Mecha RP: Legend of M

"Huh, too bad, I thrive pretty well in the northern regions. There is some good game up there you know?" when his pops was around he would take Fox up in the colder regions where best hunting grounds were found for the more experienced hunters.

@Raider867 @Alaania Hellborg
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< [ League Super Carrier - Ivis's Maintainance Bay ] > 

As the particles settled and melted away, a strange figure stood in front of Ivis, mr. Faraday and the crew looked on in amazement.

Power had stabalised and the damage to the room was extreme, but it seemed to have worked.

Looking at Ivis's main body it seemed to be completely frozen, almost creepily posed as particles streamed off the new form, almost like the machine was trying to draw the particles back into itself, though as she walked about getting a feel for her new body the draw seemed to weaken with the distance between the two halves of herself.

But what really caught him off gaurd was her comment.

It was painful? The young man ran through data on his data pad and was astonished to find that even the main body had undergone internal, physical changes.

"Uh... Ivis... I don't know how to say this but..  what do you mean by it hurt? Can you clarify?"

The rest of the crew busied themselves repairing and cleaning the mech bay, a few walked past Ivis and gave her concerned looks, it seemed she made some friends out of this.

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(On mobile, no color text ;^;)

"Y'know, it hurt. Hmm... I think it felt like getting bit by bullet ants. Y'know, as a human. Not my best experience, but I'm fine for now. I think. Not sure whether I'm supposed to carry out an expedition after this kind of thing..."

Ivis scratched her head with a confused laugh, trying to figure out what her next course of action was. One thing was for sure, the room wasn't in the best condition. "Still, thanks for worrying about me. Maybe I shouldn't have randomly chose the looks of this new body... Oh well, I kinda like it." 

She walked around for a bit, before taking a seat on a piece of non-electrical debris. "It's definitely different than my older one... Maybe I should figure out whether its a good idea to leave out... Hopefully they'll say no, and I'll be able to have a bit of a day off. If you're still up for teaching me this game that is." 

Ivis was mainly talking to Ryan, but she would respond to others if they asked something.

she start to laugh hearing them fight over this, she knew what her brother meant about the cold nodding " i don'T either, i am actually comfortable in this heat, but i would still prefer to be dressed in other clothes than my dirty army fatigues... oh and don't forget dirty and full of my own blood... " she says softly taking a deep breath as the sun hit her skin. " i want something light to wear shorts maybe and a tank top or something a bit more civilian like " she says remembering all the summer vacation they took when they were younger. 

" so fox don't like heat what about cold ? " she ask with a grin and a chuckle. 

"I'm great in the cold. Perfect on your nerves and focus. Pops would always take me to the northern lands to hunt down... rather aggressive prey... Mom did not know, and thinking about it now, I can understand why he would never tell her" Fox looked away scratching his cheek with a nervous grin.

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
< [ League Super Carrier - Ivis's Maintainance Bay ] > 

The man thought for a moment, before shaking his head with a chuckle.

"You know as well as I do this cleanups going to have to take priority, but if you thibk you're good to go the base is quite large and the main road takes you directly to town, I don't know the details but I do know you have free reign of how you do it, so maybe we'll meet up there? I hear theres a decent arcade, the crew and I were planning on checking it out this afternoon once we get leave."

He put down the datapad and begun assisting the cleanup,  another woman approached Ivis, she was almost amazionian, almost twice as tall as anyone else in the room... it was a wonder she wasn't noticed earlier, but judging from the lack of any filth on her uniform she wasn't part of Faradays group.

"Excuse me miss Ivis. Command has personal supplies ready for your mission outside in the bases depot, a vehicle has also been left for you."

She motioned towards the door, as she does the maintainance team starts shouting out their support, wishing Ivis luck and  a few even demanding she comes back in one piece.

she smiles widely, " heat can also be good on endurance ' mister ' Fox if you can concentrate and shoot in this heat without the distraction of the sweat and the temperature you can shoot in any temperature, it also is good to remove any toxin that could be left in your body from inhaling wrong stuff during expedition. " she says her head held high and a finger pointing up as if she was a genious at work. she then grin " was i convincing Klein, did i make a good impression of dad when he used to take us to the shooting range " she says smilling, she was missing her family but she couldn'T go back yet the war was not over yet. 

Ivis kinda figured that there was no way that anyone would have an adequate amount of free time after this little incident... She kinda wanted to stay at this point, but apparently the team would be heading to an arcade once they went on break. That'd be good enough for her.

Not too long after, a tall woman informed her that the supplies and transportation were ready, and gestured to the doorway. Ivis waved, and started to head out. "I'll be back, thank you!" 

Klein silently listens to them talk, shrugging when Amelia asks him the question. He continues to silently wheel her behind Fox, following him. He silently listens to the conversation, just happy to hear his sister again.

@Alaania Hellborg @Foxora
It wouldn't take long before they reached the shopping district and their first target was a clothing store. "Alright, the sign outside said summer wear would be half off today. Maybe I can fine some cool swim trunk and goggles" Fox then looked over to Amelia and Klein "If you want we can look for some outfits for you here since the sale is going on.

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
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"They want us to meet in an area outside of Maracaibo, at a nearby weapons facility. But the city and one of our only routes are currently controlled by the League, I've been trying to think of ways of getting past their security and defenses, but I'm pretty much stumped," he paused and then saw a picture of the Captain in her younger days. She was standing proudly on her first warship at some sort of Luau, surrounded by her comrades who were dressed more casually in Hawaiian wear, "or at least I was until now.. Captain, how long has it been since we've taken a vacation?"

@dr xenon

Hawker's Ready Room

A sigh escapes from Hawker as she slumps back in her chair. She swivels it around and goes to the sideboard, returning with a decanter and two rocks glasses. Placing them on the table she pours a finger of lightly amber liquor into each glass and slides one over to Eddy. Raising her own glass she takes a sow pull, savoring the smooth burn and hints of tannin from whatever it aged in, for however short a time, in someone's personal gear. She sighs again and seems to relax in her slouched state.

"Whatever could be your idea, this time, Eddy?" she finally asks.


< [ Rebel Super Carrier - Interrogation Room ] > 

Roux bounded out of bed with excitement, his face lit up and clearly happier then anyone had ever seen him outside of his own faction. The gaurd didn't seem to be expecting it and readied his weapon, which was met with a what Roux thought was a stern berating from the simian.

"Ahh professor we meet again! I'm gonna honest with ya I don't know how you deal with some of these people, jumpy ain't they?" He laughed as he leaned in, the professor lighting his smoke before lighting Rouxs own, he coughed a little on the first drag, but the second went down much smoother.

"Don't know the brand, but I like it!" He chuckled, glaring at the guard who lowered his weapon with a disapproving grunt.

"Oh hey by the way Professor! check this out I finally figured out how they work! So if you wanna do one more test before I get the line and see what they do while active I'm more then happy to help you my most esteemed professor!" He said with childlike enthusiasm, floating and taking a bow mid air before gently landing and collapsing to the floor, covering his fall by crossing his legs to make it seem like he intended to sit down anyway.

For a while they simply talked nonsense back and forth, Roux not understanding a word the professor was saying but seeming to answer to the simians liking, while the guard watched in a mix of confusion and annoyance, everynow and then coughing from the smoke building up in the room.

" oh. "  Roux said, a thought taking him visibly by surprise, "Sorry chief I didn't mean to ignore ya, but I'm only gonna obey that on one condition, teach me to say your real name right. You haven't insulted me yet and I don't wanna be the first to cross a line here, but where I grew up you addressed people you respect by their real name. I know not everyone thinks of it the way I do, but I'd like to be able to give that respect if I could."

Turning his gaze away from the mirror he looked at the professor, he wore an expression Roux couldn't quite place.

"And of course you too professor, I need to give you the respect of your name as well! Impeccable timing by the way, I was just talking about you!"

@dr xenon

( You know I love this monkey right? )

Rebel Carrier Interrogation Room

Professor Mu'Dak's palm slapped onto his brow at Roux's last statement. He slowly pointed to the one-way glass and then at himself.

"He vas in this room vit me," Rosie says. "And let us not get ahead of the business, Mr. Le Corps. You may call me Chief, or Rosie. Unless you haf studied Russian in Russia, I do no think you vill be saying my name the right vay. Now, Professor Mu'Dak left a scanner on you from the last time. Ve haf constant telemetry on the Vasp suit. I must tell you ... I do no think it vill come off. It has been ... integrating vif your internal systems. If ve remove it ... there vill be wery little off you left."

With that, Professor Mu'Dak pats Roux's hand with his little simian paw again, and offers him another cigarette.

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< [ Rebel Super Carrier - Interrogation Room ] > 

Roux accepted the smoke from the Professor, joining his cybernetic friend one more time.

For a while he simply slumped in a chair, smoking in total silence, he tried to hide the dread coming over him but he knew it was written all over his face anyway. Mu'Dak seemed to try to comfort Roux, and Roux appreciated it regardless.

"I can respect that, Chief will work for now then."

His voice cracked a few times, but clearing his throat and pinching the bridge of his nose he leans back, and with a deep sigh, begins talking in a monotonous tone, with an almost perfect poker face.

"You have a good partner here with the professor Chief. You two are both good people. I will co-operate with any request made personally by either of you."

He glared at the guard, who seemed to smile back daring him to try something.

"So on that note, what's next and when is my trail."

@dr xenon

< [ League Super Carrier - Airbase ] >

Ivis stared in wonder at the airbase, not so much in awe but in disgust.

This base had no discipline, the buildings were worn out and there were people offering various illicit services right there on base, granted they tried to stay hidden while the Super Carrier was docked but it was glaringly obvious to her.

Outside the tall woman walked her to the supply depot and got out a bunch of cards and guns, sorring out a whole bunch of paperwork she turned back and offered them to Ivis.

"ID, credit cards, 'White Raven' 9mm pistol and six clips. Key to a car."

She started, she looked like she didn't want to be here anymore and looked like she wanted to leave as soon as possible.

As soon as Ivis took the tray carrying them the tall woman walked her to the vehicle depot, and pointed out a well maintained hum-vee looking thing, painted in League colors.

"From here on it is your call what you do."

She points towards a gate at the base, from where they were you could only see jungle as soon as the concrete of the facility ended.

"The only major town is that way, I'd suggest you start there."

She stood staring at Ivis, impatiently waiting on her response.

Hawker's Ready Room

A sigh escapes from Hawker as she slumps back in her chair. She swivels it around and goes to the sideboard, returning with a decanter and two rocks glasses. Placing them on the table she pours a finger of lightly amber liquor into each glass and slides one over to Eddy. Raising her own glass she takes a sow pull, savoring the smooth burn and hints of tannin from whatever it aged in, for however short a time, in someone's personal gear. She sighs again and seems to relax in her slouched state.

"Whatever could be your idea, this time, Eddy?" she finally asks.


He takes the cup and raises it in response, gulping the amber liquid with ease and exhaling in a refreshed manner, "this liquor sure beats supermarket soju any day. Anyways, I was thinking that we could sneak in to the weapons facility by hiding in plain sight. Spy movie style. Get comfy with the guards so they don't suspect anything, make them think we're tourists, you know. And then, boom, we're there at the weapons facility and done. 

Well thats just an oversimplified version of the plan, I only remembered there was that option just a couple minutes ago anyways. "
"Ah... I suppose I'd need these. At first I thought I'd have to ask." 

She was talking about the handgun she was given, and while she hoped there'd be no reason to use it, there was a chance that she'd have to. While Ivis did feel like correcting the woman on her calling the magazines 'clips', she didn't bother.

Once she was taken to the vehicle depot, she realized that she had the mission almost backwards. What she originally intended to do was snoop around and figure out why nobody cared much for the League, but it seemed she'd be going as a sort of representative. This came with some drawbacks, but some benefits as well. For one, there would be little mistaking her as one of them. Secondly, considering the inhabitants kinda need the League at the moment, killing off one of them would likely cause issues, and only a fool wouldn't know that much. It was a blessing and a curse in a way.

"Shiny. Wait, so the largest city is through there? Okay then... You seem pretty angry, you lose someone in that last battle or... Is it just that cycle females have?"

" i would love to get new clothes " she says pointing at her dirty and bloodied army fatigues, " this is far from comfortable and this is actually starting to smell a bit... i have been in those for a few days now... " she add with a chuckle. 

" so Klein what do you think would look good on me " she muses as she look at the clothes in the shop. 

< [ League Super Carrier - Airbase ] >

If looks could kill, Ivis and the surrounding area would have been scorched earth.

Some of the less disciplined soldiers started hollering, shouting and cheering Ivis on, others shouted on the other woman.

"KICK HER ASS SANCHEZ!" Shouted one, which gathered some attention, a small group begun to cirle around.

"What. Did you just say?" Sanchez said, her fists curling and uncurling as she leaned over aggressively.

"I don't think I heard you right."

"I can't understand why you're upset. Obviously I can't run any scans here, so that's out of the question. Which is exactly why I asked you what's going on. Despite being designed as one, I don't feature everything a human does, so I have to ask. It'd be detrimental to the advancement of A.I should I not receive an answer."

Ivis seemed to care less about the surrounding crowd, or the fact that this person had an acorn for a brain.  She didn't even lean back as the female tried to intimidate her. 

"Also, I'd warn you about leaning. You're one bump away from toppling on me in some awkward position."

< [ League Super Carrier - Airbase ] > 

Sanchez must have taken that as another insult, because she simply dropped to eyelevel with Ivis in a strange combat stance that looked completely off balance, throwing a roght hook to her face. Ivis, no amateur in combat easily blocked it but found a sweeping leg taking her off her feet and her reflexes slighty off in this form.

As she hit the dirt her particles bounced off her just like the dust from the ground, her systems warning of negligible particle loss, but the pain itself felt oddly more intense.

Ivis got back to her feet just in time to get out of the way of an axle kick again aimed at her head, this Sanchez woman was a brawler with alot of experience, because a quick diagnostuc showed Ivis was still 30% faster in movement and reaction compared to an average soldier, more then enough to get a clear edge, so why then was this woman not only keeping up with Ivis, but putting pressure on?

The fight continued, each blow narrowly being dodged by Ivis, but each counter attack was itself reversed and Ivis would once more find herself on the floor.

But she was getting used to this body now, if she could just find some way to disengage long enough, even just 30 secobds, she could fine tune and turn this fight around.

"You know I haven't got good taste for your style. You always end up saying, "But this looks better." Or the famous line. "That's it?" So I think you should choose your clothes. I'll be choosing mine." He says with a shrug.

@Alaania Hellborg @Foxora
Ivis simply started to laugh, which soon devolved into a sigh. Clearly, this person had no brain. For one, she had given Ivis a gun prior to the incident, and it wouldn't really take much to 'slip up' and take care of what little brain was left.

"Quite a spectacle ~ I think the sad part is though, is that I've allowed quite a few hits, and no results have truly shown themselves. Still, your recklessness has went on without my true intervention. I would consider that a blessing in itself."

Obviously it wasn't long before another blow was sent her way, but it was dodged with an odd fluid-like drop and slide to the left. A kick followed suit, to which a low hop was Ivis' response. 

"Please. I may not have the ability to calculate every last option at the moment, but I can still learn things quite a bit faster than you ever have. Come to think of it, did you bother thinking before you mindlessly attacked me? I can put that brain to good use... As food for the carrion. At this point, it'd be rather justified. However, I'm giving you a chance. A chance to stop being a hormonally raging teenager, and behave in a tolerable fashion." 

Ivis was pretty close to serious, considering self preservation was more important than some random human. Oddly enough, she seemed rather nonchalant in her speech, likely just to confuse more people as to her seriousness. Her expression however, was a bit more leaning towards light 'trigger happy', complete with signature smirk and all.

< [ League Super Carrier - Airbase ] >

Sanchez smiled, it seemed genuine but the attacks kept coming.

It had gotten to the point where she was no longer landing a single blow, but Ivis was still getting dropped every attempt at a counter attack.

Though she had begun to notice the blows weren't anywhere near as hard, seemed like she was holding back.

"Carrion huh?" Sanchez joked mid kick, "Some diplomat you are."

The kick missed and Ivis saw an opportunity to deliver a blow, a swift jab to knock the wind out... or maybe back off and disengage? Sanchez's piercing eyes caught hers and time seemed to slow, she too must have noticed something Ivis hadn't  considered, but what? Whatever action Ivis took it needed to be now or never.


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