Mecha RP: Legend of M

Crimrose said:
"It's not your fault, like I said, I got caught up in my task. Well, when I get the OK to get around again, I'll be sure to take you to em'." Jun scratched their head as they brought up their mistake again. Ivis stood sliently, watching the two converse. "My plane's nothing super special... Actually, it's a bit old...F-15SE. Nobody hears about those anymore, am I right? I kinda just found it, and believe it or not the higher-ups let me keep it. I don't know why though. They said it was too good to let go to waste."
"You found yours too? I found both of my mechas, well my new one anyways. " he said, "Been a very long time since I saw an she still good to look at? " he asked them, as Jack was a military nut.
A nervous laugh escaped Jun's mouth, as it wasn't the most pretty thing to look at after those hits. All Jun had left was that one collectible plane from the WWII ages. That was pretty much untouched, and was being examined by a group of scientists affiliated with the League. "Well... I'm not sure about pretty after those hits I took... Hey, at least I'm still fine. I mean, there's still that WWII era plane I have... That thing is being tested."
@Alaania Hellborg

"You don't say? Good idea, gotta sharpen skills and keep in shape." Once the drone was in front of Staltz, Fox hopped off it and went to detach it from the "cart" he made to carry his haul. "Helps the hunt when you hone your claws" he smirked before accessing a panel on the side of the drone and fiddling with it. "By the way, names Fox, nice to meet ya" It wasn't long before he stepped away from the drone and patted it. "And off you go big guy, thanks for the lift" The drone's main programming now returned to it, it immediately made it's way out of the hangar to return to it's charging station to follow it's original schedule.
Crimrose said:
A nervous laugh escaped Jun's mouth, as it wasn't the most pretty thing to look at after those hits. All Jun had left was that one collectible plane from the WWII ages. That was pretty much untouched, and was being examined by a group of scientists affiliated with the League. "Well... I'm not sure about pretty after those hits I took... Hey, at least I'm still fine. I mean, there's still that WWII era plane I have... That thing is being tested."
I kinda wish we had mechs in the old days... But you're lucky to be alive, and still have those relics. " he said, "Still have my granddads M1911, and USMC dog tags. Wearing both right now. " he said, showing the gun and tags.

she chuckle " yeah you are right about honing your skill, name's Amelia Schterzen. so what do you do here, i mainly fight, train and repair or upgrade the Crimson Rose, for now, oh yeah i sing too. " she says softly. she look at the drone going back to the charging station and smile.
@Alaania Hellborg

He smiled as he got behind the "cart" and pushed it right under Staltz before going over to a workbench and dragging it over to Staltz as well. "Well, I'm glad you asked that Amelia" he dusted off his hands once the table was in place "I am waiting for my money. In the meantime, I am usin what is now considered "Rebel Property" to replenish my Mech's ammo reserves" He took some various parts form the crate and set them ont he table before she started reaching into his table.

" i hear you, anything salvaged on the battlefield can and will be used, after all we don't have subvention like those stupid world league ofiicial... " she says with a bit of disdain in her voice. Fox could see she hated them with a passion. " well do you need any help ? if no, i will be going to the training range then to the gym. " she says seriously.
@Alaania Hellborg

Fox scratched his chin for a moment in thought before turning back to her. "You know the inner workings of a missile, or can weld and make the shell of one?" Being a neutral party he tried to not bring up the Rebels vs. the Leagues issues. Personally he would much rather chat about other things anyway.
Raider867 said:
"I'm not acting high and mighty. I am talking to a former League soldier who trained my instructor. I am being respectful to someone who is leagues above me. And I was asking respectfully where I could go in my limited access. I was merely curious." Klein says with a shrug. He was calm and composed but he couldn't help but smirk at the sudden outbirst.
"Yeah, I was the one who trashed your machine. And you are the one who owes me a new prototype rifle." He says nonchalantly.
Roland flared a bit.

"I- The only thing I owe you is a broken nose! And I had you beat until you used that red glow thing! So I'm still the better pilot!" Roland wanted nothing more than to wipe that smirk off of Klein's face, but common sense, and the captain's glare, came back to him. He balled his fists and gave an aggravated sigh before turning and giving a final salute to his superior officer.

"I apologize for interrupting, captain. I won't keep you any longer. If you have need of me I'll be in the hanger requisitioning a new suit." Dropping his salute he stormed out of the office and down the hall.

"These guys aren't going to be anything but trouble." He mumbled to himself.

" it depends on the model of the shell, i know some of them, but i specialize in sniper rifle. " she says intrigued. " am i making you unconfortable ? " she says seeing he was trying to change the subject.
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"Not really" he waved it off "I'm just kind of a neutral party when it comes to Rebels vs. League so I try to avoid the conversation about such things when I'm around either or. Don't have much to add so it leaves the conversations a bit one sided." He was already setting to work on building the inner workings for a missile. "Sniper rounds huh? I have one of those. Its a Rail gun of course, on Staltz back over there." he pointed toward the folded weapon slightly sticking out form behind the Orange Mech. "Right now I'm just trying to make mini missiles to reload his wrist launcher there" he then pointed to one of the mech's Lower Arm component. from the looks of it, it seemed like a portion of the arm had been squared out. One would guess a Missile launcher would rise out of it when needed. "They're about, yay high" he used his hands to match the height of what would be twice the size of a regular RPG round.

she chuckle " i'm sorry i didn't want to make you unconfortable. it was far from it... i personnaly prefer standard bolt action sniper, nothing like the kick back and the precision of those. " she says with a grin " what happened to your mech... or is it made this way ? " she ask looking at the squared out portion of the arm.
@Alaania Hellborg

At that Fox straightened up, folded his arms and smirked. "Custom made, Staltz here is actually a mass produced Military Striker Mech. Mom's heirloom. She gave it to me once I past all her... "tests". Now the big guy belongs to me and I get to do whatever I wished with him." he walked up the lowered and opened chest cockpit. "I used my savings to give this guy the overhaul of a life time. Sucker wasn't cheap either" he gave a shrug and sigh along with a shake of his head.

"Originally that savings was for me to buy my own ship with Mech hangar!" He looked up at the head component. "Then it would just be me and Staltz, exploring the other worlds and places Mankind used to own... I mean, what gives the kaiju the right to just kick us out of our homes and take it over." He put his hands in his pockets. "I mean, those ugly freaks are even on our birth planet wrecking things to hell..." he shook his head once more as if to clear his mind before turning to face her again. "Heh, sorry, guess I was rambling. No one really cares what I think, I know." he laughed.
" i don't mind everyone has their trouble... at least you know what is going on where you come from... i ... i left without telling my familly where i was going. both my parents were high ranking, and my brother... when i left i probably made him sad... " he could see she was loving her familly. she moves closer checking the inner working of the missile. " so is it standard issues or custom built " she says trying to change her mind from her familly.

@Alaania Hellborg

After hearing Amelia's talk about her family, and her folks being officials, it reminded him of his mother, she was once in the military and a reliable soldier. Personally he wished she was a little bit more like a normal mother, but he still loved her all the same, and understood the things she did in her life and how she chose to raise him. His Pops... as Far as he could remember when he was still alive, He and his pops always seemed to be out int he wilds hunting one thing or another, training his little boy all there is to know about being a good hunter and waking that "hunter's Spirit" within him. Well both his folks got what they wished for in their son atleast, he guessed.

Seeing that now she was the one wishing to change the subject, he was more then happy to aid her in that. "Uh Either or, so long as it matches the width of a standard issue, you can put a face on the missile if you want" he joked as he returned tot he table and went to work on the inner parts was trying to connect together.
she smiles widely. " thanks for understanding. " she start to check the length and width of the missile, the general form and smirk. " i can definitely help you with the exterior " she says taking her welder and a few of her tools going closer to sheets of metal, she start cutting and folding it to make the outer shell humming softly.

@Alaania Hellborg

Fox gave a smirk "Sweet! Gotta make 10 of these suckers asap, never know what we'll run into after all" He set to work, screw drivers, Very Careful usage of the welder, Alittle bit of missle jigsaw puzzle hear and there, before he would carefully attach the explosive and detonator to it. in an Inner cavity within the construction. When he was finished with it, he carefully set it next to Amelia for her to place it in when she finished with making the shell. Then he would proceed on building the next one. "So, That red Mech over there is yours?" he pointed his thumb at the Crimson Rose behind them.
" yes it is, i have worked a lot on this one, i drew the outer shell on paper and slowly but surely made each part of the crimson rose, i wanted to make sure that our enemy would trembles before i even got close to them. she is like an angel of death, both at range than at close range. " she point to the waist of the Crimson rose where two beam saber were attached, then to the back where the shield was resting. " at range i use this beam rifle, with a custom targeting system, and at close range i go all out by locking and pushing back the target. " she says with pride as she goes back to make the shells for Fox. as the first shell is almost over she takes the inner mechanism and put it inside gently lowering it, she then put the upper part, welding it in place. she smirk happy with her work. " but yeah if you see me on the battlefield try not to pass in front of me " she chuckle " you might find yourself in trouble if you get shot by accident. " as she start to make the second shell.

HEATS said:
Roland flared a bit.
"I- The only thing I owe you is a broken nose! And I had you beat until you used that red glow thing! So I'm still the better pilot!" Roland wanted nothing more than to wipe that smirk off of Klein's face, but common sense, and the captain's glare, came back to him. He balled his fists and gave an aggravated sigh before turning and giving a final salute to his superior officer.

"I apologize for interrupting, captain. I won't keep you any longer. If you have need of me I'll be in the hanger requisitioning a new suit." Dropping his salute he stormed out of the office and down the hall.

"These guys aren't going to be anything but trouble." He mumbled to himself.

Hawker lets Roland leave and turns back to Klein.

"You and the other pilots will be confined to some junior officers' quarters, it includes a wardroom for your private mess," she states flatly. "Guards will be posted and the hatches will remain secured. I will look to you to provide some order among your fellow prisoners of war, Mr. Schterzen. Consider yourself the ranking POW."

She gets up and moves to the hatch from which she had originally entered the conference room. The guards move back into place so they're prepared to escort you again.

"Rest assured, Mr. Schterzen, if you break my regulations there will be consequences," she concludes in a matter of fact tone you've heard from pilot instructors indicating there's no room for argument. "Good day."

After she leaves the guards bring you to a new location on the ship. They are fairly decent accommodations for 10 people in 5 small cabins with attached head and wardroom.

@HEATS , @OGTomahawk, @Raider867
@Alaania Hellborg

Fox looked at her handiwork whistling in approval of the workmanship of the first complete missile But had to draw out a longer one when she stated the specs of her mech. "Certainly sounds and looks like a you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley" he smiled before giving another nod. "Though you don't have to worry much about Staltz getting in your way." he turned back to his mech. "Sure, even though he's custom, he's not gonna scare the pants off any Kaiju I'll admit. However you know the saying, Action speaks louder then words. He's fast and an all-a-rounder in combat." he was already half way done on his 2nd construction. He built so many missiles for his mech it becomes 2nd nature and allows him to chat freely, only being quiet whenever it was time to attach the explosive and detonator.

"I'm sure when other's see it, they don't expect much. It's a light class Striker. Those things trade speed for armor and what not. Well, sure... if you can catch Staltz you can damage him, Emphasis on catch" he chuckled "But if that scenario ever happened, the big guy here has a special Fail Safe."
"Good day, ma'am." Klein says with a nod. He then walks to his quarters with the escort he was given. He takes his necklace off again to look at it as he walks. He moves into his quarters, closing the door and laying on the bed. He hangs the necklace on his hand, looking at it. He sighs. "Where are you... sis..." He says softly.
" it's good to have a fail safe, that's why i made sure i had a few secrets myself " she says grinning the second shell was well underway, making the same shape a second time was a lot easier, putting it to the side she goes to make the third shell, waiting for fox to make the inner mechanism of the second shell. " you know it's a lot nicer to work with someone, than working alone. at least you can chat " she chuckle.

@Alaania Hellborg

At that moment he just finished with the second construction and was already working on the 3rd. "Yeah no kidding, It's a nice change of pace from working alone" he reached into the crate to grab for parts. "With the rate we're going here, I think I might join you in the gym, later. I don't really have much planned for today other then this."
Klein rests his head on the pillow now, putting the pendant from the necklace to his chest. He was wishing to see his sister again.
she smiles " i would be glad to have someone to talk to has i train. i used to do the army parcour and training... i'll have to check if i can reproduce this here... that would keep me occupied when i have nothing to do " she laugh softly. she gently take the second mechanism from Fox's hand and lower it into the second shell, welding it in place. " well eight more to go i guess " she says happily, going back to work on the third shell, lowering her speed a bit to enjoy her work instead of speeding the process.

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