Mecha RP: Legend of M

she chuckle softly " yeah that would be a sight to see.... but i know he won't. he will be angry at me and worry a lot but i know it'S all in good heart. " she says smilling softly. " i really want to see him right now... i got scared for a second when i got blasted i fell unconcious for a few minutes... until i felt water falling inside the Crimson rose... it woke me up at least... " she says sadly knowing that she could have died out there. 

( we'll see if a doctor comes in to see me and diagnose, cause this was a huge explosion re-read the text Xenon wrote it was spectacular :P )

@Raider867 @Foxora @TPBx @dr xenon
... He kept quiet for a moment listening to her worries. "Did that wake you up figuratively, literally, or both I wonder?" He was careful as he bandaged up her head, he made sure that it would stay on snugly on her head but not constrict. "There we go" he smiled a little at his accomplishment before looking directly at her again. "Your gonna see him alright, that guy from earlier seemed like he could pull the right strings for it. And then you two are gonna have another long chat, most of it will probably be him chewing you out. Then your gonna hug it out cuz your family, and then, and ONLY then when the doctor gives you the clean bill of health, are you allowed to sleep, got it?" He folded his arms and sat back with a stern look, that soon turned into another smile to her.

@Alaania Hellborg
Klein moves his thumb over his sister's necklace as he looks at the ceiling. He was thinking to himself, zoning out as he watches the ceiling.
Amelia laugh out loud, provoking a coughing fit. " ouch... that was a bad idea... " she says softly. " yeah don't worry i won't sleep until the doctor says it's ok... at least i will try to stay awake... " she says her eyes fluterring a bit. " it's hard to stay awake after the blood loss... and i see blurry so ... it's hard to focus on something to try and keep my eyes open. " she add softly. 

" i think we should have stayed back in the hangar, the doctor's have probably rushed there... considering the amount of people injured during this encounter... " she says her mind blanking for a second, Amelia passes a hand on her forehead.
He scratched the back of his head "Yeah, you got me there."  he looked around. "I guess the whole staff is there right now. Guess I lost my common sense when you started bleeding like that." he shook his head. "Well, I guess you get another free ride, next stop the hangar." he then carefully lifted her up into his arms again.

@Alaania Hellborg
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Amelia stops him " just go and get one i'll be alright, i got my comm with me, and Delta on the datapad, i'll still be able to talk to you " she says softly " moving me too much is not good either, this could again worsen, when someone has a concussion you need to move the person as little has you can " she says seriously.

" go and get one, i will wait here and keep my comm open so you can still hear me talk " she add. 

@Raider867 @Foxora @TPBx @dr xenon
He set her down again .... He folded his arms and once again shook his head Another valid point. There must be something wrong with him today for goofing up so much. Anyway that wasn't important right now. He gave a thumbs up and turned and left his comm open as well. "Alright, I'll get a doctor in here before you know it" he quickly made his way out and down the hall to the hangar. 

@Alaania Hellborg
she chuckle opening her comm. " alright, just make sure you don't run too fast, or you might run into a wall " she chuckle softly, she was still feeling down, thinking that her brother was in a cell again and worrying for her. not knowing if he was holding up alright. she mutter to herself " stay focus girl... you can't let this get to you... you will see him soon... stay awake... the doctor is coming soon " 

she bring her datapad to her lap opening Delta's program her voice chimes in " hello Madam, are you alright, am i back to the Crimson Rose yet " she says with anticipation. Amelia answer's " no you will be here for a while still, i just need you to keep talking to me, i need to stay awake, i got a concussion. " Delta's voice seem worried. " oh... are you gonna be fine madam. " she ask, making amelia smile " yes i am, someone is getting the doctor. " her voice suddenly sounded tired. 

@Raider867 @Foxora @TPBx @dr xenon
"I don't run into walls" Fox stated as he moved out of the way of to rebels pushing a cart along the hall, by jumping on the side wall and running on it to go over them "I run on them" and before they knew it he was bakc on the ground and making sprinting toward the Hangar, when reached it he yelled out. "YO! IS THERE A DOCTOR HERE?! WE NEED ONE IN THE INFIRMARY RIGHT NOW!" he yelled over the cacophony of machinery and noisy chatter. "Jeez this place is busy..."
Eddie walked into Klein's room. He picked up a chair and set it in front of him with the back of the chair facing forward, placing himself into it with his legs wrapped around the back. He then nodded at the guards who were standing by at the door, motioning them to leave. They immediately left the room and left Kyungwoong and Klein in the room.

"So, Klein Schterzen, now that we have some undisturbed time to ourselves, I need to ask you some questions," Kyungwoong said to him in a serious tone.
Klein removes his hand from his sister's necklace and looks to Eddie, moving to a sitting position on his bed. "What is it?" He asks, his legs crossing as he sits on his bed.

"I had Athena run through your files on the League Database.  Normally, the process would be much more painfully slower as their security is tough  but not unbreakable," Kyungwoong said, "using your biometrics made things a ton easier. I had Athena grab them while you were flying around in 001. Anyways, for someone your age, you have a really high security clearance,  and I wondered why. I dug into the files and figured out most of your story." He paused and went up to the sink to grab a glass of water. Eddie took a few sips and sat back down. "Prestigious loyalist family, taught in the best state run schools, eventually finding your way into the military academy and onto the League SpecForce. Your sister ran away and here we are now. Now knowing that you and your family had a long standing history with the League, I must ask, what else isn't on here that you know about? Black Projects and the like, highly classified information."

"Why do you want to know it? Not saying I won't give you that info, but I just want to ask what your reasons are for asking me this." He says with a shrug, watching Eddie move around his room.

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In the hangar, someone runs up to Fox. "You need assistance in the infirmary? I'm a doctor." The man says, his voice calm yet partially fatigued.

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@Raider867 @Alaania Hellborg

His head immediately turned toward the doctor. "Yes, Amelia's and needs to get looked at. I'm prety sure it a concussion, but it be better to have an official check it out. I've managed to stop the bleeding though so, there's that, but we're wasting time here, come on, she's still trying to keep herself awake! "He was already back stepping into the hall way and pointing down the hall when it clicked for him. He opened his comms to check up on her. "Amelia you still awake?"
(Works with me, It's almost time for me to do the graveyard shift anyway for work in a couple more hours and won't be done til the after noon)

Fox wasn't waiting ona  reply from the girl as he kept on moving making sure he was infront of the doctor and keeping the path open for him.

(Sorry for the wait @Raider867, connection was crappy out in the wilderness)

"Whatever Intel we can get on the League is always helpful," Eddie replied, "intelligence is one of if not the most important part of warfare. What happens on the battlefield is not only determined by the soldiers but the level of preparation that the commander has to take on the opposing force. Intelligence is the difference between utter defeat and glorious victory."

Eddie took another sip of water and rocked a bit back and forth in his chair. "Of course, as much as I care about the strategic value of information, I'm just curious about what goes on back there. Just the spirit of inquiry that I have as a scientist. I wonder what kind of projects that the League is working on that could revolutionize the world we live in."
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Amelia hear her comm buzz to life fox voice resounding in her ear. " about time... i had to slap my legs a few time already... try to keep myself awake. " she says her voice wavering a bit. 

" did you get a doctor, or i'll need to stay here longer " she says hoping that she could leave. 

Klein smirks. "Get me a commanding officer and I'll give you some intel." He says to Eddie. "Hell, give me Captain Hawker and I will unleash secrets."

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@Alaania Hellborg @Raider867

"Hey, I always deliver, you just keep up your end of the deal, alright? We're just about there" he smirked as he managed to round the corner again with the doctor in tow.
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" alright, i am trying... but it'S getting increasingly hard... my vision is blurry and i can't focus on anything... so get here asap alright " she muses, chuckling a bit " you know i am not giving you an order here, just teasing right ? " she add worried he might take this the wrong way. 

in the infirmary Amelia was still leaning against the wall looking around trying to find something to focus on, the task becoming increasingly hard, she was tired and the blood she had lost before fox bandaged her was not helping. she frown a bit " what i would give to see you right now... " she mutter's to herself.

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@Alaania Hellborg@Raider867

Fox bolted has fast as he could "Yeah I can tell, even when you're messed up you still got jokes" he tried to lighten the mood over the comm for her. He would look back to make sure the doctor was still behind him. When he finally reached the  infirmary he practically broke through the door. "Yo! Amelia!" He turned back and waved the doc over to him
The doctor rushes to Amelia, opening his case. "Alright, tell me what's going on. What are you feeling?" The doctor asks Amelia as he takes out a flashlight and flashing her eyes to check her pupils.

@Foxora @Alaania Hellborg
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