Mecha RP: Legend of M

she laugh out loud. " i didn't mean to boast sorry... i just got told so many time.... " she goes to make the fifth shell, she was getting used to this and smiled, it reminded her of those time she and her brother would construct small guided robot, Fox could see she was enjoying this a lot. " so why are you here with the rebel if you are a neutral party ? " she ask curious.

He was happy, he got his helper to smile. If she was enjoying herself then he's cool with that. However when she asked why he was here, his mood almost immediately soured and turned into an annoyed one "Cuz that jerk Roland skimped out on paying me so I tailed. Him... Then somehow I got roped In as a Mercanary.

@Alaania Hellborg
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" oh... yeah, i'm sorry to hear that... but hey if he did recruited you as a mercenary that's because he saw something in you... " she says softly, she understood he did not want to talk about this so she tries to change the subject. she was finishing the fifth shell and sigh. " do you have anything you would like to ask me, about anything. " she says gently.

<[ Shatterdome Ruins ]>

The survivors of the unprecedented rebel attack milled about aimlessly, mass graves dug and filled, dog tags sent home, the many surviving wounded being tended to.

As anyone walked the war-torn halls they would pass more wounded then should ever be possible, as they lay in stretchers lining the halls.

The speakers across the base blared to life breaking the morbid song of a wounded, broken army.

"All units to hanger beta for briefing and evac, Repeat ALL units to hanger beta for briefing and evac."

The male voice sounded surly even across the garbled speakers.

People gradually filled the hanger, the wounded being taken directly on board the massive carrier.

A man stood on a pile of crates by the loading ramp, his uniform seemed odd, like a simple recolour of the standard league dress suits.

He played with his voice a moment, before settling on a new accent, this time seeming like a poor mockery of a Canadian accent.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the League, we have been dealt a crippling blow by the rebels. This I will not deny.

But I hear you asking if there is even reason to try, to this I say... STAND UP."

His glare cut through the green troops like a hot knife, his voice somehow intimidating even with his forced accent.

"Stand up and defend yourselves! You are the League! We are the defenders of the last true remains of humanity! These dogs of the rebellion claim to want peace? Freedom? They simply want power!"

The crowd begins chattering amongst themselves, confusion spreading as they tried to figure out what this man was getting at.

"Some of you may have even seen the infamous Roux Le Corps fighting alongside you! Well the league saw fit to give that man a chance at redemption, and the first chance he got, he stole a ship and fled! These are the kinds of people we are dealing with! Cowards who slaughter and maim on a whim! Who throw any mercy back at you as they plot your demise!"

The confusion turned to anger as the crowd begun to get riled up.

Shouts of hate and frustration towards the rebels peaked occasionally above the growing noise.

"You are all to be sent on one of the largest ship ever built! The rebels may have stolen one, but her sister ship we christen now! Her name will be chosen to carry your anger! Your frustration! Your very vengeance to the heart of the rebel dogs! WE WILL DESTROY THE HEAD OF THE VENOMOUS SNAKE CALLED THE COLONIAL FRONT! And we will end their threat once and for all!"

His raging voice inspired further fury from the crowd, but some voices of dissent shouted as well. The man looked cooly down upon the crowd as he addressed them.

"You have suffered at their hands, it's only right you feel like it's too soon! But we have the Angel of the League here!"

He motions towards Ivis, as she takes the signal and floats up above the crowd, resting mid air above them wings spread out majestically as her particles swirled around her, giving her what seemed like a halo, and a brilliant radiance that hushed the crowds in awe.

"She fights with you, for she is League! And the League is one! But to you few not yet convinced we have mercenaries here who help not through money, but because of pure goodwill! These are people who fight for our cause but fear our banner! Show them then, that the League protects it's own!"

The crowd roared to life again, cheers and battle cries ringing out as the crowd anxiously waited on only permission to board.

The massive ship behind them suddenly flickered to life as if on cue, with lights activating alongside it's turrets as they swivelled around for effect.

"Now board! And finalise arrangements for departure! We leave in three hours! One world! One government! One people!"

His last lines hung on the crowd, become a chant as the marched onto the colossal warship. Ivis moved to guide more people on board, staying as radiant and inspiring as ever.

Jackson was nearby watching the speech, as it ended and he went to leave he felt a tap on his shoulder, turning he saw the man from the crates, recognising him as the "Beast Master" he met before.

"Where are you going? Article 2 boy. Get on board."

He hands him official looking order papers clipped to a copied contract.

There was a silent tenseness before the 'beast' walked off with his signature smugness.

"Oh, you'll also find a non-disclosure in there too regarding Roux, I expect his equipment back 'Sargent' one way or another."

He spat the lines again with disrespect as he once more felt comfortable on command.

Before turning and boarding himself.

@CERBERUS177 @Crimrose @dr xenon
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He thought about it, it was probably better they did change the subject. He decided to bring up one of his hobbies. "Do you ever hunt?" Although neither of them kept tabs at the moment, they both were working missile 7 now

@Alaania Hellborg
" no, my father never really was present other than for discipline or telling us how proud he would be when we join the league's best. " she says softly " so no, i never hunted, at least not like you are expecting it... i hunted target not prey but i am sure i would love to. " she says with a soft smile.

He honestly was abit surprised to see a sniper that didn't hunt. Sure he knew those sorts existed, but nothing can hone your dead shot skills quite like hunting and illusive prey. He shook his head "Ok, well that's gonna change." As soon as we get the chance, we're gonna grab two sniper rifles, and we're gonna hit the wilds."

The 7th one was finished and they were now starting number 8. The completed middles were lining up in front of the work bench. "It'll be great and it'll only aid your long range combat

@Alaania Hellborg
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she smirk " that would be a nice change of pace from following moving target in a crowd... " she chuckle. looking at their work she couldn't help but feel a bit sad, what she would give to be with her family again. she then turn to look at fox " and hey i am already a monster at long range, if you tell me it's gonna further help me i see no problem against this " she smile widely.

"maybe we will, but until then we got something to finish i think " she winked, turning her attention to the shell casing. " then i will be going to the shooting range and after i will be going to the training center. " she smiles wipping sweat from her forehead. " and you what will you be doing " she ask curious.

He smiled and shrugged "Haven't really given it that much thought in that, I just been kinda going with the flow lately." he was back at work They were almost done now.
" i wish i could have that leniency, but if i want to make sure that those with me come back alive, it's my duty to be fit and ready for any situations... especially right now when things are really tensed..." she says a bit more seriously. looking around them to see if anyone else was in need of help or if any of her superior were here.

'This is going better than expected.' Ivis thought to herself as she continued to guide and direct the people onto the massive piece of military equipment. At least she had played an important role in the gathering, which had also brought up her passion to fight those that had slain her allies.

She had people to impress, she couldn't mess up now. For the greater good, right?
By now, Klein has set up a makeshift punching back to which he was dealing punches and kicks to. His anger was translated into his blows as he punches and kicks hard and fast. He was angered he let himself get captured like this and angered he was captured inside a stolen League ship.
OGTomahawk said:
Clayton would have liked to say his resolve was still strong, but the other mans words ate at him for some reason. Clayton hadn't followed a gut feeling since basic. And now, he felt clouded. This man wasn't heartless. He had let him live. According to him it was because of his mech. Why did that pilot care so much about his mech? It's just an old OD suit.
The man had a point. The Rebels were fighting tooth-and-nail. They're victory at the shatterdome proved that. They also seemed to have alot of independant pilots. That says something. Clayton thought back to when he discovered a great library in the ruins of old-Pheonix. He had reported the find and League forces swooped in to gather as much as they could. He thought they were taking the knowledge to be restored, but he never saw anything of it after that.

Clayton searched his memories. This time with a more suspicious light. He began to notice things. Things he hadn't ever thought to think of in such a way. It was alarming.

Before the pilot could leave, Clayton jumped up and moved to his cell door. "Hey! Don't touch..... don't let them scrap Lucky." He started out aggressive but his tone softed after a pause. All he had done was talk with this guy, and now his worldview was being shattered. At this very moment he just knew he didn't want his mech torn to pieces, disgracefully.
Sullivan turned to look at Clayton, the tiniest hint of understanding in his eyes. "I've already asked them not to. But," he said, looking at Clayton's escorts as they walked in, "I'm only an independant. No telling how long they'll listen to me." With that, Sullivan exited the room, making his back to the hangar. A sudden inexplicable urge to sit in Thunder Child's cockpit had come over him, his steps almost urgent in nature.

Sullivan had never questioned his machine's purpose before, but after Clayton had brought it up he couldn't help but wonder what his father had intended for the Thunder Child. He did say the machine wasn't quite complete yet, but what did he mean by that? It seems plenty complete to me.

Compared to the time it had taken him to find his way to the brig, Sullivan managed to find his way back to the hangar rather quickly. He made his over to his machine, but stopped before climbing into it, staring at the Thunder Child's faceplate. Now that he thought about it, he hardly knew anything about his own suit.

What secrets are you still hiding from me, I wonder? Sullivan thought, running his hand along the machine's armor.

(Open for interaction with anyone now if y'all are so inclined)
Amelia sigh after a while, she finishes the outer shell's raising herself she look at the man who had just gotten inside the hangar. she look at Fox and says in a normal voice " well i'll be going to the shooting range, i need to train a bit more, i need to keep my eyes trained. " she chuckle.

moving out of the hangar Amelia moved toward the shooting range passing by the living quarters, in the corridor she could see some soldier in front of one of the door, she frowned.

* what is going on here... is someone in trouble * she wondered, this was unusual.
"Hey! I need to go to the bathroom!" Klein yells from inside. A soldier opens the door before letting Klein out. "Thank you." He says as he was hooking his necklace onto his neck as he gets guided by the soldiers to the bathroom. He doesn't seem to notice Amelia there as he walks past.
Amelia's eyes widen seeing the necklace. she run after the man. " hey you stop right now " she yell pushing a bit more to catch up to him.

she grab him by the shoulder putting her arm across his neck pushing him to the wall. he could see the woman was not pleased.

" where did you get that necklace. " she was frowning and definitely angered, pushing on his neck. " explain yourself " she add her voice booming in the corridor.
"It was given to me by my sister." He says, his arms and hands in defensive positions, one holding her arm so that she doesn't push harder on his neck, even pushing her arm away. "And there's no way in hell am I giving it to a Rebel." He says defensively.
Now understanding a bit more of what she had said, Valk nodded his head slightly in recognition. "If by troll, you mean the Kaiju, then yes. Her armor plates have a bit of Kaiju shell armor infused into it, so I guess you could say that may be the reason why she's a bit different." It was the only reason why Valk could think that EXEA is considered a Kaiju on the energy signatures. If anything, he could use that to his advantage in combat by disguising his advancing mech as a Kaiju instead of a machine.

"Her own repairs only work minor things, like how her current exterior is minor damage." Valk added quickly in an attempt to finish his conversation with her. He wouldn't say it to her face, but she was intimidating. Very much so, in fact. But as long as she understood him and knew what to do, he didn't have a problem.

@dr xenon
she freeze hearing him. she frown " by... your sis.... Klein ? " she says her voice almost gone.

she takes a step back her eyes wide, she look at the necklace. then as if she had seen a ghost she takes another step back she was about to dart out, this was too sudden for her, she had not expected to see him there.

her eyes filling with tears she was completely shaken.
Roux was putting on his singlet as a woman burst into the room, looking like she was trying to run away from something, or had seen a ghost.

She looked around for a moment clearly lost, her eyes finally settling on the guards posted by the door.

"Oh... Uh... You can't be in here, this is a medical room." The corpsman stammered, clearly thrown off by her sudden arrival.

Roux pushed aside his feelings for a moment, to address this stranger.

"Loath as I am to admit it when I ain't even got a light out of him, but he's right... Who are you and why are you in here? You look like a monster chasing you."

His face wore a tired frustration, his voice clearly not amused but directing no ill will to anyone in particular.

Waving down the guards who returned his silent command with hostile stares back at him, he stands upright putting the unlit smoke back behind his ear, and adjusts his implant like you would stretching your arms.

She stared at him, it looked as if she was trying to calm herself to respond but Roux couldn't quite be certain.

@Alaania Hellborg
eventually she takes a deep breath. " how did he find me... my brother was there... he was right in front of me... and i panicked, i ... i had left without any information. " she says shaken. " i panicked and ran from him... he came out from that room with the guards... do you happen to know anything about this ? " she ask trying to calm herself down.

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