Mecha RP: Legend of M

<[ Rebel Super Carrier - brig ] > 

Roux waited patiently for a while, before armed men came to take him away, there was six that Roux immediately saw, pistols at the ready with a respectable distance between each person.

Once they had his arms bound and tied back his 'wings' they led him outside the cells where he saw four more people standing around, each of them in military dress suits.

"Ah, it's time is it? Been meaning to speak my mind for a while, what took you lot so long?" He teased, getting sour looks and a pistol hilt to his back just below his neck.

"Stay your hand kid, he ain't guilty till the court says he is, i know it's hard but we don't have the full story yet."

The gaurd sticking up for him threw Roux a glare full of murderous intent, but softened looking back at the one who struck him.

"Once this dirtbag gets the firing squad I'll make sure you're put on the line."

The group chuckled around him, his sentence was already set it seemed, -not the league indeed Miss Hawker, certainly feels like their style of prison.-

The long walk was otherwise uneventful until they passed the mess hall, Where Roux saw the pilot of the fruit suit passing on the other side of the hallway.

"Hey there fruit-suit, might not get to buy you that drink after all!"

The group paused a noment eyeing off the other pilot, before telling him to move on and forcing Roux onwards.

"See ya after the trial if all goes well!"

He shouted back, before they rounded another hallway corner and once more walked a long boring and uneventful path.

Finally they set him down in what he could only assume was a repurposed interrogation room 

A large mirror covered one wall, a single roof light with no obvious access lit the room almost too brightly, a single bed, desk and chair lined the wall opposite.

"You'll be seen to soon, I wouldn't get comfy."

Roux laughed at the gaurds words, which was followed quickly by another pistol hilt to the back, knocking Roux onto the floor in the middle of the room.

Before he could even get up he heard the door close and lock.

."Well." Roux started, rolling over to face the mirror, still laying on tge floor feigning a comfortable pose. 

"How many watching me back there?"


( @dr xenon @HEATS want to get the trail started?)

<[ League Super Carrier - Bridge ]>

The Captain walked out of the bridges briefing room, despair written quite plainly on his face. The rebels managed to damage their ship even after he called for a truce, he felt a certain shame for doubting that 'Beast master' fellow.

He was right, even against a common threat they chose to turn tail and flee, if it weren't for the timely arrival of their own re-enforcements they themselves would have lost that battle.

As it was the gargantuan beast ended up retreating as well, likely to nurse its wounds and return god knows when...

Ivis seemed particularly bothered, though that a machine could feel at all bothered, made him uneasy.

He had relinquished command to the 'beast master' for the time being while he organized repairs and finalization of the still incomplete vessel.

The 'beast' had taken them to a League base somewhere he couldn't quite remember exactly, and allowed some shore leave for the personnel.

Staring at the floor as he paced the halls he wondered what the mercenaries would do, after that failure of a battle he wouldnt be surprised if they turned tail and fled, but he hoped they would stay on, he would need all the hands he could get.

@Crimrose @cerberus

(Sorry i took so long you guys, i didnt mean to leave you all hanging)
Fox was on his way out when Roux happened to be escorted passed the entrance of the mess hall. "after hearing what he said to him, he at first wanted to tell him something about the term "Fruit Suit" but after hearing the "buying a drink" part He then recalled that time where where Roux declared that in battle He folded his arms "Isn't it too early to say that?" he smiled and shrugged before running past him and the guards carrying two lunch containers with him. "I'm not much of an alcohol drinker but I can tolerate whiskey for special occasions!" he yelled back at Roux as if everything was fine for him. He was running full stride toward the infirmary

Amelia softly opened her eyes now sure that her brother had fallen asleep. she passes her thumb on his hand as she hold it softly, her eyes were filled with tears. " you should know me better than this Klein... you know i would never change... please don't push me out of your life.... you are my dear little brother... and i will always be there for you " she says in a low voice as she pass a hand on her brother's cheek. 

she sigh remembering the conversation that happened while they thought she was sleeping. wondering what had happened between the both of them. 


( sorry if it took me time to reply i lost a familly member and i had to go to the funeral today... have felt odd for a week now. but i will be fine )
(Dang... Sorry to hear that and my condolences...)

Fox stepped into the infirmary to notice the Amelia softly speaking to her sibling... Quite frankly he was hoping to avoid and not intrude on these kinds of family moments, but at this point he was already so far in the room that Amelia would notice him eventually. So he just kept going. "Hey..." he spoke in a softer voice as he made his way over to her bed. He took a moment to look at Klein sleeping away. "Figured you'd be the one still sleeping when I got here" he joked.

@Alaania Hellborg
when she see's Fox she smiles chuckling at what he said. " my head hurts too much i can't sleep... i tried but it prevents me from falling asleep. " she reply in a low voice, she didn't want to wake her brother up. 

( i won't be here long... i feel bad for keeping you in here stuck in this RP ... i am really tired ... and thanks fox )
she smiles softly pulling him closer for him to sleep a bit more comfortably, " i guess that even asleep he missed me.... i just didn't know i missed him this much ... " she says feeling guilty and sad about this. " Fox... do you think you could find me anything to lower my headache... i really need to sleep... i am exhausted " her voice was tired and cracked.

looking at her brother she shift a bit " help me up here before, can you bring him into the bed so he can sleep comfortably. instead of sleeping on the chair there. " 

(np and nothing to worry about on my end. Things have been sorta slow for me so It's not much of an issue when the rp rolling or stopping. You get some sleep though, I should tooo anyway since I have work in the afternoon tommorrow I'll post this then head off. NIght all.)

Fox just smiled and shrugged "Well, luckily thats the only problem you" he sat down on the empty chair by her bed ont he opposite side of Klein. He then placed one of the lunch containers on her bed. "Now then, I do believe its also good to get a good meal when you can" he set his Lunch container on the night stand for a moment to open up and present the dish of the day. "Ofcourse, I'd probably call this, cooking passable. Hehe, ok you have boring ham sandwich, boring soup of rather dubious origins.. I'm 85% sure it's all edible ingredients" he smirked He then pointed to a water Vitaman Drink, "I'm gonna hazard a guess that the flavor for your drink is Orange, aaand for dessert, A brick they try to pass off as a brownie." he pushed it toward her then bowed like a waiter "Bon-appetit, madame"

He then straightened up, "and as for your headache, just leave it to me. "I'm sure they got some strong aspirin in this joint somewhere" he then turned around and started rummaging around the INfirmary wherever the medical supplies we're placed

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
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(sorry to hear about that @Alaania Hellborg my condolences)

Eddie started up the machines in Workshop 5A, making sure to check if every one of them was functioning properly. Upon completion, he opened up a task bar to see the reported progress of all the Workshops in the construction bay, he did regular checks like this to make sure everything was going according to the schedule. Then he headed back to the main deck using the elevator. He removed his work clothes and washed up a bit to get rid of the smell of the exhaust from his skin.

Eddie then once again glided down the halls, passing by a prisoner being escorted by a bunch of guards to an interrogation room. The prisoner didn't seem too happy but that's only expected. He wanted to ask Athena who it was, but he didn't want to butt in on something too far out of his jurisdiction. He then made his way to his room to pick up some protein bars, an energy drink, and some painkillers he had in his cupboards. Getting only a couple hours of sleep at a time and being awake 20 hours a day over the past couple of days was stressful but a necessary sacrifice to accomplish his post combat goal of directing the Engineering Department to repair everything after the battle against the Kaiju, on top of putting on the finishing touches to his own side project.

Once finished up with all his business in his room, Eddie made his way to the infirmary to check up on Klein and Amelia, upon arrival he was surprised to see Fox, thinking that he was going to be eating lunch. 

@Raider867 @Foxora
Ivis continued to do maintenance on herself, cleaning off her AT shotgun, making sure that the barrel was cleaned out, as she didn't want an issue to pop up and jam the thing. Her sword was pretty much low maintenance considering the blade wasn't physical, meaning she only had to make sure the emitter was doing fine. She had to essentially field strip the gun though. After about an hour of work, she leaned the cannon against her wall and sat down, having not much to do at the moment.

The search for the answer of why humans have such large flaw in them lead nowhere, considering it's not like she could ask. It still made no sense to her, since it's only lowering the population, and considering space travel is a thing, it's not like overpopulation would ever happen. Either way, it only made others sad, and thus was detrimental to mankind as a whole... 'There's no way to fix it though...'
<[ League Super Carrier - Ivis's Maintainance Bay ]>

The 'Beast Master' had snuck into the room with the seemingly living machine.

His face showed slight dissatisfaction at her, or was it directed to something else? It was hard to tell.

"Ivis." He starts, with a somewhat angry tone to his voice.

"What are you doing in here, what can't you fix? You have an engineering team for repairs and such, why are you doing it yourself?"

A look of scorn crossed his face for a moment before something in Ivis's eyes caught him off gaurd, he reigned himself in, a genuine look of care washed over him as he moved over to the machine.

"You seem in thought, what are you processing right now? Or is it an operations error? I can authorize a reboot or reformat if your code feels corrupted?"

"Found Some." Fox called out to Amelia as he pulled out a small pill bottle and made his way back to her bed "Try not to overdose, heh. It be boring around here if ya croaked now" he joked as he handed her the bottle.

@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867


Finally they set him down in what he could only assume was a repurposed interrogation room 

A large mirror covered one wall, a single roof light with no obvious access lit the room almost too brightly, a single bed, desk and chair lined the wall opposite.

"You'll be seen to soon, I wouldn't get comfy."

Roux laughed at the gaurds words, which was followed quickly by another pistol hilt to the back, knocking Roux onto the floor in the middle of the room.

Before he could even get up he heard the door close and lock.

."Well." Roux started, rolling over to face the mirror, still laying on tge floor feigning a comfortable pose. 

"How many watching me back there?"

A high pitched whine filled the room followed by a burst of static as something made its way through the intercom speakers. The static died off and Roux heard something sounding Slavic and angry being muttered by someone unused to speaking directly into a microphone. THe voice was harsh and female and none to happy with whomever she was speaking to.

"Good ewening," came the voice over the intercom. It was heavily accented English and sounded muffled, like the speaker's mouth was mashed against a microphone. "I am Chief Engineer Oksana Strelchenko, Mr. le Corps. You may call me Chief. Please, do not try to say my name, it vill only make matters between us uncomm-forbable."

There was a strange sound off microphone, like someone speaking to Rosie just out of the microphone's pick up range. 

"Da, da," answered Rosie, "He probably do --" 

Her voice was cut off as she abruptly took her finger off the button.

"I hawe questions for you about the eckso-skellydun you possess," she continued after a brief pause. "My associate ran a scan before the troll attack. The results - they are -- fascinating."

There's a sound off mike again. Someone is moving datapads around maybe, and there's a "snick-snick" sound - it's familiar, but Roux can't quite place it.

"Let me ask you, Mr. Le Corps," Rosie chimes in again. "And please, try to be specific, for the sake of science and history ... vat is the pain like?"
<[ League Super Carrier - Ivis's Maintainance Bay ]>

The 'Beast Master' had snuck into the room with the seemingly living machine.

His face showed slight dissatisfaction at her, or was it directed to something else? It was hard to tell.

"Ivis." He starts, with a somewhat angry tone to his voice.

"What are you doing in here, what can't you fix? You have an engineering team for repairs and such, why are you doing it yourself?"

A look of scorn crossed his face for a moment before something in Ivis's eyes caught him off gaurd, he reigned himself in, a genuine look of care washed over him as he moved over to the machine.

"You seem in thought, what are you processing right now? Or is it an operations error? I can authorize a reboot or reformat if your code feels corrupted?"


Ivis looked towards the man, having a reason to snap out of her thoughts. She didn't seem to be in the best of moods, as evident in her facial expression. It wasn't a mean look, but rather a confused one.

She was silent for a moment before responding. "Then answer me this if you may. Why do humans still die? It's a large flaw that nobody has bothered touching on, and it makes no sense... To essentially lower the esteem and morale of everybody else... No longer serve a purpose, unless you count food for the scavengers..."
<[ League Super Carrier - Ivis's Maintainance Bay ] >

The ' Beast Master '  stared at Ivis for a moment, the question wasn't one he had ever thought a machine would consider, sentient or not.

"Mankind has been searching for immortality since before we even knew how to farm... it's a question we still can't answer ourselves.  I think it's to motivate us, the fear of death can make people act in ways they themselves would never have done otherwise."

He seemed lost in thought as his eyes wandered aimlessly across the room, before finally affixing his gaze back to her. 

"Tell me unit, do you fear your own destruction?"


<[ Rebel Super Carrier - Interrogation Room ]>

Roux stared at the mirror, deliberately trying to pronounce the name on the intercom the same way she had said it.

A few times they tried to focus him and get him to stop, but he wasn't in a mood to be co-operative.

Finally he managed to prounounce in at least a respectable attempt.

"Well, miss? Oksana. The first day was debilitating, couldn't focus on anything but pain. Even now the pain is all I really feel moment to moment, makes everything blur together you know? But its not anywhere in particular anymore, just like a background noise all through my body."

His back hummed and lit up, as he gradually begun floating, righting himself back to his feet. It cut off as soon as he was entirely upright, and for a moment he looked about to faint before he shook it off and continued talking.

"Using it feels... subconscious almost? I assume that would have been your next question." He threw a cheeky gein at the mirror, trying awkwardly to adjust his hair and clothes to be presentable, the bindings making it much harder then expected.

"But it makes me feel more worn out then my welcome here."

A thought struck him, assosciate? Like the bumbling doctor?

"By assosciate you don't mean that awkward fella from medical? You guys really seem to be desperate for med staff."

@dr xenon
Rebel Super Carrier - Interrogation Room

The answer to Roux's question was a raucous laugh replete with an unladylike snort at the end.

"Ahh, Mr. le Corps," Rosie gasped at the end, "If you vere no such a scoundrel, ve maybe could be friends. What?" she said to someone else, you think. "He thought I meant zat orderly, not you. Hee hee."

The intercom goes dead but Roux can make out some sort of commotion on the other side of the mirror. Something strikes the farside of the glass.

"-nuff!" Rosie's voice comes back on, clearly sounding frustrated. Rosie's emotions seem to ratchet back and forth from joy to anger with surprising speed. "Now, Mr le Corps, vat phyical changes hawe you noticed in your own ... ehm ... how vould you say, biological processes? Do you still eat? Drink? Make the .. ehm ... tinkle?"

((My phone doesn't like this site. I can't change font colors...))

"I see... Maybe more research should be poured into the subject of immortality. Theoretically, you've created an immortal consciousness, so long as technology remains available and active."

The man brought up a question of his own, one that made all and no sense. Why would anyone care about a machine's will to live? She was technically property, something to be controlled and owned. The A.I in her was likely for better relations with the populace.

"No, and yes. Not many would suffer if I didn't show up one day, considering I'm more a weapon than a human, right? However, unlike the possibility of humans having an afterlife, I don't. That's the only thing that makes me care. To not exist, is a subject my mind can't wrap itself around. No matter how many simulations I run, none of them are close enough... No sound, feeling, sight, smell... I've even tried removing most functions except the ones for escaping the simulation... It still doesn't work."

<[Rebel Super Carrier - Interrogation Room ] > 

Roux tilted his head slightly at the commotion, but grinned back anyway.

"I'm a scoundrel now am I? Miss Osanka you wound me!"

He bowed feigning a stab to the heart, overacting it by leagues.

With a chuckle he straightend up, the smoke he'd been carrying falling from his ear and hitting the floor. Floating once more to pick it up and laying in the air once he had done so he turned his head to face the mirror once more.

"I feel disgusted by the idea of food, but ravenous. Not sure if thats from the iv's and meds and stuff... or from this wasp sounding thing on my back. Heh... wasp suit has a bit of ring to it don't it?"

He rotated humself in the air, bringing the tail piece underneath him like a seat and moving the 'wings' to rest his head on, like a makshift therapists chair.

"Always thirsty but I've never been one to turn down a drink, so I can't help ya there. As for uh.. 'going tinkle' ain't been awake to do that myself since waking up with the damn thing on me. Oh hey by the way, you're the first person to be talking to me like a person in a while, mind if I ask you a question?"

@dr xenon

 <[ League Super Carrier - Ivis's Maintainance Bay ] > 

The man thought deeply for a moment, it was obvious ideas swirled through his head and he muttered unintelligible words in his breath.

The otherwise silent moment lingered for a while, before he caught her eyes staring at him.

" I'm still not certain how i feel about a machine with free will but perhaps you'd do me the courtesy of helping to allay those fears? I came down here with an assignment for you, I wish to see how you handle solo ooerations that require some... delicacy."

His eyes darted about Ivis's figure as he spoke, seemingly sizing her up and making estimations.

"Delicacy? Like...?" Ivis was interested in what he had to say, considering she had nothing better to do anyway for the moment. She stared with a hint of intrigue, waiting for him to finish.
"Yes, tact, would be a better word i suppose. We need someone to keep an eye on the locals, they're somewhat... unruly and I've received word that there is strong anti-league sentiment here."

He brushed his uniforms sleeves to rid himself of dust, though there didn't seem to be any dust to begin with.

"I am assigning you to drum up league support and crush opposition. If my orders seem vaugue it's because I want to see how you think, how you operate. You'll have expenses paid by the league of course, but I'd advise not to flash cash here. Also if you see Jackson, remind him of his contract with the league."

His face had become unreadable as he spoke, and his eyes betrayed a focus that bordered on obssesive.

"Any queries?"

"Ah... So its a local thing... By drum up, you mean trying to get their alliance or acceptance? I suppose this will be a bit difficult if I go out in my standard form... Perhaps a body is in order? Wait... Was the dev team working on any new designs recently? Something that might have gotten scrapped because of it's appearance not being similar to my original look?"
Rebel Carrier - Interrogation room

"Always thirsty but I've never been one to turn down a drink, so I can't help ya there. As for uh.. 'going tinkle' ain't been awake to do that myself since waking up with the damn thing on me. Oh hey by the way, you're the first person to be talking to me like a person in a while, mind if I ask you a question?"

"I zee ... I zee ..." replies Rosie distractedly as Roux answers her questions. There continues to be background noise leaking across the mike. Roux asks his question then there's a pause. It stretches for a moment. Just long enough to make Roux wonder why there's such a long pause. "Da, go ahead. You may ask me this question."

"thanks Fox, you are a good friend. " she says taking the bottle, opening it with one hand keeping her brother's hand tightly in her other hand. she moves two pills on her lap then close the lid of the bottle. " can i get the glass of water on the table please. " she says lowering the bottle to her lap and taking both pills swinging them in her mouth, she hated med, but this time she was willing to make an exception. 

@Foxora@Raider867@dr xenon
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" hey Klein, how are you my devil of a little brother, finally out of your prison or did they let you out for a while... " she ask in a weird voice, the pills in her mouth were starting to melt on her tongue leaving a bad taste in her mouth. she was now giving side look at the glass of water hoping to get it faster. 

@Foxora@Raider867@dr xenon

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