Mecha RP: Legend of M

Amelia look at fox, " you know where he is ? " she says trying to see where Klein was, her eyes going from one place to the other until she notice him walking back toward them, a smile appearing on her face as she start walking faster toward him. " where were you... why did you not tell me you were going to see something... " she ask a bit worried and a bit sad. they could still see a childish kind of reaction to her, shifting a bit on her feet both hands in her back. " don't leave the group... we are supposed to have fun together... as a group... " she says a bit annoyed, faking a pout as she turn her head to the side. 

she seemed stunned at his answer, standing still for a few second and staring blankly in front of her. she then lower her head a bit, " oh... ok ... " she says a bit let down by this. she takes a deep breath then turn around to Ivis and Fox showing them a soft smile. 

" well it seems he is busy, what do you guy's want to do " she says hiding what she felt at this moment. " as i recall Ivis was the next one to chose what we will do " she says gently. looking at Ivis. 

"You can watch me from the stands if you want." He calls to the group as he runs to the mech warehouse. He picks out a white one before moving to a man to ask him a question. "Excuse me, I'm new. Where do I go when I have my machine and am ready? Do I just go out into the field or wait until it starts?" He asks

@Alaania Hellborg @Tierax @Crimrose @Foxora
"I feel like I know the answer to this?" Fox smiled and rolled his eyes. He then turned to the ladies, "What say you Cap'n? Care to cheer your brother on? I'm sure Ivis is still thinking about it. So technically this is still his turn for the group." He placed his hands in his pockets. "Should head out soon to get the good seats."

@Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose @Raider867
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Amelia smiles widely " thanks a lot both of you... i ... i really appreciate " she says softly then turning around to go get some of the front row seats. making sure she could see everything. " what kind of race is it, i know it involve mech but what is the rules " she says out loud as they walk to the seats. 

Fox held his hands behind his back and simply followed Amelia smiling the whole time. It wasn't the race that mattered so much to him, he didn't offer this day out in the city just for himself in the first place. "Maybe it's one of those races where if you fight to pass some one. Hehe, fighting on the go. Or they could be variable mechs like Staltz and have a vehicle mode." He occasionally looked out at the starting lines. "Hopefully they explain it to newcomers."

@Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose @Raider867 @Tierax
The man klein asked pointed him towards a woman, who sent him to the head mechanic, who sent him to another... and another... and another.
It was getting tedious, no one seemed the slightest bit interested in helping him out.
"You lost new blood?"
A female voice shouted at him from above, looking up he could see an older lady, mid 40's at least, standing on top of of a badly damaged League Joust. It's custom red paint job and numerous fins and decals did nothing to hide the actual model from Kleins eyes, he was simply put too familiar with them, looking around he realized all of the machines in the bay were Jousts.

Before He could say anything in turn she had already leaped down from the cockpit, free falling and landing directly in front of him, as she did a screw burst from her left leg, tearing a large hole as it punched through, tipping over and hitting the deck. She didn't even blink, simply laying on the ground and rolling with it.
"I'm going by Lazy Daisy, You are?"


As the group made their way to the event they noticed the markets and stalls were very quickly packing themselves up, large cargo lifters landing nearby and hauling the merchants aboard, towards the makeshift mech bay on the beach a few more heavily modified cargo lifters landed, their cargo bays ripped out and turned into what looked to be stadium style seats inside large glass rooms.
People stood out front of each charging a fee for entry, apparently they would keep pace with the racers for the whole race and let people off at the other side of the festival.

Some seemed cheap for a reason it seemed, almost nothing more than junker ships with crowded seats, but they were only 100c per seat to board. the best ones shouted and bragged about how ONLY they had high res zoom scopes, drones that would get among the fray for the best views, AND keep pace at the front of the pack, guaranteed. They cost an astonishing 1000c to board! Each ship landed had their crews out front, making ticket sales and taking bets on the eight racers taking part.
In the sky a few ships already begun hovering, It seemed the race was very close to beginning as the speakers on a small ship in the front begun blaring over the excited noise of the crowds gathered.
"Entries are now closed ladies and gentlemen, Please make your way to the lifters for the first event! The opening ceremony of the Iron Sands Festival is about to begin!"

@Foxora @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose
"I'm White Wolf. I'm trying to find what I have to do after I am ready with my mech I am going to use in the race. Do I just wait or go somewhere before going to the starting line?" He asks Lazy Daisy, lowering to offer his help to her.

"Oh cool, bit of a flashy name for a first timer, take it this is your first festival?" She chuckles as she waves Kleins help away, instead stretching out and laying on the floor with a long yawn.

"Well, 'spose I'll be the one to help then if no one else will, just jump in ya bot and head to the line, few of the others are doin' final maintenance passes on the bots they picked but you're a late arrival so you'll just have to trust the crews to have done their job, I'll see you out there once I get my leg fixed yeah? I'll be that blue and yellow Mech over there."
She points to another mech across the bay, "Didn't like the feel of the controls in this one."

She waves him off and rolls over feigning sleeping almost as soon as she finishes her sentence... or maybe she was asleep? She was either a very convincing actor or there was something odd about this one.
He nods. "Thank you." He says with a nod and smile before moving to his mech and moving it to the starting line in his mech. 


The group can hear loud roars of cheers from the crowds in the stands. Some of the racing Jousts have begun moving to the starting line. There was a white Joust, blue Joust, green Joust, a black Joust, and a red Joust currently at the starting line. More mechs were coming out as the time for the beginning of the ceremony comes nearer.

@Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose @Foxora
she frowned a bit, " i hope they won'T try to destroy each other... " she says getting a bit worried. she had gone to get them not the most expansive seats but some of the good one, knowing that her brother was in a race that was potentialy dangerous made her nervous. so she wanted to make sure that if something happened she could go and help him out of that wreck of a mech that the festival had put out for the race. 

As the group board their chosen ship, a reliable looking one that promised to stay near the action without any superfluous extras, the speakers on board and around the starting line begun to flare up with exotic music.
A crescendo of cheers drowned out everything as the crowd gathered could be heard even from inside the other ships. Taking their seats the crowds cheering calmed a little and the announcer took the opportunity to continue, small dice shaped drones begun floating around, on each of their sides was an LCD screen showing a young man not much older then 20 if maybe younger, his sharp attire and crazy smile seemed to draw you in and fill you with excitement the longer you looked.

"As is always tradition we have gathered here at the beachfront for a MASSIVE race around into the city to herald the start of the party! To all the newcomers this year, Betcha thought you were already at the festival eh?"

There was more cheering but even some laughter from everyone around the group, as the ship they boarded begun to gently rise of the ground.
"This year also brings some small changes to the race itself! And before you start moaning oldies, It ain't no fun when no one finishes so shut yer yaps!"
More laughter filled the viewing room they were in, there was at least two hundred people in this ship alone, not that it was cramped, simply loud.

"Now the mechs this year have been gathered and repaired lovingly by Toyo Mecha Hobbyist group, So let's give'em a hand shall we? Yeah YEAH! Give 'em some HYYYYPE!"
His exaggerated movements seemed ridiculous, but in the heat of the moment, with the roar of the crowds, the group couldn't help but feel slightly pumped themselves.

"On to the nitty gritties then, This year, No melee weapons after that chain blade thing, You ALL know the one, and I'm pretty sure we're all good with just one! That ain't sayin' it's a no touching game now though, Contestants feel free to rip each other limb from limb! Just remember, you ONLY hurt racers, and anyone on the track with a working mech is a racer! GOT THAT DIAMOND DYNO? WORKING. MECH."

The crowd begun booing around the group, though it seemed more directed at the racer he mentioned rather then the rule itself.

"Also, we replaced the ranged weapons and limited the ammo, THIS TIME WE GOING BIG! Each racer got access to TWO salvos of dumb fire rockets, and FOUR heavy hitting R-19's! those suckers ain't turn too hard but they'll guide themselves nicely on a straight away, that tips free for you newbies down there! And would you look at that? The racers getting impatient with me now! Stepping up to the line we got in the white mech, WHITE WOLF! Fitting name for the mech but I hear it's a new contestant, flashy name like that for your first time gonna draw some fire so watch up little buddy! Next to the plate in Their usual fresh painted black is BY THE NUMBERS! Came in second place and WALKED AWAY! not many people manage that with our little red buddy DIAMOND DYNO!"

As the red mech stepped to the line the crowd stopped cheering and booed in perfect unison, looked like people around here hated that one.
"Popular only in your head eh little red? OH and here we are in their customary green mech, we got POP COOOOOORN! You ain't won a single race yet in five years of tryin, but damnit if we don't love ya anyway! Next up in yellow with... orange Polka dots? We got DIRTY DANCING! You must be new here so pro tip, try not to draw attention! I can guarantee you now, I won't be seeing you near that finishing line! To the rest of you, go easy on the new guys eh? that goes mostly for you DYNO."

The cheering returned with each contestant announced, the host picking on every newcomer that stood to the plate. as the last gathered onto the line fireworks started exploding into the air.

"Now would you look at that? I guess she's up to her old trick again, yup, there she is, late as always, IT'S LAZY DAISY!"

The crowd roared with cheers as a blue mech with yellow highlights casually walks up to the line, lit fireworks in each outstretched hand firing wildly into the air. once she reaced the line, she sat down. Much to the confusion of some of the other racers.
"There she goes again, this is why we love ya Lazy! Now then as we are all gathered lets go over the track! You are all running straight down this beach! to the crashed ship by it's end! Once there you'll find a flight pod for EACH CONTESTANT! using those pods you rush down the river delta inland until you reach the canyon! You'll probably run out of fuel for the pods halfway through the canyon so it becomes a foot race till it dumps you out into the jungle! follow the jungle path all the way down to the main bridge, all nicely decorated for you this year so we don't break another one eh? You then just gotta make it into the center of the city! easy right? With all that out of the way, pilots why don't you get to know each other, might just be the last time you talk to someone, and to everyone itching to make a bet in the crowds, GO FOR IT! this your last call to get in on that sweet sweet pie!"

@Raider867 @Crimrose @Alaania Hellborg @Foxora
"Well, that makes things interesting." Fox was listening to the announcer and cheers and gazing at the starting line of mechs. "Looks like I really missed some fun... You'd think they'd allow a striker in the race. Might have something to look forward to next year." When he looked toward the white mech he fist pumped and called out"KICK THEIR ASS, SOLDIER BOY!"

@Raider867 @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose @Tierax
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Amelia was stunned for a moment hearing the announcer, she mutter " it's a race, people fight for pride and for prizes... fox, some of those pilots will have no qualm to use underhanded method to win, meaning he is in more danger there than on a battlefield. i know my brother is good, and i know he will not let them win, but he is ... he is virtuous, i don'T think he will use dirty trick and will not hit an opponent already on the ground, even if it gives the other a chance to try and destroy him... unless he's changed... but as i know him, he will stick to the rules. " she says with a sigh, then tries to stop worrying for her brother, letting Fox's anticipation wash over her, she smiles " alright you win fox, i'll try to enjoy. GO WHITE WOLF " she scream as she get up on her feet, waving at him " GO BROTHER SHOW THEM THE MIGHT OF THE SCHTERZEN. " 

"Racers! ARE YOU READY?"
The mechs lined up got into lowered stances, ready to burst into motion as soon as they could, a couple crept as far over the starting line as they dared, hoping for some reason it would make a difference.
Klein could swear he was hearing the power surging in the other mechs, one or two even glowed brighter as their pilots powered up dangerously close to overloading.

As all the mechs burst forwards kicking up a sandstorm the crowd went absolutely wild, chants and cheering begun instantly as the large viewing platforms lurched forwards, Diamond Dyno stayed dead still with lazy daisy however, and once there was a good few meters gap between them and the other racers he fired a full salvo of dumb rockets into the pack, Lazy Daisy moved as soon as the last missile left it's tube and punched the red joust to the ground before sprinting after the pack, the sand kicked up by the other mechs hid the missiles almost perfectly, it wasn't until a few of the slower mechs caught in the cloud suddenly detonated that anyone in front knew what had happened.

A few missiles streaked past the other racers, but a few were getting dangerously close to Klein, time seemed to slow as his eyes drifted to the display showing mech after mech exploding, with only one racer managing to eject in time to save their life. Four missiles, four missiles were on path to hit him.

@Raider867 @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose @Foxora

(sorry everybody, life threw me a curve ball and i got distracted xD)
as she see's this Amelia jumped to her feet. " Klein !?!?! " she look at the missile and turn to fox and Ivis " this is madness... this is not a race this is a death race... isn't this supposed to be a festival where people can have fun... what is this... people are dying out there... " she says suddenly worried for what could happen out there. 

( don't worry you are not the only one my sister gave birth 2 days ago i am so happy. well i am off to bed now see ya )
Klein smiles. He jumps up to bring the missiles up to him. He then fires two rocket rounds that exploded near the rockets on course for him. He then twists around in the air, landing and continuing to run at a full sprint, surpassing some of the racers. He smirks, chuckling. "The race just began and it's already surprising me." He says to himself. He fires a rocket in front of another racer, the explosion only hitting it's legs to cause him to fall. He passes by the racer as his Joust falls.

@Tierax @Alaania Hellborg @Foxora @Crimrose

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