Mecha RP: Legend of M

Amelia flies lower hovering over the water, the Crimson Rose kneel taking aim waiting for the huge creature to open it'S mouth again already anticipating the trajectory of the bullet through the mouth and head. adjusting herself to the height of the beast. she lower her breathing taking long and deep breath to stabilize her next shot.

" whenever you are ready, i am in position and ready to shoot. i just need this huge son of a gun to open it'S mouth again." she says seriously.

@HEATS @Foxora @Raider867 @Colt556
"Yeah, yeah I hear ya" Staltz switched to his assault Rifle and was basically flew around Amelia to shooting down anything that even remotely looked her way. "Yo, Brain it good, girl!"

@HEATS @Alaania Hellborg
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<[ League super carrier- Kaiju v Rebel conflict zone ]>

The 'Beast Master' stared at a data pad in his hands, flicking idly through page after page of information regarding towns at risk of rebellion influence.

"Sir!" A voice gave him an excuse to break his attention away from the pad, though it still annoyed him.

"Scopes have sights on our ship, and the largest damn Kaiju I've ever seen!"

Before he could even bark an order the ships captain gave his own.

"Target that Kaiju! If that things destroys our ship this trip was all for nothing!"

He glared at the back of the captains head, knowing if he interjected now he'd lose some of the loyalty he's been carefully building up.

The sirens blared to life as the Comms officer calmly relayed orders to mobilise the fleet and the units on board.

"All airborne units to engage Kaiju units as priority! Only Return Rebel fire if necessary! Flight capable mecha to equip flight packs!"

"Security forces prepare for Kaiju incursion, boarding parties ready up and standby!"

The speakers barked their orders, everyone on board already had their assignments, making the process of preparing remarkably efficient.

"Long range contact, in five, four, three, two... Long range engage!"

The command had instant results as long range interceptors left their hangers in pursuit, a few of the fleet following suit.

The artillery cannons that were online fired a massive barrage at the largest Kaiju, sailing for what seemed an eternity before striking, their path and detonations both coming within inches of damaging the already engaged rebels nearby, angering the beetle-like Kaiju and sending large swarms to flight, some swarms breaking off to engage the League controlled ship in the sky.

"All units weapons free, Kaiju priority! Check for crossfire!"

@Crimrose @dr xenon @CERBERUS177

(League characters, get some > :D )
As the suits continued to zoom around the beast it flailed aimlessly around them, slowly turning away from the ship itself as it focused more on the more active nuisances. Soon its jowls began to inflate and it's opened it's maw once more, and the horrific conflagaration inside came into full view.

"Amelia! Fire Now!" Roland shouted at the top of his lungs.
she takes a deep breath then take a shot, the bullet penetrating the mouth and seem be making it'S way, she expected the creature to drop any minute now.

( go ahead to reply and explain what happen after the shot is fired go through but doesn't kill it. )

@HEATS @Foxora @Raider867 @Colt556
As Amelia fired the shot, the monster's maw slammed immediately shut and while the round still managed to cut a not unimpressive scar across it's face, it was anything but effective.

Roland had a flashback to the red eyed kaiju from before. Only now did he realize that this beast had the same calling card.

"It anticipated our attack." He mumbled, eyes wide in disbelief.

With a second muscle movement in its neck, the beast's jaw quickly snapped open again, unleashing the torrential beam directly at Amelia.
Klein flies in, using his shield to slam her out of the way, barely avoiding the beam, it vaporizing his machine's right leg below the thigh. "Phew... Glad I got here when I did." He says with a sigh of relief.

@Alaania Hellborg
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Amelia's eyes widen " this isn't good. " she knew her mobile suit would not be fast enough to get out of there. suddenly she feels a crash making her fly out of the beam, she look around to see the other mech had lost a leg " thanks a lot whoever you are. " she says taking deep breath turning her attention to the kaiju. " this thing will be hard to get... i will have to aim at the last second, and it might take more than one shot Lieutenant. " she says her voice had a hint of anger, she knew she had almost died out there but she couldn't stop there. " we will have to be inventive and unpredictable it seem "

Amelia start flying around trying to find better spot and better way to shoot the creature. she was analizing the creature.

@HEATS @Foxora @Raider867 @Colt556
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Rocco "Gearhead" Falkov - Leviathan's Back - Engaged in Battle

After a few moments more mechs emerged from the launch pads, taking initiative in the roaring battle. Many suits had been taken down instantly by the swarms of beetles and even more by the creatures massive flailing appendages. Few mechas had made it onto the creature and those who were weren't fairing to well it seemed. Had Rache had the capability for flight, Rocco would have been staying back like most other pilots but since flight capabilities were almost non existent for the mechanic, he was to be in the thick of it.

Most of the crabs seemed to be focused on Rache now, while the insectoids had moved on to the ariel machines. Plasma shots fired in bursts from Doctor Shoots cutting through the enemy lines while jabs from Oathkeeper kept the Kaiju at bay. But no matter how many were killed, more seemed to take their fallen comrades place.

Rache was about to withdraw when a particularly large crab sped up to him. Not seeing or expecting the attack, It was all Rocco could do to step back and jab at the beast. In an instant the claws caught onto Rache's arms and Rocco and the beast were at a stand still. The arm holding Doctor Shoots was pointed upward, useless in this scenario, but Oathkeeper was pointed directly at the Kaiju. A devilish grin crept across Rocco's face as he pulled a trigger on the handle of the lance and the tip unhinged itself. With a cacophonies blast and an explosion of fire the rocket launched itself into the beast's face, detonating violently, sending gore and viscera splashing across the horde. He quickly thrusted backwards and began to make his escape from the center back. He was getting no where with this.

As Rache fought across the back of the leviathan, a peppering of bullets came raining down from above, a decent amount catching on Rache's armor. Spinning around in anger Rocco caught sight of them. The League. Suddenly, the mechanic felt his vision blur, a voice was whispering in the back of his head. "VENGEANCE."

The rage which he had been fighting back threatened to take hold but Rocco just managed to keep it in check. He darted away from the oncoming fire, moving towards the head. He needed to focus on killing this thing first.

Using the thrusters, Rache and Rocco darted forward, dashing and weaving up the back. He had an idea, a really, really stupid idea. Rocco tuned out everything else, focusing on the jazz playing and the path ahead of him.


As the music built up, Jack got a jet pack for CBC, he climbed it punching the top, he was pumped, and he thought it was time to shout his old world motto from a military long gone, and waited for the song to build up before he shouted it, "Semper fi! Get some! Get some! Kill everything!" he shouted, dropping out and flying towards the Kaiju, shooting bugs as he flew, "God I hate bugs!" he shouted as he was tackled by one, falling for a second before driving one of his new sharpened spinners into it's body and shooting it from the inside, "Ick, you buggers are nasty!" he said, then he flew back towards the carrier and stuck close to it, waiting for more mechs to come out to help. He ran defense for a blind side on the ship, making sure the bugs stayed away from the hanger.
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Fox stared at the creature as it anticipated Amelia's shot "Smart guy" He had a more serious tone. "Clever prey...." He kept his mech on the move. "Hey... guys... do you mind if I try something with the big lug?" He seemed rather focused at the Kaiju "I might... be able to give you a better opening... perhaps..." Staltz put his assault rifle away.

@HEATS @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867
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" wait what... Klein, what the hell are you doing out here. get back inside you are not supposed to be out here, i thank you for saving my hide, but don'T think that we will not have a chat when we get back to the ship." she then turn to Fox " anything to make the shot better is good fox " she says making sure she kept on the move not to get caught of guard by the belch again. moving from side to side. she knew she could make the shot even on the move, but she would need a lot more help than she had anticipated.

" damn creature, how can something so big be so fast... and how in hell is this so intelligent... " she curse.
"Yeah, whatever. You can talk my ear off all you like. Just do it back at the ship." He says into the comm again. He continues to move, his rocket launcher loaded and ready to fire if need be. He watches the Leviathan carefully as he moves.
"An intelligent beast, is the most exciting" Fox pulled up a Holo screen and rapidly tapped at various icons on it before swiping it away and then flying high speed toward the creature. His eyes utterly focused on it, never blinking or so much as twitch in another direction "Think of the quarry, not of yourself". His breathing slowed greatly. "Do what is possible?" It was hard for the the Kaiju to miss the orange mech flying right at it.

@Alaania Hellborg @HEATS @Raider867
Jack was shooting more and more bugs as they flew at him, "Above you!" Lisa shouted, it was too late, a bug got on top of his mech, and two more latched onto the front of him, "Crap, I can't lift my arms!", he said, before the mech slammed into an island, the bugs got off and flew away, "Leg's destroyed, jet pack...broken...we're stuck." she said, "...Call in Knucklehead..." he said sadly, kicking the front out and looking into the sky, he saw a Y20 Chinese aircraft fly by, it was following heel with the carrier. Though not part of the Chinese military anymore, it carried his new mech, as he saw it drop, he pressed a button on his wrist, seeing the object move around, he heard jets, and saw a parachute fly out behind it.


I came to a stop in front of him, it looked down at him. Lisa went away from his left eye, and the bot's eyes glowed neon blue, "Let's go!" it shouted, it was her, she picked him up and opened the chest area, he got in and got used to the new cockpit easily, he turned the jets on and flew back up, pinging the carrier that he was friendly. He flew up and grabbed a bug, ripping it i half, then shooting the others, and cleaning the hanger bay. "Hanger bay clear again, mop it up, and get ready for repairs, I'm seeing jet's taking some damage out there!" he shouted.
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Amelia sigh then takes a deep breath as fox charges the kaiju, " alright Lieutenant, i will look for opening, and make my shot count... has much as i can... " she says seriously. " but until then i will anticipate and check for openings. when you think i can shoot lieutenant give the order and i will, my power cell is full, so i got enough shot. " she says seriously.

( this means for me tonight this is it. i am getting tired it'S 2am in here :P )
<[ Rebel ship- Brig ]>

Roux listened intently to the battle raging outside, judging from the rocking of the boat he was hovering to avoid, and the ungodly loud roars, they had encountered a deep sea Kaiju... But to have lasted this long it wasn't any normal Kaiju.

"Hey buddy, mind relaying something for me? Just slap it on public lines."

The trooper seemed white with panic, and begrudgingly offered his ear piece mic to the cell door.

"Hell of a last request." He quips as he does.

"Hey, to the pilot of the fruit-suit, I owe you that drink so come bak in one piece yeah? And to the girl who barged in on me getting dressed, keep calm out there."

He waved the guard away and resumed floating in the middle of his cell, watching with some amusement as it moved freely around him without him feeling a thing.

-I'll wait this one out I think, let them come to me if they need me.-

<[ League Fleet, Kaiju conflict zone ]>

The fleet manoeuvred into a cage around the massive Kaiju, and the rebel ship, blockading the lot and firing from all angles down at the beast. No care was taken to avoid strikes against anything rebel except the super carrier they stole, as bullets, rockets, ion bursts, and artillery rained down like Armageddon itself had come.

Bomber wings finally left their hangers and begun strafing runs against the disgusting leviathan, fighter wings providing cover for them as best they could.

Flight suited mechas and Jousts slaughtering just as many Kaiju as the beasts themselves had taken down in return, a true bloodbath.

It was clear to see from anyone's perspective that the league forces where whipped up into a fanatical frenzy, as hyper aggressive tactics strong armed their blockade into a nearly impenetrable wall of munitions. it was also clear that between the league and the Kaiju, there would be no retreat.

The battle had now, truly and desperately begun.

@HEATS @dr xenon @CERBERUS177 @Crimrose @Alaania Hellborg @Raider867 @Foxora @Throne Trinity @Colt556 @AceOfSpades0210
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Sergei adjusted his mask he was given permission to launch, the metal felt cool against his face which had been victim to the consqeunces of war time and times again. All systems were fully functional and he was anxious to get into battle. Sergei grabbed a lever and slowly pulled it back before pushing it completely forward with full force. Ruhiel leapt high into the sky, then began freefalling at pace that most people would describe as frightening. As the speed at which he was dropping reached it's optimal point, he flicked a few switches and pulled the lever he held onto to the side.

In no time at all, Ruhiel had transformed into a surprisingly sleek jet-like machine which was no longer free-falling but was now launching itself forward. A machine descent from inside the cockpit, falling right in front of Sergei's only visible eye, which then connected with his mask. This was what he referred to as his "scope" for when the Ruhiel was in aerial mode. It linked itself to his mask and allowed him to see the battlefield clearly through it, which would help him aim his now armed high-caliber sniper rifle which revealed itself on the underside of Ruhiel. There were only two things on his mind as he entered the fray, the mission and the one he cared for most.

(Unfortunately that's all I can post for now, but I'll be sure to post more some time tonight.)
Sullivan — Rebel Supercarrier — Hangar 4 —

Sullivan lazed about in Thunder Child's cockpit, scrolling through his father's data pad. He had spent several hours looking for anything that might pertain to how the Thunder Child works, but there was woefully little information on the machine and what was there was incredibly cryptic. The hell does the old man mean, the core works alongside the pilot? It'd have to be sentient to do that, and this thing is anything but. God, he always had to be mysterious at the worst times...


"What the—" was all Sullivan managed to say before the supercarrier was rocked by the gigantic Kaiju, throwing him about Thunder Child's cockpit. "Ow, ow, ow...What in nine hells was that?"

Sullivan turned on all of Thunder Child's comms and listened as panicked pilots shouted about a Kaiju that was attacking the supercarrier. "Oh. Great. Just what we needed." He said sarcastically, booting up his machine and making his way over to the lift to the carrier's deck. By the time he arrived, the battle was already well underway; the sky was awash with countless tiny Kaiju and the deck of the supercarrier was covered with Rebel mechs, some destroyed, some damaged, every single one with guns blazing.

Sullivan moved to join in, only to narrowly avoid being crushed by a massive stream of some dark liquid the Leviathan spewed from its maw. Not bothering to think too much of it, Sullivan didn't let it slow him down and joined in on the fighting, firing off explosive bolts of plasma into the swarm of beetle Kaiju. The bolts cut through them like butter, but did nothing but agitate the swarm; there were simply too many for him to have any effect. He continued like this for a few more minutes, desperately trying to cull the number of beetles, before giving up on the fruitless task.

Damnit. God damnit! I'm not gonna die out at sea 'cause of some super-whale and its gross-ass beetle babies. There's gotta be something I can do...Wait...That liquid. What if...

It was risky, but Sullivan couldn't think of any other way he could be useful with his limited arsenal. He had no idea what that liquid was, or what its boiling point might be, but he did know that his plasma was incredibly hot. Like dad always said, science done under stress is the only real science. Crazy fucker. Maneuvering directly in front of the giant beast, Sullivan began to overcharge his plasma cannons.

"Hey, Orange!" Sullivan yelled over an open channel, "Get that thing to point its ugly mug over here. The next time it pukes I'm gonna shove it right back down its throat!"

@Foxora @Raider867 @HEATS @Alaania Hellborg @CERBERUS177 @Throne Trinity @Ginky
Fox could hear Roux's speech and Sullivan's request, and barely processed them. He needed absolute focus on this task. However, if it all works out right. they all would get an opening, whether the giant beast liked it or not. Before thrusting off towards it, he made a double check on Staltz, it's stats, any damages, its ammunition, and it's flight fuel, seeing that they were still all green, it wasn't a worry that would break his concentration. As smart as the Kaiju was, He understood one thing that was expected. "When you see a small pest coming your way, without even thinking your first instinct is to swat it away, and right now, he was that pest.

It was exactly how he wanted it for this plan to work. SO he remained silent, and for the time being, fell into that role.

Mikado Saris

Rebel Carrier - Flight Deck

It seemed like she was not the only one to notice the Joust's plight as two others moved in to provide assistance. Knowing better than to dogpile on a single target she instead opted to shift her aim towards the swarm of smaller kaiju. It was then that the Joust's pilot rang over the comms and directed them to focus on the Whale Kaiju. "Valkyrie-3, Roger that!" With her acknowledgement given she maneuvered the Thunderbolt to bring all it's weapons to bare on the Leviathan. Another powerful round rang out as the 220mm shell tore through dozens, if not hundreds of the smaller kaiju before bouncing off the Leviathan's hide. Needless to say her outdated weaponry wasn't going to do much against this behemoth, even the newer models couldn't seem to do much against it.

She fired off another round, then another. Each and every attempt met the same result which elicited a click of her tongue as the frustration built. Something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye as the Leviathan seemed to let loose a torrent of liquid at a group of rebel mechs. While some evaded the liquid almost instantly vaporized those that were too slow. "Well isn't that just lovely... The thing can kill us at range." She made a mental note of staying away from the creature's front as she refocused on her more immediate task. There was a lot of chatter over the comms as pilots communicated with one another, mostly relaying information on the smaller kaiju that seemed to be the biggest threat for the mechs themselves. Yet another order came from the Joust as she and another pilot were tasked with aiding the overly flashy sniper.

Knowing now that any attack she did against the Leviathan would be futile she dropped her Mk.57 to the ground and reached down for her WS-16s. "This is Valkyrie-3, I can't touch that thing. Switching focus to the swarm. I'll do my best to cover you guys." She quickly brought the chainguns to bear and opened fire. Her machine exploded with firepower as the pair of Avengers as well as the two WS-16s let loose everything they had on the swarm of little kaijus. All of her weapons moved independently, sweeping fire all across the Leviathan and the swarm of beetles that littered the sky. This was the one thing the Thunderbolt excelled at and she knew all to well not to waste ammunition by targeting the same enemy with multiple guns. The sheer volume of fire she released cut noticeable swaths through the hordes of kaiju, the 36mm shells being more than enough to tear the beetle's bodies apart in even just a single round.

As impressive as her torrent of fire might have been it was immediately overshadowed as a tremendous barrage rained down onto the Leviathan. The explosive power made her Mk.57 look like a toy and the sheer concussive force killed the beetles by the hundreds. "What the-" She knew no mech could produce that kind of firepower, especially not anything owned by the rebellion. While ensuring to maintain her fire she looked off into the distance and sure enough they had more company than just the Leviathan and it's cohorts. "Well fuck me sideways, this just managed to get worse." Soon after the barrage the League fleet released it's own forces. Fortunately it seemed they were more concerned with the Leviathan than them, but judging by the rebel mechs cut down by artillery fire it was abundantly clear the League wasn't watching their fire. At least they seemed to want the carrier intact which meant she was safe from the 'friendly fire'.

At least for now she was in no position to worry about to approaching League fleet and thus chose to focus exclusively on the battle with the kaiju. The UI display for her pair of WS-16s began blinking red as numbers below the gun icons rapidly fell. After just a few seconds the numbers hit zero and the display of the guns ceased flashing and simply went solid red. Not wanting to let up on her fire too much she was quick to bring the guns down and allow the sub-arms to reload the weapons before bringing them back to bear and resuming her assault. Checking the display for her Avengers showed that she still had ammo for them but at this rate she'd have to duck back inside for a refill. Then again, if they couldn't manage to deal with the Leviathan itself no amount of top-ups would help.

While firing her eyes were darting all around as she kept tabs on the battlefield. Most machines seemed to be very, very poorly equipped to handle swarms of smaller enemies and as such she had to ensure to cover for their weakness. A Joust being overrun there, another being overrun here, she tried to provide them all with covering fire but even her Thunderbolt had it's limits. There was something even more irritating than the fact that she could do nothing but watch as one mech after another fell to the swarm of beetles and that was the total lack of organization. This thought went through her mind in every single fight but the comm chatter was immense and she could pick up one 'I have an idea!' after another. The rebellion seemed to attract the independent sort and that often reared it's head in combat as everyone wanted to be the hero. As career military and part of a squadron these heroics were something she could never get use to and as the League forces joined the fray she couldn't help but be envious at their obvious coordination and efficiency. If only they weren't so damned evil. A sigh slipped past her lips at the thought before a sudden jolt to her mech snapped her back to attention, a beetle clawing at her leg before being promptly impaled by spikes and falling harmlessly to the deck below her.

@HEATS @Alaania Hellborg @Foxora @Tierax
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Edit: ok good to go! Let's consider this canon until heats or xenon tell me off xD

<[ League Super Carrier bridge- Kaiju Conflict Zone ]>

The 'Beast' stroked his chin, somewhat amused, but a feeling of personal insult still hung heavy upon him.

"Look at this disorganisation Captain... Did they lose their chain of command after all? And here I thought they might have been able to put up a fight, made it worth my time to have come out here. We could have just left a trained monkey responsible to retrieve the ship for the same results."

His smug words garnered some laughter from the bridge crew, as they devotedly attended their duties.

"To be fair, sir, even our weapons aren't doing anything to the main beast, and these other forms, the crab-like ones and the flying bug things... They seem to pour from the beast itself... Like some sort of... Hive... Have you ever heard of anything like it?"

The Captains voice wavered a little towards the end of his reply, it was obvious he doubted if they could win this battle.

"Captain, are we within short range firing distance?"

The 'Beast Master' asked, a subtle cruelty mixed in with an unrestrained slyness to his tone.

The captain simply nodded to the affirmative, visibly upset to have had his concerns outright ignored.

"Full broadside Captain. And tell Ivis to prep for frontline combat and leave ASAP. tell her primary target is the largest beast."

An odd look lingered in the 'Beast's eyes, as the captain looked at him with confusion.

"I am going back to my quarters, I will see about bringing us reinforcements."

With that, he turned and left, the guards posted by the door saluted him on the way out.

-Now Jackson need only play his part, and I'll have everything need out of this... This may have been a good series of events after all!-

A devious smile spread across his face.

<[ Kaiju conflict zone- battlefield ]>

The League super carrier listed about, the side facing the whale-like Kaiju glowing an off blue, and feeling of intense static begun to tingle the air, able to be felt almost all the way to the rebels ship.

The airships directly between them pulled away, as the Leagues ship fired it's hundreds of fixed ion cannons, pulse after pulse pounded into the tail section of the creature, slowly it seemed to start doing some real damage!

The flesh vaporised and burned away after each wave of ion strikes, but almost as quickly as it burned away, the crab like Kaiju would rush to the wounds, spewing a foam that seemed to heal it as quickly as it was wounded.

The colossal creature roared, shock waves from it's terrible voice destabilising all the fighter planes in the vicinity, one could only guess at the pain any exposed infantry must have felt.

The Smaller Kaiju forms seemed to halt in place for a moment, before suddenly bursting into a frenzy, charging and thrashing near suicidally towards both carriers.

The rebels seemed to have luck on their side, as miraculously a few notable mechs managed to keep the swarms at bay long enough for them to turn most of their attention elsewhere, but the League fleet fared much worse, that elsewhere was them.

Ship after ship was engulfed by clouds of the flying beetles, so numerous that they cast a deep shadow over the ocean as they moved, tearing each victim unfortunate enough to be targeted to shreds, their once proud forms reduced to scrap.

The League super carrier itself barely managed to keep them away, but a few hangers fell to the intense pressure, and had the ferocious critters breach within.

In mere moments after their full broadside, the League ship had stopped raining death upon the main Kaiju in a flailing attempt to try to push back the quickly turning tide of battle.

The main beast itself seemed agitated, seemingly glaring at the ship in the sky ignoring the desperate humans attempting to kill it from below.

A low gurgling growl came from the enormous creature, as once more it swelled, preparing to discharge its vile contents, but at the last second it spewed not in a direct line, but turning it's head to cut a path through the air.

It caught far too many off guard, both league and rebel planes alike. A disturbingly clear patch of sky was left, not a trace of the Kaiju's a victims to be found.
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Clayton - Rebel ship - Flight deck

Lucky hobbled over to the elevator on its broken leg. It still functioned but it was hemorrhaging hydraulic fluid and he couldn't put weight on it. Clayton readied himself for the fight as the elevator lifted him to the flightdeck.

"Holy shit." Was all he could say as he laid eyes on the kaiju and the massive battle around it. Even the League forces were having trouble engaging it. Clayton commanded Lucky forward and he moved from the elevator. He didn't have the firepower to attack the leviathan so he trained his rifle on the crabs falling to the deck. He looked down the sights and opened fire. He walked slowly across the deck while firing precise bursts. His cannon rounds penetrated the small kaiju and turned them into a fine paste. He was reluctant to engage in close-quarters and stayed a safe distance.
Perhaps Ivis had spent a little too much time examining her own schematics, as when she stopped she was greeted by the sounds of alarms wailing. A battle had already begun, and she fully intended to see it through. Upon making it to the hangars, she had immediately been attacked by one of the many beetles, but that didn't last long as it soon disappeared altogether. Well she didn't 'kill' it, but just sent it to some randomized place. Could be the Sun, could be Brazil. Likely not even in the solar system, due to just how many places exist... Ivis continued to do this, as she couldn't risk damaging the inside of the ship any more than it was.

"Get off my ship!"
Ivis was steadily taking care of the creatures on the inside of the carrier by this point, as it was really easy for her to deal with small fry, almost her specialty. She could use her sword if she felt the need to, but a teleportation field was much more efficient against something with no counter to it. She opened up her communications to the League's standard channel. "I'm handling the issues on the ship, you can focus on the big game. We can't afford to lose this vessel, we need 110% effort from all of you! If not the League, then I'm counting on you!"

Soon after she felt she had done enough on the ship, she flew out and began giving supporting fire on the large beast.


@dr xenon

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