Mecha RP: Legend of M

Fox took notice of all the mechs and people now swarming the beach. "What the heck is this?" His current mission to look for hunting tool was temporarily postponed to figure out what the hubbub was all about, so he began to wander abit, unknowingly in Amelia and Ivis' direction. "Hey ladies, any idea what this is all about?" He watched another mech walk by them.

@Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose
Ivis started to notice the many individuals setting up various things, primarily banners and stands. There were also a few fires being lit at the beach, so someone had to be staying around then. She didn't really know why this was happening, until the sound of clanks and thumps could be heard behind the two. The mechs seemed to be heading to the beach as well, though they were small and decorative, some silly looking, some more along the lines of sleek. Either way, it was nice to see them being used for something non-violent for the time. Hopefully, at least.

It seemed Amelia was just as surprised, and said it was indeed a festival.

Smiling, Ivis nodded, glad that Amelia seemed to enjoy her time for now.

"Wait, this place has festivals too?  I wish I had known that... Guess it wouldn't be the best of days to get back to the crew... I'm sure they'll forgive me though. I think it'd be a good idea, considering I assume my voice has somewhat of an effect on some people in the League. An end to the war would be essential, considering we have bigger issues to deal with. Hmm... Well considering how this body works, I don't think I'd need to shop for clothes for a while. Maybe when I get a specific one made for everyday use. I guess we could enjoy what happens here then."

@Alaania Hellborg

"I think a festival is starting up." Ivis responded, looking over to Fox.
He chuckles with a smile. "Cool." He says with a smile, looking at a red mecha. "Like a red knight." He comments to the group, pointing to it.

" Klein... please let me up...i want to go see them.... i ... i don't want to sit through all this... " she says looking at him with almost a pleading expression, almost like a child she was amazed by all this. and she wanted to see more. she wanted to run, to have fun and to laugh with all of them. 

" please pretty please... " she then says putting her hands together as she bowed down. 

fox and Ivis could see a different side to her right now, the girlish and family girl she was and not the military leader side she usually showed. they could see she was very respectful of other's choice too.

her eyes widen " oh thank you... thank you... thank you... " she says slowly getting up and going to hug her brother. " where do you want to go first, you decide alright, we will do that first and then we will do all the other attractions around " she says with a wide smile. she then turn her head looking at fox and Ivis, " ok ... after Klein, we will do what Ivis want, then fox and then what i want. is that ok with everyone ? " she says with a wide smile releasing her hug on her brother. 

" that way everyone will have fun and our guest will also show us how she is having fun " 

Amelia was happy to finally walk, she hated to stay stuck in one place and she was not used to have people do all this for her, but in a way, she was starting to appreciate the length they went to try and make her happy and comfortable during her convalescence. 

It was quite a sight to see, Amelia behaving in such a way. Then again, some people never lose their inner child. Being a child at one point had to be weird though. She really seemed to smile a lot, maybe just to give off positive vibes, or perhaps simply because Amelia liked to smile. It was nice to see. 

Apparently the group would take turns choosing attractions, or what to do at the time. Klein was first, Ivis herself was second, then Amelia and Fox. An interesting name she hadn't thought of... Perhaps it was only his nickname? "It's good to see that you can walk I suppose. M-Me? Oh, well okay. Would you like me to bring the wheelchair with you? Is it collapsible?" She was glad someone wanted to give her a chance to enjoy herself, but she didn't really know what to enjoy at the moment. She couldn't eat, but she could watch the mechs... Not sure what type of parts they'd be selling at this event either, or whether it'd be anything useful. 

"U-Uziel..." An expression only describable with the word fangirl appeared on her face. She thought nobody remembered that ancient series... Battletech survived for this long? The blue mech strode past, standing at around 10 feet, the cockpit must've been cramped. However, it was still nice to see an ancient game with an underrated mech in the parade. It likely wasn't armed or armored for that matter, but it did seem to have glorified laser pointers.

@Alaania Hellborg



Fox was surprised at Amelia's sudden change of personality, but couldn't help smiling seeing her eagerness. Well if it's what she wants. He chuckled at her her enthusiasm as she was begging her brother. He then looked at all the mech's, "the mech's are cool I guess, but Staltz would totally own the show." He smirked, speaking to himself though unintentionally louder than he thought.

@Crimrose @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
" then off we go, let's see the machine parts " she says pointing forward into the distance. a wide smile on her face as she hold her brother's arm. " let's have fun and make memories all together. " she add with a grin. 

she then look at the other's " are you with me, let's make good memories, it'S rare that we have this opportunity to live normally, so let's go and forget that we ever were on different side and let'S forget that war is on our doorsteps. " she says softly tilting her head with a soft smile, stars in her eyes. 

As they made their way through the quickly gathering crowds towards what at first glance seemed to be a small market, they saw what looked like a mechanics utopia.

Parts as far as the eye could see, new parts in cases, old parts strewn on mats, Cutting edge parts placed brazenly on display catching everyone's eyes, and even ancient parts renowned for their durability.
A few con artists here and there of course, but to the trained eye they were easy to spot, some of them even laughably obvious, like the young teen swearing he had alien tech, which without even trying the group spotted as mech debris with a coat of paint.
A couple working a stall brushing sand of their mats seemed to have quite a few high quality pieces, mostly servos and such.
An old man across them had Decals and other Aesthetic pieces, though some cool looking chassis parts as well. As they browsed the market a truck pulled in and opened up it's side, selling industrial grade mechs, some kitted for racing, others for sport fighting, but mostly left factory default.
Every step they took seemed to attract the attention of the stall workers, yelling and shouting about good prices and what they have to offer, a few hawkers running up to the group attempting to sell them trinket and baubles or take them to a specific area of the festival, for a price, naturally.

@Foxora @Crimrose @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
Fox, got a good look around. He would be lying if he said he wasn't looking at what was for sale with a buyer's perspective, but seeing the obvious rip offs helped him to not even bother even haggling. Sure there were some legit stuff, but most of it wasn't anything he HAD to get for Staltz. but that did get him to thinking. Other then then his new sword still being made, Staltz could go for another weapon. A rail gun, machine gun, New fold-able sword, Martial arts software, and a wrist rocket launcher, What more could be added to that? He thought... "You think a sidearm would be useful?" He turned to the others

@Raider867 @Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose
The stands and shops contained many parts, and even more people. While some were obviously scrap, at least some people tried to make their scrap look like more. Such effort put into fooling an unlucky customer. It seemed some mechs were even being sold, something rather odd. Of course, they weren't the massive war machines that the group deals with, but still. Ivis took a look to her left, but didn't really see any guns with more versatility, and technically she could wield light mech weapons, though some required two hands. 

Ivis returned Fox's glance, and replied."Sidearm like...? Mech sidearm? I couldn't tell you. Personally, arm-mounted laser blades tend to be 'the old reliable'. They have a low chance of being lost, and can be used with different movements. Anyone used to boxing would love those blades. Blades on the legs are technically possible, but likely not as effective."

@Alaania Hellborg



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Klein was looking at the items for sale. "Seems a little expensive." He says in thought. "And I don't even have a machine to put any of these on so I think that would be kind of difficult." He mutters to himself but the others could hear as well.

@Alaania Hellborg @Crimrose @Foxora
Amelia giggle, she was happy that everyone was enjoying themselves and talking to each other, she gently nudge her brother. " hey look at that... imagine the work on that... " she says moving toward a piece, starting to analyze it, enumerating all the special parts and the work needed in the creation of something like this. " this is amazing... " she says looking at everyone, " oh and a sidearm can be anything you feel comfortable with, preferably something light and easy to grab. " she says nodding at her sentence. 

"You think so?" After hearing Amelia's response he started thinking of a pistols as well, after a moment, he figured that pistol should be tweaked to give more stopping force. Perhaps a higher caliber. He shook his head "That basically is like trying to find a revolver for a mech" He chuckled

@Crimrose @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
<Iron sands Festival - market>

"Revolver you say?" A raspy voice interjects, with a tug on Fox's sleeve.

"I happen to have a wide variety you can order right here!" An old man stands beside him, his hunch making him only half as tall as Fox hinself.

He motions to a small stall, it's old yellow tarp roof drooping down so low at the front it almost looked like a tent.

A battered old table and a couple benches lay underneath and sprawled upon them are laminated postcard-sized pieces of paper, each one printed with a picture of a mech weapon and the details accompanying them.

"Each one comes with same day delivery garuntee!"

He looks over the others and smiles politely, if somewhat noticeably forced.

@Foxora @Crimrose @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
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The old man smiled, a salemans glimmer struck his eye as he pounced on the sheet lifting it to his head with a proud pose.

"Ah you have an eye for quality sir! And lady luck herself must be on your side as I have only one left in stock!"

He swept around the table and put an arm on Foxs shoulder, pulling him down level with himself.

"What we have here good sir is the P-22 cyclone, standard drum of eight shots, capable of firing a wide assortment of rounds including AP, Incindiary, and flares- OR!"

Pulling away from Fox and leaving him somewhat unbalanced, he gathers a few more sheets from the table bringing them over. Printed on each were a variety of magnum style ammo barrels.

"This one is compatible factory direct, it enables you to use standardized ammo such as those found in most common weapons, no special ammo works with this barrel but it does hole 32 shots before requiring a switch out! Or this one, I need to make adjustments to have it fit the gun but it will hold 6 shots of what amounts to basically cannon shells, stop another mech dead in its tracks!" 

Another gleam crosses his eye before he leans against the table, a smile creeps across his face as he throws the sheets to the ground.

"Aah, but of course your a man with an eye for quality, it wouldnt be enough to simply have it if you can't use it! Tell you what, If you buy now I can throw you ammo in for free! A full drum and a couple reloads! Hell, I'll even throw in a holster that can auto load your weapon once you put your gun in! Freeing up precious time! What do you say?"

@Foxora @Crimrose @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
Fox absorbed every word he said From what he's seen so far it all seemed promising, and an auto reload Holster would make things even easier for him. Special ammo options sounded useful for specific tasks. So did the stopping power of the other barrel. He gave a nod "Alright, I'll take it then. Ring up the purchase and I'll tell you where to send it." Now that he thought about it, this gun would also compliment Staltz's sword play as well. Another bonus to the thought.

@Crimrose @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @Tierax

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