Mecha RP: Legend of M

"System Cooling Flush Complete," Athena said in her computerized voice, "All Systems Online." Ports along the side of Unit 001 released excess coolant and steam creating a small cloud around the mech.

"Thanks, Athena." Eddie then opened the comm channel. "Klein, we're all set. I'll escort you back to the carrier to restock. Grab your gear and lets get going. Fox, thanks for the help, head back to support Amelia." Unit 001's power drive lit up and expelled a mass of blue particles from its back pushing away the steam cloud that formed around it. A bug tried to attack him as the mist dissipated, but Eddie reacted quickly, using the bright blue VICE Saber to slice the bug in to two clean halves. Eddie raised the CES and continued to clear out bugs while mentioning to Klein's Joust to get out.

@Raider867 @Foxora
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"Sure thing." He says as he moves his Joust, slicing a bug with it's beam saber. He opens up a channel to the ship. "Gonna need a resupply when I get in." Klein says. He flies towards the hangar of the Rebel ship, landing inside it on one leg, the other leg disintegrated from the Leviathan's beam. He opens the cockpit. "I know I'm supposed to be confined to quarters but I just want to help. You can arrest me after the battle." He says to the hangar crew and guards who were rushing to him. The guards look at each other then nod, helping Klein resupply his Joust.

@TPBx @dr xenon @Alaania Hellborg @Foxora
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Immediately after, Eddie gently hovers into the hangar, setting down Unit 001 in a kneeling position. He opened up the cockpit and zipped down the ladder onto the floor of the hangar. He grabbed Klein's hand and handed over the key to Unit 001, "Klein, we haven't known each other for very long, but I need you to get back out there. It will take a while to get your Joust back to fighting form."

@dr xenon @Alaania Hellborg @Foxora

"I'm absolutely sure, Klein. I'll leave Athena to guide you through it. The controls are nno different than using a Doll or Joust so you should be fine," Eddie replied, "now get going, the Rebellion needs your strength."

Eddie then turned toward the engineering crew in the hangar and began giving more orders and the crew stood at attention, "someone get me a tool belt and a fusion cutter, we need to get the remaining mechs in condition to fight. I need all hands on deck to help. Understand? " Slightly stressed, Eddie's Korean accent slipped through quite a bit, but the crew was able to follow what he was saying.

"Yes, sir," they replied. The crew soon scrambled into action taking their stations at each of the mechs, restocking their munitions and doing repairs. Eddie got into the action as well, attaching a new leg to Klein's joust.

@Raider867 @Alaania Hellborg @dr xenon @Foxora
Klein climbs into the Unit 001. "Alright, let's get going..." He says with a sigh, grabbing the controls. He moves them a bit, getting a feel for the machine. "Klein Schterzen, heading out." He says, flying out of the hangar. Bugs begin to rush towards him, Klein burst firing the CES, careful not to overheat it. He flies up, a trail of bugs following him in a large cloud of a group. "Athena, charge the VICE rifle. When we turn, we're going to fire it into that cloud of bugs behind us." Klein says as the Unit 001 flies higher into the air, still followed by the cloud bugs.
"VICE Rifle on standby. Target Lock Successful. Optimal Output Intensity set to 70%," Athena replied in her computerized, monotonous voice, "Projected Recycle Time at 40 seconds. "
Klein makes a dead stop, his body threatening to jerk forward from the speeds. He grunts at the sudden change of speed before turning the Unit 001 one hundred and eighty degrees and centering on the cloud. He then fires the VICE rifle into the cloud. The blue beam piercing through the cloud of bugs. As the beam kept for the last few seconds before it dissipated, he pulls it to the right to take out more of the bugs. It worked as he took out a few before the beam dissipated. He smirks at his handy work before flying back down past the remaining bugs.
The Omega Sniper was still charging up going for a 75% overload, she could see her sniper shake at the sheer pressure of the overload. " i am alright, but i still don't have the ok from the lieutenant... " Delta's voice suddenly echoes " 55% overload complete, are you sure, there is no turning back after 60% " she says in her computerized voice. " i am sure Delta, continue with overload. " Amelia reply.

Amelia open up comm's with the rebel ship " captain requesting comfirmation, can i proceed with the operation. " she ask in a calm and composed voice. " i am at the entrance to an ear of sort, the operation consist in going in, overloading a beam shot from the Omega Sniper and fry the brain, or do enough damage to make the creature run away. " she add in a more confident voice.

The Crimson rose glow was becoming dim as Delta's voice can be heard. " overloading 60% completed, all power diverted, you are a sitting duck right now, be careful. " as delta's voice dissapear the Crimson rose magnetic shield flicker then dissipate. " alright fox i am counting on you. "

@Raider867 @Foxora @HEATS @Colt556 @TPBx
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@Alaania Hellborg

Fox double checked his missile count before replying "Got it, keep the monkeys off your back! NO problem!" He patrolled nearby Amelia shooting down any overzealous, and firing missiles at grouped up swarms. "Did I mention that I hate bugs?... Just wanted to make that clear"
Klein fires a burst from his CES Rifle past Fox and into a group of bugs. "Athena, how long until the VICE Rifle recharges?" He asks as he fires bursts into groups of bugs.
"T minus 7.6 seconds," Athena replied, "receiving system update."

"Yo, Klein, Eddie here. I'm patching Unit 001's Alcubierre Movement System. I forgot to throw this in before launching, but I'll be doing this wirelessly from the carrier. I'm optimizing system to allow for sharper turns and overall more comfortable maneuverability. You'll feel the difference the next time you try and execute that maneuver. Nice job out there buddy. Eddie out." The comm line closed and a progress bar quickly came on the screen of the 001 and disappeared.
"Thanks, man. Don't worry, I'll bring her back in one piece." He says, firing more rounds into the bugs. "Damn, these things just keep on coming." He says to himself.
Rocco "Gearhead" Falkov - Leviathan's Back - Engaged in Battle

Slashing away at the retina, Rocco was able to successfully blind this side of the Leviathan. A small success but a success nonetheless. Now the mechanic just had to get out of this strenuous situation. Putting away his lance and equipping his blade, Rocco attempted to scale the side of the beast, digging the sword into it's tough leathery flesh. But suddenly, the crabs began to maneuver themselves. No longer were they crawling about chaotically, but taking more defensive positions. Several of the Kaijus began to target Rache. Their claws began to snip and smash into the armor of Rocco's war machine, leaving both pilot and mecha pinned.

"Fuck... Anybody with a couple spare seconds willing to help out a mate? I'm... I may be right fucked."

Rocco began swatting away at the monsters, doing his best to pick away at the creatures, with little success.

" overload at 75% awaiting command. " Delta says. Amelia sigh. " what is command doing... standby Delta we only got one shot, if we miss this we are dead. " she says seriously.

as everyone fought outside providing cover and support, she knew that Command would have to give the ok soon, or her Sniper would just explode from the sheer pressure. over her comm Amelia shoot. " still no word from command, hang out people, we can do this. " she says trying to give them a bit more moral. " Fox, go help that other suicidal maniac. the 001 is back i will be ok " she add trying to make sure everyone would come back alive. there was no way she was gonna sacrifice anyone.

after a moment Amelia moves the Crimson Rose inside the hole she thought was the hear. " i'll get into position and hope for the captain to give the go. when i say it move out, it will be a big firework " she says unplugging a canister of fuel from her mobile suit. Delta's voice can be heard. " with this we are at 25% fuel madam. be careful and close all thruster's to keep your power for later. " Amelia nod. " yes Delta, thanks for the update. "

@Raider867 @HEATS @Colt556 @Foxora @TPBx
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@Alaania Hellborg @Throne Trinity @Colt556

At first he was unclear who Ameilia meant until his sensors picked up the Thunderbolt shootting at and trying exract another crab covered much from the Leviathan's head "Suicida-HOLY CRAP! What's with that guy?" he pulled out his Rail gun, and using the scope from his position, aided the thunderbolt's extraction by snipping at as many crabs he could see from his spot. Each shot Always killed a bug, but he would aim for the ones that weren't directly any Vital areas or joint's for the mech as the rounds would go right through the bugs in the process. "Man that guy must be creeped out over there with all those crabs crawling all over their ride?" he commented
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Rebel Supercarrier Bridge - Kaiju Fight - Captain Hawker

Shuddering and lurching the rebel controlled super carrier broke away from the waves, struggling to get itself away from the Leviathan.

"Steady as she goes helm," Captain Hawker urged the sweating rebel at the ship's control yoke. "We don't want to shake anyone off the flight deck."

"Sorry, ma'am, she handles like a drunk cow," replied the straining helmsman.

"Best way to handle a drunk cow is with a steady hand and firm voice, helm," Hawker said. "You can take it."

Hawker flipped a switch to broadcast on the open Rebel channel.

"Attention all units, this is Captain Hawker," her voice rang out sure and confident over channels, echoing down the ship's passageways and repeating in mech pilots' helmets. "Commence a fighting withdrawal to the ship. Rendezvous in 3 minutes. We're going to blast our way out of here and leave Leviathan to the League. I am dispatching retrieval shuttles for any flightless mechs. We're not leaving anyone behind!"

@Foxora, @Alaania Hellborg @A Skull on the Shelf@Throne Trinity@Colt556@Raider867@TPBx@HEATS@Tierax
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Klein hears this and opens up a comm to Amelia. "Sis, we gotta go. Let the League handle this." He says in a strained voice through the comm. He was zooming left and right, fighting the bugs the Leviathan was secreting. "Athena, have the VICE Rifle set to half charge, I need to put down enough cover without completely overloading this thing." He orders as he fires bursts from his CES toward the bugs.

@Alaania Hellborg @TPBx @dr xenon
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" damn it... the Omega is already overloaded... i can't just vent it off, it was not design that way, Captain i'll need a safe zone to unload the overload... as it will detonate the weapon, " she says getting a bit annoyed to have to leave this to the league. Delta's voice can now be heard " the overload is gonna detonate soon, either you leave the weapon here and hope it will detonate, or you can take it back with you and shoot up in the sky. the problem is that it will emit a strong light at your position and might act like a beacon. " Amelia sigh shaking her head this was not the best solution. " captain requesting permission to unload the shot before leaving, i do not wish to put too much attention to us while we are trying to escape. " she says returning to her calm demeanor. 

" in the best of option it will make it go berserk and the league will get that much more trouble, we might put them in a situation were they will have no other choice but to negotiate. we got a golden opportunity here captain... just saying " she add with a smile. 

@Raider867 @Foxora @TPBx @dr xenon
@dr xenon @Alaania Hellborg

As he fired away at more bugs he listened to the retreat and conversation Amelia was having. "Hold on... I know they're the bad guys and all-" he rifle butts an overzealous bug away from him before fires at more. "But they did stop shooting at us to help fight the freaking thing in the end... So like some of them must have a conscience right?!" He fires another missile at a group of kaiju that made the mistake of grouping to close with each other. "So, isn't there another way you can use that shot? Maybe disable it or something?"
" they are the one that shot a barrage right at us, almost frying all of us without regard to anyone, the only reason they stopped shooting at us is because they are being overpowered, as soon has they will get out of trouble, we will be the next target. but if command has an idea... i would be more than happy to listen to it. " she reply to fox, she understood what he meant, but she knew too much how the league would react if they survived this, they were leaving them to deal with the problem, the league would retaliate saying that the rebel brought this to destroy the league and would put the death toll on the rebels shoulder yet again. " i am giving the captain 10 minutes to answer if i have nothing i will shoot in the air. but i would much rather shoot here and not become a beacon to everyone... " she says in a long sigh.

@Raider867 @Foxora @TPBx @dr xenon
Rebel Supercarrier Bridge - Kaiju Fight - Captain Hawker

@Alaania Hellborg@Foxora

" damn it... the Omega is already overloaded... i can't just vent it off, it was not design that way, Captain i'll need a safe zone to unload the overload... as it will detonate the weapon, " she says getting a bit annoyed to have to leave this to the league. Delta's voice can now be heard " the overload is gonna detonate soon, either you leave the weapon here and hope it will detonate, or you can take it back with you and shoot up in the sky. the problem is that it will emit a strong light at your position and might act like a beacon. " Amelia sigh shaking her head this was not the best solution. " captain requesting permission to unload the shot before leaving, i do not wish to put too much attention to us while we are trying to escape. " she says returning to her calm demeanor. 

" in the best of option it will make it go berserk and the league will get that much more trouble, we might put them in a situation were they will have no other choice but to negotiate. we got a golden opportunity here captain... just saying " she add with a smile. 

@Raider867 @Foxora @TPBx @dr xenon

"Thank you, Leftenant Schterzen and ... 'Fox' is it? For the input," Hawker's reply came back. "Given the amount of damage Leviathan has already soaked, I am uncertain it would even notice another pin prick. If it makes you feel better however, I will have tactical paint a target on the enemy carrier for your shot. The hull is nigh impenetrable, but there are some drive nodes you could attempt to damage to slow them down."

She nods to a tactical officer who makes a series of gestures in front of her screen and a blip appears on Amelia's targeting sensors along the bow centerline of the League super carrier. 

@Alaania Hellborg@Foxora
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Amelia grin " that i like " she says in a calm voice, " alright getting out of the beast and i'll shoot at the target. " she add. " Delta all remaining power to thruster, i will need to get in position. " 

as Amelia turn around her thruster comes alive, pushing her outside of the beast. she look around smiles " target acquired captain. i'll make a real firework of that bad boy. " she says with anticipation. when she find herself high up in the sky. she moves the crimson rose far enough from the appendice of the creature that would try to swat her, " fox, Klein on me, i need cover and protection my shield is offline. " she says with a commanding tone. " i'll need only 15 second to lock on and about 30 second to steady shot. then we can leave, just keep them off my back. " she finishes before shifting the Crimson Rose into sniper position.

@Raider867 @Foxora @TPBx @dr xenon

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