the flight pack, low reserve fuel levels... he couldn't sustain this much longer at this pace, but the canyon broke into a long straight valley. Pillars of stone rose from the ground at erratic shapes and heights, letting klein weave between them to help prevent anyone getting a clear shot.

The racer up front kept looking back at him, he knew full well Klein was moving up aggressively and seemed almost taunting him to make a move.

The pack behind was starting to gain ground, though pack seemed a bit loose a definition as it was only Lazy Daisy and Diamond Dyno, Lazy lingered in third place, Dyno in last by a wide margin, however it looked like the pilot was hooking up another flight pack as he raced, likely stolen from another racer.

Beneath him the pilot of the battered mech turned on loudspeakers.

"Why ain't you dropped me yet? Rubbing in my loss huh? Jerk!"

- @Raider867
"Unless you want to die, I can still carry you. I can tell just from seeing your machine the ejection is jarred due to my grappling with you so I suggest you stop trying to get me to drop you." Klein says angrily. Seeing a patch of land to set the mech down, he lowers his altitude to drop the mech as gently as possible and still keep his place. He then boosts ahead towards first place.

"And not a greenhorn."

The woman threw an arm once more over Amelia and dragged her in close like best friends.

"To be honest I am an assassin. You were League missy, you've been missing for some time and then you turn up in the presence of known rebels. Now I know full well you are a good pilot but come on... your espionage abilities could use some work."

She raised her finger for silence as she listened to the announcer excitedly giving a play by play on the race.

"Your brother has some skill, not a single kill just yet but I don't think he knows just how much of an insult that is to these racers. He's also defected, my clients were worried he was a flight risk, managed to walk away with a pretty expensive piece of equipment. I don't suppose you know what the price on your heads is do you?"

She looked at Amelia with cold eyes, veterans eyes for sure, had been in far more conflicts and seen far more disturbing situations then Amelia had, anyone could tell, but something akin to sadness was in there, she couldn't quite place it though.

@Alaania Hellborg

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