Mecha RP: Legend of M

a smile appear on Amelia as she hear them, she felt they trusted her and she was liking that fact, it was giving her strength and confidence. taking the first few bite of the lunched box Fox gave her. 

it was not a 5 star restaurant menu but it was better than the dried food from the field. she smiles straightening herself and adopting a more formal tone " thank you all for the support, if you would have me has your leader i will accept the position. " she says with a soft smile. 

she then continue the lunch box fox gave her, looking at the display that Eddie opened, listening to what he had to say. she frown hearing this, thinking for a second before replying. 

" is command aware of this, and if yes how many people do you need ? if this is a top secret mission, we need to be even more stealthier than normally, meaning we will need to install stealth device on each mech that will join in this mission... we will also have to make sure we have a good range of weaponry, during the battle against the kaiju we got into trouble because our arsenal was too similar. any suggestion on this guy's what weapon can we change and who would ? " she says looking at all of them, she already knew what would be their answer and she knew they would probably say yes to the mission, her mind already thinking of all that would need to be done. 

" i forgot, when is that mission scheduled for, the Crimson rose will need a full overhaul and repair crew, i will also need to build a new omega rifle... Delta can help with this, she's got all the blueprint in her memory." she turn to take her datapad " Delta, add Klein, fox and Eddie to the whitelist, they will help me with the crimson rose. " a few beep later " it is done Amy. they are now green level for the blueprints of the crimson rose and of it'S arsenal. " she reply. 

@dr xenon@Raider867@Foxora@TPBx
Eddie acknowledged Amelia's concerns. "While you were asleep I took care of the repairs on the Crimson Rose. All of the armor should be repaired at this point, and I'll let you and Delta figure out how to recreate the omega rifle and other gear on it. I know that our two designs shared a lot in common so for the next iteration of the 001 I moved onto it being more of a mobile fighter than a 'glass cannon.' "

 Eddie then addressed her concerns for the mission, "I put in a request with command to begin operations on this mission, but these last couple of days have been hectic so I haven't really gotten much of a response. So given the little executive authority I have, I'll green light the operations. This, however,  comes at a price as we will not be allowed to use our mechs, until the Captain approves, and that is probably for the better." Then zooming in on the city, revealing different hostile indicators.

" The current situation in Maracaibo is not so great. Its currently under the control of the World League. Their super-carrier has already made landfall and their troops have been deployed throughout the city. If we try to fly in with our mechs, we will probably get shot down and alert them of our presence. So we'll be making our way to and from the weapons facility using Stealth Helis and travel under the cover of night."

@Alaania Hellborg @Foxora @Raider867
"oh shoot! Stealth mission. Reminds me of camping with pops... Wait, you were talking about a mission back there" He turned to Eddie after realizing. His mind was mostly focused on the specs of his new sword that be must've forgotten that part. After a moment he shook his head "Well either way this sounds like the perfect opportunity for my hunting skills" He then chose to listen to the rest of their conversation trying to understand what they wanted him to do.

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @TPBx
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" still even if hectic i would ask you to talk to captain hawker, to make sure she can reach us if the need arise for us to get back ASAP to the base. we never know when the league will show it's ugly nose to try and destroy us, knowing we have been pinned down after the battle at the kaiju they could try a desperate move after their defeat and if we are all out in the wild without a way to get in touch with base, we might find out when coming back that it would be to come back to no more rebels. " she says seriously. 

" i understand that this technology might be an edge or even the way to win this war, but we can't do this unless we are certain the rebels will not be left open to destruction, we are after all the bulk of the attack team..." she add in a darker tone. " as much has i do not want to overstep you taking this to green light, if i were to accept the post of captain that was proposed to me, if something were to happen while we are out, it would fall upon me, i kindly ask you to contact Captain hawker and ask permission to go on with this mission. " he could see she was also thinking about the repercussion that these action could create. 

Klein nods in agreement with Amelia. Soon a knocking comes at the door, the door opening to reveal two white labcoated men in their late 40s to early 50s. One had white hair and beard while the other one was silver haired and clean shaven.

"Doctor Hasegawa?" Klein asks surprised. At the voice, the bearded man smiles.

"Klein Schterzen. How's my favorite test pilot doing?" Doctor Hasegawa asks with a smile.

"I've been well. I didn't know you defected to the Rebels." Klein replies with a nod.

"Yes. We have been for a while. The League wasn't that keen on releasing intel on our defection." Hasegawa says with a nod.

Klein turns to the others in the room. "Doctor Hasegawa is the one who designed and helped create the Burst System for my Stryker Kai back in the League." Klein explains, gesturing to Hasegawa. Hasegawa smiles, waving once. 

"Pleasure to meet you all." He says.

@Alaania Hellborg @TPBx @Foxora
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Eddie nodded, "alright I'll go see the Captain then to get her permission to go. I'll contact you all after the final decision has been" He then made his way out of the room, closing the door behind him. Eddie then glided around the halls and to the bridge in search of Captain Hawker.

@dr xenon @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @Foxora
"I research mechs, yes. And I was sent here to help with the mechs on this ship." Hasegawa says with a nod. He then gestures to the other doctor who was already leaving the room. "That's Doctor Louca who was the lead programmer on the Burst System. He just was told to come here and help me. He has no real drive to be here." 

Hasegawa then claps his hands. "Well, I gotta go and unpack my bags. Good day." He says as he walks out of the room.

Klein smirks. "Despite his demeanor at first impressions, he rarely acts his age. Always very energetic and active. The day he acts his age is the day he retires, I bet you." He says with a smirk as he sits back.

@Foxora @Alaania Hellborg
Amelia look at them both serious but with a soft smiles she smirk. " maybe the good doctor would be a bit more inclined if he had a new project. " she says with a tone of daring. " i wanted to upgrade the 360 degree system on the crimson rose to be a bit more like... reality with a depth perception detection and a zoom system to go with the lockon system already installed. " she then turn to Eddie. " come see me and tell the Captain to come and see me tomorrow, we can have a discussion about it and what's expected from me and my team " she says as he leave the room. 

she then smiles at fox and her brother, " well both of you, i wish to take a day off, what do you both say if we go take a walk outside and sight see a bit. " 

<[ League Super Carrier - Ivis's Maintainance Bay ] > 

The ' Beast Master ' smirked slighty, pulling a data pad seemingly out of thin air he begun taping away.

"Actually it's more a software update then a mechanical one, it should allow you to construct a new form for yourself using your own partical emitters, and then shift your awareness into the projected form. However the tech teams calculated a significant processing requirement, you're  only going to be able to control one at a time. It also uses a ton of power, more then your main body could provide so you'll need to hook up to a secondary power source until we can refine the technology involved."

The beast master looked up from his datapad and examined Ivis,  noting the interest on her face.

"The ship should cover what you yourself can't produce, but one word of caution, this update hasn't been paired with a sentient AI yet, theres a strong chance that destruction of your second form while active could irreparably damage your code... "

He typed away for a bit longer, motioning to Ivis to let her know he wasnt done yet,  a few moments passed in silence before he put the datapad away, wherever away was, satisfied with what he had done.

"Finally, you will have a limited range by yourself, so again you'll need to use league relays to keep the signal between yourself and the second form.  You'll need to be extremely careful with signal loss as the snapback again, could cause serious code damage."


(Sorry i couldnt see the reply for what you were after in the new form but i didnt want to leave you hanging! If this isnt to your liking ill rewrite!)
"A remote control drone basically?" Ivis tilted her head a bit to the left, waiting for him to clear up what this all meant.

"Okay, so essentially don't die, and don't color outside the lines. Is there anything else I need to know about this update? Strength of the new body and such? Have tests been done on that or... I need to know more so I can come up with a plan that suits the capabilities of this new form."

Ivis thought he was being a bit vague with the specifications of the particles, as even the smallest details such as texture could become an issue depending on the situations she gets into. 

"I'm not sure about getting their 100% acceptance, but I might be able to get a few clues as to why they don't like the League. You think that it might be us doing something wrong? Not saying that they haven't done anything, but normally both sides in a war are guilty of something. At least, that's what human history has told me."

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Amelia lift herself up and smile taking a few steps swaying a bit, she stops walking and giggle. " i guess i won'T be walking there " she says knowing that her head was spinning and that her stability was shaky at best, she grab the datapad on the nightstand. " someone will have to go and grab the wheelchair. while i get a glass of water. we can then go to town. " 

she was a bit sad not to be able to walk with them, but she was still happy to have her brother and a new friend with her. 

Fox helped Amelia in the wheelchair before he grabbed the containers to dispose of them. "Anywhere in particular we headed, Leader-san?" he joked as he chucked both containers in a nearby trash bin expertly.

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
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she chuckle " i have no idea, buy i think that we could go somewhere to unwind, maybe a bar, or even just a park... but really anywhere is fine, i just want to get out of here for a while " her voice was soft but still sounded a bit serious. 

" anywhere you guy's want to go to ? " she ask softly. 

(Theme for his deduction: Here )

Well, if they we're gonna listen, might as well give them a show to my reasoning.

"Ok, lets think about our destination here." he tips his hat still holding that big grin. "We, are going to land in Venezuela" he said the name with a Spanish as he pivots a 360 turn and step forward toward the two before extending his hand out towards and above them with his free hand. "Odds are, our time is short lived in this tropical bit of habitation. SO!" He then retracted his hand placing it on his hip and turned to his side. the hand holding the bill of his hat, released it to point at his forehead as he closed his eyes and looked like he was contemplating a conundrum like Sherlock Holmes. "That leaves me to ask. How often do you two get some REAL fun, given your work as rebels and previous time with the league?" He points to them with that same hand once again with a snap of his fingers. Still keeping that suave pose

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
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"Patience my dear audience, for the answer shall be revealed" he held onto his hat again. "As expected, your answers fell within my vision of prediction." He takes his hat off, holds it toward them "THEREFORE! I say if we're going to do this trip, we're gonna experience it all!" He gestures the hat in different directions with every noun he spoke. "The beach! The bar! The park! The Market! You name it we go there, and whatever happens happens. He then took a bow before standing back up.                                                                                     

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
Klein stood there with a smirk before chuckling. "That is the funniest presentation of an idea I've ever seen. But yeah, we can go for it." He says with a smirk as he still chuckles. at what Fox did.

@Foxora @Alaania Hellborg

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